Subject: Special Prayer Alert

Dear Friends and Intercessors,

In the last 18 hours, I have received several calls and emails about reports circulating detailing a possible communication shut down, martial law, and so on. (see video at the end of this email) The Supreme court nomination is supposed to be the trigger, but the end-result, IF this transpires, will be something so marvelous the praises of the saints will be heard the world over as the swamp begins to drain. This is what we’ve been praying and preparing for my friends! To quote a faithful Joel’s Army Intercessor, “this is why we put Trump in office!” That said, I want to discourage you from giving into the temptation to panic or react in fear. IF this transpires, we need to engage the skills that the Lord has imparted to us over the last several years and trust in Him to see us through!

  1. Stay Prayerful – 1 Thessalonians 5:17 instructs us to pray without ceasing. Ephesians 6:18 teaches us the importance of praying always in the Spirit. When we avail ourselves to continuous prayer, we are better prepared to receive the instruction, guidance, and directives from the Lord and we are less likely to give into the enemy’s fear tactics. Remember, God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love, power, and a sound mind! 1 Timothy 1:7
  2. Stay Covered – Psalms 91 brings us into the secret place of the Most-High God where we remain protected under the shadow of the Almighty. Ephesians 6:10-18 teaches us the significance of the armor of God. We are living in a season of high-level spiritual warfare. Pray these passages over you and your household daily.
  3. Stay the course – talk of a “communication shut down” or “martial law” should not cause us to neglect our duties as intercessors. We have a commission to pray that righteousness will be established in this nation. We need to keep our president covered, keep our intercessors covered, and keep our borders covered! The enemy lurks in darkness, waiting to seize the ground the moment the army of God begins to wane in their duties to the King. Do not grant him opportunity my friends, engage and stay the course! 1 Timothy 2:1-4

This will be a season of high-level spiritual warfare. Regardless of what you see on the ground, the real battle is fought and won in the heavenlies. Know the difference and act accordingly! We must engage in the spirit! For many, you are the only shield in your home, neighborhood, zip code or even state. Act accordingly. Step into the fullness of the call as a Joel’s Army Prayer Shield. If you are in a Joel’s Army Prayer Cell, been a part of our Corporate prayer calls, or participated in our Gathering of the Eagles you’ve been in a special ops training ground for years. Remember, as Joel’s Army Prayer Shields your intercession penetrates through the earth’s surface, down into the tectonic plates and brings forth stability! Be the stability your region needs my friends and watch in glorious wonder as the hand of God brings forth His justice and righteousness in the earth!

Blessings and love,

Ricci Wilson

5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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