Subject: "WFJM Schedule & Weekly Teaching from Nita Johnson and Ricci Wilson

Dear Friends,

To everyone who joined us last week for our first ever, Phone Gathering, thank you! Thank you for being a part of effecting true change in our country. The Lord spoke to Nita and told her we’d entered the Revolution of the Nine R’s!

A revolution has surely begun and today, as a staff, while we prayed the Lord reminded me of Kin and Debbie’s message on media in our 2019 DC Gathering of the Eagles. They revealed a declaration that was read and recorded into the annuls of our Library of Congress on January 10, 1963. It’s a manifesto containing 45 declared steps to lead a nation into socialism/communism. Note: when something is recorded in the Library of Congress, it becomes a seal in the nation that must be either enforced or broken. Enforced if it’s righteous, broken if it’s unrighteous.

I encourage you to read every one of these steps and consider the path our country has been on for the last 60 years. I’ve linked this to website. They add additional details such as “completed.” If you do, I believe you’ll understand why we have prayed so hard to eradicate certain things from our country. I also believe you’ll see the things on this list that our President has fought to expose, and bring an end to, during his time in office. 

Few citizens are aware of this record or the step that was taken, but we repented over each step and broke it in DC. That, coupled with the work we did last week, carved out a major portion of this manifesto, namely, the media. How do I know? Today, the Lord showed me in prayer, that our President, by having these daily briefings, is working to expose the corruption in the media. By forcing them to review previous broadcasts of themselves wherein they are caught lying, he is attempting to awaken the American people to revolt against media corruption! 

This is the 245th anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord, when the 1st Revolutionary War began in our nation. The Lord is saying it is time for a spiritual Revolution to take place in our land! A Revolution wherein we WAKE UP from the place of slumber and complacency we’ve been lulled into and say “NO” to the deception, the corruption, and the manipulation that exists in our country. The 2nd Revolution is here! God is awakening a righteous people through this revolution, let us rise to His call! 

Today, as a staff, we blew the shofar across the land to awaken the people to truth, to righteousness, to the Revolution God wants to do in our land! This is a Revolution in media, in government, in the educational system, in our youth and so on! 

We want to encourage you to join in this effort: many of you have shofars, go out every morning for the next 7 days and blow your shofars! People are driving to their state capitals to protest these continued government shutdowns, how? By blowing their car horns around the capital! We are children of the King, let’s rise up! Rise up and shout for the victory is already ours! Send forth the call, the minutemen are coming, let us awaken the righteous men and women from their slumber and prepare!! This is a righteous and spiritual battle that we are in that will impact us on a national level! Send out the call in the skies above our nation, the sound of the shofar, His Holy Instrument declaring the sound of a Revolution in our land! It must go forth my friends, let us sound the alarm! (Did you know the shofar is recognized as a weapon of war by the United Nations and they will not allow it in their building?) 

Awaken children of God! It is time for a Revolution!

Blessing & love,
Ricci Wilson

If you’d like to contribute to our ministry online, click here.

If you’d prefer to mail a check to our office:
World for Jesus Ministries, Inc
5730 N First Street #105-307
Fresno, CA 93710
Make checks payable to “WFJM” or “World for Jesus Ministries”

Reminder to please continue to pray for our finances, if you’d like to support us, click here to be taken to our Donations page.


Teachings: Just a reminder, all of our weekly teachings are uploaded to the “Prophetic & Intercessor’s Training Ground” Page of our website. These are timely messages given to prepare us for the days ahead. If you missed a Thursday night teaching or interested in listening to our weekly in-depth Bible study, click here. 

Finances:  WFJM stands in the gap for nations through the work of the Gatherings/Joel’s Army, we support missions world-wide, serve those in need through CedarWood, distribute books/CDs without charge, and so on. For more information on any of these outreaches, click here. We couldn’t accomplish this with you! 

Thank you for contributing to World for Jesus Ministries.  Click here for a direct donation link!



"The Overcoming Life Through Prayer" by Nita Johnson is now available in Chinese! If you'd like to order your copy today, click here!

We've added the download feature to our website! You can listen online or download from our media log and listen on the go!

You can find more articles and recordings of all our corporate prayer calls on our website?

We have a new section just for Joel's Army News in the sidebar of our e-news? 

You can use the internet to join our Corporate Prayer Calls instead of your minutes? This is especially useful for those receiving conference call restrictions from their provider. 



"The Light"

Part 4C

Nita Johnson

God transfers information differently than people do. If we want to give information to people, we may speak it with our mouth, call on the telephone, send them a text, or even send them papers with the information in it. There are many things we might do to convey information. When God conveys information, the life of that information becomes light in you! But it also does something to your spirit and soul. It gives life, but in the impartation you might just end up experiencing everything He is saying. So if He is saying, “I love you,” you would experience the nature and the character of His love, because light transmits information, dimension and life in its correspondence, if you will. Light may change the entire scene before or behind you. You might find people or angels from Heaven standing right next to you, because in their light, God has revealed them.

When we get to Heaven, our bodies are light and when our physical bodies are taken to Heaven, they too will be manifest as a body of light. I have seen my brother, who went on to be with the Lord at the age of sixteen. Yet, he was much older when I saw him in Heaven, in his thirties or so and he looked like a beautiful, glorious Kenny. He did not look any different except in age and in glory.

My mother went on to be with the Lord and about three days after her passing, I wanted to say one final goodbye to her. The Lord was kind enough to let that happen, and He opened up the threshold of Heaven, and there Jesus stood holding my mother’s arm like she was His beautiful and glorious bride. Indeed, she was beautiful. My mother was very, very beautiful when she was young. She had a lot of Jewish blood, so Jewish people would look at her and know she was a sister immediately. However, when I was allowed to see her in Heaven, her beauty far surpassed anything of her youth, and she was filled with the glorious light of Christ. It was an incredible experience. I told her that I loved her and I thanked the Lord for letting me tell her that one last time. They both smiled and disappeared.

Really, the key to this particular story is that just three days after the Lord took her, the person I saw sitting in front of me did not look thirty years old, but a bit older, mature even. The maturity looked absolutely stunning on her. She had gained weight from a disease she had had, but when I saw her in Heaven, she had lights beaming out of her in every which direction. I could still clearly define her, and all that weight she had gained was gone so she was really tiny, like she was in her late twenties. Any person I have ever met in Heaven, whether an Apostle, a Prophet, a King, or a family member, they are all there in their light. They are bodies who are created in light, and communication travels in the light. You never see their mouths move because communication takes place spirit to spirit. This is all really so exciting!

We hear people come back from Heaven saying, “Everything is so beautiful up there, and the atmosphere is filled with the most incredible music I have ever heard.” Well, I think I said recently that the Lord helped me to understand that this music was actually a product of incandescence. The light of Heaven has this music, because it is so pure; music travels through it everywhere. Yet, it was not like a music concert, it is not like that at all. It is almost nondescript yet unbelievably beautiful. It is filled with the nature and character of God: love, joy, peace, etc.

In the atmosphere of light in Heaven, you feel Jesus everywhere. He may be here talking to someone and you may be, I hate to use the word “miles” (I do not know what how they refer to distance up there) but you may be a considerable distance from the person Jesus is visiting. But because His body is Light, He can manifest Himself to you as well, actually in many different places at the same time. His presence is manifested by this light that fills Heaven. In fact, you may not see Jesus right by your side but in heaven, no matter where you are, you feel Him as though He was.

When we travel to Heaven, does that mean we are walking into the brightness of the sun multiplied seven times? Is it intense every minute we are in Heaven? No. The light is like the light of daytime here on this earth. It is just there. It just fills the environment, although you do not necessarily realize you are seeing it until you see the night.

To be continued next week…

In Him,



"The Rise of the Hannah and Samuel Generation" 

Part C

Ricci Wilson

The “Hannahs”—the intercessors—must arise! Hannah came and brought Samuel a little coat each time she came to worship at the temple. She kept him covered in her prayers throughout his life. Hannah seemed to truly understand Samuel’s destiny, and as such, she kept him covered in prayer to ensure her own sacrifice achieved its highest and best in the Kingdom of Heaven. Hannah saw with her own eyes what was occurring in the temple. She was not blind, but the Lord gave her the grace and a knowing that there was something about this divine gift that she was given that would change the course of Israel’s history. Hannah knew the impact of this life that came from her barren womb. She would not have turned that baby over to a corrupt priesthood without faith from God that his life would rectify the priesthood. She was an intercessor and that is what intercessors do—they grab hold of the horns of the altar and they seek the face of God until they know the truth, and then they hold on to that truth in the midst of the tumultuous seasons. They will always seek the face of God until they have won the victory. Time and time again, I’ve seen it, intercessors press in like none other. This is what the "Hannahs" do, and then they give birth to the Samuels who go and declare the Word of the Lord within the midst of unbelievable darkness. What a beautiful work of the Lord!

What does this have to do with the D.C. Gathering and what God wants to do in our nation in 2020 and beyond? It’s prayer and the rise of the Hannah and Samuel Generation! Hannah prayed it in and Samuel carried it out!

In 1906, God came to Southern California in a tiny church on Azusa Street. A pastor came and prayed and birthed a Pentecostal movement in this tiny church. He was full of the Spirit of God and held nothing back as he gave God free reign to move and flow within his congregation. He came and He birthed a revival that would not only last several years in our country, but within two short years, the revival would sweep across the earth to over fifty nations—FIFTY in the early 1900s! And friends, it transformed those nations! It went up to Canada, it went over to Russia, Ukraine, Korea; missionaries took it to Africa, and China. It was in Europe, Taiwan, Singapore, all the way to Australia! Within two years, people not only came from all from the world, but they were sent to all parts of the earth to release the revival around the world. There was a change at every level, from the religious understanding of the book of Acts to the social, economic and family structures within the nations. It was a revolutionary reformation that occurred in under two years; this was a move of God unlike anything that had ever touched the earth before.

In Korea, people rose with the sun to pray to God and they sought His face before going to sleep at night. A group of intercessors wept for years in the Ukraine and it was their intercessions that brought revival to Ukraine. Missionaries, baptized in the Holy Spirit, felt called to Africa. When they arrived, they got off the boat and supernaturally had received the gift of the tribal languages! The tribal members recognized the language and hearts were opened to the Gospel! They’d escort them to their villages and as a result, revival swept across Africa! Talk about faith!

While we were in D.C. the Lord began to speak to me about that revival in prayer and during worship. As we prayed for nations a common thread emerged, it was the Azusa Street Revival and how it impacted the nations! Did you know that South Korea was blessed by God through that revival for decades? They carried out their morning and evening prayers for many, many years, much longer than we did here. When we prayed over Russia and Ukraine, I had a vision of the intercessors who’d wept for revival to come to Ukraine. I saw the pull of their intercession literally grab hold of the revival and drag it across Russia and into Ukraine. The Lord told me those tears are still in the soil. So, what does that mean? The seeds of revival are already in these nations waiting to be ignited once again! What are we waiting for? What’s missing?

We are missing two key factors: the Hannahs and the Samuels—those who will seek the Lord and keep a covering over the commission of the Lord, and those who will go and deliver the Word of the Lord regardless of the cost. Samuel faced a king who had already turned his back on God, a king who could have ordered his beheading at a moment's notice, and yet, Samuel told him that to obey is better than sacrifice. That is courage, that is the drive, that is the fight for the purity and the holiness of the living God to go forth at all cost. Samuel walked with the Lord and remained pure all the days of his life. The Lord gave him the privilege of anointing King David, the king who would be called “a man after God's own heart.” Though David made mistakes in his lifetime, to this day he is still considered “a man after God's own heart.” Of the nearly fifty kings that reigned in Israel and Judah, there were only about six or seven of them who were good in the eyes of God, who heard the Word of the Lord and fought to ensure they were obedient and submitted to God’s will. That’s less than ten percent, not a very good ratio, is it? Samuel fought for righteousness, he fought for truth and he sought God in all things. He spoke the truth in love and he spoke it no matter how difficult the circumstances.

He did the circuit around Israel as righteous judge, always striving, all the days of his life, to bring people into a relationship with God. It was so important to him to obey the Word of the Lord that he anointed David years before he would become king, knowing Saul would’ve had him killed had he discovered the errand. Obedience was Samuel’s priority and because of this, the anointing of God was upon Samuel, as was the fear of the Lord. Saul had many priests killed in the years to come, yet he would not touch Samuel because the fear of God was upon him. Kings respond to the fear of God within a person. Obedience to God is born of a holy fear of God and it played a key role in all that Samuel did.

To be continued next week…

Blessings & love,

Ricci Wilson

Kansas, Gathering of the Eagles, 2020!

Dates: July 27-31, 2020

Schedule: Monday - Friday 10-2 & 6-10:30 p.m.

Location: Holiday Inn KCI Airport & Expo Center

11728 NW Ambassador Drive

Kansas City, MO 64153


Room Rate: $109.00*

*Room must be booked before 3/12/2020 with group code "GOE" to receive this rate.

Click here to register!


This Week's Schedule:

We invite everyone to stand with us as we fight for the healing of our Nation.

Click below for PDF with:
Flash Phone Instructions

Flash Phone Access
Then enter the number and access code for the any of the desired lines.

Smartphone users (when connect to wifi) click here for instructions to download the or APP and start using the internet to join our calls instead of your minutes!

English-Speaking Corporate Prayer Call
Access Code: 182152#

Chinese-Speaking Corporate Call
Access Code: 800754#

Chinese Translation Line
Access Code: 336087

Canadian Corporate Call
Access Code: 304406#

Korean Speaking Prayer Call
Access Code: 881779#

Spanish-Speaking Prayer Call
Access Code: 609189#

This Week's Schedule!

Sunday April 26

English Interactive Prayer Call: 5-7PM PST

Chinese Speaking Interactive Prayer Call
5-7 PM PST

Korean Speaking Intercessors
5-7 PM PST

Canadian Corporate Call
3:20-5PM PST

Wednesday April 22

10:20am - 12:30pm PST
11:20am - 1:30pm MST
12:20pm - 2:30pm CST
1:20pm - 3:30pm EST

Thursday April 23

Call In
5:20pm - 5:30pm PST

Teaching with Nita or Ricci
5:30pm - 6:00pm PST

6:15pm - 7:30pm PST

Friday April 24

5:50pm - 7:30pm PST
6:50-8:30 PM MST
7:50-9:30 PM CST
8:50-10:30 PM EST

NEW!!! Spanish Prayer Call
12:00pm EST

Be sure to check the PCL/PCM section of our website for this week's Prayer Points and Resources!

Several of our States have prayer calls designed to pray specifically for the pertinent issues facing your state. Click here for the participating states and their schedule 
Still experiencing WEBSITE LOGIN troubles? Contact the office and we'll get you set up!

Fill the Gap Campaign! 

If you live in one of these states consider joining Joel's Army. Don't leave your state unprotected!!
  • Maine
  • Rhode Island
  • New Hampshire
  • Wyoming
  • Utah
  • Puerto Rico


Thank you for your continued support of this outreach. Lives are changed each week through our CW Pantry and support team. Check out our FaceBook page for details.
April 27
1-2:30 PM

Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave W
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

Here are some pressing needs our CedarWood department has:

  • We provide weekend meals for 280 children weekly. Child Sponsorship - $34.99 per month provides essential nutrition to a child in need
  • Shoes
  • Blankets - All sizes
  • Sleeping bags for the homeless
  • Volunteers
  • Diapers (Size 3 & up) & baby wipes
  • Baby Food & Formula
  • $5-$20 Gift cards for Gas for our volunteers who transport the food to and from the Pantry

Most donations can be dropped off during the Pantry or mailed into our office. Tax deductible receipts provided.

Coats & Clothes Closet:
Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Adam Shephard at Cedarwoodinternationalwfjm

We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week.

5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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