Subject: Seattle, Gathering of the Eagles, 2016!

Dear Friends and Intercessors,

Praise God for what we witnessed in the primaries the last few weeks - and thank you for praying!

Trump is a man whose bid for the White House was once considered fresh material for late night comics. Over the last year, he’s proven himself as not only a serious contender but a man worthy and capable of holding the highest office in the land. Trump is fearless, and has a desire to see this nation rise up to what he knows it is capable of in this hour. More importantly, he carries the Mantle of Cyrus on his life, and God chose him for this season. This is who we need to tackle the Elite along with those whose life’s mission is the destruction of America.

God is moving in our nation and your prayers are making a difference! We must however, not grow lax in our efforts. The enemy's desire will only increase as we move closer to November and we must fight his efforts to bring Trump down and destroy him on every front. Securing the nomination does not guarantee the final victory. Remember, the enemy doesn’t want reformation for the nation; the enemy doesn’t want the corruption that runs rampant through our government exposed and brought down so he will unleash everything he has to prevent someone from stepping in who can, and will, effect change. As such, the next six months are critical, and it’s our responsibility as intercessors to keep God’s choice for president lifted up in continuous prayer. We need to stay alert, every victory must drive us to press in harder until we’ve crossed this finish line!

Join us next week for the Seattle GOE, our focus is praying for God’s choice to enter into leadership in our country at every level. We need men and women who carry the mantle God placed on their lives to step up and bring the reformation we’ve prayed for every week for the last several years. Rise up intercessors, rise up and take your place, God is calling you forth to the front lines, grab your gear and let’s finish this race!

May 12-14th - Seattle Gathering of the Eagles, 2016!

If you cannot come to the GOE but want to financially contribute, click here.

If you cannot come and want to join the prayer reserves who gather to pray for the Gathering, the intercessors, and Nita, watch your email for the schedule. They will pray from home Thursday – Saturday.

We’re nearing the finish lines my friends, let’s press through unto victory!

Blessings & love,
Ricci Wilson

Here is a video I received today – this is a side of Trump I read about here and there but it’s been summarized beautifully here. I encourage you to watch and share.

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