Subject: Reflections on our DC Gathering of the Eagles, 2013!

Reflections on our DC Gathering of the Eagles, 2013!


Nita LaFond Johnson

Dear Friends:

Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord, Jesus Christ!

Ricci spoke to me this morning letting me know that the office has had numerous calls and emails, all asking what the DC Gathering produced this year. Due to this influx of questions, she has asked me to write something for those of you who prayed with us from home.

Before I tackle that subject matter however, I would like to express my heart-felt thanks to those of you who prayed at home. This Gathering Of the Eagles reflected a level of intercession we have not previously had. We believe your faithful and constant prayers for the work we were doing played a part in this. We are humbly grateful for your combined intercession. Our Nation will stand because together, we cared and prayed!
I want to take a moment to tell you about some of the fruits of our labor that we witnessed before I speak about the sessions themselves. I think this will be a blessing.
Although we did not pray for people who had physical ailments due to lack of time,some were healed physically as a blessing just for their sacrifice for joining us. Some who came experienced deep emotional healing. The Lord also gave deliverance to those in need. (Please let us know if any of you who prayed from home experienced a special blessing.) 

As always, there were many who came to me or the other team members, telling them that the Lord gave them life changing experiences. To add to this, at least four people decided to give their hearts to Christ. One was baptized in water, and at least one also received the baptism in the Holy Spirit! We also commissioned those who are working for us in Joel’s Army on an international level. Last but not least, we released anointing upon all those who desired it. 
This entire event was exciting, and it would take too long to share everything that happened. However, this will give you a sense of the Holy Spirit’s energy and grace that we lived under for days. His holy presence and power was exceptional and evident every day. I have never seen a group of intercessors take a hold of the Lord’s heart and power to prevail as I saw in this GOE. As a result, we continued to move ever higher in power, authority, and intensity until God’s purpose had become omnipresent. I think we all felt it when it occurred, and I praise Him for what He did.

We prayed for our government and for the economic sector. It is time to break the stronghold Wall Street and the Elite have on our government. Things will begin to happen that exceed any of the results we expected. Although we will still have to take one more step in our New York GOE, God is moving. He has begun to liberate America from her captors and eventually the Nation will see this blessing. In this GOE, He allowed us to occupy the place our captors once held. If we hold our position, we will begin to see extraordinary victories. Holding fast will take faith and holiness and we will all have to strengthen ourselves in Him my dear friends. Fortunately, the Lord will continue to help you strengthen your convictions as you submit to Him in His corrections. Praise His righteous name; we will grow more into His likeness as we comply.

Our key goal was to break the powers of Wall Street off of our government and to enter into the place of occupation so we can make Congressional decisions on behalf of our Nation. We were successful!

After the GOE, the team headed out on a prayer journey. It is imperative for us to repent and proclaim throughout this process. On this particular journey, the Lord spoke to me and said: “Nita, I have given you (meaning us) the land… rule!” From that point on a new faith and vision came into my heart and the hearts of the rest of our team. The more we moved from place to place, the greater our faith became. As always, we tore down strongholds wherever we found them. However, from that point on we made our chief concern ruling in the place of our foes. (Ps 110:2) We made Congressional Decrees designed to rebuild our Nation’s Government. (Jer.1:10) We had a marvelous time over the years as Jesus has filled us with visions of the many things He wants to see rebuilt. This is the time for this rebuilding and we are absolutely overjoyed. Intercessors who have prayed over these things, you can now proclaim… the Nation belongs to the Church. Please, however, refrain from cursing our enemies. (Matt. 5:44; 6:14 & 15)

We prayed over the racial issues plaguing the nation and felt God’s hand upon us while doing so. He is going to help us win this Nation in love.

We prayed over the economic situation as well. Yesterday I read a news clip that said the Fed is going to keep Q3 in place and will not allow a collapse before 2015. Q3 is not the best remedy, but it will give us more time to prepare for the collapse. I feel that God has intervened and has something better planned!

We finished our journey in DC and moved onto New York. Again God met us in all His power. We, by His command, hewed down certain banks that seemed too big to fail. We all know that means trouble is still coming. We have to walk through the purging so that the new establishment can be put in place.

In all, it was not what we did or what we said that made it an extraordinary trip. It was the power and presence of God that was so extraordinary. I personally felt like I was walking between heaven and earth to speak His holy and righteous decrees, and to bless this Nation with the good things He has in store for us.

One of the items He had us enact was releasing the blessings He had initially designed to give this Nation through the Kennedy Era. My friends, the blessings are great and many. Let me list just a few.
1. Revival
2. Reformation
3. Revolution
4. Revelation
5. Reclamation
6. Overturning of Abortion
7. End to Drug Culture
8. Restore Sexual Purity especially to our youth
9. Purity in Music
10. Purity in the Media
11. Fruit of the Civil Rights Movement
12. Removal of the Federal Reserve and its system
13. Removal of the Internal Revenue
14. Asset back USD
15. Diminishing of the Occult
16. Standing with Israel
17. Righteous Government
18. End to New World Order
19. Righteous educational system
20. Renewing of a proper Military alignment in the Nation where necessary.
21. For US Overturn Obama Care
22. For US Overturn Common Core

The above actions are a few of the many things God has in store. Please keep proclaiming these in your time of prayer. As a result of the last two GOE’s and our GOE in New York, we will see the back of the NWO entirely broken off our Nation. It is now all but accomplished which is why the Lord said He had given us the Land. However, we cannot stop here; we must proclaim the new order and make certain that the last tentacles of the NWO are completely severed. Some things will get worse before they get better, but we will see America rise with healing in her wings soon enough. So stay hopeful and prayerful.

This is a new era for us. We must do all we can in prayer to push us over the top and take the land we have been given. I trust this brief memo is encouraging to you. I bless you all for praying.

In His Love,
5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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