Subject: "Word of the Lord for America I!" Part D by Nita LaFond Johnson

Dear Friends,

We head out to Washington next week for the DC Gathering of the Eagles. If you are joining us, we look forward to interceding with you on behalf of our nation. If you are unable to join us, we will open up our conference line for corporate prayer. This time of prayer is more informal than our weekly sessions. However, our desire is to make it possible for those who cannot join us in DC, to pray that we will accomplish all that the Lord commissioned us to accomplish. We will send a list of prayer points along with the schedule next week.

Friday night's message was very powerful! Thank you for joining us. The slide presentation shown while Nita was speaking is on the Joel's Army page of our website. It is entitled, "Restructuring of America". Our tech team worked quickly to make the audio file available our website, however, we experienced a technical issue and had to remove it. Please know, they are working feverishly to resolve the issue, and I'll send out a quick email note when it is up and available for download.

CedarWood is in need of a commercial freezer to store the meat we provide at our Pantry each Monday. Please join us as we pray for God's provision.

Following is the first installment of "The Word of the Lord for America I", this is a lengthy but powerful series. I pray that it will strengthen and encourage you for the days ahead.

Blessings & love,



Part A

Nita Johnson


Boy, that worship was beautiful tonight, wasn’t it? Very beautiful. I am so glad to see you here. And, I think, by the time we close tonight you will be very glad you came. The Holy Spirit’s presence is wonderful this evening. I have a very important message to give regarding America’s immediate future so; please turn in your Bibles to Isaiah 42:9.

Isaiah 42:9 Amp. Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things I now declare; before they spring forth I tell you of them.

What a faithful God we have. I can remember, let me see, it began as much as twenty years ago, maybe even more, before I wrote the book, Prepare. Many visitations from the Lord, many visitations from angels, and visitations with the Father, etc…. during which time, there were many words given about America. Like Don (Warner) says: They are now coming to pass. I can remember when the last editor looked at the book he said, “I don’t know why you’re republishing this book.” And I said, “Because the information in it is pertinent for today, for tomorrow, and for a long time to come. Didn’t you notice?” He said, “Yes, but, you have republished it so many times.” I said, “It’s because we keep running out of the book. So just be glad you’ve got a job.” Then I smiled! So it is pertinent, and it will be pertinent, I believe, really through to the end of our time on earth.

What was given to me at that time—I don’t know how to explain it, but God gives gifts! For instance, one of the things that He does with prophets is that He helps us to gauge things or monitor things through an internal time clock. At least He has done that with me. That doesn’t mean that we know the day for the day when everything is going to happen. There are those things that God will give to us and then give us a time frame as well. There are approximate time frames and specific time elements—He may give us kind of sense—ten years, twenty years. He’ll do this—He’ll create this internal time clock, as I mentioned at least He has done that with me. During the time that I received the visitations written in the book "Prepare", this is what was happening to me. Prior to all of those visitations, I saw the future in one light. As a result of those visitations, I began to see the future in a totally different light. It was just amazing to me how differently I saw everything.

I can remember when the angel of the Lord came to me and foretold the death of Princess Diana. He shared many other heavy things of that nature while I was still writing the first "Prepare". Because of that, it put many other events into my time clock. I understood that this event must take place before that event can occur. Then, and only then, can the next event occur. Each event is significant to the occurrence of the next. To this day, I hear those who move in the prophetic gifting, who have not experienced this yet declare, for instance, the big earthquake is going to happen in California, and it’s going to happen this year. I’ll even get calls from pastors concerned, and I tell them that other things must happen sequentially before that occurs, so it’s not time. It’s not going to happen this year, and of course, it hasn’t happened. Year after year. It is because of this thing that the Holy Spirit does inside of prophets that He is developing to prepare them to be better eyes for the Church.

So I say all of that to say this; we are now in a place in time when certain things must happen. We are also in a transitional place in time when some things can still be put off. Some things can be broken altogether if the Church will respond to what God is saying and what He needs from us. We are His heartbeat in the earth. And when we see things that we know are displeasing to the Lord, our job is to weep. We don’t sit around and judge and make comments that are unseemly of a Christian, but we weep when we see things that break the heart of our Lord. We’re God’s heartbeat in the earth. And if this is true—if His heart is beating for one thing in heaven, that same heart must be beating in the Church. We must be bringing ourselves into alignment with what God is feeling, what He’s thinking, what He wants to do, what He wants to stop. And the more we pray, the more urgent we become over urgent things and the more tender we become over the things that are breaking His heart. Do you understand all that I am relating?

So God keeps speaking to us. He keeps helping us understand things we need to understand so we can pray appropriately. When God speaks, it is never just for information. I want to tell you that. When He speaks, He speaks for the sake of prayer. He wants us to change things. He wants us to hold onto other things. He wants us to become prophetic in our vision, so some of the things that He revealed, never have to come to pass because we’ve prayed. Other things we can put off through prayer. We have put off some things in this nation for sixteen years. We have a PowerPoint where we have just the major prayers that God has answered since we went to Portland in 2011 or 2012. This PowerPoint lists major prayers, answered since 2012. This PowerPoint is so long you could almost get bored watching it scroll on the screen and we only included a couple of sentences under each title. However, the excitement grows because you know these are major, vital prayers that God has answered since that GOE. And in answering them, He has stopped major events that would have otherwise happened.

How many of you remember when we came up to Seattle to stop the West Coast tragedy that was going to take more than hundreds of thousands of souls before it was over? Yes, indeed, from Southern California to Northern Washington, God mercifully intervened. Before that Gathering on our flight here from NOLA, the Lord began to speak to me in vision after vision. Visions for four hours—can you imagine that? That’s not the longest time I’ve ever experienced receiving a series of visions. The longest time frame was twenty-four seven for an entire month. However, this particular series of visions lasted four hours and, they were all about the history of the West Coast and the history of Chinese relations with the West Coast. These events acted as open doors enabling Satan to use what he needed about our past to cause the catastrophes that would have taken the lives of hundreds of thousands of souls. We repented of those things. We met God at His heartbeat. He gave us the power and the authority to make things right. I like to say we comforted His heart because that is what intercession and repentance does. The Bible says it. It’s right in the Bible that the Lord’s heart was comforted. When we comfort His heart, it enables Him to overturn things that would have happened. So that situation on the West Coast was dated. Prophets saw the dates—more than one—prophets saw the dates and on the secular scene, geologists—people of science also saw what was going to happen. When you’ve got those two coming together to make a statement, you better listen. However, because we repented—we asked for God’s forgiveness of America for what we did to the Chinese so many years ago—He did. He spared America this terrible tragedy. I’m just so excited about that even today; I can hardly stand it.

In Him,
Nita Johnson

Communication Corner

Check out our
"Schedule of Events" page for updated meeting information. 

DC, Gathering of the Eagles, 2015! 
August 24-28, 2015!

Go to our Schedule of Events Page for more details including the registration links for the above conference! 

Share WFJM with your friends, get up-to-date schedules, and even donate via our FaceBook Pages:

WFJM FaceBook Page:


Corporate Intercession:

See below for new call-in numbers! 


Wednesday Morning
August 12, 2015
10:20-Noon PST
11:20-1PM MST
12:20-2PM CST
1:20-3PM EST

Thursday & Friday Evening  
August 13 & 14

5:50-7pm PST
6:50-8pm MST
7:50-9pm CST
8:50-10pm EST


Sunday August 16, 2015

Chinese Corporate Intercession

Canadian Corporate Intercession
3:20 PM PST
Call in: 712-775-7035 
Access code: 444928#

All are welcome to attend any of the above calls. 
CedarWood Food Bank

The CedarWood Pantry:

Monday August 17th


Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave W
Seattle, WA 98043

Here are some pressing needs our CedarWood department has:

  • Commercial Freezer
  • Our own Van, Box and/or Refrigerator Truck
  • Volunteers
  • Diapers & Baby Wipes
  • Baby Food & Formula
  • $5-$20 Gift cards for Gas for our volunteers who transport the food to and from the Pantry

Most donations can be dropped off during the Pantry or mailed into our office. Tax deductible receipts provided.

Coats & Clothes Closet:
Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Vivian DuPorter at
If you would like to help with BackPack Kids, contact Ken & Kathy Rickey at 

We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week.

Joel's Army brings together intercessors to intercede for their nations. If you are interested in learning more:
5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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