Subject: Special Election Prayer Times - Sunday & Monday

Will you tarry with us for religious liberties? 

We will have two prayer calls in response to not only our President's request that we pray, but the commission of the Lord on this ministry.

The first is today at 5-7 PM PST and the second is Monday from 10:30 AM - 6:30 PM PST.

“Then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Gethsemane, and saith unto the disciples, Sit ye here, while I go and pray yonder. And he took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and began to be sorrowful and very heavy. Then saith he unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me.

And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt. And he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour? Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew 26: 36-40 KJV)

After pouring all He had into His disciples, in His greatest time of need, He sought the prayer support of His closest comrades. “…could ye not watch with me one hour?”

We are at a critical juncture in our nation. What happens on Tuesday will not only affect our nation, but it will impact nations around the world in the days ahead. 

What's at stake? Our religious liberties. Why have they been curtailed? For many reasons, chief among them, the 1954 Johnson Amendment which prohibited religious leaders from speaking out politically if they wanted to retain their 501(c)3 status. It was certainly a daring and unconstitutional move, yet, with the Congress the (then) Senator Lyndon B. Johnson had behind him, this task to silence opposition to his campaign was not difficult to pass through his comrades in Congress. With very little resistance from the church, the voice of the church was effectively silenced. 

While we here at World for Jesus Ministries sacrifice our non-profit status day in and day out to openly verbalize the need for righteousness in government, exposing corruption (including politicians), and teaching intercessors how to research and pray into the bills and/or candidates whose platforms are anti-God and/or anti-family, many church leaders feared taking that risk.

In May of 2017; Trump fulfilled his promise to the Church and the stain of the Johnson Amendment was removed from our nation. Removing this restriction on church leaders was not an easy process for Trump, however, it would've been a much easier and thorough process to accomplish had our senate seats been filled with righteous men and women who did not fear the voice of the Church in their lives.

In 1954, the cost of our religious freedom vanished with a stroke of the pen, what a sad tale. Where was the fight? God did not create His children to be passive in our fight for righteousness. Pastors across the country spoke up about rock n’ roll every Sunday in the 50s, but they did not cry out to their congregations or weep before God when their right to stand up for righteousness in our nation was challenged. I ask you to pause for a moment and consider the high price our silencing has had on our children as Godly influence through the Bible and prayer was stripped from our schools in the 60s, and then the sacrifice of our unborn began when Roe V Wade passed in 73’. The stain of our silencing runs deep, does it not? 

Here we are in 2018 and whether we realize it or not, our religious freedoms could be increased or stripped from us again with a stroke of the pen. Will we rise and fight for righteousness this time? We have a second chance here—a do-over—the opportunity to take the right steps to protect and preserve religious liberty is here my friends! “How,” you ask, “how can I make a difference?” The answer is three-fold: pray, speak up, and vote righteously. 

Vote righteously: research the governors, the judges, the congressional seats, the measures that are on your ballots and vote not in accordance with the media, but righteously. 

Speak up: share your research with others and encourage them to vote. If every conservative got out and voted righteously, the impact would be astronomical. 

Pray: less than two months ago during an intimate meal with pastors, our President sent forth the call for Christian's to begin praying over the mid-term elections. Why? Our religious liberties were again at risk. This is such a crucial season we are in my friends, and we cannot let up on our intercessions. 

Please set aside the next two days to intercede (and fast if you can) on behalf of our Nation. Please make every attempt to join us on the line for at least an hour, more if your schedule permits. Our nation is in its time of greatest need; the Lord is pleading with His comrades in this fight for righteousness to tarry with Him... 

We've included the prayer points for our calls below. For those of you are unable to come on the call, you now have the prayer points before you, so you can pray privately. Don't miss this opportunity to stand before the Lord on behalf of this Nation, our religious liberties are at stake. 

Blessings & love,
Ricci Wilson on behalf of everyone here at WFJM

We will have two prayer calls in response to not only our President's request that we pray, but the commission of the Lord on this ministry.

The first is today Sunday, November 4th at 5-7 PM PST and the second is Monday, November 5th, from 10:30 AM - 6:30 PM PST. 

Corporate Intercession Line
Access Code: 182152#

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1. Dial backup number (716) 293-9756
2. You will be prompted to dial the original dial-in number: 712-770-4160
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Interactive Prayer Call

Chinese Speaking Interactive Prayer Call
5-7 PM

Korean Speaking
5-7 PM

Our prayer points for these calls:

1. Pray for strong voter turnout and for protection of Conservatives:
  • Pray for strong Republican and Independent voter turnout to rise up and vote righteously in truth, for the good of the country. 
  • Pray that Democrat walkaways increase and accelerate in momentum even up to election day. Pray that those that have seen the light would influence others around them. 
  • Pray that the truth be known where Republicans have been falsely slandered and for exposure where Democrats have tried to cover over real issues that they have been involved in
  • Pray for supernatural protection for all Conservative leaders running for the Senate and the House. 

2. Pray that God bring forth the spirit of Reformation:
  • Pray for the Spirit of Reformation to burn with Repentance and Truth through the church and that Christians be moved out of apathy and passivity to get out to vote and vote righteously for God’s choices.
  • Pray that racial accusations be removed from the narrative & the spirit of Reconciliation be raised as a banner between all people, lifting up the good of the country as a whole.
  • Pray for effective spiritual dismantling of enemy forces during this time, and that the media narrative not manipulate the people decisions towards their agenda.
  • Pray for the exposure of false representation by liberal, Christian activist rallies that are spewing lies.
  • Pray that Geo Soros influence would be completely cut off, and all betrayers of the US be exposed. 

3. Pray for God’s will to be revealed and deception exposed to the people who are voting:
  • Pray for true discernment for Americans concerning the Kavanaugh smear campaign, that truth be 
  • revealed and Democrats be exposed for their lawless actions. Pray their true agenda be seen by voters. 
  • Pray that all the other enactments created by the deep state to manipulate people would be exposed for what they are: The caravan, the alleged Jamal Khashoggi event in Turkey, The phony pipe bombs, the shooting in the Synagogue (MK Ultra was likely involved with this), etc.
  • Pray that those who lied under oath concerning Judge Kavanaugh would be investigated and charged for their offenses, including the attorneys. Pray that the cases of those who have already been arrested for illegal voting in certain states be made known publicly as a deterrent to other illegal aliens. 

4. Pray for Integrity and Liberty, in all areas of US voting:
  • Pray that all US voting would be recorded accurately w/out manipulation. Pray that votes would not be changed by computer manipulation of the original vote and the numbers released be a true accounting of the American people. 
  • Pray that votes would not be added or subtracted from the original count, and that no illegal votes would be included in the final tally. 
  • Pray that proper I.D. would be used to identify those who are legal voters and also to prevent illegal voters from voting. 
  • Pray for the fear of the Lord to come upon those who have purposed to vote illegally. 
  • Pray for effective supervision of those who are counting the ballots to oversee and ensure truthfulness.
  • Pray that paper ballots be used in all jurisdictions possible and that they are also saved for later verification if needed.

5. Pray for President Trump:
  • That false portrayals of the Pres. & accusations against him concerning the border invaders would come to light, exposing Soros involvement.
  • Pray that Pres. Trump and Generals have wisdom in how to handle any attempted forced breakthrough and trespass on the Southern US border (or elsewhere), and that the event not have any unrighteous influence or cause distraction from voting. 
  • Pray that all witchcraft and any curses against Pres Trump or Republican Senators and Representatives, be cancelled by the blood of Jesus. 

6. Pray for a new Standard of Righteousness to be manifested in the US: 
  • Pray for exposure, arrests, convictions, and jail for all those involved in illegal acts.
  • Pray to remove the spirit of cover-ups and unrighteousness, that Truth and Justice gain momentum. 
  • Pray for effective spiritual dismantling of enemy forces during this time, and that the media narrative not manipulate the people’s decisions towards their agenda.
  • Pray for the Media to embrace Righteousness and Truth and flee from lies, misrepresentation, and manipulation.

5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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