Subject: "Pray to Prepare the Way" Part D by Nita Johnson

This Week's Events:

Dear friends, 

Thank you for all of the support you have given to World for Jesus Ministries! We appreciate your intercessions over our needs the last two weeks and want you to know that the Lord answered your prayers! Praise Him! 
We are well aware that, in light of the difficult economic climate, you must make hard choices about which non-profit ministries you will contribute. You likely ask yourself; which of these organizations is going to put my money to the best use? As a ministry, we make note of this and prayerfully consider how we can best live up to your expectations.

Of course, we also consider you in this process. We want to honor those who have contributed to our work by utilizing every penny efficiently, honorably, and in a way that truly honors God. Supporting missionaries around the world is honorable. Raising up intercessors to pray for the nations is honorable. Providing for those in need; this, too, is honorable before the Lord. 

CedarWood International, a division of World for Jesus Ministries developed to provide for those in need, has found itself tremendously blessed by both God and good will. Nearly every morsel of food and stitch of clothing has been donated. The ministry purchases meat so that those who can’t afford it can have access to it. These families who find themselves stricken by hard times or poverty certainly deserve to have healthy, complete proteins for their families, and CedarWood is one of the only pantries in the area that provides beef and chicken on a consistent basis. We are grateful to you for contributing to this effort. Thank you! Our CedarWood Pantry is open every Monday, serving many families and several ministries who also serve the needs of the poor. It is an honor to care for those in need and we thank you for being a part of this work. 

Our Joel’s Army Prayer Cell network recently had an influx of application. We are excited to connect people with other intercessors to pray for not only our nation, but all the nations of the world. We consider prayer an essential part of our ministry. Joining Joel’s Army not only connects you with other intercessors, but we also provide training, a field kit with material to further teach you about prayer, ongoing teachings from Nita via email, as well as teachings from developed staff members who desire to help you become the intercessor you want to become. There is a tremendous support system that is developed as we train up our Joel’s Army intercessors to provide stabilization for the nations through prayer. Go to our website or call the office for more information. 
The GOE is just around the corner! We are preparing for our New York, Gathering of the Eagles conference, June 9 – 13, 2014. With just over one month away, there is much to be done. If you are able to join us and have not registered, please be sure to contact the office so we can get you set up. We are looking forward to coming together to learn and intercede on the issues that are near to the heart of God. 

Following is the final installment in “Pray to Prepare the Way”. I pray you will be blessed and encouraged.
Blessings in Him,
Following is the final installment in "Pray to Prepare the Way" by Nita Johnson. 

Pray to Prepare the Way
Part D
Nita Johnson
Mobile is a big city with many Christians in it. If something does not happen to change the heart of the Church in that city, destruction will visit it. In one of the most profound experiences I have ever experienced, I saw a hurricane hit Mobile, crushing it to the ground. There will not be a city left when it is over. God was visiting Mobile out of mercy, but the people of Mobile did not respond. Because they had not been seeking the face of God, crying out for His visitation and His glory, when He did come, they did not care. 
That is why there must be preparation. It is imperative to repent for the sins of the city. You have to do the preparatory work. Otherwise, if God visits this city, the same thing will happen here that happened in Mobile. Hearts can be opened only after prayer has first prepared the way. Not many have been used as powerfully in revival as was Charles Finney. He would always send two of the most powerful intercessors on before him. If he did not, God would raise up others to pray. Weeks and weeks ahead of his visit, they would go into the city and pray, preparing the spiritual climate so that it was perfect for his visit. 
You do not know what you are stopping when you intercede. You do not know what God is willing to do when you pray. You do not know what desires reside within His lofty heart that He will fulfill in a city, if only you would take the time to pray and seek His face. You do not ever want to find out that a crisis came because you did not pray. 
So they plan to have revival in Mobile one day a month. Then they will travel around the country, trying to determine who wants God. What a sad state of affairs for this nation! Why isn't God pouring out His glory in a place, and the nation running to Him, desperate to satisfy its thirst at His open fountain? Why is the human messenger traveling around the nation seeking to find someone who wants God? What must happen in us to break the apathetic hardness of heart and release the flame of passion? Paul said to be aglow with the passion and fire of God (Rom 12:11). What has gone wrong that our hearts are so dull, so dispassionate? When there is a purpose, a place, and a plan where we can join together to fight through the obstacles until Lord comes, why don't we? 
Some might say, “Well, I don't know how to pray.” Join with other saints who are praying. Prayer is a learning experience for everyone. It does not matter how eloquent you are or if you are the best prayer warrior in the world. God does not listen to our eloquence so much anyway; He listens to the heart. I want You, God! Come, visit our city! Heal our city! Heal the land! Heal the youth of this city! Cry out for Him, because if you do not, He will move on to another place. When He does, I want to go and be where He is. Cry out to Him with a passion. Let your heart be broken for His Presence. 
Break us, God. Bend us. Mold us. Cleanse us. Prepare us. Make us ready for Your coming! But come; do not go someplace else. Come here. Do not forget us, Lord. Come here. Hear the hunger of our heart, Lord, and come here. Visit this city. Visit this people, Lord. Visit the youth of this city. Visit the poor in this city. Visit, the CEO’s in this city, Lord! Visit every societal sector. Come to the Universities. Visit this city, Lord. Do not pass us by. Come, Lord Jesus, come. The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come.” Come, Lord Jesus, come. Do not let Your fire fall someplace else and forget our prayers, Lord. We need You in this city. You are the only One who can heal this city and its people, Lord. Come, Lord Jesus, come. Come. We do not want to be without You, Lord. We want Your glory to come. We need You, Lord. You are the Healer; You are the Deliverer. You are the Breaker. Break through, Lord. Send the divine fire on this city, Lord. Stir up the needy hearts, Lord. Impart faith, hope, courage, love, and healing into this city, Lord. Take it out of the hands of the Illuminati and carry it in Your hands, Lord. Take it out of the hands of voodoo and carry it in Your hands, Lord. Visit this city. Come here with Your glory. 
Oh Lord, do not let this be another Mobile situation. Give us brokenness. Bend us by Your Spirit. Prepare us, Lord. Prepare us to be vessels of Your glory. Prepare this city to be a vessel of Your glory. O God, have mercy. Have mercy. O Lord, it feels like we cannot bear another month without the rain of Your Holy Spirit. We dwell in a dry and thirsty land, Lord. We need You. Come. Visit the youth. Visit the Universities. Visit the High Schools. Visit the Junior Highs. Visit the Elementary schools. Get the humanism out of our schools and reveal the glory of the Son. Go into the ghettos, Lord. Let Your fingers claim the youths who are lost and dying in the ghettos. Go down into the French Quarter, Lord. Turn that area around for Your glory. Deal with the voodoo. Wipe it out of this city, Lord. Cleanse this city. Purge it of voodoo. Get the witchcraft out of the Church, Lord. The time has come. It must be You sitting on the throne of this city and not some devil. 
Bring unity to the Church, Lord. Bring humility, holiness, and evangelism, Lord. O Lord, that there would be a praying Church in this city forever. Listen to our pleas, Lord. Hear our cries. Come. Turn this city into a Christ fearing city. Come. Come, Lord Jesus, come. We need Your holiness. We need Your glory. We need Your fire. We need your power. We need Your rain. We need the revelation of Jesus Christ in this city. We need Your love. Destroy the altars, Lord, that are not of You, and establish altars of righteousness, Lord. 
Glorious Redeemer! God, You are the Breaker. Break through. O Lord, that You would rend the heavens and come down. That the mountain might quake and flow down at Your presence as when fire kindles a brushwood and causes the waters to boil, in order to make Your name known to Your adversaries. Lord, that the nations may tremble at Your Presence. You came down, and the mountain quaked at Your Presence. Come down, Lord. Rend the heavens, and come down. Come down. Lord, give this city the revelation of evangelism. Give the Church in this city such a broken heart for evangelism, Lord, that the Church will go out, at any cost to evangelize the lost. 
Prepare this city, Lord. You will come, and we will be waiting for You, Lord. Lord, we want to know You in Your holiness. We want to know You in Your glory. We want to know You in Your majesty. O God, come! O Lord, in the midst of the years, make known. Come! Pour out Your glory! 
O Lord Jesus, You are a God of pure goodness. You are a God who is a consuming fire. Come and consume Your Church in this city, Lord. Lord, we repent that we have not prayed enough. We offer our humble apology, Lord, that we have not prayed enough for this city. Lord, we repent for the indifference in our hearts. We do not know what You want to do, Lord. We do not know what You want to avoid, but Lord, if this city does not receive You—if You are not able to come with a full scale revival in this city—Lord, You told me a long time ago that it was going to be utterly destroyed. Lord, I ask that You will grip the heart of intercessors in this city. I ask that You will grip the heart of the people to pray for Your coming. How great You are, Lord. No one is like You.
My dear Friends, pray. Pray for your city like you have never prayed for it before.
In His Love,
Nita Johnson

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Corporate Intercession:

Intercessory Prayer
 via FCC & Skype!

Call in number for all Corporate Intercession times:

559-726-1300 access code 182152#

Wednesday Morning: May 4, 2014
10:20-12pm PST
11:20-1pm MST
12:20-2pm CST
1:20-3pm EST
Thursday & Friday Evening: May 5th & 6th, 2014
5:50-7:30pm PST
6:50-8:30pm MST
7:50-9:30pm CST
8:50-10:30pm EST
Sunday Evening:
Happy Mother's day!
No corporate intercession.

Please join us as we intercede for the Nation!
CedarWood Food Bank

Our CW Pantry is open every Monday!

We are in need of Volunteers to help in the following areas: 
The CedarWood Pantry:
-We need help with set up and tear down. Perhaps you have 1 or 2 Mondays available per month that you can participate in this blessing. If so, this would allow our volunteers to alternate. 
-Volunteers are needed to collect food from the various sources in the Seattle area during the week. 
Coats & Clothes Closet:
-Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
BackPack Kids:
-We need volunteers for the assembly of kits for distribution to our schools. 
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Kathy or Ken Rickey at

We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week.

Our CW Pantry will be open

May 12th
Joel's Army brings together intercessors to intercede for their nations. If you are interested in learning more:
5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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