Subject: Never Give Up! Week 3 - Part D by Nita LaFond Johnson

This Week's Events:
Dear friends,

We are so excited about 2015 - this will surely prove to be a powerful year in the Kingdom of our Lord! The excitement can be felt as we prepare for our Kansas Gathering of the Eagles, March 2-7, 2015! It’s amazing to me how committed you are to standing with us to pray for this Nation; I sent out a notice on Saturday that there were less than 300 remaining seats for the Kansas GOE and in just 72 hours, 84 people registered and more are coming in! That’s amazing! Thank you for rising to the call of our Lord!

As intercessors, we understand that the issues we face when we come together are difficult. Yet, with the Lord’s help, we can face them and weep before Him on behalf of the sins committed by our Nation. I’ve done a lot of research over the years in preparation for our various GOEs and one of the things that I have learned is that we are not the only nation that has shed innocent blood. However, because, the intercessors have come together and wept over this for nearly 16 years, we have overturned  the judgment this Nation deserves. Were it not for the intercessors, our nation would be in much worse shape than we are today. This is why it means so much to us when you join us in our weekly Corporate Prayer Calls, stand with us at the GOEs, and support the work we are doing here at WFJM. You make the work we do possible and we thank you for your time, your prayers, and your support each month.

This is a reminder, our corporate prayer calls resumed this week, check out the column to the right for details. We’ve also got our WFJM January Event Calendar available for you to download and print to keep as a reminder of our service times along with the call-in information.

We love and cherish each of you. Our staff keeps you close to our heart as we lift you up before our Lord each day.

Blessings & love

Following is the next installment in Nita's series entitled "Never Give Up!". May it encourage and prepare you for the coming days. 

"Never Give Up!"

Week 3 - Part D

Prophetic Insight


Nita Johnson

America, Bless God

“We always ask God to bless America, and I believe we should; America needs all the blessings she can get. However, I feel that we as a nation should not forget to first bless God. Why?

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, The people He has chosen as His own inheritance. (Psalm 33:12)

“There should be a humbling of our heart and crying out to God in repentance for the wickedness of our transgressions as a nation. Then 2 Chron. 7:14 will be profoundly effective.

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)

“Are we a nation that has lost the fear of the Lord? Have we put our trust in man and money and other gods of this world? Are we an island unto ourselves? We need a far greater wisdom than man can produce and we cannot make it without God. If there's anything we need now, it's godly wisdom.

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. (Psalm 111:10a)”

- Bob Jones

There's more to the word, but I think the point is clear. God still wants to bless America. Some prophets want to tell us that God is so fed up with America that all He wants to do is put us underfoot and throw us away. What I've been trying to do for three weeks is tell you that God wants to save America. I sit at the feet of our Lord. I'm the one who was commissioned so many years ago when He visited me and asked me to work with Him so that “He could save America.” Those were not my words; those were His words. So I don't care what other prophets say. I'm sorry. They are out of timing or premature. It isn't that we're not going to be disciplined. God disciplines those whom He loves. It only proves His love. But it is not His wrath. He has not thrown away His plans and purposes for America. He has a plan, and the reason He lifted this ministry up was so that we could pave the road to bring forth His purpose and plan.

Now, I'm lying on my back in a bed, and when I'm not at the Gatherings or in this pulpit, that is where I live right now. And I was thinking, How am I saving America when I can hardly walk? Lord, You must do something. He helped me understand that even though I am lying in a bed, He is using what He has put inside of me to keep working in the Spirit of grace to save this nation that He loves so much.

Incidentally, the Lord is going to heal me completely. He’s going to heal me so completely that you’re going to think I’m a different person. You'll hear someone say, "Nita," and you’ll turn around and think, That’s Nita? It's true. I'm telling you the truth. I endure because I know He is faithful, and He is faithful to His Word.

I believe you don't even have a right to stand up and give a prophetic word over this nation unless you have learned His long-suffering love for us. If you don't understand that part, you don't understand the heart of God. It isn't that America has been so perfect. We all know that, right? But it is His perfection. I see His glory. It is His perfection that He waits that He might bless us. It is His perfection that He makes a way where there seems to be no way. It is His Covenant perfection with His Son that compels Him to choose mercy over wrath at this time.

The Bible clearly shows us there is a time when God's righteous ways demand wrath, but we have not yet reached that place. One of the reasons we have not is because intercessors are coming together three and four times a year. We are humbling ourselves, we are praying, we are repenting, and we are bowing low before the throne of God, that our tears and our repentance might comfort His holy heart. As we comfort His heart, the cup of wrath is being spilled out, not to provoke wrath, but spilled out so that it doesn't fill up. If we were not doing this, it would have ended years ago. It would have had to. But He began to make a way where there is no way. It's not my righteousness. It's not our righteousness; it is His righteousness. The righteousness of His dear Son is working to save this nation that He loves. Stand beside her. Stand beside her with your prayers.

Don't let anyone convince you to speak the words of judgment over this nation. If people try to provoke you, and say, "Well, this prophet is saying this and that prophet is saying this and this prophet is saying that," just put your hand up and say, "I love you, brother or sister, but I'm telling you, God is telling me to bless this nation, and that's what I must do." You cannot let the curses overtake the goodness of God.

He will discipline us. He has to discipline us to prepare us for His holiness. Am I right? But it's not going to be wrath. When the discipline comes, He is going to be holding this nation in the palm of His hand so that nothing can happen unless He has given permission. But even though He is going to discipline, He has already given us the command to release blessings and to work with Him to bring forth this cycle of blessings in the nation. He wants to run out of this nation the Elite, who are seeking to destroy it and are using the ignorance of the people to destroy it.

In Egypt, my people tasted a little bit of the wrath, didn't they? When you see how they rebelled out in the desert, you understand why God let us taste a little bit of the wrath. He was trying to help us see so that we wouldn't do what we did in the desert. So His goodness does not preclude discipline. In fact, discipline comes out of His goodness. It is His goodness that disciplines the people He loves.

Jesus warns us not to love God and mammon, too. In fact, He said you cannot. It's not possible. Yet, how great a measure of the Church is trying to do just that. Job said that if we will let the gold lay in the stream and drop it into the dust, then God will give the power of the tongue to overcome all things. Did you know that? It is clear back in the Book of Job.

Job 22:23-30 Amp. If you return to the Almighty [and submit and humble yourself before Him], you will be built up; if you put away unrighteousness far from your tents, If you lay gold in the dust, and the gold of Ophir among the stones of the brook [considering them of little worth], And make the Almighty your gold and the Lord your precious silver treasure, Then you will have delight in the Almighty, and you will lift up your face to God. You will make your prayer to Him, and He will hear you, and you will pay your vows. You shall also decide and decree a thing, and it shall be established for you; and the light [of God’s favor] shall shine upon your ways. When they make [you] low, you will say, [There is] a lifting up; and the humble person He lifts up and saves. He will even deliver the one [for whom you intercede] who is not innocent; yes, he will be delivered through the cleanness of your hands.

So when you put the love of money away—yield it up, give it to God, throw it in the stream, and bury it—He will make your prayers so substantial that you can pray, and He will deliver, through your intercession, even the one who is guilty.

Where is a Biblical example of that? Is it not Abraham? He prayed for Lot and his family. Lot and his family, but mostly his family, had gotten a little tangled up in the things that were going on in Sodom and Gomorrah, but God delivered Lot for Abraham's sake. This is still something that He works in Covenant relationship with His own in this generation. If you will lay gold in the dust, yield up the love of money and the love of things, then God will give you power and authority to pray and save those who are not worthy to be saved. Is this just true of an individual? No, it is also true of a nation. If you will give the things of this world up to God, getting them out of your heart so that your heart is pure before Him, then He will give you the power to save nations. But you have to do it His way. You can't make up your own program or your own plan.

Does America deserve to be delivered from what the enemy wants to do against her? No. We deserve it about as much as Israel does. We don't deserve it. It’s not about that. It is about the fact that God wants to use America to fulfill His plan and purpose in these last days. This was a decision He made. It is also about His relationship with Israel. He wants to link the two nations until He can do all He wants to do in Israel. But we cannot love mammon, too. We need to repent and ask God to take the love of money and the love of things out of our hearts. Righteousness exalts a nation, not money. America has been a nation that has largely been built by money, but it is not money that exalts a nation. Has all the money we have in this nation exalted us? No, because we've never learned how to use it, and we hurt people with it. But righteousness exalts a nation. Amen?

If this nation will return to God, the banksters cannot harm us though they try, and they are going to try. A crocodile has an interesting thing that it does to its prey. If a crocodile finally realizes that it cannot overcome its prey, and if this prey could be dangerous to him, then as he turns to leave, he will whack that prey with a tail so strong, it can break bones. And that is what the Elite want to do; they want to whack us. They're going to be so frustrated that they cannot own us. They are going to want to whack us so that we can't be of any value to ourselves, but I am telling you, God is greater than the Elite. Jesus will give us the victory.

In Him,

To be continued next week!

Share us with your friends on Facebook!

Check our "Schedule of Events" page or click here for our January Event Calendar for updated meetings. 

Kansas, Gathering of the Eagles, 2015! 
March 2-7, 2015!

Holiday Inn KCI Airport & Expo Center
11728 NW Ambassador Drive
Kansas City MO 64153
Room Rate: $99.00
*Room must be booked by 1/28/2015 with group code:
"Gathering of the Eagles" to receive this rate.

The hotel has free parking on site as well as a free shuttle to and from the airport.

Go to our Schedule of Events Page for more details including the Brochure & registration links for the above conferences! 

Share WFJM with your friends:

Corporate Intercession:

Intercessory Prayer
 via FCC & Skype!

Call in number for all Corporate Intercession times:

559-726-1300 access code 182152#

Wednesday Morning
January 7, 2015
10:20-Noon PST
11:20-1PM MST
12:20-2PM CST
1:20-3PM EST

Thursday & Friday January  8 & 9, 2015
5:50-7:30pm PST
6:50-8:30pm MST
7:50-9:30pm CST
8:50-10:30pm EST
Sunday Evening: 
January 11, 2015

5:50-7:30 EST & PST

Please join us as we intercede for the Nation!
CedarWood Food Bank

Our CW Pantry is open every Monday!

We are in need of Volunteers to help in the following areas: 
The CedarWood Pantry:
-We need help with set up and tear down. Perhaps you have 1 or 2 Mondays available per month that you can participate in this blessing. If so, this would allow our volunteers to alternate. 
-Volunteers are needed to collect food from the various sources in the Seattle area during the week. 

Coats & Clothes Closet:
-Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
BackPack Kids:
-We need volunteers for the assembly of kits for distribution to our schools. 
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Vivian DuPorter at
If you would like to help with BackPack Kids, contact Ken & Kathy Rickey at 

We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week.

Our CW Pantry will be open

January 12th
Joel's Army brings together intercessors to intercede for their nations. If you are interested in learning more:
5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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