Subject: "Pray to the Father" Part C by Nita Johnson

This Week's Events:

Dear Friends, 
Summer is upon us! While the children are out of school it can be a joyous time of celebrations, family, friends, and fellowship. It is my favorite time of the year. As a family, my children and I like to camp - it's always exciting, eventful, and exhausting! We come back refreshed and  ready to embrace the realities of life again. I don't know about  you, but during this time it is as though life just slows down for us in our family life.
Unfortunately, this is also the time that the finances get hit the hardest for ministries. I just received an email from a co-laborer in the Kingdom, a ministry friend, who shared the difficulties they are facing during the summer months. I have to be honest, they were hit very hard and my heart went out to him. As I listened, I found myself thanking the Lord that our bills have been paid each month.
The Lord told Nita that He would meet our needs if we would care for those in need. One of the projects our CedarWood team strove to accomplish this summer was to ensure our BackPack Kids (BPK) had food while school was out. Of course we put our CW Pantry flyers in their BPK Kits so their families could come to the Pantry each Monday, but we knew that more needed to be done. Many of these children rely heavily on the free breakfast and lunch programs at school as well as the BPK Kits handed out each week. When school is out, all of this stops for them. Kathy Rickey, our CedarWood Director, worked diligently with our Edmonds School district liaison to try to make a way for us to get food to these children during the harsh summer months. One of the reasons this program works within the public school system is because the children's information is confidential. We know about them, but we do not know who they are - that's the only way we could bring this program into the schools. Unfortunately, this means we cannot take food to their homes. Kathy, the district liaison, and even the school bus drivers all got involved! Because of this, we have been able to provide food kits for many of the children who are enrolled in our BPK program! I was deeply touched by the school district staff at all levels who came together during their vacation time, to ensure these children would have nutritional food throughout the summer! 
I believe that God works to provide for our needs, because our CedarWood staff continues to work to meet the needs of families who are struggling in this difficult economic season. Of course, because we are striving to provide for those in need and raise up intercessors, the enemy  works hard to try to stop us. Yet, we stand together and pray and God intervenes. Please join us in this effort and pray that God will keep the provisions coming throughout the summer months, 
Thank you in advance! 
Just a quick reminder about the upcoming GOE - Washington DC, Gathering of the Eagles 2014 is October 6-10, 2014 as we continue our intercessions for this Nation! These victories are so exciting!
Washington DC, Gathering of the Eagles, 2014!
Holiday Inn Washington Dulles Ballroom & Morven Park
45425 Holiday Drive
Dulles, VA 20166
Room Rate: $109.00*
Price includes 2 complimentary breakfast buffet vouchers, per day.
*Room must be booked between 6/16/2014 & 9/12/2014 with group code: 
"DC Gathering of the Eagles" to receive this rate.
Dates: October 6-10, 2014
Thank you for your faithfulness to pray with, and for, World for Jesus Ministries. It means so much to us that you join us as we seek the Lord on behalf of this Nation. 
Following is the final  installment in Nita's teaching, Pray to the Father. I pray it will encourage you in your walk and development in the Lord!
Blessings in Him,
Pray to the Father
Part C
Nita Johnson
New Orleans Services
-We learn to turn away from human judgment so that we might walk in divine judgment. We learn incredible lessons about such things as long-suffering, covering love,  freedom from bitterness and unforgiveness, overcoming faith and overtaking fear. A life that is centered on Christ and the needs of others replaces the former self-centered one. He lifts us up out of the soul realm where the self-life   rules, to where we begin to see life through His eyes.
I said to Him this afternoon, "Lord, I think about my oldest granddaughter Tiffany and how different her life has been compared to the three younger ones and I wonder, should I have prayed more or differently for any of my grandchildren?" Before I could ask Him another question He said, "The young ones have a different purpose in this life than Tiffany; her life has gone according to my purpose. The three younger ones I am preparing in a different way for a different purpose."
Fear and soulish concerns are banished when you know truth, see through His eyes and understand through His understanding. This is what the Lord is trying to say to His disciples. When you pray don't keep your thoughts centered on the things of the earth but come up to Him who is above. He is your heavenly Father and He wants to join in co-operation with you to move earthly mountains from above.
Don't forget that His name is holy. He is holy and He inhabits eternity. He is transcendent with no limits of time or place. He is, and is for every generation always everywhere at the same time. In one respect we say He is coming and in another, “He Is.” How are we to understand all these mysteries? He inhabits eternity while it lies within Him. He is holy and He dwells with the one who has a broken and contrite heart.
When we remember that He is holy and we can only live our life holy by the power of His Spirit to please His holiness, it creates in us a spirit of brokenness and contrition. In this place of lowliness all of our prayers get answered because they are all born of the Spirit of God. Keep His name holy. Pray,“Your kingdom come.” That is where we are today. Although in one sense the kingdom was released two-thousand years ago, you might say a new phase of the kingdom is being released today. Therefore, it has never been more important in the history of man than to pray right now,“Your kingdom come, “ because the Church is, as it were, a midwife and the baby is the kingdom. As the world enters into travail, the Church must pray to bring forth the glory of the kingdom.
The world is in travail heading into birth pangs and the midwife must not leave now.She must stay and pray like she has never prayed before. “Your kingdom come, Lord” and as we are praying travail is breaking forth in the world. You can feel the birth pangs and travail like an earth quake opening up in the earth.
It is amazing to me, when I consider that for two thousand years the Church has been praying, “Thy kingdom come,” and now at the  conclusion of all time is when the Church most need to get on her knees and travail. Now is the time she needs to  birth the kingdom because it is coming! It is the kingdom of power and glory that chose the truth about God. In His kingdom He must show off His people like jewels in a crown, that the world must know, by the glory resting upon His bride that Christ has come. We must pray for His kingdom to come into the earth and when hard times come, because they will, don't stop praying! The midwife doesn't abandon travail before the baby is born. Neither must you.
When the hard time begins, press in and keep praying for His kingdom to come in you because it must come to His bride. She must be changed, glorified, transformed, and transfigured. For two-thousand years He's been instructing us  to pray this prayer, but today it must be prayed like never  before. Thy will be done.
You see how He snuck up on us? He begins to lift us up off the earth into heavenly thoughts, then He grabs us and we know we've been forever changed. We've been touched by glory, taken into the holy of holies to see the “ark of the covenant.”  We have been changed and cannot help it; everything inside of us has been changed and shaken in preparation for the coming of the ark. Don't run away like the foolish virgins.
A holy revolution is coming. There is warfare in the heavens like never before. Never before have the heavens seen the kind of  warfare that is going on today. But what is the Church doing? Praying, “Thy kingdom come,” is not a foolish or frivolous prayer to be hung on our wall framed in a nice plaque. It is a prayer we pray because we want our minds filled with the Spirit of truth not with the spirit of the world. We want our thoughts punctuated by glory rather than soul. I want my soul to be filled with faith instead of fear. He wants to rewire the brain of His Church with wires of glory and truth.
First, we must come to a place where we decide we are sick of the old and want to be changed. We want  our thoughts lined with His Word and our beings changed into His image. Yearn to get out of the soul and into the life of the spirit. How do you do it? Live the Word and read it until you know it very well and you do it in prayer. He is a good God isn't He?
God’s great plan  is right now in the process of coming into full-term birth. The Church is on the precipice of greatness and glory. I pray she doesn't sit by the road too much longer. He is a good God. He is a God of goodness who is awesome and wonderful, and I long to know Him more than  ever before. I hope you want to know Him so much so that your head must expand and your spirit grow fat to be able to contain the revelation.
Dear Jesus, Lord, what do you want to do now? What is Your will now Lord? I feel like He wants you to start praying the way that I've shared - “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done…” in me, and pray it with a passion. Pray it as one who will not be denied. I want God to help you and impart faith in you and strength into your will.
Blessed be God, Hashem Adonai, and may you know His wonderful blessings.
In His Amazing Love,
Nita Johnson

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Corporate Intercession:

Intercessory Prayer
 via FCC & Skype!

Call in number for all Corporate Intercession times:

559-726-1300 access code 182152#

Wednesday Morning: July 9th, 2014
10:20-12pm PST
11:20-1pm MST
12:20-2pm CST
1:20-3pm EST
Thursday & Friday Evening: July 10th & 11th, 2014
5:50-7:30pm PST
6:50-8:30pm MST
7:50-9:30pm CST
8:50-10:30pm EST

Sunday Evening:
July 13th, 2014
5:50-8pm EST & PST

Please join us as we intercede for the Nation!
CedarWood Food Bank

Our CW Pantry is open every Monday!

We are in need of Volunteers to help in the following areas: 
The CedarWood Pantry:
-We need help with set up and tear down. Perhaps you have 1 or 2 Mondays available per month that you can participate in this blessing. If so, this would allow our volunteers to alternate. 
-Volunteers are needed to collect food from the various sources in the Seattle area during the week. 
Coats & Clothes Closet:
-Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
BackPack Kids:
-We need volunteers for the assembly of kits for distribution to our schools. 
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Kathy or Ken Rickey at

We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week.

Our CW Pantry will be open

May 12th
Joel's Army brings together intercessors to intercede for their nations. If you are interested in learning more:
5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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