Dear Friends and Intercessors,
I would like to remind you this week of Thanksgiving, to remain thankful. The uncertainty of the world is not our uncertainty. We know and trust what God is saying. We know what God’s promises are. We know what His divine will is for our Nation and I encourage you to stand your ground! It is up to believers to hold the line and as the media releases their magical spells on the masses, we must stand firm! Remember, the media is also being shaken this year and, in the end, their influence will be reduced to rubble, and the new breed of journalism will arise and release the truth to the American people.
Stand your ground!
I also encourage you to reflect upon the reality of the times in which we live. Not the chaos, and definitely not the fear, but rather, how our Lord sees you, the child of God.
Do you realize for the last 50 years—since Roe v Wade was decided—this shake up has been needed to set things in order? Roe v Wade was not the catalyst, it was simply the final thread which landed upon the massive pile of unraveled moral fabric that we called “America.”
However, that is not the end of the story.
God had a plan, a plan to raise up a people who refused to falter and would indeed, stand their ground! Who are they? My friends, this fearless group, is the new breed of believers the Lord showed me in 2018. The New Breed of Believers is you. You are the faithful group of intercessors who refused to back down. You are the ones God knew He could trust to stand their ground and fight for the nations in the midst of the greatest shake up this nation has seen in 75 years!
This is so exciting! We finally live in a period wherein God has a people He could trust with this nation enough to allow the massive shaking we witnessed this year to occur. Why? Why is this on our watch? Because, the Lord knew we would not relent in our fight, and we would in fact stand our ground and ensure the stability of the core of this country while it goes through the purging of corruption, the eradicating of human trafficking and overturning of abortion. This was necessary for us to be a renewed nation from which His glory could pour out on the earth! And you have been entrusted to pray her through!
This is something to be tremendously thankful for this week. I can tell you on behalf of everyone here at WFJM, we are deeply thankful for you, your faithfulness, your steadfastness in prayer week after week, and your willingness to spend 2020 on your knees before Him in the face of the greatest adversity the body of Christ has ever faced in this country. We thank you!
Remember, the Lord said that 2020 would be the year of shaking, and it would shake up the political, religious, and personal lives of our citizens.
A few weeks ago, the Lord told me the shaking of 2020 would usher us into 2021, the year of Revelation.
The year 2021 will bring forth a revelation of many things in both the nation and the body of Christ. It will certainly be an exciting time to be alive, and while I will share more in the coming days, I wanted to encourage you to not let up, continue to press into Him for the revelation of the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven will pour into His faithful servants, those who sought him during this shaking. It will be profound, intimate, and unlike anything we have seen before!
One more thing, the Lord spoke to me this morning and impressed upon me the following: He desires that we find our rest in Him, in the midst of the shaking. The next couple weeks will surely test your resolve to stand on the promises of God, press into Him and allow Him to bring you into His rest. This is an important step in our walk with Him.
Be refreshed this week as you spend time with your family and friends. We will have prayer Wednesday, but that is our only prayer call this week because you need to be with friends and family. You’ve earned it! Next week, we will step back into our regular schedule and continue our fight for the soul of this nation!
Thank you once again for your faithfulness, we love you!
Ricci Wilson on behalf of Nita Johnson and the entire staff of World for Jesus Ministries
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Teachings: Just a reminder, all of our weekly teachings are uploaded to the “Prophetic & Intercessor’s Training Ground” Page of our website. These are timely messages given to prepare us for the days ahead. If you missed a Thursday night teaching or interested in listening to our weekly in-depth Bible study,
click here.
Finances: WFJM stands in the gap for nations through the work of the Gatherings/Joel’s Army, we support missions world-wide, serve those in need through CedarWood, distribute books/CDs without charge, and so on. For more information on any of these outreaches,
click here. We couldn’t accomplish this without you!