Subject: Resend: Prayer Points for the Week of 29 October 2017

Due to internet issues, I was unable to get these prayer points out to you, or up on our website. Please forgive the delay. Press on my dear brothers and sisters! Love you! Ricci

This update is provided as a tool to support, encourage strengthen and inform you as a Prayer Cell Leader (PCL) or Prayer Cell Member (PCM) in taking your position in Joel's Army!

Joel’s Army Prayer Cell Leaders, Prayer Cell Members, Facilitators, International/National/Regional Coordinators and Liaisons Across the Nations “If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.” II Chronicles 7:14 (Amp)

Please make every effort to be part of an effective prayer cell or group that will make a difference and help to change the course of our nations!

Note to all International/National/Regional Coordinators and Facilitators/PCLs - Please modify the list below to fit your individual country situation and prayer needs. 

The prayer points for this week follow. We encourage each intercessor to go before the Lord and with weeping and travail, pray in the Spirit, asking the Him to give you the details of what is on His heart as you pray.

  1. Pray against the plans of the elite on Nov 4th to bring riots and more,
    focused on the President and his supporters through the group ANTIFA. Pray
    against the spirit of rebellion and lawlessness. Pray for the Truth to be
    lifted up. Pray for safety for the people and law enforcement, that they
    would have Godly wisdom and discernment in how to address this, that God
    would expose their plans and stop them from accomplishing their purposes.

  2. Pray for God to expose the Catholic agenda hidden behind the false unity
    movement revealed in The Kairos 2017 conference that was in Kansas City.
    Pray against the spirit of deception and compromise. Lift up the leaders
    and believers involved and pray for truth to be revealed, that they would be
    able to hear what God is saying. Pray for the church to come out and be
    separate, according to 2 Cor 6:14-17.

  3. Pray for supernatural protection from assassination for our Pres. Pray against any impeachment or coup attempt to remove/replace him (H. Res 1987, link below), that it would be exposed and completely dismantled. Remove the betrayers, secure the loyalists.  Pray that Congress and the military align themselves and stand with the Pres; Pray that the FBI and Congress pursue the Clintons now that evidence is exposed about the real Russian collusion bribe payoffs, between Clintons, the Russians, and their Foundation having to do with the Uranium One transaction. (See links)
  4. Pray for President Trump’s walk with the Lord, sensitivity to the voice of the Lord, hearing His strategy, knowing His will, and to walk uprightly before Him, learning to abide under the Psalms 91 covering. That he would have compassion, hear God's heart, and gain understanding beyond the surface of situations.
  5. Pray for exposure of hidden things and twisted truths; pray for failure of the enemy’s assault on this administration, against the occult networks, that all will be exposed and dismantled in Jesus Name!   
  6.  Pray that Jeff Sessions carry out Trumps agenda in the DOJ without obstruction. (link below)
  7. Pray for the complete exposure, arrests, convictions, and jail for all corrupt politicians in Washington DC who are involved in the Pizzagate scandal. Pray for removal of all resistance and obstruction and bind the spirit of cover ups. Pray for a shield of protection to cover all whistleblowers exposing pedophilia, DNC & Clinton crimes.  Bring all to justice. (See our website for breakthroughs fighting against human trafficking)
  8. Pray that supernatural winds of change will sweep through our churches and blow away the cloud of apathy and dullness. Pray the dry bones wake up to life in the Spirit, that His breath move upon intercessors & leaders. Pray for increased passion in intercession for Pres Trump as the nation’s leader. 1 Tim 2:1-3

Ricci, Jon & WFJM Team


Praise Reports & Research Links now located in the PCL/PCM section of the "Joel's Army login" area of the World for Jesus website!

See "WFJM Prayer Points for Week of 30 October 2017" located in the JA PCL/PCM login areas of the World for Jesus website

Still having trouble logging in? Contact the office and we'll get you set up.

TIP - Your username is formatted as follows:
(lowercase letters, and be sure to include the hyphen between your last name and first name)

NEW!!! Check out our International Joel's Army Page under the Joel's Army Tab on our website for information on our international Joel's Army developments.

You asked - we listened! You can now download the audio files from our website to listen to later on your mobile device, put on a CD, or MP3 player!


Corporate Call Info:

Corporate Intercession Line
Access Code: 182152#

Chinese Translation Line
Access Code: 336087

Canadian Corporate Call:
Access Code: 444928#


This Week's Schedule:

Wednesday November 1
10:20-12:30 (PST)
11:20-1:30 (MST)
12:20-2:30 (CST)
1:20-3:30 (EST)

Thursday, November 2
5:50-7:30 PM (PST)
6:50-8:30 (MST)
7:50-9:30 (CST)
8:50-10:30 (EST)

Friday, November 3
5:50-7:30 PM (PST)
6:50-8:30 (MST)
7:50-9:30 (CST)
8:50-10:30 (EST)

Sunday November 5

Interactive Prayer Call
5-7 PM

Chinese Speaking Interactive Prayer Call
5-7 PM

Canadian Corporate Call
3:20-5 PM
All are welcome to attend any of the above calls.

5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.