Subject: Union Part D by Nita Johnson - WFJM schedule & Encouraging news!

"Union" Part D by Nita Johnson 
Dear Friends:

Those of you who prayed with us over the bomb threat in London during the Olympics will want to know what happened and how the Lord answered our prayers to protect London and the Olympic attendees. Below is a press release from Benjamin Fulford who presently lives in Asia. His sources are generally pretty reliable. Thus I am taking the time to send this your way for your encouragement.

In Him,

Benjamin Fulford

"...A related investigation into the nuclear threat against the London Olympics last summer is also closing in on the guilty parties. In particular, Sir John Scarlett, former head of MI6 and top Nazi in the UK, is going to be detained and his network shut down, according to MI5 and Scotland Yard sources. Scarlett is the man, MI5 says, who put together the "dodgy intelligence file" justifying the invasion of Iraq.

Underneath Scarlett can be found Sir Jeremy Haywood, who as Chief Cabinet Secretary, controls all the bureaucratic institutions in the UK, including the police.

Reporting to Haywood is Sara Thornton, Chief Constable of the Thames Valley police. Thornton was in charge of police special operations and was promoted to Deputy Chief Constable in August 2003 two weeks after Dr. David Kelly was killed in her district on July 17th. Kelly was the UK bioweapons expert who was killed after telling the BBC that the case justifying the invasion of Iraq was based on fake evidence.

Thornton is now leading a witch hunt in the UK aimed at covering up her superior's role in the plot to hit London with a nuclear bomb.
The plot to bomb London failed thanks to warnings by patriotic MI6 agents. The 550 kiloton Ukranian Granitza warhead that was supposed to be used for the attack was taken out of the UK by Serbian drug smugglers, according to Eastern European intelligence sources. The bomb is now in Jerusalem, these sources say.

Scarlett, the man who, at the very least knew about the planned London nuclear terror and failed to act, reports to J.P. Morgan. Among other things, the intended nuclear attack on London was supposed to take out the City of London financial district so that the British would be forced to give up the Pound Sterling and accept the Euro, the MI5 sources say. J.P. Morgan had made big bets based on such an outcome...."


Part D


Nita Johnson


Some people love to romanticize the concept of union with Christ. The style of their prose becomes very romanticized. You can read my book, Canticles of the Exchanged Life, and see that the entire book of the Song of Solomon is about the path into union. It is very much romanticized. When our Bible translator edited that book, he said, “You know, I am a man, and it's very difficult for men to read this particular book in the Bible.” “Why?” I naively asked. Without further explanation, he simply replied, “Let's just trust me on this one.” Even the Bible, then, could cause us to romanticize this quest for union. That is very good for the first several years of your walk, but after a certain point in time the Lord pulls you away from earlier romantic notions about what union really means. He impresses upon you, in no uncertain terms, the fact that the flesh must die; the sinful nature must be aborted. You must either choose life in Christ, or the loss of the promise by choosing the way of the soul. When He finally brings you to choose life, you discover that your quest and the way you perceive things are changed. Even the way the Bible speaks to you seems to change.

If you continue to hunger and thirst after union, you may find yourself dying to self in a strange place, all alone where no one cares. Some would rather that you simply go ahead and die. Others care not either way. No one is going to feel sorry for you. You must go through this alone. The thing that carries you through into union is the determination to reach it, which is well established in the seat of your will. You no longer romanticize your quest; you squarely face the truth of your situation with perfect visual clarity. This goal of reaching union does not follow an easy road. We thought everyone would love us for wanting to go into union when, in fact, they think we are real “nuts.” That is the truth. So there is no glory. No one appreciates it. No one is kneeling at their bed at night and saying, “Oh, what a glorious moment it is going to be when you bring Mr. John into union. Thank you, Lord.” No one is doing that. It is an inglorious life.

There is one thing about the journey toward union that is, however, different. The Lord Jesus Christ loves to manifest Himself to people who will pay the price. There are many things ahead that the Church and the world are about to go through. Union is where you want to live when these things happen. You want to be the fruit on the vine. You want to have the most direct contact with Christ that you can possibly get, and to live therein. Union is where you want to live. You want to pay whatever the price demands. Just ask me. I have been through most of the price. Sometimes in the midst of confusion, chaos, and all kinds of things that you have to go through to finally get out of the world, I am still saying that I am willing to pay the price. He knows that I am. If He knows that you are as well, then you will have union. If you are not willing, He knows that, also.

So I want to highly recommend that you set your heart like flint. Do not look back. Do not concern yourself over what He may ask of you. Do not go into this thinking that you will have to go through the terrible suffering of the loss of your children or mate. He is not interested in taking your kids or your mate. He is only interested in taking your sinful nature that keeps you from Him. Does that sound fair? Does it sound great?

Father, You are so wonderful. There is no life like walking with You. Help us to embrace whatever the price may be, Lord. Help us to die! Help us to learn to love righteousness and to hate sin. We thank You for it. We say, “Please do it!”

What a wonderful quality of love, that we might be called the sons of God. (1 John 3:1) John was in union when he wrote those words. You did not take the struggle out of it to make it easy, Father, but you did smite the sinful nature on the cross, now making union with You possible. We can reach that place in You if we want to badly enough. My Father, sitting upon Your throne, Your impassioned heart is so great that the human vernacular cannot find words to adequately describe it. Your love is so passionate, so deep, and so constant. The call is so strong.

Father, I can remember when You showed me the illustration of the salmon, fighting to get back to its point of origination. What that salmon went through was so painful to watch. Yet, at the same time, his determination was so strong that he would occasionally even re-form his body to force himself through the tough places he had to endure on his return. It was a marvel. The salmon fights many waters, but it is love that calls, it is destiny that tugs on his senses. When the heart truly wants You, Lord, the call of love will not dampen the fire, but will rather energize and empower it.

I pray, Lord, that You will put something in the hearts of the precious ones who read this. Do those things which man cannot do, and plant a seed in their heart where the tree of life may grow.

Dear reader, open your heart right now. Ask Him to plant the seed inside your heart and to secure it. Whatever You did to my heart, Lord, I ask that You would do to their heart right now.

There were times when the trials were so rough I would wonder how I could go on another month. Lord, knowing my heart, You would say to me, “Are you ready to move on?” Up, I would get, and off we would go. I realize that Your grace, Your strength, Your determination, and Your mercy is ever living in us. You will help us where we need that help because no one wants this more than You. I pray that You will captivate the heart of each one reading this, Lord, that their hearts will be so hungry to know You in this way, and that You will begin the journey with them. May they feel Your loving grace, Lord. In Your precious name. Amen.

In His Love,
Nita Johnson

You can read this message in its entirety on our website under “Teaching Articles”.

This Week's Events:

Corporate Intercession

New Intercession Schedule! Except where notated, all corporate intercession times are phone/skype

Wednesday Morning 8/8/13 
Intercession will be held for one hour via FCC & Skype! 

Time: 10:25 PT, 11:25 MT, 12:25 CT, 1:25 ET

Thursday Night
Intercession will be held for 1 1/2 hours via FCC & Skype!

Friday Night 
led by Nita Johnson 
at Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave West
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043
Time: 7 pm PT

Sunday Night
Intercession will be held via FCC & Skype!

Time: 5:50 - 8:00 PM (PST & EST)

Call in number for Corporate Intercession: 559-726-1300 access code 182152#

Please join us as we intercede for the Nation!

Food Bank
New Weekly Schedule!
Pantry will be open Monday, Aug 5th
DC Gathering of the Eagles, 2013!
September 3-7, 2013! 

Pre-registration required! Check out the itinerary page of our website for more information including the link for online registration. Keep in mind that there are limited on site rooms available so book your room asap!
There is still time to take part in the Matching Grant Offer. For more information on this wonderful opportunity, go to the "donations" page of our website!