Subject: "Recognizing our Prophetic Timeline" with Ricci Johnson-Wilson

Recognizing our Prophetic Timeline
Ricci Johnson-Wilson
January 21, 2025

In light of this week’s events, the inauguration of President Donald J Trump as our 47th President, I felt it was important to share several visions I’ve had to encourage us in terms of the path we are on. It’s important to view the prophetic timeline God has us on so when we experience some bumps in the road, we can cling to His promises and trust in what He is doing through them.
Our Golden Hour is Enroute!
March 8, 2024:

On Sunday March 3, 2024, I had a vision of a geographical map of America. The nation was filled with corruption. The corruption was displayed by a dark substance that reminded me of heavy soot layered across the land so deep; it appeared as though we had no mountains, no lakes, and no valleys. Even something as great as the Grand Canyon, which has an average depth of one mile, all appeared level because the corruption filled every nook and cranny of our land.

The Lord appeared on the west coast. He was weeping over the land intercession. He stood about 150 feet tall. He began moving eastward from the northern corner toward the south and then back. In a serpentine motion, He headed east weeping and sweeping, weeping and sweeping. In this process, He was both exposing the corruption for all to see and cleansing the land. Behind Him, the land was clean, defined, sparkling. However, by the time He arrived at the Grand Canyon, I could see soot layering up along the west coast once again.

Once He arrived on the east coast and turned around, the land was almost filled back up with the corruption. Within a short time, it seemed almost as bad as it was when He began.

He walked back to the west coast, and started the same procedure, interceding and sweeping, cleansing the land but this time, something was different, the corruption was being uprooted.

When He arrived at the Grand Canyon—and I believe the Grand Canyon was singled out for three reasons:
1) Its vast size made it easy to recognize.
2) Filling a crevice over a mile deep demonstrates the severity of the corruption.
3) It begins the next time zone. Representing a new time in our history.

As Jesus arrived at the Grand Canyon, He turned and looked back and saw a line of people across the western coastline following Him. Behind them was another line of people, then another, and another! It looked as though they were emerging from the sea, and they just kept coming! Once they saw the corruption exposed, these individuals began working to retain and maintain the cleansing and uprooting our Lord was doing.

Note: I believe the weeping our Lord was doing is in partnership with the work of the intercessors from 1999 to 2020. 1999 is when we held our first Gathering of the Eagles conference. The gap from 2020 until now (after President Trump left the Whitehouse and Biden stepped in) the nation has filled back up with the soot of the last century, and while it may seem discouraging, because the Lord exposed the roots of the corruption, the people stepped up and now they are ready to reclaim the land!
The Lord is faithful because we’ve prayed. And friends, our Lord began another trek across our land because He has not turned His back on our nation!
From 2020 until now, our Lord has been working to cleanse the land and uproot corruption in partnership with the intercessors. However, those coming up out of the sea are those rods of righteousness—the New Breed of Warriors that I’ve seen in visions. We’ve prayed for their arrival for many years. These are the ones God called upon to retain and maintain the work that’s been done in the spirit realm.
They are among the New Breed of Believers the Lord told me were coming clear back in 2018.
They are the New Breed of Warriors commissioned by God to take back the land for His Kingdom purposes!

They are the New Breed of:
• Pastors
• Politicians
• Educators
• Journalists
• Businessmen
• Judges
• District Attorneys
• Advocates for life
• Warriors for God’s Justice
• Patriots
• And so on…

These are the men and women God prepared for this time period. They are partnering with God and will retain and maintain in the natural, what has been done in the spirit through our intercessions.

Back to the vision:
Our Lord finished His trek across the land, the warriors following behind Him. Once He arrived on the eastern seaboard, He turned around and those warriors encircled His feet. Together, we looked across the country and it was beautiful. There was a transparent, golden hue that blanketed the nation. As we stood there with the Lord, I saw innocence return to the nation. It was pure, now it was entering a place of fulfilling its destiny in God.
The people of the land feared God, they honored their fellow man, and they sought to serve their neighbor in a way I have not seen since I was a very young child. They were fulfilling Matthew 22:37-40.

The Lord, looking across the country, said “it is your golden hour”.

The vision ended.

There are two definitions of the “golden hour”, and I believe we should consider both, recognizing they both apply to what the Lord was showing me.

First is the golden hour photographers and filmmakers alike relish to capture the very best imagery. It’s also known as the magical hour, is a captivating period of time that occurs around sunrise and sunset. During this enchanting hour, the sun is positioned low in the sky, casting a soft, warm light that transforms the landscape. During this period, the sun's rays are cast at a lower angle, so they have to travel through more of the earth’s atmosphere. This results in the earth’s upper atmosphere reflecting the sunlight and illuminating the lower atmosphere and making the sky appear a golden hue with soft reddish colors. It does not last long, but when a photographer captures this rare period of the day it becomes a mystical moment that they can get absolutely lost in. I heard one photographer refer this period of time as one “that woos them in.”

There is a second golden hour we must consider; that in terms of medical intervention.

The golden hour is the period of time immediately after a stroke or traumatic injury during which there is the highest likelihood that prompt medical and surgical treatment will prevent death.

I take you back to the vision I had of the nation. It was titled, “Healing the soul of the nation.” In this vision, the nation appeared as a woman on an operating table back in 2020. If you remember, it was in a catastrophic accident and our Lord was working feverishly to heal the mind, the heart, the stomach, the womb, the knees, and the feet of a nation that had turned away from Him. Throughout this surgery, a golden hue rested upon the woman. In His mercy, He was healing the soul of the nation.

This is where we are, truly, this is where we are in history. We have this moment in which we can capture His plans and purposes for our nation and release them by partnering with Him in prayer. Of course, it involves more, we need either engage in the fight for the soul of the nation in natural in addition to our intercession OR pray for those who can engage in the natural to rise up to retain and maintain the work being done in this hour.

Remember, our goal is to see His Divine and Holy will done here on earth. (Matthew 6:10)

We must be diligent to stay the course God set before us. The road to recovery and the path to healing is upon us!
This next vision I want to share is something the Lord gave me in 2016. It’s important because it also refers to the approach of Our Golden Hour:

The Healing and Unifying Work of a Trump Presidency:
October 2016

Several weeks before the 2016 election. This is when Jon and I were holding special prayer every Tuesday for months, just to pray for the 2016 Election. While were in prayer I had a vision of Donald Trump; his entire life was laid out before me. His past, his present and his future were in front of me. Imagine an hourglass laying on its side, the grains of sand on the left represent Trump’s experiences. Successes, failures, sorrows, celebrations, personal and professional—all were represented. On the right was the future.

Donald J Trump, President Elect stepped out onto the stage to take the oath of office. The moment his heel touched the platform, I saw everything he’d experienced in his life (picture the grains of sand in that hourglass) come from behind, meet at his body, and when his toe hit the stage, they shot through him and onto our Nation in the form of golden light—tiny grains of light bursting forth and penetrating the darkness in order to bring healing to our land. It looked like liquid gold had been poured out over the nation covering the nation with a golden hue. Healing, restoration, unification of the people of this nation all occurred under this golden hue.

In this moment, the Lord told me He’d “created Trump for this hour in history. Everything he’d ever experienced in his 70 years would be poured out to heal and rebuild our Nation.”
This is why Trump was created! Knowing this, how could I not commit to pray for him every day? People are out to destroy him because he carries within him the passion to reclaim and restore our country and that’s in direct opposition to the plans of the cabal.
Looking back at that vision today, I have to say that I believe President Trump’s his heel hitting the stage represents his first term in office 2017-2021. From that moment they would use his past mistakes, missteps, and even lie about him to try to destroy him.
Yet, we know that God works all things together for good for those who love Him and who are called according to His purposes. (Romans 8:28-29) President Trump is called according to God’s purposes.
That said, I believe his toe hitting the stage represents his second term in office 2025-2029. The time in which all of his successes and failures (perceived and real) will be used to heal the land and bring forth that liquid gold – the golden hour—that I saw covering the nation so long ago. In that second term, we will see the New Breed of Believers, the Rods of Righteousness God has been preparing for this very moment in history arise!
Remember, the Lord is traversing our land, weeping and sweeping, preparing it for our golden hour! The hour in which the innocence of the 50s will return to our nation. Let us not be distracted, discouraged or dismayed, for the hammer of justice is indeed coming!
God allowed this season of exposure to awaken the new breed of patriots, the rods of righteousness, those who will do everything in their power to retain and maintain the work of His Spirit in our nation! It is coming! The golden hour approaches, let us continue to take the Word of the Lord to prayer until we see its fulfillment!

Remember, the Lord told Mom, “2024 would be our Year of Liberty!” and our elections demonstrated this loud and clear!
He told me 2025 would be the Year of Justice! We are seeing that even in the midst of the Executive Orders being signed.
This next one is very important for us to understand as it speaks to much of what we are about to see, particularly in terms of defeating Communism.

“President Trump and 2024, the Year of Reclamation”
September 6, 2023

Wednesday, September 6th I had a series of visions while in prayer over President Trump and our nation.

As I prayed, I had a vision of President Trump before me. He was standing, his head bowed, but he had been struck with arrows over his body. Most of those arrows remained in place.
I asked the Lord where these arrows came from. He responded, “the Church.” Friends, I cannot tell you how deeply this grieves my spirit.

I quickly moved to our President to pull out the arrows, praying healing over each wound. As I prayed over his back, his head, his heart, his knees, and his feet, the areas once wounded began to glow with the healing touch of the Lord.
The Lord then began to speak these words over President Trump:
“Donald J. Trump, you are My anointed! You are My choice to lead the nation out of the chaos of the Elite. Only you have been granted the wisdom, the understanding, the counsel to do so, and I will grant you the Spirit of Might. You have been given the Spirit of Knowledge and will indeed walk in the Fear of the Lord! As you enter the office of the Presidency once again, I will expand My Spirit within you to effectively tackle the chaos of the Elite.”

His back straightened, his knees strengthened, and unbelievable clarity came to his mind and heart. There was a determination in his eyes, he was unshakable, unstoppable, he was the rod of God against the Elite!

He began to walk over the Communist agenda, and with each step, the fallow ground shattered underneath his feet. I walked alongside him, praying in the Spirit, decreeing, and declaring with each passing step, direct assaults against the Communist agenda.
Each step he took crushed one Communist agenda after another.
The Communists began to shake and quake, as they saw the Hammer of Justice heading straight for them. The long pathway, 45 steps, crushed the invasion into our media, the invasion into academia, the infiltration in our government, our financial institutions, and even our churches until we looked behind us and saw the mounds of rubble left in our wake. Somehow it was all collected and placed in our hands, and then we thrust it into the fire of God to be consumed.
I looked and saw the Deep State players within congress blown out to sea. I saw other members of the deep state that were positioned in key positions of government, finance, and so on, exposed and then thrust into darkness.

The Hammer of Justice had fallen!

President Trump turned around and as we walked, the vision I had of him before the 2016 election reappeared. In that vision, he walked up the steps to the inauguration stage, and within the milliseconds that it took between the time his heel hit the stage and his toe landed on the stage, the Spirit of the Lord came from behind him and passed through him. There was an anointing placed upon him that took every success and every failure in his life and used those experiences to heal and restore our nation. There was not a single area of our nation untouched by what God was doing through his presidency.
The Lord said “the healing is coming, the unifying of the people, the restoration of all things within My nation is coming! Watch and listen!!”
I heard the song “this land is my land” begin to play in the background, when I looked, the people of our nation were singing this song as the country was rebuilt from the ground up in some areas. They sang and they worked, they sang in perfect unity, reclaiming the nation as their own, stripping the rights from the elite, and grabbing hold of the nation knowing it was once again truly their own.
I saw excellence pour out over the land and healing flowed among the people. The divisiveness was lifted, and the unification of the nation had arrived!

The Lord told me 2024 is the year of Reclamation. It’s time to reclaim that which the enemy has stolen!
“2023 was the Year of Revolution.”
“2024, was the Year of Reclamation!”
“2025, is the Year of Justice”

Amos 3:7 tells us: “Surely the Lord God will do nothing without revealing His secret to His servants the prophets.”

Why? So, they can encourage, exhort, admonish, and prepare the people. So together, they can pray and align themselves and those around them with the will of God. We’ve done this for years and years, and we are about to see the fulfillment of these things come forth! Hold fast my friends! Hold fast to the promises of God!

Our nation is on a path to healing, and as we pray into the things God has given us, we trust God to fulfill His will in the earth. Any prophecy with historical substance, especially those that shape nations, must be prayed over again and again. This is why you will often hear Mom and I pray into the things the Lord has shown us.

He speaks so we can pray according to His will.

Our responsibility is to listen to the Word of the Lord and pray into His plans and purposes for the nation.

This is just one reason why this message is so important, and the Lord compelled me to bring…
The Flames of Revival 11-6-2024

In the very early morning hours, the Lord came to me, He gave me an open vision of America. It was on fire, a fire that did not burn. The flames danced off the land. In some areas, the flames extended so high, they seemed to reach straight into heaven. I asked Him why those areas were so high in the sky, He replied, those are the areas where My intercessors allowed Me to press them deep into the tectonic plates. Their suffering has not gone unnoticed, nor will it be without My reward.

God is healing America; revival heals the nation.

The Awakening partners with it, and the Lord brings revelation and ideas from the spiritual into the natural, that will restore the land.
He’s going to strengthen our country beyond anything we could imagine. And, instead of war, we will have the greatest move of God any of us have ever seen before! Our golden hour, it’s here!

The night of the election President Trump encouraged a unifying of the country, as he wound down his speech, he himself said “A new American Golden Age has dawned!!”

Again, why is it important to share these things? We can see that God’s timeline was different from our own timeline, but through it, corruption was exposed at such a level that we had record turnout in the election. They came to make America great again, to make America healthy again, and to secure life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for them and their posterity! More than that, we have a people now, who are willing and ready to partner with the Lord to retain and maintain the land.
To close, I want to share something important here, the Roots of Revival run deep in the Trump lineage and for God to give us the opportunity to have a descendant of the Hebrides Revival as President of our nation is profound.
1949. The Island of Lewis in the Hebrides (off the coast of Scotland) was struck by a revival that shook the islanders at the time, and in varying ways continues to impact the world to this day.

It began with the intercession of two sisters on the small Scottish island of Lewis in the Village of Barvas. The Smith sisters, Peggy who was blind and Christine who was arthritic, began to pray. Peggy received a revelation that revival was coming. Some Christian leaders met in a barn to pray, not for others, but for their own cleansing.

Soon revival broke. A fifteen-year-old boy name Donald Smith proved to be a great prayer warrior who kept his heart close to God. He became involved in this famous Hebrides Revival which lasted three years.

What does this have to do with President Donald J. Trump?

Years earlier, Mary Anne Smith MacLeod, niece of the two elderly women and a cousin of Donald Smith emigrated to America and met a young man named Frederick. They fell in love and married in January of 1936 and had five children: Mary Anne (Barry), Frederick Jr., Elizabeth (Grau), Donald and Robert.

The one elderly sister who had prayed for revival sent her Bible to America as a gift to Mary Anne, who subsequently gave it to her son, Donald. Donald J Trump. Throughout his first term, that Bible was in her son's office - the Oval Office - at the White House and it was one of the Bibles upon which he placed his hand to take the oath of office. Yes, President Donald Trump's roots reach back to one of the greatest revivals in history.

The Glory of God is enroute, and the Golden Hour is upon us!
In the near future, as Mom and I have both shared, we will see some rough times, but if we will stay faithful to the promises, God will use these difficult times to expose corruption, bring forth His Hammer of Justice, and prepare the people of our nation for the Glory of God to pour out over the land. President Trump is the only person who’s been given the ability to bring us up and out of this chaos. The Lord has been speaking prophetically about his presidency since 1983 and has planned for this hour during his presidency to set our nation free from the cabal and use this period of time to bring forth His glory.
I pray that you will continue to stand with us, stand for the nation, and be faithful to the call of the intercessor!

This week I’ll share a message about Communism in our nation so we can consider these things as we work to uproot it and really be aware of what’s going on in the nation so we can recognize the uprooting process and then work together to pave the path for that Golden Hour the Lord promised so long ago!
Blessings & love,
Ricci Johnson-Wilson

Join us this week at 4:20 for teaching and prayer!
4:20-7:30 PM PT

English Line
Access Code: 182152#

Chinese Translation Line
Access Code: 188979#

Korean Translation Line
Access Code:349014



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Teachings: Just a reminder, all of our weekly teachings are uploaded to the “Prophetic & Intercessor’s Training Ground” Page of our website. These are timely messages given to prepare us for the days ahead. If you missed a Thursday or Friday night teaching click here. 

Finances:  WFJM stands in the gap for nations through the work of the Gatherings/Joel’s Army, we support missions world-wide, serve those in need through CedarWood, distribute books/CDs without charge, and so on. For more information on any of these outreaches, click here. We couldn’t accomplish this without you! 

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"The Overcoming Life Through Prayer" by Nita Johnson is now available in Chinese! If you'd like to order your copy today, click here!

"The Overcoming Life Through Prayer" by Nita Johnson is now available in Spanish! If you'd like to order your copy today, click here!

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This Week's Schedule:

We invite everyone to stand with us as we fight for the healing of our Nation.

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Then enter the number and access code for the any of the desired lines.

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English-Speaking Corporate Prayer Call
Access Code: 182152#

Chinese-Speaking Corporate Call
Access Code: 188979#

Chinese speaking prayer call
access code 800754#

Canadian Corporate Call
Access Code: 949659#

Korean Speaking Prayer Call
Access Code: 881779#

Korean Translation Line
Access Code:349014

Tuesdays at 7PM PT
Spanish-Speaking Prayer Call
Access Code: 609189#


Wednesday - Friday

4:20 - 7:30 PM PT


5:00pm - 7:00pm PST

6:00pm - 8:00pm MST

7:00pm - 9:00pm CST

8:00pm - 10:00pm EST

Chinese Call

4:00pm - 6:00pm PST

Korean Call

5:00pm - 7:00pm PST

Be sure to check the PCL/PCM section of our website for this week's Prayer Points and Resources!

Several of our States have prayer calls designed to pray specifically for the pertinent issues facing your state. Click here for the participating states and their schedule 
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Fill the Gap Campaign! 

If you live in one of these states consider joining Joel's Army. Don't leave your state unprotected!!
  • Maine
  • Rhode Island
  • New Hampshire
  • Wyoming
  • Utah
  • Puerto Rico


Thank you for your continued support of this outreach. Lives are changed each week through our CW Pantry and support team. Check out our FaceBook page for details.
Every Monday 
12:00-2:30 PM

Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave W
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

Here are some pressing needs our CedarWood department has:

  • We provide weekend meals for 200 children monthly. Child Sponsorship - $34.99 per month provides essential nutrition to a child in need
  • Shoes
  • Blankets - All sizes
  • Sleeping bags for the homeless
  • Volunteers
  • Diapers (Size 3 & up) & baby wipes
  • Baby Food & Formula
  • $5-$20 Gift cards for Gas for our volunteers who transport the food to and from the Pantry

Most donations can be dropped off during the Pantry or mailed into our office. Tax deductible receipts provided.

Coats & Clothes Closet:
Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Adam Shephard at

We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week.

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