Subject: "The Cry Inside" - Part C

Dear friends,

This week is our Seattle Gathering of the Eagles. What a merciful God we serve. It is His mercy to continue to bring His people together to pray for this Nation. As long as there are those who will stand in the gap, He will respond! Amen? For those, who cannot attend, but want to pray for the GOE, we will bring our reserves together on the conference line to pray. The GOE will be two power-packed days, and those attending will need our prayer coverage. I'll send the details out Thursday so watch for that email so you can join us.

Do you feel the call of the Lord drawing you into Him? Do you feel His aching deep in your soul to become a person of prayer, a true intercessor? Have you considered joining Joel's Army? Joel's Army is a place where intercessors call home. They feel connected to His Spirit as they join other intercessors who answered the call of the Lord to stand in the gap for this Nation. The Lord gave Nita a vision years ago of prayer shields that were driven deep into the bedrock of the earth bringing forth stability into the Nations; this is Joel's Army!

Joel's Army is an end-time prayer network. We come together weekly to pray strategically for this Nation. The call of these intercessors is a high calling, requiring sacrifice, but the fruit, the reward, is so much greater than you can imagine. If you feel the Lord drawing you deeper into Him, and desire continued training and support, check out the Joel's Army page of our website. You can read our mission, find an application, and learn about the work we are doing for the Nations!

Following is the final installment of "The Cry Inside." I pray that God will use this message to minister to your heart and ultimately awaken a new, and zealous hunger for Him. The last few weeks as I read and prepared this message to go out to you, it has ignited a fire within me. My prayer is that it does the same for you.

Blessings & Love,
Ricci Wilson


Please continue to pray over our finances. We've got many outreaches for you to choose from. All donations are tax deductible.  

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"The Cry Inside"

Part C


Nita Johnson

Transcription of New Orleans Teaching

Let me tell you about an experience I had. Suddenly, I found myself before the throne of the Father, not Jesus, but the Father. As I stood before Him, He began to talk to me, and as He spoke, He poured liquid light over me like a fountain. You know how the water of a fountain will spring up and out, then cascade down? That is how the liquid light poured down over me. The liquid light felt like electricity running through my soul, and it continued the entire time the Lord spoke to me. 

The Father said: Nita, do you know why I created the world? I have to tell you that when God asks you questions like that He is not seeking to learn something from us. He does not need us to inform Him, so the best thing we can do is say: "No." 

He responded: "I made the world so that I could make…" And, then He went through the entire creation process. He would ask me a question like: "Why do you think I made the trees and the flowers and so on and so forth?" I would reply: "Lord I do not know." He would say: "So that I could make the Garden of Eden. Why do you think I made the Garden of Eden?" I'd respond: "Lord, I do not know." He'd reply: "So I could make man and why do you think I made man?" In my heart, I did not know why He made man, but I can remember thinking what a mess we humans have made of the world, why would He make man? 

He said: "I made man knowing that I would have to send my Son to redeem the human race. Why do you think I did that?" I said: "Lord, I do not know." He said: "Before time began, I have had an eternal hunger; that I could have a people that would love Me enough to give up everything, so I could make My supreme house in their inner being. So I could bring a common wealth of people into Me, in union, in these last days to demonstrate my glory through them. Nita, I have had this hunger always. All that I have done, I have done to satisfy this hunger, knowing that in these last days there would be a people willing to give up the world to have Me in this way." 

Then He put a little tiny tear drop of that hunger into my heart and when it touched my heart, I thought my whole being was going to explode! He said to me: "You do not know what hunger is until you have tasted the hunger of your God." That hunger was so insatiable, explosive, compelling, passionate, loving, tender, and so desiring that I thought my whole being was going to explode in this hunger. I could not cope with it, and yet, it was but a teardrop of the hunger of God. 

Deep is calling to deep. 

He is calling you to draw nigh that you would leave all the distractions behind. You have responsibilities. Some people have families to raise; some have jobs while others have businesses. Abraham did not sit around like a monk. He was a very busy man, but he entered into union with God. Moses; again, another very busy man, yet he entered into union with God.

God knows you have responsibilities and things you have to do, but there is a call to learn to abide in Him throughout the day and to learn how to let the Spirit of the Lord work through you as you go about your daily business. One person said to me, "But, I have kids, and I have got to be a mom." And I replied, "Can you imagine how wonderful it would be if you could enter into union and Jesus could raise your kids through you? They would have the best mom in the whole world." 

Union does not mean that you have to be hidden away ten hours a day. What needs to happen is for the heart to connect to the hunger inside, and the two must connect to God. Many times throughout the day, just stopping and paying attention to this transaction going on between God's Spirit and your spirit, drawing you deep within, touching Him and letting Him guide and lead you, allowing Him to speak to you. 

Of course, you must also have private time with Him where everything is very focused on the Lord. You go there to praise and worship. You can get to some places in God through praise. Then, there are other places of God you cannot get to without worship, and worship is not busy. Worship is quiet. You can turn to the Word; open it and begin to meditate on the scriptures. 

Psalm 65: 1 says; "To You belongs silence (the submissive wonder of reverence which bursts forth into praise) and praise is due and fitting to You, O God, in Zion; and to You shall the vow be performed. O, You Who hear prayer, to You shall all flesh come."

What a beautiful passage. It depicts the heart and state of mind that you must stand in for true worship. 

There is the spirit of brokeness or contrition where you are living under divine brokenness. To clarify, this does not refer to someone walking around crying constantly, but rather, a divine brokenness where your will has been broken by the Spirit of God and is under His control. There is a place where you can walk where you tremble before the Word of God. When you open the Word in this place, a trembling goes on inside of you because you are broken to the authority and Lordship of Christ. God says this is a beautiful place.

There are many things He needs to do in your soul to prepare you for Him, which is why it takes time and faith to believe. If you do not have faith, then at the very least, you need a desire wherein He will help develop the faith within you.

Why do I share this message? The Church needs God in this hour more than we have ever needed Him. Things are not easy out there, are they? And they are going to get harder, but, they will not get harder to you if you remain where you are supposed to be in God. It is not about fearing the future; that is not where your heart should be right now. It is about drawing your rest into God, and if you do this, He will take care of you in the most difficult hour. 

He is the one calling, and you are the one that is following but do not quit following until you are deep in the heart of God. You may feel that you do not know how to pray but begin with this prayer: Lord, I want to know You; I will do anything to know You. 

Of course, do not pray this if you do not mean it because He will not answer. If you do not feel like you would give anything to know Him, then pray accordingly. God knows your heart and will help you. Pray: Lord, I want to know You; I am afraid to give up everything, but I give You permission to do the work in my heart, so I can give You whatever You ask of me for the privilege of knowing You. 

Pray that prayer every time you think about it throughout the day. Write it down. If you prayed 100 times, that is not too many times. Pray it and keep praying. I have prayed that prayer thousands of times and He is still answering. It is a prayer He never gets tired of hearing. Why? Because it begets a hungry heart and that is what God is looking for today. His eyes are looking to and fro, searching over the world for one who He can show Himself strong. When He knows that your quest in life is to know Him, He will move heaven and earth for you. It is true; there is nothing He will not do to answer that prayer. 

Prayer: Father, you are supremely good. There is none like the Lord. How can we forget how great You are? It only takes a thought Lord, just a thought, and we are there next to You and the memory of Your goodness fills our innermost being like the greatest fragrance in the world. No matter what is happening in life, we are but to return to the thought of Your goodness and there You are. We are human Lord; we deal with many fears, anxieties, and perplexities. We get frustrated and impatient and sometimes lose our vigilance. But, we want God. I feel it. 

He wants to make a deposit in your inner-man right now of a most sublime fire that we can follow until we return home. All we need to do is nurture the cry inside. You placed it there for our good and out of Your love to draw us unto You. 

In His Amazing Love,
Nita Johnson

This Week's Schedule:
We invite everyone to stand with us as we fight for the healing of our Nation. 

 Click below for PDF with:

Then enter the number and access code for the any of the desired lines. 

This week's prayer times are as follows:

Wednesday Morning
December 9, 2015

10:20-Noon PST
11:20-1PM MST
12:20-2PM CST
1:20-3PM EST


Seattle, Gathering of the Eagles!
December 11-12, 2015!

Registration at the Door Only.

Services Friday & Saturday
9:30-1:30 & 5:30-10:30pm

Lodging info available on our website!

Sunday December 13th

Corporate Intercession
East and West Coast calls combined!
Access Code: 182152#

Chinese Corporate Intercession
Access Code: 800754

Canadian Corporate Intercession
3:20 PM PST
Call in: 712-775-7035
Access code: 444928#
CedarWood Int'l

The CedarWood Pantry:

December 14th

Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave W
Seattle, WA 98043

Here are some pressing needs our CedarWood department has:

  • Coats - Seattle Area Weather appropriate
  • Shoes
  • Blankets - All sizes
  • Sleeping  bags for the homeless
  • Volunteers
  • Diapers (Size 3 & up) & Baby Wipes
  • Baby Food & Formula
  • $5-$20 Gift cards for Gas for our volunteers who transport the food to and from the Pantry

Most donations can be dropped off during the Pantry or mailed into our office. Tax deductible receipts provided.

Coats & Clothes Closet:
Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Vivian DuPorter at
If you would like to help with BackPack Kids, contact Ken & Kathy Rickey at 

We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week.

Joel's Army brings together intercessors to intercede for their nations. If you are interested in learning more:
5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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