Subject: September Phone GOE and Other Important Announcements

Dear Friends and Intercessors,

Two important announcements:

September Gathering of the Eagles!

In 23 years of Gatherings, we’ve only changed the date or venue for our Gathering of the Eagles Conferences one time and that is when we moved it up several weeks to avert a severe judgment the entire west coast was slated to receive. The Lord, in His mercy, warned us, and we responded in an act of obedience. Intercessors came from all over the world to stand with us in our fight to save the west coast and the millions of lives that would have been lost.
God intervened!
Once again, the Lord has instructed us to switch our September Gathering to a PHONE GOE instead of on site as we had hoped. This switch came with a serious warning so we must heed His instructions to keep the work of the Gathering, the intercessors, and our team covered through this act of obedience to His will rather than our own.
We miss you terribly and cannot wait until the Lord opens it back up for us to return to an in-person setting!

That said:

Our September 27-30, 2022, Gathering of the Eagles will be a PHONE Gathering. We will meet 4-8 PM PST.
The Gatherings provide the setting for identificational repentance over critical issues such as abortion and human trafficking, along with the corruption in government and financial structures. We will also pray over the mid-terms.
This will be a powerful time together and we encourage you to invite your friends and family to join us as we intercede on behalf of the nation.
Joel’s Army Rally! This event is organized by our Illinois State Coordinators. If you are in the region, this will be a wonderful opportunity for you to learn about Joel’s Army and join in our fight to save the nation.

Illinois State Prayer Event
August 27th @ 9:30 pm - 4:00 pm CDT
Truth Lutheran Church
503 W Bauer Rd
Naperville, IL 60563

Contact: Kristofer Wendorf (312) 465-3610 or

Finally, Nita shared a powerful message on Thursday “Counting the Cost” that will surely encourage your faith during this difficult time in our history. This is a touching and compelling message chronicling a very small portion of her journey with the Lord. You can listen to that message by clicking here.

Friday, the Lord gave me a prophetic word for the nation. This was unprecedented as the Lord spoke to me concerning this year as well as 2023 and 2024. I am preparing a letter to go out in the next week or two that will include several of the things He’s given that I believe will encourage you as we pray through His will for our nation.

These are trying times, but God is birthing something in the nation that we cannot ignore. It’s a desire for change deep within. As believers, as intercessors, we must embrace what God is doing in this hour and align ourselves with His will and His plan for not only ourselves, but our nation. I pray it encourages you to press in through prayer. You can listen to that message by clicking here.

We love and bless you!
Ricci on behalf of Nita and the entire WFJM/JA/CW teams

Wednesday 10:20-Noon

TEACHING with Nita and Ricci (followed by intercession) 
Thursday and Friday 4:20-7:30 PM PST

English Speaking Line:
Access Code: 182152#

Chinese Translation Line (Mandarin):
Access Code: 188979#

Korean Translation Line
Access Code: 881779#


We are now on Telegram! Click the link, sign up and join our channel to receive notifications on our upcoming prayer times, important links, etc.

If you’d like to contribute to our ministry online, click here.

If you’d prefer to mail a check to our office:
World for Jesus Ministries, Inc
5730 N First Street #105-307
Fresno, CA 93710
Make checks payable to “WFJM” or “World for Jesus Ministries”

Reminder to please continue to pray for our finances, if you’d like to support us, click here to be taken to our Donations page.


Teachings: Just a reminder, all of our weekly teachings are uploaded to the “Prophetic & Intercessor’s Training Ground” Page of our website. These are timely messages given to prepare us for the days ahead. If you missed a Thursday or Friday night teaching click here. 

Finances:  WFJM stands in the gap for nations through the work of the Gatherings/Joel’s Army, we support missions world-wide, serve those in need through CedarWood, distribute books/CDs without charge, and so on. For more information on any of these outreaches, click here. We couldn’t accomplish this without you! 

Thank you for contributing to World for Jesus Ministries.  Click here for a direct donation link!



"The Overcoming Life Through Prayer" by Nita Johnson is now available in Chinese! If you'd like to order your copy today, click here!

We are also in the process of printing the Spanish translation of Overcoming Life through Prayer!

We've added the download feature to our website! You can listen online or download from our media log and listen on the go!

You can find more articles and recordings of all our corporate prayer calls on our website?

We have a new section just for Joel's Army News in the sidebar of our e-news? 

You can use the internet to join our Corporate Prayer Calls instead of your minutes? This is especially useful for those receiving conference call restrictions from their provider. 


NEW!!! Get up-to-date messages, schedules and even donate through our FaceBook Pages:

Like our CedarWood Page on Facebook

Like our World for Jesus Page on Facebook!

Growing In God (Union) Part 10
Section C
Psalm 63
By Nita Johnson

It does not matter what is happening today, nor does not matter where people are in respect to us at any time. Circumstances do not have the power to distract us. We may let that happen, but they cannot force it. My dear friends, there is only one life: Only one! Death can usurp itself, but for the life of you and me, he must not usurp himself over us and our longing and hunger for God. This is the quintessential reality to hunger and thirst for God. Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.” (Mt 5:6) That only comes from the Lord our God and Maker. He is here. But what if we do not care if He is here? As Christians, what do we live for if not for Him? What do we hunger for if not for Him? What do we long for if not Him? He is everything from the beginning clear through to the end. Our soul longs for the presence of God. Our spirit hungers and thirsts for the presence of God.

When we arise in the morning, let it be to welcome the day with Him. When we lay in our bed at night, let our last thought be Him. If you have children, a husband or a wife, you have 24 hours to love them all that you would want. But, in this moment of such a sacred time, when it is just Him and you, what better moment can it be than to hunger for Him. Hunger for fellowship with Him. Hunger to hear His voice, to know His heart and mind, and to know His will and be following it. He is our God. He is our God. He is the One who lives to satisfy our every longing to bring you into His Kingdom and to know Him as His Son knew Him.

How wonderful He is! How glorious are His presence and Spirit! How wonderful He is! Our hearts express songs of love and adoration, and we laud His praises because we love Him. We know the goodness that He is to us. We love Him and want to see, learn of, and understand Him.

He calls us into His chambers that we may have all that our hearts would desire in the midst. We may love husband, wife, children, and grandchildren, but they cannot enter where Christ alone can enter. He alone can enter those secret corridors and chambers in our hearts. He alone has that right. He alone has that ability,

Friends, relatives, houses, lands, cars, and jobs—none of these things can grip the very depths of our soul and be Lord of them. God does so to reveal Himself as our Maker and Creator. He answers prayer to remind you that He is here, that He is God, and He can answer prayer. Moreover, your prayers are important to Him. He calls you to Himself that He might reveal to you the sacred and the secret things of Himself to satisfy your every longing for Him.

Cry out to Him: “God, bring me into Your chambers! Cause me to hunger for You! Help me to yearn to know You as You yearn to know me! I am nothing! You are everything! Help me, Lord! Be my King, be my God, be my Lord! You are all things good! I am weak You are strong!” Talk to Him in these ways as one who knows. He longs to reveal Himself to us, and He longs for us to hunger for Him as He hungers for us.

David knew the responsibilities of running the kingdom and knew that his life depended on his relationship with the Father. It was his job to bring the Father to the people, and he wanted to be with the Father. So I say unto you tonight, cry out for God, cry out for Yeshua, cry out for Adonai! Cry out for the One who loves you until He satisfies you.


Father, we thank You for the moments we will be together, even this night. Help us do Your will to fill up the cup that You prepared for us and see it poured out as blessings upon this nation, Israel, and the nations of the earth, Lord. Help us to satisfy Your hunger in Your precious name, amen.

In Him,

Nita Johnson


This Week's Schedule:

We invite everyone to stand with us as we fight for the healing of our Nation.

Click below for PDF with:
Flash Phone Instructions

Flash Phone Access
Then enter the number and access code for the any of the desired lines.

Smartphone users (when connect to wifi) click here for instructions to download the or APP and start using the internet to join our calls instead of your minutes!

English-Speaking Corporate Prayer Call
Access Code: 182152#

Chinese-Speaking Corporate Call
Access Code: 188979#

Canadian Corporate Call
Access Code: 949659#

Korean Speaking Prayer Call
Access Code: 881779#

Spanish-Speaking Prayer Call
Access Code: 609189#


This Week's Schedule!

Wednesday Aug 17

10:20am - 12:00pm PST

11:20am - 1:00pm MST

12:20pm - 2:00pm CST

1:20pm - 3:00pm EST

Thursday & Friday Teaching and intercession

Aug 18-19

4:20pm - 7:00pm PST

5:20pm - 8:00pm MST

6:20pm - 9:00pm CST

7:20pm - 10:00pm EST

Sunday Aug 21

5:00pm - 7:00pm PST

6:00pm - 8:00pm MST

7:00pm - 9:00pm CST

8:00pm - 10:00pm EST

Chinese Call

4:00pm - 6:00pm PST

Korean Call

5:00pm - 7:00pm PST

Be sure to check the PCL/PCM section of our website for this week's Prayer Points and Resources!

Several of our States have prayer calls designed to pray specifically for the pertinent issues facing your state. Click here for the participating states and their schedule 
Still experiencing WEBSITE LOGIN troubles? Contact the office and we'll get you set up!

Fill the Gap Campaign! 

If you live in one of these states consider joining Joel's Army. Don't leave your state unprotected!!
  • Maine
  • Rhode Island
  • New Hampshire
  • Wyoming
  • Utah
  • Puerto Rico


Thank you for your continued support of this outreach. Lives are changed each week through our CW Pantry and support team. Check out our FaceBook page for details.
Every Monday 
12:00-2:30 PM

Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave W
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

Here are some pressing needs our CedarWood department has:

  • We provide weekend meals for 200 children monthly. Child Sponsorship - $34.99 per month provides essential nutrition to a child in need
  • Shoes
  • Blankets - All sizes
  • Sleeping bags for the homeless
  • Volunteers
  • Diapers (Size 3 & up) & baby wipes
  • Baby Food & Formula
  • $5-$20 Gift cards for Gas for our volunteers who transport the food to and from the Pantry

Most donations can be dropped off during the Pantry or mailed into our office. Tax deductible receipts provided.

Coats & Clothes Closet:
Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Adam Shephard at

We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week.

5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.