Subject: Update & Washington DC, Gathering of the Eagles 2014!

Redefining America
Prayer is the most powerful force in the world. No Nation can survive long without it.  America has remained standing over the years because Christians have humbly bowed their knees to pray. Why is it so effective?  Because it and it alone links you to the most powerful source in all of creation; God our Father. When people pray He moves mountains. When they do not, Nations sink. Israel learned that lesson through painful realities due to lengthy and protracted seasons of prayerlessness. The Lord Himself said, I am looking for a man to stand in the gap that I do not destroy the land. (See Ezek.22:30) When no one answered the call, judgment fell. Can America be far behind a similar fate? Is it possible that the Church, fully equipped with the same voices from the same prophets, also feels it too encumbering to answer the supreme call to fast and pray? I hope and pray not! We are so close to the realization of our long sought after and most prized endeavor. Let me explain!
We began the quest for Revival 15 years ago. From the beginning, I was told that our journey would need to encompass not only a passionate desire for Revival but a very tenacious desire to see America redefined. As a prophet I had seen the entire book of Joel in prophetic experiences. Those experiences were not for Israel however, but for America. So when Jesus told me what it would take to comfort the Father’s heart, and stay the hand of judgment, I understood that we were teetering on the edge of hope. Yet, He assured me that He loved our Nation and would work with me to see the Father’s heart satisfied if I would accept the commission. How could I refuse! Although, a bit like Moses, I felt so unequaled to the call, yet my desire was to please my Lord.
Having done so, I learned quickly the many reasons why we were failing in the Lord’s expectation of us. That understanding was painful to me and our team. So painful, in fact, that I found few who could carry the weight of the burdens of the Lord with me. Still, God amply supplied those willing to answer this call, and slowly but surely reduce the penalty of our sins before the Father so that miracles could happen and bring to birth a newly defined America. While we do not yet see the new Nation visible on the surface, it is about to be birthed. Things are changing behind the veil, in a very real way, giving us a new foundation that will soon arise for the entire world to see.
We were burning in our own self-made cauldron. The ashes of our sin were everywhere. Yet, we Americans did not have eyes to see.  The Church was blind to America’s condition as well. Nevertheless, God saw! We have repented and continue to repent of the things that He must judge us over. All that He reveals to us, we weep over until He says that He forgives. In this manner, we have brought down many strongholds over the Nation, God guiding each step. As a result, many things have been accomplished to make a way, to prepare the path for the coming of the Lord. He is now about to visit us with blessings. He must still allow us to go through some great difficulties so the Nation will turn from its wayward ways. Yet, in the midst of them He is about to pour out upon us Revival and greater Reformation. He will discipline us in His great love, and visit us to cleanse and purge the willing in heart. In this visitation He is going to bless us beyond measure.
In our June New Jersey GOE, we were unexpectedly visited with His power and glory. The fire of God came in and we saw probably half the attendees healed by His great love, among them, a woman in a wheelchair. What great faith she exhibited as she took the healing He offered her! His love for the intercessors poured out across the people. The floor was filled with bodies strewn by His efficacious power as we basked in His attention. I myself experienced a great healing as well. God was more than good. At some point in these services Jesus gave me a vision that the head of revival was crowning. We would willingly have stayed right there in that Presence for days. Yet, months prior, He told me to stick to the schedule He gave us to fulfill. So we trekked along in obedience to His will and not our own. He came again and again to visit us and show us the way to please Him.
He told me that, in our upcoming DC Gathering, He would visit us in such a way that will allow Him to open up the heavens and begin releasing the bottled up promises. Thus the purpose of this invitation. The time is right for us to seek the Lord, unrelenting until He pours out His Spirit and begins the healing of our land. Come! Pray! Seek His face! Experience His glory, for He is worthy that we should do this for Him. He will meet us, and bless us with the beginnings of the many great promises. The seats for the GOE have been filling fast so do not tarry, make arrangements to join us in Washington, DC for the Gathering of the Eagles. Fast and pray that God will send His glory and the fire of revival!.
In His abundant love,
Nita Johnson
Washington DC, Gathering of the Eagles, 2014!
Holiday Inn Washington Dulles Ballroom & Morven Park
Holiday Inn Washington Dulles
45425 Holiday Drive
Dulles, VA 20166
Room Rate: $109.00*
Price includes 2 complimentary breakfast buffet vouchers, per day.
 *Room must be booked between 6/16/2014 & 9/12/2014 with group code: 
"DC Gathering of the Eagles" to receive this rate.
 Dates: October 6-10, 2014
Registration tables open at 8:30 each morning. Please be considerate of our registration crew and arrive early enough to get checked prior to services so so they can participate in the GOE as well. 
The last service will be an evening service Friday, October 10th. If possible, please plan to stay through to the last service. 
The hotel has free parking on site as well as a free shuttle to and from the airport.
Registration is required. You can use our online registration tool available from the "Schedule of Events" page of our website at - OR - call the office at 559-435-2423 - OR - Email your name, address, phone number to
Please note- We take your security seriously, therefore, your registration information must match a valid form of ID.
Special needs: WFJM is happy to accommodate any special needs if you contact us at and let us know in advance.
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