Subject: Seattle, Gathering of the Eagles Update!

Seattle, Gathering of the Eagles Mini-Report


Nita Johnson

May 23, 2016

When Jesus came to me sixteen years ago and asked me to embrace the calling of the Gathering of the Eagles, I was more than hesitant. His love for, not only our Nation but the Nations around the world is quite powerful. So, He pressed me again. He told me if I declined, due to the sins of our Nation, America would experience war on our soil with no revival. If I accepted the call, and we remained vigilant in our work, He promised to send revival before war came. So, I timidly agreed.

Over the last few years, we've seen pockets of revival spring up, and we give Him praise for every single one of them. However, we are now not only at a place where revival is breaking through, but war is being held back by His hand. We received several remarkable reports the last day of the Seattle Gathering of the Eagles revealing more breakthroughs than we expected during one GOE! Not only is war held back, but the Elite, the Cabal, and the War Machine of the Catholic Church, who would have been responsible for it, are actually in the process of being brought down. At the very least they are being bound and unable to fulfill their desires. We have not seen anything like this before! 

This news, however, does not mean that the game of international chess is coming to a close. It only means that these two armies will not see their will imposed upon the Nations for quite a while. I have met several sources over the last few years who, under a vow of confidentiality, revealed things going on behind closed doors. We are just now starting to see some of God's Champions emerge and come to the forefront. What we are witnessing is the beginning of many excellent things that God has in store for us. The Church must, however, arise and vote, thereby securing our portion in God's great plan.

The end of Obama's regime marks the end of the Elite's game for a season. "Mr. Trump", one we might call a type of knight in shining armor is the man God will rest upon to do His work for our Nation. If we pray, he will fight and exhaust every effort to accomplish all that he promised to do. If the Church faithfully prays, he will accomplish it all. If the Church will not only pray but take action and vote - all that Jesus showed me nearly four years ago through a series of visions [which I shared during that time-frame] Trump will complete it! He is raised up by God to do the work of the Biblical "Cyrus" in today's world!

Friends, as we will see, Mr. Trump, will be one of many that being will come forth from around the world to fulfill their God-given task in this hour. If enough of us believe and support it through prayer, we will see it happen. It will not come about by some great miracle separate from the Church; God works behind the scenes quietly where no one can interfere with the work He is doing, and He then releases it in His timing. At times, it can take decades for us to see His "suddenlies." However, when it's time for His plans to come to the forefront, the Church needs to be ready, or we will miss His ultimate plan. This is where we are today.

Mr. Trump may not be a Moses. But, that's not what our Nation needs right now. Let us be thankful for what God is sending us for this one will do the job!!!! I am also thankful that the Bible tells us through the life of Cyrus, a chosen vessel does not have to be perfect or pure as gold. He or she only needs to be willing to answer the call. A carnal and self-righteous Church will reject God's best. We must not allow ourselves to fall prey to Satan's thoughts but humbly trust God in all He is doing.

I will share more very soon, but for now remember, we are climbing a mountain that will release the world from tyranny. It's a rough road, but please use wisdom and continue to follow and pray for us. The next time I write, I'll reveal some things that are about to occur that will change your life for the good.

One last thing. Satan is fighting over our work against him. As a result, he has hit our finances harder than ever before. Couple this with the lower summer-time giving all ministries experience, and we are fast approaching a serious state. All these years, God held and carried us through our Friends; however, we honestly need the Church to offer a miracle sacrifice of financial giving now so we can take care of our present ministry needs. Again, we need "miracle giving" to come into our ministry. Our elders will meet this week to pray and strategize over our next steps, as well as those over the next twelve months. Pray for His wisdom and His immediate provision. Please prayerfully consider sowing into World for Jesus today, as well as our future. I promise you will not be sorry! Click here for our secure Online Donation service

In His Amazing Love,
Nita Johnson

ps- The linked reports can be found in the Fulford and Keenan archives. I've pulled and created PDFs from their websites for your convenience. Both men, while controversial at times, are very thorough and respected investigative journalists.
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