Subject: Nita Johnson will deliver a special message this Friday Night!

Dear Friends, Nita will deliver a critical message this Friday Night! Join us as she shares what the Lord spoke to her about the topics listed in Lindsey Williams email (copied below). Do not fear as you read my friends - just prepare your hearts to hear the word of the Lord!

 Prayer is critical! The time is now! God is calling the intercessors to rise up and take their place.  

Join us to learn how we are called to pray during the next few weeks! 

For those in the area, please plan to join us at 7pm. For those who live outside the area, we will broadcast the service through the livestreaming page of our website. Click here for access

Friday, July 10, 2015
Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave W
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

Blessings & love,



這星期五晚上,在伯特利教堂,妮塔會釋放主的話 (現場直播 )。這信息讓基督的身體聽見是很緊要的。我們必須興起並為這個國家爭戰! 現今不是放棄的時候! 我們最近雖經歷打擊—我們不僅要聽祂鼓勵的話語,也要主的話前來並點燃烈火在我們內心。這火使我們竭力往前—這火會在我們內心,激發熱忱,為公義站立的住,為了前面的日子。


7月10日 2015,星期五,下午7 時
23010 66th Ave. W
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043



209-647-1600 密碼 336087#


~ Sent by Lindsey Williams ~ 

The New World Order Will Be Implemented In September!
The New World Currency Will Be Introduced In October!
We Are At the Brink of Total Worldwide Financial Collapse!


Pastor Lindsey Williams has asked me to compile an emergency bulletin for those on his email list. The information is so important he has said: “This is probably the most important bulletin we have ever sent - This is the fulfillment of everything the Elite have ever wanted to do - It will affect every human being, worldwide - They will implement this over a period of time - The dates have now been officially set for the start of implementation.”

The New World Order Will Be Implemented In September!

The Roman Catholic Pope just announced when he speaks at the United Nations on the 25th September 2015 that he will issue an ENCYCLICAL – The definition of an encyclical is – A letter from the Pope sent to all Roman Catholic Bishops throughout the world. Every Roman Catholic is EXPECTED to obey. There are 1.2 billion Roman Catholics around the world.

According to Pastor Williams this means that when the Pope announces the New World Order in front of the annual gathering of world leaders on September 25th, 2015 at the United Nations just before the signing and implementation of the ‘Post-2015 Development Agenda’ that the Pope will order every Roman Catholic around the world to obey unconditionally – total obedience – including the acceptance of the Mark of the Beast when it is announced.

In the newsletter Pastor Williams issued in June it speaks about the visit of Pope Francis to the USA and what Holy See (The Vatican) is involved with in the United Nations (Global Government) and sustainable development (Agenda 21). Pastor Williams elaborates in detail in his DVD what this means in his new DVD ‘Things You Must Do Before September 15th, 2015’.

The New World Currency Will Be Introduced In October!

On October 20th, 2015 the International Monetary Fund will announce a new world currency. The IMF is one of the most secretive and powerful organizations in the world. They monitor the financial health of more than 188 member countries. They establish global money rules and provide “bail-out” assistance to bankrupt nations.

On October 20th, 2015 the IMF is expected to announce a reserve currency alternative to the U.S. dollar, which will send hundreds of billions of dollars moving around the world, literally overnight.

The author of the most prominent financial newsletter says, "what is about to happen will threaten your way of life whether you own an investment related to it or not. It will change everything about your normal way of life: Where you vacation, where you send your kids or grandkids to school.

We Are At the Brink of Total Worldwide Financial Collapse!

Pastor Williams has shared with me some articles that truly tell you how frightening the global situation is. He said to me “This is getting more hysterical (Dangerous) by the day. If only people knew and believed how close to disaster we are. When this blows up - There has never been anything like it in the history of mankind.” Pastor Williams tried to tell you repeatedly for nearly 40 years!

Euro-Zone Financial Armageddon: The combined Greek, Italian, Portugal and Spain euro debt represents $120 trillion of derivative debt aka I.O.U.s between banks and the ECB has no cash or liquidity in the system only derivative debt that compounds every day.

The BIS Nightmare That Will Send The World Into Panic: The derivative position of US banks for Q1 2015 has just been published and the reading is more frightening than ever. The top 5 US banks have total a derivative exposure of $247 trillion. This is 3.5 times world GDP. Total derivatives for all banks in the world are just over $600 trillion. But these figures are less than half of the real exposure. A few years ago the BIS in Basel changed the basis of valuation of derivatives to “Value to Maturity.” This basically halved the value of outstanding derivatives overnight. Based on the old and proper valuation, the total outstanding today would probably be at least $1.5 quadrillion. And remember, when a counterparty fails, notional value is the real value that will be lost. It is absolutely guaranteed that this $1.5 quadrillion will implode in the next few years and drag the whole financial system with it. But before that process has finished, central banks worldwide will print a few quadrillion dollars, euros and yen in their desperate attempt. Pastor Williams Wall Street Insider friend said the following about this article “Thanks—good update. You’ve warned about this for years. This is why a “little” event like Greece, or another, could unravel the system.”

Citigroup Just Cornered The “Precious Metals” Derivatives Market: Citigroup's Precious Metals (mostly silver now that gold is lumped in with FX), exposure over the past 4 years. Of note: the 1260% increase in Precious Metals derivative holdings in the past quarter, from just $3.9 billion to $53 billion! Soaring from just 17.4% to over 70%, there is just one word for what Citigroup has done to what the Precious Metals (excluding gold) – Cornering! Pastor Williams said “We live in a strange world of rapidly developing events. They are preparing for something big.”

~End of Lindsey Williams' message~
5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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