Subject: Seattle, Gathering of the Eagles Update with Repaired Links

Dear Friends,

Our Seattle GOE was incredible, I wish you all had been with us! Each Gathering of the Eagles (GOE) leaves me in awe as I consider the mercies of our Lord upon this Nation. 

Many live their lives blissfully unaware of who or what the New World Order is and how it affects their future. Yet, the intercessors, those who sacrifice so much to come to the GOEs, and those of you who support the work of the GOEs, are well aware of who and what they are. We had the privilege of sharing two incredible praise reports during the Seattle GOE. I asked one of my team members, Jon, to read from two separate articles distributed by two respected journalists (see below for links) so everyone could hear the phenomenal news together. Behind the scenes where few can see, the structure of the New World Order is crumbling! Substantial components of their organization are falling around them and plans that began months, even years ago are crumbling before their eyes. As he continued reading the joy, the intercessors felt began to build until it bubbled over in praise and thanks to the Lord for this great miracle! 

There were many hidden victories revealed in those reports that we had the privilege to share in the midst of the Seattle, GOE. Most of which, I suppose we will not see until after the election is over. For our Joel’s Army Intercessors, those who have been praying with us on the corporate prayer calls, as well as those who carry a burden for the healing of the Nation, it was the opportunity to see firsthand how God is keeping His magnificent promises to save America. We will see much more in the coming year, of this I am sure.

Last year, I received information from a reliable source that four major events were supposed to happen: the SDRs were to be enacted, the New World Order (NWO) was to come to the forefront, the One World Religion (OWR) implemented, and the market was expected to crash. The derivative crash would have tripped the events listed, and the result would be a tailspin into the market crash followed by widespread hunger and starvation in our nation. In the early part of 2015, the Lord instructed me to begin praying that none of these things would occur in 2015 or 2016. As we gathered at each Gathering, the hundreds that attended each one prayed as directed, and we won every strategic battle. We won!!!!!! In His mercy, He gave us the victory! He instructed us in the battles; we were quick to obey, and the Lord gave us the victory! 

I know there are those who claim these events were never supposed to surface in 2015, the truth is, the intensity of what the elite planned for 2015 was far worse than you can imagine. However, greater is He that is in us, then he that is in world, AMEN?!? It took prayer, and we happily gave Him prayer – however, it required an amazingly powerful God to answer those prayers. Our amazing God gave us a fantastic victory. What more could we ask?

Friends, I know that war will come to our soil eventually, but not a moment before God's time. The enemy will hinder your involvement in what God wants to do by provoking you with fear. Do not allow fear to dictate your steps. Remember, God desires to give us revival first, followed by some amazing times of reformation in this land. How healing it will be to the people of the Nation! Let us run toward the promises! Remember, we asked, and Jesus gave just as He promised He would. Jesus gave us these victories! There is still much work to be done so continue to stand with us, my friends! Stand with us! We still have warfare that must be finished, and we must be able to complete all that the Lord called us to do now so that we can win the final battle. The enemy is kicking up his heals, and he will not give up, he hits us at all levels including our finances, health, even by exhausting our intercessors. Yet, we must stand! Fight with us my friends, stand and fight with us so the enemy never has the opportunity to gain back the ground he’s losing. The nation and the world depend on our commitment to see this through to the final victory! 

Please understand, while we are fighting princes of darkness who cannot be seen, it still takes what we can see, man-power, finances, and so on. It also takes intercessors who are willing to fight until all our enemies are put under our feet. The Lord is going to give us new weapons of warfare to fight this battle with so I am raising my voice to call for all men everywhere to join us and refuse to stop until the battle is won. Join us in this effort, join our weekly calls, join Joel’s Army, and/or join us in Washington DC this October. If you cannot join us, pray for those who can, pray for the finances to cover the meetings, there are many ways for you to stand with us. We will be faithful; I promise. 

Before we began the work of the Gatherings, Jesus gave me several visions of those who would die before their time if we did not answer the call of the Gatherings and stand in the gap against the coming war. He told me their blood would be on my hands if I did not obey the call. I’ve never forgotten those visions, and when the battles seem too much, our finances take a hit, or setbacks occur, and I have a moment of doubt… the Lord brings back those visions, and I realize, there is nothing I won’t face to see this through to completion. Let’s stand together and watch the enemy fall so America can become what she was created to be. We can do it with His help. As a single, collective unit we will win, and the world will see His power and His salvation come forth in a mighty wave of glory!

Join us now and we will continue seeing the victories through DC and beyond. Click for details.

Each report below contains several links to validate/confirm what they share.

We love you all.
Nita Johnson

On a personal note, the Lord is healing me. It is slow work, yes, but I am supremely grateful for your faithfulness in praying for my complete healing. Thank you! 

ps- The linked reports can be found in the Fulford and Keenan archives. I've pulled and created PDFs from their websites for your convenience. 
Both men, while controversial at times, are very thorough and respected investigative journalists.
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