Subject: "What Does God Want?" Part C by Nita Johnson, Schedule and More!

This Week's Events:
Dear friends,
This year began with an exciting order from the Lord, given to CedarWood International; to prepare for the needs of others in greater volume. Since then, the food donations from local suppliers have increased and we are incredibly grateful for this support. I think that this proves that the community is beginning to get itself involved in helping those in need. Unfortunately, many are unaware of the severity of the needs in the Seattle area.
As many of you know, our CedarWood Pantry is open Mondays from 10:30 am until noon. However, the time involved in set-up and tear-down for that one-and-a-half hour window in which we actually serve food is about four times the hours of operation.  There also seems to be increasing evidence that the needs within the community are increasing.  Childhood hunger, in particular, is very severe and the more involved we become in the community, the more we see the true number of children affected. We recently included an outreach program to provide snacks to underprivileged children, some of whom must ride the bus for over two hours, simply to get to school. These children come from an impoverished and unstable area and often do not have breakfast prior to boarding the bus each morning. Their hunger leads to behavioral outbursts and often disciplinary action. Since we found out about their situation and stepped in to provide these snacks to and from school, the bus rides have been peaceful. We thank you and the local companies that help us meet this need.
Since we moved to Seattle, Bethel Chapel has been home to our live stream broadcasts, teachings and prayer sessions. At its inception, Pastor Matthew and the wonderful staff at Bethel Chapel welcomed CedarWood Blessings in to complete the activities necessary to meet the needs of families and children. Of course, we will resume our live streaming services from Bethel after the Gathering of the Eagles. At the moment, however, our CedarWood Blessings is bursting at the seams and it is with both sadness and excitement that we embark upon our next step.
We have been praying about this for a while now and we ask that you join us as we seek God’s help for the next steps for CedarWood, and for the provisions that we will need for this process.  Through much prayer, the Lord gave us the direction needed to move to a facility that would allow us to accommodate more clients and remain open for longer periods of time. We want to make things as convenient and assessable to the men, women and children who find themselves in need during this time of their lives. A larger facility would also allow us to open up our CedarWood Lunch Counter for the homeless and even provide another space for families to come and have a warm meal after they pick up their food at our CW Pantry. Our desire is to place ourselves in a position to provide meals to all those in need.
World for Jesus Ministries does not intend to provide an atmosphere of hopelessness or shame for those who come to us for assistance. Rather, we strive to maintain an atmosphere of hope, a place where those in need can come and have their temporary needs met so that they can focus on their future. Our CedarWood Trades & Trainings program will make a way for the unemployed to gain the training they need for employment and possibly even allow them to connect with potential employers who work with us in this arena. In addition, a new facility will provide the much needed space for our Coats & Clothes Closet to be readily available and accessible for families as they prepare for colder weather, school, job interviews, employment, etc.
This is a stepping stone for the people in the Seattle area. We provide food, clothes and support in order to help them step into tomorrow with a brighter future. To accomplish this, our next steps will be very busy and difficult to prepare, but we strive to remember to thank the Lord for allowing us to play a part in this call to meet the needs of others. We also remember to thank you for all of your contributions.
We have found a building that will be perfect for this next stage in CedarWood Blessings. Due to this, we will likely need more volunteers. Please pray with us over this process. If you would like to join us as a volunteer, please contact the office or the Director of CedarWood Int’l Kathy directly at . Volunteers are our most valuable asset in this work. There is always work to be done! If you can give one hour or forty, we will have work for you that will leave you feeling exhausted and thankful! If distance prevents you from volunteering, please prayerfully consider contributing financially. When you give of your time or resources and you help feed a child or provide employment for a father, or pave the way for them to hear the Gospel of Jesus, you  sow positive seeds into someone’s life, and God honors your sacrifice.
These are exciting times for World for Jesus Ministries and we need your help! If you have any questions or comments just go to our website or give us a call. This weekend, I discovered the link for online donations to CedarWood was not working properly so if you contribute online, please forward the email receipt so we can ensure it is properly applied to CedarWood.
Following is the final installment of "What Does God Want?" How fitting fo the path we are taking now. Every step must be taken prayerfully so we can stay under the covering of the Lord God Almighty and have the privilege of receiving the revleation of God in this hour! 
Blessings in Him,
Ricci & WFJM Staff

Part C
Nita Johnson

How was it that Moses was able to endure forty years of Israel's complaints? It was because he had become grace, love, truth, long-suffering, and mercy. God had transfigured him with His very own life. Having met God, and having been united to Him, Moses loved God more than he loved the air that he breathed. Never again would it ever be different. He lived only to please God, no matter the price, every moment of his life. He endured whatever he had to endure, and yielded whatever he had to yield, to bring pleasure to the Father. His joy and love was not connected to the things of this world, but only to God. He loved and fought for Israel because God loved and fought for Israel. He was willing to die for Israel because God called him to be a protector and a guard over Israel for His name's sake. This is the life of the Spirit—the life of one conjoined to God. This is the way of one who is willing to give up all things on this earth to please the Father. The Lord will give incredible responsibility to such a one because they can bear it. He will give unbelievable heavenly authority to such a one because they will not pervert it.
He will reveal Himself. It was to Moses that God came to the tent of meeting. Every single day he saw the face of God. Likewise, Paul calls us to behold Him with an unveiled face. This is the call to the Church in this hour. This is the call to the Bride—those who belong to God. Come and behold Him with an unveiled face that you might be transfigured and transformed into the very glory of God and know the revelation of Jesus Christ. (2 Cor 3:18) God wants to take you behind the veil and bring you through the mist of misunderstanding that you may know who and what He really is. He wants to reveal Himself to the Church. The call is to answer the fire and passion of your heart, to answer the longing of your spirit, and to put down the longing of your flesh that you might know God.
The Church is going through a time of pressing, purging, and cleansing. It is a time when the wilderness is taking its toll, but she is soon going to come out with a new heart.
Song of Songs 8:5 Amp.  Who is this who comes up from the wilderness leaning upon her beloved? [And as they sighted the home of her childhood, the bride said] Under the apple tree I awakened you; there your mother gave you birth, there she was in travail and bore you.
The Bride who is getting ready to come out of the wilderness is one whose head will be leaning on the shoulder of her Beloved. Her strength will no longer be the world, but rather, her strength will be the Beloved. The One upon whom she believes and leans will be her sustenance. 
Song of Songs 8:6-7 Amp.  Set me like a seal upon your heart, like a seal upon your arm; for love is as strong as death, jealousy is as hard and cruel as Sheol (the place of the dead). Its flashes are flashes of fire,  a most vehement flame [the very flame of the Lord]! Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. If a man would offer all the goods of his house for love, he would be utterly scorned and despised.
He has set Himself as a seal upon her heart so that her heart cannot be touched by the things of the world. When you see the king's seal on a document in days of old, that seal is there until the king breaks it. It is the same with His Bride. He is sealing the heart of His Bride with a seal that cannot be broken with human hands. As she comes out of the wilderness—this time of testing—her self-sacrificing love for the Lord will be as strong as death itself. He will own that passion. We will see in the Bride the same heart that we saw in Moses. Her heart will give all to know Him. This is what we see in this passage. She has learned that many troubles and many waters cannot quench love. No matter what happens, it deepens, broadens, secures, and purifies love. Her love for Him cannot be quenched. The troubles will not move the Bride, but they will enhance and deepen her love, making it as strong as death.
The jealousy of the Lord is as hard and cruel as Sheol. Moses learned both the kindness and the severity of God. He learned that his authority was protected by God. When men would rise up against Moses' authority, Moses never had to deal with it. God always dealt with it, so much so that Moses would be on his face pleading on behalf of those who were assailing him. God does not do that for everyone, but He does do it for the one who belongs wholly to Him. When someone touches the Bride who loves Him with her life, His jealousy is ignited. It is strong and cruel, just like a husband who would stand up in vehement protection of his wife if a man was trying to violate her. God is the same. When man wants to violate His Bride—she who has sold all to come follow Him—His jealousy on her behalf will be strong, vehement, and severe. Its flashes are the flashes of fire, the very flame of the Lord.
His Bride is about to come forth, purified and clothed in fire. Why am I sharing this with you? I saw it in a vision. I saw the Bride clothed in fire, and she had come through what both Moses and the Shulammite had come through. God owned her, and He clothed her in His very own fire. It is a fire that terrifies the enemy and brings him to his knees. It is a fire that can ignite the very heavens for God's plans and purposes. She is clothed in the very fire of God. The fire manifests itself in love, mercy, compassion, authority, and power. All the world will see that the Bride is in love, and they will fear it because she has become the flame of the Lord.
You must let go of everything that hinders God's possession in you. He is proceeding towards something so glorious. He is going to bring His Bride to Himself and into union with Him. He is going to make her a glorious flame across the earth. If we want to be part of that, the world cannot stay within us. We must become people of noble character, just like Moses. We cannot be weak and beggarly. Our faith must be strong and noble.
We cannot be people who love the truth when they hear it and then turn their face, forget the truth, and live the lie. We cannot be people who want the Kingdom with one hand, but reach out for the things of the world with the other hand. That is not the Bride; that is the harlot. The Bride will speak in purity and will love in purity. She will cleanse herself of all things that offend for the sake of her divine Husband. The harlot will have a continual love affair with the world even while she says with her mouth, “I love you, Lord.” The Bible clearly says that in that day, Jesus will turn to that so called virgin and say, “Be gone. I never knew you.” (Mt 25:12) The harlot will not come into the chambers of God, but the Bride will. There she will find the flame of divine love that will capture her, purify her, and empower her for His glory.
Who would have touched Esther when the king put his seal of approval on her? The only one in the whole kingdom who dared to do that was Haman, and where did he end up? Esther had purified herself for her king, and that is what God is looking for from us. Be pure and holy. Be pleasing to Him. Be pure in love, humility, mercy, and righteousness. Be holy, and He will be to you what King Ahasuerus was to Esther.
In His Love,
Nita Johnson

Check our "Schedule of Events" page for a PDF of our WFJM January Calendar 
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Corporate Intercession:
Intercessory Prayer
 via FCC & Skype!
Call in number for all Corporate Intercession times:
559-726-1300 access code 182152#
Wednesday Morning
January 29th
Prayer is 1 1/2 hours
10:25am PST
11:25am MST
12:25pm CST
1:25pm EST
Thursday & Friday Nights
January 30 & 31, 2014
Time: 5:50 - 8pm PST
6:50 - 9pm MST
7:50 - 10pm CST
8:50 - 11pm EST
Sunday Night 
February 2nd 
Time: 5:50 - 8pm
Please join us as we intercede for the Nation!
CedarWood Food Bank

Our CW Pantry is open every Monday!

We are in need of Volunteers to help in the following areas: 
The CedarWood Pantry:
-We need help with set up and tear down. Perhaps you have 1 or 2 Mondays available per month that you can participate in this blessing. If so, this would allow our volunteers to alternate. 
-Volunteers are needed to collect food from the various sources in the Seattle area during the week. 
Coats & Clothes Closet:
-Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
BackPack Kids:
-We need volunteers for the assembly of kits for distribution to our schools. 
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!

If you would like to help, contact Kathy or Ken Rickey at

We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week. 
Our CW Pantry will be open
Monday, February 3rd

DC Gathering of the Eagles, 2013!
March 10-14, 2014!

Pre-registration required! Check out the Schedule of Events page of our website for more information including the link for online waitlist registration.

5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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