Subject: Thanksgiving Miracles and a Prophetic Release

Dear Friends and Intercessors,

Thank you for your support of this ministry over the years. We could not raise up Joel’s Army Prayer Shields around the world, support families in need through CedarWood, rescue those in crisis in Nigeria, support missionaries both here and abroad, print books and offer CDs free of charge, and of course, provide critical prophetic messages along with teachings on growing deeper in God each week without your continued support. Thank you for considering World for Jesus in your end of the year giving.

Some updates:

Nigeria: Pastor Sayo Ajiboye is diligently working to set up places of refuge and schooling for the young people in Nigeria. God has opened doors for him in a neighboring country to set up a place for those escaping the ravages in Nigeria. Together, we are purchasing land outside the country and providing housing and schooling for vulnerable men, women, and children. Continue to pray with us for this project, pray for the funding, and pray for their protection throughout each stage of this journey.

CedarWood: Today, we handed out 152 THANKSGIVING MEALS along with our typical CedarWood Pantry distribution!

I want to share the miracle of this particular distribution. This year we planned for 140 families. Alas, God knew more were on their way!

A little background: we prepare our holiday meal distribution by reviewing attendance from our previous year, factor in the increase of our current pantry attendance, then tack on a few more to ensure everyone is covered. This year, our numbers have been increasing even more due to the economy, so we planned for 140 full meals. Keep in mind, 140 meals represent over 400 people! In former years, we ordered turkeys to hand out however, in recent years, the stores will not accept an order for 100+ turkeys, so we switched to purchasing gift cards for the family to pick up the turkey themselves. We assemble the kits containing all the fixings for the rest of the meal.

Today, about an hour before closing, our CedarWood Director Adam Shephard texted to let me know that we’d served “135 families and were still going!”

I replied with, “I’m praying for multiplication as needed.”

He phoned me at the end of our distribution to share the grand total. Then proceeded to tell me how our 140 Thanksgiving meal kits covered 152 families.

In October, a local teacher reached out to us because she and her class wanted to give back to the community during this season. Adam provided an itemized list of what we include in our meal kits and she and her class brought in 11 Thanksgiving Meal Kits!

Wait, that’s only 151 meals… Ricci, you said you served 152!

Yes, I did. A team member discovered another gift card, and they quickly assembled another kit for the last family for a grand total of 152 families served this Thanksgiving!

Today was a record-breaking day, and thanks to a teacher, her students, and an eagle-eyed staff member, not a single family was turned away!

Our deepest thanks to each of you who helped us provide these Thanksgiving Meal Kits to the community! 152 families will remember, in 2022, when things were so difficult in our nation, God made a way for them to have a special family meal.

Our deepest thanks are extended to our CedarWood Team as well. This preparation was over and above our typical CW Distribution. What is typical? Each week, we provide 4+ servings of meat per family member, in addition to a generous supply of beans, rice, grains, dairy, fresh produce, breads, canned goods and any specialty items or treats donated to CedarWood.

We know this weekly grocery distribution offsets the monthly expenses families incur significantly so we don’t let up, even during special holiday meal distributions. I cannot tell you how many have shared that they “don’t know how they would have made it through this season without CedarWood.” We’ve had clients become volunteers, volunteers become employees, and a family atmosphere has developed throughout this arm of our ministry. They know they can come to us, and we always celebrate with them when their needs are met and/or their prayers are answered!

We are deeply thankful to each of you for continuing to make this work possible!

Prayer Calls: As a reminder, we will have our prayer call this Wednesday, and then we will not have any prayer calls until Wednesday November 30th to give our staff time with their families.

Please note, you can find last week’s messages on our website. Here is a link to the page where we upload all our messages. We have a tremendous number of people who come to this page to listen or relisten to our messages. Mom and I are so thankful for the opportunity to serve the Body of Christ in this hour.

Some of our recent messages include:

Nita’s “Prophetic Release”
Nita’s Message on “Truth”
Ricci’s Message “Retaining the Nation”
Ricci’s Message “Retaining the Shields” This is an edited version of our recent Joel’s Army Prayer Cell Leadership training that I believe will encourage your faith so I’ve made it available to everyone.

We love and bless each of you as you spend time this Thanksgiving week with family and/or friends.

Ricci Johnson-Wilson on behalf of Nita Johnson and the entire WFJM/JA/CW teams


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World for Jesus Ministries, Inc
5730 N First Street #105-307
Fresno, CA 93710
Make checks payable to “WFJM” or “World for Jesus Ministries”

Reminder to please continue to pray for our finances, if you’d like to support us, click here to be taken to our Donations page.


Teachings: Just a reminder, all of our weekly teachings are uploaded to the “Prophetic & Intercessor’s Training Ground” Page of our website. These are timely messages given to prepare us for the days ahead. If you missed a Thursday or Friday night teaching click here. 

Finances:  WFJM stands in the gap for nations through the work of the Gatherings/Joel’s Army, we support missions world-wide, serve those in need through CedarWood, distribute books/CDs without charge, and so on. For more information on any of these outreaches, click here. We couldn’t accomplish this without you! 

Thank you for contributing to World for Jesus Ministries.  Click here for a direct donation link!



"The Overcoming Life Through Prayer" by Nita Johnson is now available in Chinese! If you'd like to order your copy today, click here!

We are also in the process of printing the Spanish translation of Overcoming Life through Prayer!

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11.10.22 Teaching: List of Prophetic Words
Nita Johnson

I feel like I was supposed to give you a prophetic message and encourage you. God is on the move. Moreover, He is doing it incognito. Isn’t that fun? He has given me many dreams, mostly visions, because it is how He talks to me. Let us pray together, and then we will move forward.

Father, we thank You. How do we know what to say or how to say it? You are so good. You are so wise. You know how to allow a man to fall into his trap in ways we cannot even perceive or conceive. And at the same time, You care about every man’s soul. Your greatest answer is to go against the issues and marks that they have made, hoping that in doing so, they will recognize their error before things become so seriously magnified that it becomes even fatal. We thank you for that. Father, we thank You that You love. We thank You for loving Your enemies as much as You love Your friends. We thank You that You care about every man’s soul. We watch and wait. We joy. We know that Your promises will surely come to pass, albeit a little different than we thought. It will make a statement about “Who is God,” and we thank You for that. We love You so much, Lord. We can rest assured that You will not fail Your promises. You are a covenant-keeping God, so be with us, Father, as we go over these points and as we lead into prayer because this one solitary night is so very, very important. Maybe it is a point of interest to know that Veterans Day is just in front of us or in the heavenlies or on the ground or against the Church or with the Church. The spirit of war is actively working only to fall. We thank You for that, Lord, in Your precious Name, amen.

Earlier this year, the Lord gave me a couple of experiences that were just charmers. He does not usually talk to me and make me laugh while I hear prophetic realities, but I must admit that is what He did this time. I want to share these things with you. The first two things I will share with you are what I call “About a Trump Mouse”. Next, I will go through a list of prophetic revelations.

Trump Mouse on a Ship

I saw three cats on a ship chasing a mouse. The mouse was so smart that it kept getting away from the cats. The mouse was in a cage, and then I saw that he had disappeared, only later to reveal himself in a sink drain with his head sticking out of it. He was not scared of the cats, but he was in the drain as a practicality. He was a TRUMP MOUSE. The cats epitomize the New World Order, who were out to kill him. A voice said, “I have given him strategy beyond anything they can understand. He knows the path better than they do; his name is VICTORY. All fear leaves, and Trump mouse is victorious.” The voice did not say, “will be victorious,” but “IS VICTORIOUS.”

Trump Mouse on a Train

I had another vision of Trump Mouse. These both were given to me earlier in the year 2021. I had a vision of Donald Trump; he was a little mouse. He was very cute and unusually special. As I held and petted him, I kept saying he was a special mouse. He was very unusual, precious, and especially gifted for a special purpose. We were traveling on a train when I found him, so someone put him in a cage for me for his protection for the rest of the trip.

Soon three cute cats appeared looking for him and went around snooping and smelling, trying to find him. One of the cats found the cage and tried to get into it. He was aggressively trying to rip into it. By the time I discovered the cat, I was afraid he might tip it over to get at Trump. So I walked over to remove the cat from the shelf he had climbed to reach the cage and put him down. When I stood up, little Trump was gone. I panicked and searched feverishly to find him. I walked by a sink and suddenly saw Trump's little head pop out of the drain. I reached out and picked him up and held and stroked him. He looked so cute and innocent. I realized he had outsmarted the cats all evening. They could not hurt him because he was under a miracle protection. I put him back in the cage and took him with me.

Then, the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me saying a couple things. First, He said, “they (Trump and the mysterious cats) are playing cat and mouse games. Just keep praying; I will not let them hurt him.“ Then He said something I thought was a new and exciting way to look at him through the eyes of the prophetic. Jesus said, “I have revealed several layers of prophetic words over Trump.” Now I have to be very honest with you. I did not understand this aspect of prophetic words, so this was a learning experience for me. “I have revealed several layers of prophetic words over Trump and all people and things that pertain to him. These words have created a wall of fire roundabout to protect his vision and mission. As long as he stands and obeys, he is protected. The prayer of the Church stands to act as the mortar that holds the wall of fire together to protect him.” Well, what a great revelation, isn’t it?

I realized that these visions helped us to understand that a time was coming when Trump would be missing from his post and that we were not to worry. We were not called to worry, but we were called to stand. He was missing because God was protecting him. God was keeping him safe to fulfill the commission that He had placed upon him. Furthermore, I believe that we are I believe that we really are in that time right now. I believe that we are in that time right now.

Next, the prophetic update. About once or twice a year, in addition to what He gives me on an ongoing basis, the Lord will give me many prophetic visions and issues that He wants to address and needs prayer. The revelations below were during one of those prophetic streams that He opened up in March 2022.

Prophetic Update Released: 3.4.22

I had been in prayer for several hours when suddenly, The Lord opened a stream of Prophetic Insight. It came to me in The Holy Fire of God! Subsequently, Jesus opened a greater stream of this great fire for the purpose of delivering it.

I shook in the Fear of God for hours. Consequently, I felt it could be a blessing to all who read it in a spirit of prayer. I also included a prophetic word my daughter experienced toward the end of this article.

I am shaking; the Fire of God is so intense.

1. Things will change throughout the world – “Suddenly!” These words attended the following vision. I saw a hand move a kaleidoscope causing it to change suddenly. That same voice then spoke: Many diverse things will suddenly undergo rearranging by My hand. Take note– it will all be good news in the end. This dealing will primarily involve America and the Elite of the world, who are at the top of this trouble.

2. The Voice spoke again: Revolution is about to be re-released!

I had not considered the first time President Trump took the Presidential Office and Country by storm and began a much-needed revolution; it was, however, different. Donald Trump did not come forth as I saw in the vision of President Washington’s Revolution I experienced for 28 days, 24/7, in February of 2012. However, we will see it unfold this time.

Our President Trump is going to return like a new man. He will be a man remade in God with Divine confidence, fire, strength, and “Full Authority”. This champion of righteousness will enact the historically long-awaited event of this hour.

As you can imagine, The Lord shared many things with me during this 24/7 vision. He instructed, “This is the power of Revolution sent forth by My Spirit to heal, form, restructure a nation to bring it into the glory that I have ordained for it. These events will constitute the next step.” The events He spoke of were the ones I saw in the month-long vision. Right now, Trump and his confidants are regularly meeting and planning for God's future.

Right now, Trump and his confidants are regularly meeting and planning for God’s future. They are discussing things such as overturning outdated and weak laws used by people that want to overturn American righteousness in God. They want to eliminate archaic laws that open the door to easy takeover. They want to recreate a small federal government and continue returning power to the States. They want to close the door to a Communist takeover, which is now in process. They want the hold of the Catholic Church and England broken over the Nation.
The Lord spoke to me today about the Catholic Church and told me to tell you, His intercessors, to watch the Catholic Church because changes will begin to ensue in that institution.
They will go after abortion and human trafficking and return to the Constitutional government and the Rule of Law. Gold and asset-backed currency will replace fiat money. They will revamp immigration, and of course, there is much more.
We have heard and seen much of what I wrote in these last several months. Some of the words the Lord has revealed, and we are already praying over them. Others, we will never see, but we will see the fruit of it. Still, some words come to pass, and we will see everything they do, which will be amazing. We will be aghast at what we will behold. So, we need to pray for the Nation to prepare them.

3. Many arrests are about to happen. We will see different military forces outside the mainstream military and other levels of law enforcement making these arrests. Again, the Lord has labeled them “Stealth Warriors,” for it will be a substantial nighttime affair. It will happen in America and all over the nations. Extraditions will happen lickity-split.
I do not know if all I have written will happen during Biden’s time in the White House. I doubt it, as he, too, is going down soon. As an example of what we will see, Roger Stone experienced a peek at what the Lord will do with them. It is like a “gotcha” from The Lord. They will have their homes raided by SWAT teams, similar to what they did to Stone. Suddenly and Massive. Might I say, Shock and Awe! The Hunters and Fishers (Jeremiah 16:16) are bringing some in now.
In the explosion of justice that is coming, it will be like the proverbial rockslide coming down the mountain when it is time. These guys will be so busy bringing in the criminals. We have never known the like. We may even be under Martial Law at night for our protection just in time for their move. Yes – Bill Gates will be coming down, too!

4. The good guys will temporarily ground much or all aircraft to prevent escape! Holding places are being erected even now! Ports will be closed, preventing escape by sea. The pick-up guys will have all underground tunnels blocked. They will confiscate untold amounts of gold stored in some underground passageways meant to aid in the escape of the illegal defectors. It is going to be massive, even international in scope. I saw important Cabal people hiding in underground places like the one where they found Hussain and very nice underground hide-outs. Preparation is ongoing for this enormous project.

I think about the one found in Southern California. The Elite built it to traffick humans. It was or maybe still is under a museum. I think the figure was that over a million human trafficking victims had passed through it. There is or was a similar place in New York, maybe even Atlanta. Atlanta, GA, is an unbelievably massive center of this spider’s web.

5. Jesus said these 2 GOEs (2022) (March 8-11 and March 15-18) would be historical. We are finally coming into the matrix of it all. God is so excited and pleased that we (you and we working together) have done thorough work to prepare our Nation.

6. The Government will block the Bank Accounts of those undergoing arrest. Our wait is about over!

7. Biden and the Elite are not going to stop this. They, too, are under swift justice. Kamala will follow right behind Biden. We will come as close as possible to rooting out these illegal Communists.

8. In the initial explosion, the Law will shut down the cell phones of people targeted for arrest so they cannot call to get help. Those arresting them know where they are, so they cannot escape.

9. Search and Seizure will be the words for the day.

10. God is going to clean house like never before.

Isn’t that exciting? That is a yay, praise God, thank You, Jesus!

11. The Hunters and Fishers (Jeremiah 16:16) will invade the Cabal’s government offices and the Elite to empty them. They will ransack homes and offices for any remaining evidence.
(Just like they did with Roger Stone).

12. We will arrest and punish many of the key human traffickers. I saw the most powerful exposed, stopped, and punished. The number and type of people will stagger our intellects. We will say: “I could never have dreamed that person would do that.”

13. Illuminati ministers – arrested, churches closed – Human Traffickers picked up – These have been under surveillance for a long time.

14. Computers belonging to the offenders have been hacked for a long time for evidence and information. The evidence on these computers will shock those who see it. (We are seeing this stuff already starting to happen.)

15. Those preparing for this eradication are like the ant colonies. They are supremely busy, working behind the scenes in an underground fashion. They know it will occur and want to be ready. They will move with stellar precision once the shot heard around the world ignites, the warriors hiding now in the shadows: and then suddenly, they will surface. They will travel around the world and bring in the perpetrators.

16. After the initial explosive time and events begin to settle down, America will convert to the Gold Standard. This will lead to good things.

17. The Southern Wall that Trump began to build will be finished.

18. Pharmaceutical companies under strict government scrutiny are going to be purged. Laboratories creating poisons for so-called public viruses, etc., will suffer arrests and confiscation of evidence for their huge debt to humanity. I also saw many new medicines that had antagonistic effects on the body. God will deal with this treachery.

I saw this in visions. One vaccine caused such horrible scarring on the skin. It was not a vaccine that had anything to do with the skin, but the side effects caused scarring to the point of maiming the individual. In another vision, I saw what looked like maggots crawling out of the skin that had come to birth from the injection of vaccines. God will deal with that, not to mention other things that were so bad. God is going to deal with it all.

19. God will deal with the Contraband in this Nation – (Humans, ammunition, military armament, drugs [already new drugs meant to hit the market, they are worse than fentanyl]). The Law will deal with the new drugs created for the market and stop them.
20. The Law will irradicate organizations specializing in Human Mutilations for body parts sales, living babies, etc. These underground operations are going to be exposed. God’s justice will come down to the perpetrators!

Some of this extremely horrible stuff will not be placed before the eyes of the public. Most of America would never be able to handle this. For the sake of peace in the hearts of those, God will make sure America will not see the worst; but they will feel the fruit of it.
It will not be left unattended or unexposed; it will be exposed, except in a way that will let people like you and me know that God has intervened. Moreover, at the same time, those who cannot handle full exposure will not be devastated.

21. Hollywood – the Law will invade every kind of evil and expose the illegalities. (Some Hollywood characters make more money in contraband than in movies). God is going to hit Hollywood like a secret time bomb.

22. The Fear of God is going to return to the Church. All that will transpire will act as a refining fire for the Church. There will be an explosion of glory that will redefine the Church.
23. Banks and Insurance companies – exposed for their corruption. Some will suffer a shutdown, and justice will be meted out. There is so much occultism, money laundering, and the like connected with some of these institutions, not to mention sex trafficking. We will learn that many high-level Bankers will be killed surreptitiously.
Several years ago, the Lord told me a notice had been sent out and circulated, listing about 79 bankers that would be killed. Last I heard, there were only a few names left. What I write to you is like a performance that is being repeated.
We are now looking at the time this will begin. None of this will be too great that innocent Americans will be suicidal. It will be in our faces, but just enough to breathe the fear of God in people’s hearts.
God will break the hold of the Bankers, of the Economy. Government, Media, Pharmacy, Education, Church, etc.

24. There will be another long-awaited invasion of the Catholic Church over money laundering, child trafficking, and torture of the innocent, including nuns.

We are coming against that!
25. Trump is going to return and is now working with a clandestine military group to prepare for his return. He also has a CIA-type (Counter Intelligence Agency) or other such organizations working with him. (It is not the CIA - but a type.) He has been very busy behind the scenes - just as you heard in the Trump vision - preparing for this moment. He is working with many organizations to aid in the behind-the-scenes operations of all the things I mentioned to you. He knows what is going on. His thumb is on the pulse of it. If Trump were here today and could talk to you, he would say, “Be at peace. Stand still and see the salvation of God.”

26. God is doing a Divine work on the hearts of those who want to obey but cannot. If this is a physical or mental problem, He will do spiritual surgery, enabling them to obey truth. He showed this to me in a vision. He told me the names of what He had to fix. The purpose was to let me know it is a natural issue that He has to deal with supernaturally to set these people free who really want to obey the truth.

27. There is going to be an initial explosion of things written above. Things will look like they are settling down, but the intervention will continue until completed.

28. Abundance is coming to the Church.

29. The vision I had about liberty coming to America in 2024 is good news. (It is still on its way). It indicates that God will finish most of the critical work by that time.

30. Many visions I received about the future represented the time of 1950-1965, in which America will return to the innocence of that era.

31. We will be so thankful for the beauty of His ways. But His own, He will help in the time of need. For those working and laboring for Him, God will set aside and protect them and their families during the shaking. This shaking will bring healing and restoration to many nations.

What we will do in the upcoming GOEs is pray for the nations in trouble. God still has a harvest He wants to do in China.

Elijah came to me while I was in a Chinese Church during the worship service. He told me the Lord would also invade the government of China. Nevertheless, China's closed portals are off-limits to Him by the people’s will.

Therefore, much to His sorrow it will not be all of China. We must warn the people of prayer that great and formidable catastrophes await China and China’s future, the likes of which have never been seen in human history.

Satan wants Taiwan. He has a devouring passion for turning the whole Nation over to the occult. Nevertheless, God will have His harvest in Taiwan.

It will shock the world to see the mercy and justice of God will meet out to save those who are willing in these Chinese nations.

Russia and Ukraine: So much going on that none know how deep and destructive it is. If we will be faithful, He said we would buy time so that Russia and Ukraine can experience the power and glory of God. Russia will be used powerfully in God’s glory.

There will be the most ill-realized situations that are going to go through some African countries. It is devastating to even think about what the enemy will do to these Nations. We need to start praying over it. Satan is going to destroy all that he can utterly.

Canada and America are like fishing hooks of hope to reel in those that are grasping through the darkness that they do not even understand. God is going to put such a light on these two countries. I have known for at least 20yrs what God is going to do with Canada. It will be both powerful and beautiful.

After this time of revelation, Canada will fall to Communism, but God has to have His harvest first.

At the very end days, America will be the last Nation to fall to the anti-Christ. It felt like no sooner did America fall, than the end came.

I am sharing this hope with you as right now, we have hope we have bought through our obedience (you and I together). Had we not obeyed to do what God asked us to do, America would fall before revival could fall. God will do great acts of mercy, compassion, grace, and glory. It will be wonderful to be a part of it.

The next two Gatherings will rest upon the foundation set in place to enable God to have more than any other Gathering to do with making that possibility a reality.

God will protect you and your loved ones. When we come through it, the Church will also experience a purification through the process. Though it will be difficult, it will not be overwhelmingly painful. We will look at what is happening and say, “Thank You Lord!” Thank You for Your great love.

Trump and Melania Vision
This vision occurred 1.3.21.
At the edge of the forest, I saw standing a limitless number of people in the growing darkness of night. The people in the head of the mass were widespread, however the crowd filled the empty place in the forest as far back as the eye could see.

President Trump and Melania were at the head. His children, and their spouses, were by their side. Those who helped President Trump were a part of the mass of people behind them. Melania was dressed in her white dress and white hat that symbolize the “White Hats” movement.

Suddenly, I saw what looked like the blazing sun (but whiter than the most brilliant light) come down from the heavens. This was not the sun - but was actually the glory of The Son. I watched as first Trump and Melania - then the crowd which flanked them on both sides as far as back as I could see - raise their hands and begin shouting PRAISES to God!

When this occurred, I saw a blast come out of the sun, which was the Glory, shooting right at the large mass of people. It was blinding! Once the initial burst was released, the light kept streaming down upon them until they glowed with the same glory as the Son. S-O-N of God.

I could see so many faces I could recognize; people who were fighting the battle alongside President Trump. They were filled with ecstasy from the glory streaming upon them. They were being given a glimpse of a soon-coming glory that would grace America because of our obedience to judge ourselves. (This is talking about the nation as a whole).

It was as though a door was being opened to see the future. They were seeing glories such as a man would never have hoped to see!

Thus, their high praises rang out. They kept thinking: “We never knew our obedience would open such doors as these things.” I could clearly see: all had become luminescent from being clothed with our Lord’s glory. I have never seen anything like it.

And President Trump (who had one of Melania’s hands in one of his hands - you know how they do when they walk together) kept saying to Melania:

“I never knew. I never knew it would be this beautiful. I never knew it would be this great. I never knew - Melania, I never knew!”

His whole family was standing in awe - but so were the rest of us because none of us could ever have imagined it would be this beautiful.

So we have astoundingly beautiful things in store, and Trump is going to be right in the middle of it.

Russia, China, Afghanistan and the Elite’s Plan for World War lll
By Ricci Johnson-Wilson

On February 8, 2022, I had an experience that left me shaken to my core…
The Lord awakened me early to pray. As I prayed, I had the following experience:
First, I was taken to an intercessory group in Russia. The Russian prayer group prayed fervently against an invasion into the small neighboring country of Ukraine. As we prayed, I had an open vision of General Milley on the phone with President Putin. I could hear words spoken by Putin, he was not agitated, he was relaxed, leaning back in his chair while listening intently to the person on the other end of the phone. Suddenly, something was said that provoked him, he sat up, reached forward and swallowed Ukraine whole.
In the background of this entire setting, I could hear “world-war-three, world-war-three” playing on a loop.

I was taken to China where a group of intercessors prayed fervently against an invasion of China into the small neighboring country of Taiwan. This is a very real possibility. I cannot say more at this time, but we must pray against this end. This one, in particular, will launch us into a full-scale and irreversible war.

In the background, again, I could hear “world-war-three, world-war-three” playing on a loop.

Then, I was taken to Afghanistan. I was praying alongside a group in Afghanistan who were crying out to God to stop an invasion into Pakistan. It was at this point that I had an open vision of General Milley; he was speaking on the phone with the 2nd & 3rd tier Taliban leaders. (I know this not by their faces, but the Lord showed them to me standing on a 3-step staircase to indicate their ranking.) When the men were done, they came down from this staircase and appeared to swarm out like locusts, multiplying as they went until they overtook Pakistan. The momentum from this battle, caused them to run faster and multiply quickly as they spread into neighboring nations.

In the background, I heard “world-war-three, world-war-three” playing on a loop.

You may remember, in August of 2021, the day Biden made the decision to pull out of Afghanistan, the Lord awakened me at 2 AM with a blaring four-alarm siren. As I prayed that morning, I saw Taliban soldiers overtake the nation of Afghanistan consuming everything in their path. They expanded from Afghanistan to the neighboring nations southward, eastward, westward, and ultimately, they swept down into northern India. They appeared as locusts, multiplying, and devouring everything in their path.

Everywhere I was taken, “world-war-three” was quietly playing on a speaker. It could be heard across the nations and each group of intercessors cried out to God for Divine intervention to stop the plans of the enemy.

February 23, Russia went into Ukraine
It’s important to note that this was not the original intent of Putin or Xi, but that it’s being provoked and fueled by outside sources to thrust us into WW3.
The Military Industrial Complex, warmongering corporations and politicians, and the Media (as their mouthpiece) stand to profit the most from a war effort.

I believe what I heard in the nations “world-war-three” was broadcast on all media outlets to sway public opinion toward war. (They victimize the smaller country so we have to send more and more money. Ukraine is the size of Texas, what do they need 81 billion dollars for? We are not the only ones sending).

Even Christians speak against Putin. I saw what Zelensky was doing. He will allow soldiers to slaughter his own people to jumpstart the war again (he was paid handsomely for it). Things are not as they seem. A few prophets know the truth.

I strongly advise you to refrain from being sucked into their vacuum. If we allow our emotions to be swayed one way or the other by these sources, we cannot pray according to God’s will in this situation. Friends, we must, we absolutely must stop this war effort. The goal of the enemy is to expedite the end-times by provoking World War lll.

God’s perfect will is to stop the war effort and send forth Revival to the nations! If we, as His children, can exercise our faith and engage with His Spirit, we can win this fight!
Friends, it is not time for WW3. The Bible is clear, it will come, but now is not that time. Join us as we stand in the gap for the nations of the earth, to bring stability, and stop their plans from being realized!

Nita’s Conclusion
Ricci and I wrote about many Nations. God is moving, He is “grooving” you might say - but He is grooving His image into the Nations.

There is going to be a great explosion of His glory and the need for our prayer. I do not know if it has ever been so great as it is right now.

He will have heaven filled with the populations of the earth, which pleases me, I am sure it pleases you, but most importantly it pleases the Lord.

Nigeria: A Vision of Hope
The Lord gave me something like 11-12 visions of devastation in Nigeria (worse than you can ever imagine); but this morning He gave me a HOPE that I desperately needed, desperately wanted - and that hope was: that the time was going to come that there would be a restoration of those whose heart was willing to submit to the Lord; I believe He will restore them to their homeland.

I believe Nigeria is going to go through the storm, horrific storm, but when it is all said and done, I believe He has a people that He is preparing (and will continue to prepare) to return home to the homeland, and bring forth the glory of God.

It just reminds me of Israel, and the way that the Lord has dealt with Israel.

Keep praying for Nigeria; for the workers that God is sending over there (those that we know, or that we do not know). That God will help them - if more workers are needed, that He will send them to Nigeria, and that the love of God will begin to be poured out upon these people.

About America
Some people are wondering, what is happening, what is going on? This looks like an instant repeat from what we went through with Biden in 2020.

The Lord did speak to me earlier this year, that this was going to happen. Of course, I did not realize the fullness of what He was saying in that particular vision. But when I saw it pouring out, playing out, I surely understood it. It was just as clear as it could be.
God is doing a work, and He is still awakening the American people to the need for this work to be done - even those who are not God-fearing people are going to shake their heads, and say “what will happen to America if we do not get a savior, a deliverer into this nation?”

Those who are God-fearing, will at last say, America needs the cleansing, it needs the purging, and we do not have long to endure it.

Let the cleansing come according to Your own wisdom, Lord (which is what we are seeing now) and prepare us, that You may take Your throne once again over this nation.

That was the consensus of the word that God gave me earlier this year. I am not sure yet how this is going to go, but I do know, no matter how it goes, it will be God’s will to prepare America for His glory.

We have nothing to fear because we have done the praying we needed to do. We have prepared the land and the people in the way He asked us to prepare. Everything is under His control.

Whatever occurs, He has approved - and He has approved to get America on track by the year 2024 because it will be in that year that America will be given the cloak of LIBERTY! So rejoice! Do not be afraid. Pray, only believe. Know and understand that God is answering your prayers. He will not stop until every “T” is crossed, every “I” is dotted. He will complete the task for the sake of the gift.


This Week's Schedule:

We invite everyone to stand with us as we fight for the healing of our Nation.

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Flash Phone Instructions

Flash Phone Access
Then enter the number and access code for the any of the desired lines.

Smartphone users (when connect to wifi) click here for instructions to download the or APP and start using the internet to join our calls instead of your minutes!

English-Speaking Corporate Prayer Call
Access Code: 182152#

Chinese-Speaking Corporate Call
Access Code: 188979#

Canadian Corporate Call
Access Code: 949659#

Korean Speaking Prayer Call
Access Code: 881779#

Spanish-Speaking Prayer Call
Access Code: 609189#

Korean Translation Line
Access Code: 881779#


Wednesday November 23
10:20-NOON PT

Be sure to check the PCL/PCM section of our website for this week's Prayer Points and Resources!

Several of our States have prayer calls designed to pray specifically for the pertinent issues facing your state. Click here for the participating states and their schedule 
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Fill the Gap Campaign! 

If you live in one of these states consider joining Joel's Army. Don't leave your state unprotected!!
  • Maine
  • Rhode Island
  • New Hampshire
  • Wyoming
  • Utah
  • Puerto Rico


Thank you for your continued support of this outreach. Lives are changed each week through our CW Pantry and support team. Check out our FaceBook page for details.
Every Monday 
12:00-2:30 PM

Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave W
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

Here are some pressing needs our CedarWood department has:

  • We provide weekend meals for 200 children monthly. Child Sponsorship - $34.99 per month provides essential nutrition to a child in need
  • Shoes
  • Blankets - All sizes
  • Sleeping bags for the homeless
  • Volunteers
  • Diapers (Size 3 & up) & baby wipes
  • Baby Food & Formula
  • $5-$20 Gift cards for Gas for our volunteers who transport the food to and from the Pantry

Most donations can be dropped off during the Pantry or mailed into our office. Tax deductible receipts provided.

Coats & Clothes Closet:
Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Adam Shephard at

We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week.

5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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