Subject: Tomorrow night, Jan 22nd, Nita Johnson will Speak Live at Bethel Chapel!!

Hi My Dear Friends:

I want to invite you to hear the next in a series of "Walking Closer to God!" One of our greatest fears as children of the King is that we may fail Him in our endeavor to walk with Him during hardships. He taught me how to do this over many years of suffering. 

Join us tomorrow night and let me share with you the ancient secrets He has so diligently and tenderly taught me. He will teach us if we are willing to learn. Come, let us learn to walk with Him together in so much as we might never fail Him, or ourselves, in the tough times.

In His love,
Nita Johnson

Please note: Nita's messages from last week are now available on the medialog page of our website. The files are listed by date so to expedite your search; I've listed them here for you. Jan 14 Message. Jan 15 Message Blessings & Love, Ricci 

January 22, 2016!

The services will be at:
Bethel Chapel 
23010 66th Ave W
Mountlake Terrace 

Friday Night 
Worship begins: 6 pm (PST)
Nita Speaking: 7 pm

Not in the area? We will broadcast the services on the live stream page of our website: www.worldforjesus.or
Please note: lyrics provided during worship. Apart from this, our broadcast will be audio only
You don't want to miss these powerful messages! 



妮塔 詹森本周會釋放有力的信息
2016年 1 月22

23010 66th Ave W
Mountlake Terrace WA

星期四和 星期五晚上
敬拜開始: 下午6時 ( 太平洋時間 )
妮塔開始分享; 下午7 時

不在此地區? 我們現場直撥在我們的網站: 

5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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