Subject: Nita Johnson will lead us in prayer on our Corporate Call this Sunday - join us!

Nita will join our Corporate Prayer this Sunday!
Dear Friends:

This Sunday, Nita Johnson will join our Corporate Intercession to share what the Lord has placed on her heart for our Nation. Then, she will lead us out in prayer about Tuesday's hearing before the Supreme Court - same-sex marriage.

Please join us Sunday Evening @ 5:50. She will share what she can than we will pray. It is good to know that we can still change some important things if we will join together to pray. So we encourage you to put all else aside and join us to fight for America.

Time: 5:50-8PM PST
559-726-1300 access code 182152#` `

In His Greater Love,
Nita Johnson



懇請加入我們在星期天下午 5:50pm PDT。 我會盡我所能的分享,然後再禱告。真高興知道,如果我們聚集一同禱告,仍然可以改變一些重要的事情。所以我鼓勵大家把其他的事物放在 一邊,加入我們一起為美國爭戰。

妮塔 詹森

時間是 4月19日 Sunday 下午 5:50pm PDT=8:50pm EDT
請撥 559-726-1300 code 182152#

請撥 209-647-1600 code 336087#