Subject: Prayer Points for our Monday 11/7- all-day Prayer Vigil!

Our corporate intercession is available via phone and/or flash phone.

Call in number:

Corporate Intercession Line
Access Code: 182152#

Monday, November 7th
10:20-7:30PM PST

Our goal on Monday is to pray for God’s will to be accomplished across the Nation this Tuesday, November 8, 2016. Our desire is that nothing that will stop His plans and purposes from being established in America. We are praying for a revolution, for freedom to be renewed in our Nation. We pray for a spirit of Justice, Righteousness, and Truth to be raised up and stand as a strong tower. We will stand together and come against every attempt to bring down Donald Trump and remove all obstacles to his election. Together, we strive to ensure that nothing will come up short of His perfect will in this election and Donald J. Trump will take his place as President of the United States of America! 

The following are our prayer points. This call is an open prayer line where you will have the opportunity to pray into any of the points listed as the Lord places it on your heart. We encourage the use of Scripture in your prayers! 

1) Pray that God will bring this Nation back under the Rule of Law!

2) Pray against: False Flags, ISIS or other terrorist acts, chaos, Martial law enactments especially in New York, Virginia, and Texas, along with any other state before, during, or after the elections.

3) Pray for Trump’s (and family) and Pence’s (and family) safety. Pray against any attempts on their lives before, during, or after the election. Bind the spirit of assassination. Pray for the binding and removal of any influence of witchcraft in the name of Jesus. 

4) Pray for an increase in favor for Donald Trump; pray for wisdom, grace, and peace. Pray to diffuse any deceit/slander/smearing. Pray that the truth will reign and remove the veil from the eyes of the people to see the truth and vote for God’s anointed, His Cyrus, Donald Trump. 

5) Pray that there will be an influx of GOP leaders, Independents, and Democrats. Pray they will see the truth and come into the movement to set America free from corruption. Pray that they will leave tradition and join with the loyalists to vote for Donald Trump.

6) Pray for the awakening of the Church to the truth of God’s plan for Trump, expose the deceit and lies, and compel them to seek the Holy Spirit for guidance in the election. 

7) Pray for integrity in the voting processes. Pray against fraud. Pray for the malfunction in the software of all corrupt/rigged voting machines. Pray, the Hillary-controlled syndicate will not steal the election, including the media. Pray against Federal oversight that would compromise the ballot places.

8) Pray for complete exposure of all that Bill & Hillary Clinton have been involved in including utilizing the Clinton Foundation to further their political and financial position. Pray the Clinton Foundation’s acceptance of millions of dollars as payment (by foreign governments) for favors by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.

9) Pray for justice to be served in respect to the treasonous and other criminal activities discovered on Anthony Weiner's computer by the NYPD. Pray that the FBI will carry this thing through and everything found by the FBI will be exposed and the Clinton’s brought to justice. Pray that the Dept. of Justice would not bottleneck this evidence and prevent the truth from coming out. Pray that no agency would be able to hold back the truth concerning Hillary, Bill, Huma, John Podesta, and others associated with the Clintons. Pray that the evidence would be made known to the American people concerning even the pedophilia and evil acts committed, no matter how horrible, that it would come to light so that after the exposure we can be healed. Pray that the Clinton Crime organization will be brought down, and its facade removed so that it is made powerless.

Blessings & love,
The entire WFJM team!

5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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