Subject: Prayer Points for the week of 15 July 2018

This update is provided as a tool to support, encourage strengthen and inform you as a Prayer Cell Leader (PCL) or Prayer Cell Member (PCM) in taking your position in Joel's Army!

Joel’s Army Prayer Cell Leaders, Prayer Cell Members, Facilitators, International/National/Regional Coordinators and Liaisons Across the Nations “If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.” II Chronicles 7:14 (Amp)

Please make every effort to be part of an effective prayer cell or group that will make a difference and help to change the course of our nations!

Note to all International/National/Regional Coordinators and Facilitators/PCLs - Please modify the list below to fit your individual country situation and prayer needs. 

The prayer points for this week follow. We encourage each intercessor to go before the Lord and with weeping and travail, pray in the Spirit, asking the Him to give you the details of what is on His heart as you pray.

1. Pray for depth in President Trump’s walk as he learns to abide under Psalms 91. Pray for continuing supernatural protection for the President, Melania, and family. Pray for strength to stand in the midst of the obstacles and that he will finish God’s plans for him as President. Pray that word curses against him be broken and that he be covered by the blood. (Jeremiah 1:10, Acts 4:29).

2. Pray for Brett Kavanaugh, Pres Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, for wisdom and truth in his individual meetings with Congress and the upcoming Senate questioning, for God’s will to be accomplished and pray against Democrat obstruction. Pray for Justice concerning all the legal dealings of Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen, that leaking of information would stop. Pray for wisdom for the Pres. concerning how to deal with Robert Mueller and Rod Rosenstein and any legal actions taken against him by accusers. Pray for wise legal counsel and intervention to go in the Pres.’s favor. Pray that all betrayers be exposed and removed! (Isaiah 54:17, Hebrews 4:13).

3. Pray for great wisdom and discernment for President Trump in world affairs. Pray for the Monday, July 16th, meeting with Vladimir Putin. Pray for increase in the working relationship between Pres. Trump and Putin, for an effective meeting to resolve issues. Pray for wisdom & favor in the correcting of trade imbalances with China, the EU and other countries. Pray that Trump walk under the mantle of a Father with younger world leaders. Pray against any interference in the denuclearization of N. Korea, for true peace and sincere effort by Kim Jong Un to follow through with the changes agreed to w/ Pres Trump and for his cooperation with John Bolton and Mike Pompeo in implementing change. Pray that Iran follow suit in cooperation and for peace on all fronts, NO WAR. Domestically, pray that the wall be built. Pray for legislation to remove political opinion from District Court Judges and for Constitutionality in decisions. (Job 38:11).

4. Pray for the complete exposure, arrests, convictions, and jail for all those involved in human trafficking on every scale. We declare breakthrough on the human trafficking front. Bring all to justice in the DNC, in the Clinton crimes, and in the former Obama administration, and remove the cover-ups. (See ARTICLE BELOW OR ON COVER PAGE concerning AZ trafficking camp found on land owned by Mexican company CEMEX.)

5. Pray for peace in Israel and the Middle East, peace with Russia, Iran and Syria, that the Lord send His spirit of Shalom to quiet the upheaval of the Muslim community in all parts of the world, that more countries would move their embassies to Jerusalem and world leaders be brought into alignment with the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Pray that the Jews hearts be prepared to receive their Messiah. (Psalm 122:6, Matt 24:4, Zechariah 12:3).

6. Pray that Jeff Sessions establish leadership and oversight in the DOJ over Rod Rosenstein and Bob Mueller. Pray for restoration of truth to come out from the original I.G. report revealing all corruption and offending parties involved. Pray that all documents subpoenaed by Congress would be turned over, and that truth come out in testimonies given. Pray that Mueller’s investigation of Pres. Trump be shut down and the focus be turned to evidence in the former Obama admin. Pray for integrity and truth in the US voting process and for the cutting off of Geo Soros influence. Pray for justice in all mid-term elections and primaries, and for strong Republican turnout. Pray for favor in Senate, House and state governor races. Pray that God would remove corrupt men and women in Congress and replace them and those retiring with God’s choices, including a working AZ Senator.

7. Pray for God to expose all agendas behind the false unity movement and that He will expose the corruption in the church that paved the way for false unity. Pray for Repentance to come to the church. (1 Tim 2:1-3, 2 Cor 6:14-17).

8. Pray for stability in the U.S., European, & Asian economies, that the elite would not gain a foothold to create a downturn in the markets. (No undue escalation of rates). Pray there not be an upset in the SDR currency basket balance.

9. Pray the 7 R’s – Repentance, Revival, Reformation, Revelation, Reclamation, Revolution, and Reconciliation. Pray the Spirit of Reformation will cause truth to burn through the deception released through the false unity movement.

Blessings in Him,



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See "WFJM Prayer Points for Week of 15 July 2018" located in the JA PCL/PCM login areas of the World for Jesus website

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NEW!!! Check out our Prophetic Intercessor's Training Ground under the Joel's Army Tab on our website for the Thursday night Teachings as well as uploads from our staff training on the book of Ephesians. In light of the deception of the "Unity Movement" sweeping through the churches today, the Lord instructed Ricci to present these messages to the Body of Christ and pierce through this deception with the Truth of His Word. These messages will bring understanding and arm His people that they might stand strong in the midst of the turmoil in the church. 
Each of these timely messages will develop, train, edify and ultimately, prepare the children of God for the days ahead! 

You asked - we listened! You can now download the audio files from our website to listen to later on your mobile device, put on a CD, or MP3 player!


This Week's Schedule:

Corporate Call Info: 

Corporate Intercession Line
Access Code: 182152#

Chinese Translation Line
Access Code: 336087

New Canada Call Number:
Access #:  275728#

Korean Speaking Corporate Prayer Call
Access Code: 881779#


This Week's Schedule:

Sunday July 15

Corporate Prayer

Interactive Prayer Call
5-7 PM

Chinese Speaking Interactive Prayer Call
5-7 PM

Korean Speaking
5-7 PM

Canadian Corporate Call
3:20-5 PM


Wednesday July 18
Corporate Prayer Call

*Please note: 12-12:30 we open the line to allow the intercessors to join us as we pray for Trump, the Nation, Human Trafficking, Persecution of the Church, or Nita.

Thursday July 19
5:20-6:20PM Teaching with Ricci Johnson-Wilson
6:20pm - 7:30pm PST Prayer

Friday July 20
5:50pm - 7:30pm PST
6:50pm - 8:30pm MST
7:50pm - 9:30pm CST
8:50pm - 10:30pm EST

5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.