Subject: "Word of the Lord for America, Session 1" Part D

Dear Friends,

This Friday, Nita Johnson will speak live from Bethel Chapel! She will begin the service by giving an update on the Washington DC, Gathering of the Eagles. We fervently prayed over the issues facing us in the next few months during the GOE, and we will continue to do so. Remember, no matter what happens in the economy, or on the world scene, God is still on the throne! The next few weeks and months, we are going for the gusto my friends, and we will press through to Revival! Join us this Friday night as Nita shares what the Lord placed on her heart for our Nation and what our next steps are to ensure that it is realized!

We have many changes in our calendar in the days ahead. Nita will resume weekly services beginning this Friday! We must continue to keep this Nation covered in prayer and, with presidential debates, this will fluctuate between Wednesday and Saturday. As intercessors, it's important for us to be flexible and stay informed. Our goal is to present the weekly schedule to you in the sidebar each week, but please check our website and/or FaceBook Page for up-to-date information as well.

Following is the next installment of, "A Word of the Lord for America" from week I. May it help prepare you for the days ahead!

Blessings & love,



Part D

Nita Johnson


No man can fix America’s needs. No man. God has to come. He has to come and reveal His holiness. The fear of God needs to grip America. What will we have to go through to open our hearts enough for Him to affect what He wants to achieve, I do not know. America’s heart is like a rock—a rock that can’t be broken through by anyone except Him. My dear friends, when I think about the condition of America, I can not help but weep. I cry a lot. I know He’s our only source. He alone can get us where we need to go. Having said all that, He still has a plan prepared to bless America.

So, do we have the ability to stop what I've shared? (Read Word of the Lord for America Parts A-C) Yes! Even at this late date, if we can bring enough of the Church to seek Jesus and repent, we can stop this. Satan does not have the last word. God does. I want you to know everything that I read to you can be stopped, minimized or slowed down. This message is not just for the purpose of giving you information, this for the purpose of prayer. I know most of you come to these kinds of meetings with the heart to pray. Am I right? Okay.

The Lord will come to be known as the man of war. Isaiah 42:13. He is going to clothe His Church, and He is going to call us warriors of light. He’s going to use His Church to break through this terrible, terrible forecast. What it’s going to take to bring the intercessors front and center to do what they need to do—I do not yet know. All I know is that God’s heart is for America in spite of our wicked ways. It’s just amazing, don’t you think? I mean, every time you hear something new that the enemy has planned, don’t you hope beyond hope that God will be God? God is going to bring forth His warriors of light! These are His intercessors that see and understand the devastating place that we are in right now. It is not going to be just a remnant. People who have never understood that they have a call to intercession, are going to arise, and they’re going to begin to weep and pray for this nation. It’s going to open the door for God’s intervention. What is your job? Pray that it will happen immediately. Pray that God will pour out the light and the understanding in the hearts of these people and that they will run to pray—run to repent—run to work with God to deliver America. The Lord told me that we will know Him as "the man of war". The Lord, our God, the Man of War on behalf of America. Before He’s done, it’s not just going to be America. Many nations are going to experience His intervention.

Darkness is coming and covering the whole earth. But Isaiah 60:2-5 tells us that the glory is going to cover the Church. There’s going to be a major revival, and God is going to reveal His glory. His glory is going to break through in all of the places we never thought His glory would break through, and He’s going to usher in a major revival for the purpose of saving of souls. I remember one time when He spoke to me audibly, and all He said was, “A billion souls.” A billion souls! Then much later, I mean months and months later, I heard Bob Jones say the same thing—that this revival is going to produce the salvation of a billion souls. Isn’t that exciting? Why has it been so long in coming? Because the powers of darkness know what they’re going to lose, and they’re fighting it for all they’re worth—which means we have to fight harder. Amen?

God will bring forth the mighty men of valor. These men are anointed, and they are going to help the Church. You know, David had his mighty men of valor. They went ahead of Israel and paved the way for Israel’s deliverance. In the same way, God is going to release the mighty men of valor. I can remember—I was living in Omaha. I was down with the flu, but I wanted to hear about what was going to happen regarding these mighty men of valor because the Lord had been whispering to me about them for some time. So I told the Lord, “I have to be in bed, I’m too sick to get up, so I’m going to pray. I’m going to keep praying until You answer my question about the mighty men of valor.”

Finally, the Angel of the Lord came to me, and he began to speak to me about these men and women of God. These are the people that God is going to lift up in these last days to pave the way for God’s will in the earth. "Mighty Men of Valor." I think I put that in my book, Prepare for the Winds of Change II.

The Joseph Company will also come forth as providers of food, both natural and supernatural, but they will also carry great authority on the earth, just as Joseph did in his day.

Elijah. We’ve all been hoping for, planning for, expecting the days of Elijah, the days of Moses and we’re knocking on the door. When this great darkness covers the earth, these ministries are going to move with full authority. We have never seen ministers function in heaven’s authority like this before, ever. You might say, well, but Moses and what about Elijah? And what about Elisha? Not like it’s going to be today. What’s going to happen today will outshine anything and everything that the Lord has ever done. And it will be for the purpose of delivering the Church. I saw Moses lift up the staff as he said: Let my people go! So there is a day—my heart is burning with His fire—I’m not talking about letting God’s people go out of a prison or a hospital or something of that nature. (Although that also will happen.) Moses, the Moses Company, will break the forces of hell against the Church so that the Church can come forth as the Mighty Man of Valor, as the one new man. The Church will come forth in such grandeur, it will shake the world.

May I tell you a beautiful story? The Bible tells us that there is something that is going to occur that is going to reveal the glory of God as it never has before. We’re going to see the sons of God come forth in great glory and great grandeur. Paul wrote about it in Corinthians, and he said this event will outshine them all. We have never seen anything like this—even Pentecost—even the days of Israel coming out of Egypt when God released the Ten Commandments, and His glory was manifest on the mountain. Never before in the history of man have we seen what is about to occur.

So, one day I asked the Lord, "What is going to happen that will make such an astounding difference that the whole world will know in an hour that Your Kingdom has come? What is going to happen the likes of which we have never experienced before in America? Or in the world?" The Lord began to speak to me through the Scripture, and in a profound vision. He said to me, "The time is coming when I am going to settle My glory on the sons of God." These are the people that have gone into union with Christ, have separated themselves totally from the world. In one moment, throughout the earth, God will release His glory upon these people, and they’re going to come forth in power, and authority, doing great signs and wonders in the earth. God is going to do a spectacular display of His glorious Kingdom throughout the earth.

We cannot go home. I mean, when you’re thinking, come on, Lord. Let’s bring this thing to a quick end and get out of here. When you start thinking that way, I want you to remember this: we cannot depart until we go home in the glory. We have to be a victorious Church, the likes of which the world has never seen. We cannot go home before that time. This is the promise that the Father made to the Son. The Church must glorify the Son, and it must glorify the Son to the degree that the Son glorifies the Father. Then the circle will be completed. I am experiencing an incredible fire in me right now! I wish I had the strength and the energy to let it fully explode within me, but I’m going to have to talk, and you guys are going to have to let it explode!

To be continued....

In His Amazing Love,
Nita Johnson
Communication Corner

Updated Calendar with new service times Coming soon! 

Check out our
"Schedule of Events" page for updated meeting information. 

Seattle, Gathering of the Eagles, 2015! 
December 2015!

Details coming soon!

Share WFJM with your friends, get up-to-date schedules, and even donate via our FaceBook Pages:

WFJM FaceBook Page:


We resumed our corporate intercession Friday night and what a powerful night that was! We want to thank those of you who joined us last week, and we invite you to continue to be a part of our intercession for the Nation. 

Then enter the number and access code for the any of the desired lines. 

Corporate Intercession

This week's prayer times are as follows:

Wednesday Morning
September 16, 2015
10:20-Noon PST
11:20-1PM MST
12:20-2PM CST
1:20-3PM EST

Thursday, September 17th 
Corporate Intercession
5:50-7:30PM PST

Friday, September 18th
Nita Speaking at Bethel Chapel

This will be livestreamed via our website

6pm PST
7pm MST
8pm CST
9pm EST

Saturday, September 19th
Corporate Intercession
5:50-7:30PM PST


Sunday September 20th
Corporate Intercession
East and West Coast calls combined!

Corporate Intercession
5:50-8PM PST

Chinese Corporate Intercession

Canadian Corporate Intercession
3:20 PM PST
Call in: 712-775-7035
Access code: 444928#

All are welcome to attend any of the above calls. 
CedarWood Food Bank

The CedarWood Pantry:

Monday September 21st


Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave W
Seattle, WA 98043

Here are some pressing needs our CedarWood department has:

  • Coats
  • Shoes
  • Blankets
  • Commercial Freezer
  • Our own Van, Box and/or Refrigerator Truck
  • Volunteers
  • Diapers & Baby Wipes
  • Baby Food & Formula
  • $5-$20 Gift cards for Gas for our volunteers who transport the food to and from the Pantry

Most donations can be dropped off during the Pantry or mailed into our office. Tax deductible receipts provided.

Coats & Clothes Closet:
Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Vivian DuPorter at
If you would like to help with BackPack Kids, contact Ken & Kathy Rickey at 

We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week.

Joel's Army brings together intercessors to intercede for their nations. If you are interested in learning more:
5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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