Subject: "Never Give Up!" Week 2, Part E by Nita Johnson

This Week's Events:
Dear friends,

Next week is our Seattle Gathering of the Eagles! We have three more opportunities to reach the heart of God on behalf of this nation before the end of the 2014 year. We are very excited about what the Lord will do in our midst. For over 15 years He has been guiding us along this path and it is only through Him that we can accomplish that which we set out to do. Our efforts to stay within His will and seek His guidance have paved the way for miracles to take place across this land. Through repentance and intercession, we have seen amazing miracles take place. Abortions have dropped from 33% to 18%. People have been freed from bondages, both spiritual and physical. Men who were wrongfully convicted have been set free after decades behind bars. It's freedom as a result of the intervention of our Lord! Freedom from the bondages set forth by man! We are intercessors, repenting for injustices committed against the innocent and praying for justice and righteousness to prevail in this nation, that's what we do. We stand for righteousness. Stand with us my friends!

If you cannot join us in person, pray from home, or support the work we are doing. God will honor your sacrifices!

Much love,

This is the final installment in week two of our series, “Never Give UP!” You can listen to this message on the media log page of our website at

"Never Give Up!"

Week 2 - Part E

Prophetic Insight


Nita Johnson

There is so much that I want and need to share with you. It is going to take two more Fridays so that I can share all of it. I want you to see the whole ball of wax, or the whole picture of the puzzle. Let's put the puzzle together and pray what we need to pray over this puzzle. The important thing as intercessors is that you come to grips right now with this: nothing is greater than God! Don't wait another day. Nothing is greater than God! He's bigger than all of our problems and concerns. But we must act with God. We can't just sit back in our armchair and let someone else do it. We must act with God through prayer. If He tells you to write to your congressman, then write him. Whatever He tells you to do, do. But mostly pray. Stand against the evil. Stand against the flood. Raise up your faith and stand for what God wants to do.

Over the next two weeks, I will give you a clear picture so you can put the puzzle together in your mind of what God wants to do at this hour in America. He's getting ready to do something spectacular. He is getting ready to do something that is worthy only of Jesus, and I want you to see it and hear it. Go to our website where you can listen to the teaching again and again. Get it into your spirit and heart. Let faith begin to grow because when Jesus stood up in that boat and He rebuked the wind, He did it because He believed. If He didn't know that the power was within Him to do it, He would have just sat down and whined with the rest of the disciples. However, it was His intention to show the disciples that the power of God was on Him. He also wanted to show them how to take care of future storms. Faith overcame, and our faith must overcome. My dear brothers and sisters, our faith must overcome.

I want to say just one more thing, if I may. Satan really wants me dead. He thinks he is going to win, but he isn't. The Lord told me that I've already overcome death. I'm just actualizing what has transpired in the Spirit. Prior to our last GOE in New Jersey, I recently had my third heart attack and through it, lost 60% of my heart function. I asked the Lord, "What am I supposed to do? I can't even walk. I live in bed, and we've got this Gathering that we have to go through for the sake of America. What do You want me to do?" Because I asked Him many times, He finally said, "Go." I said, "Alright, Lord." I went to New Jersey in a wheelchair. I couldn't walk. I came home walking. I didn't miss one meeting in our Gathering. The Lord touched me in the middle of a service. I could feel His Spirit going through my veins and through my bones. It surged through me, and I had enough energy for the rest of the Gathering. Why? Because I moved on faith in obedience.

I came home. I had my fourth heart attack. Can you believe that? It was on July 4th. All day long, as I had this heart attack and was going through all of this intense pain, there was a song playing in my spirit. It was a song about liberty—the liberty that is coming. I thought it was very interesting that it happened on July 4th. Fireworks were going off in my heart! I really didn't understand the humor, but we survived it.

Why am I telling you this? Last week was a real step of faith because I am now down to 30% of a functioning heart. People with that kind of heart function don't get up and walk and preach and teach and so on and so forth. Yet God is doing this because He loves you. It is His love. He told me that last Friday. He said, "I am asking you to go and pour out your heart to these people. I want you to do this because I love them. I care about their faith, and I want you to speak My words to them, to encourage and build their faith." But it turned out to be a real blessing to me, too, because it is always the way He works.

I want to strongly encourage you that I am a living example of what faith can do in the most incredible situations. Do you agree? If you will put your faith to the task, your faith will overcome the obstacles. God will honor your faith. You may think you're too small or your prayers are not important, but I want you to know that there are a lot of stars out there praying just like you feeling the same thing. When you start feeling that your prayers can't affect anything, I want you to rebuke the spirit that is trying to deceive you and keep praying. God is going to give you victory in this nation. We will go through some trouble, but God is going to do something soon after the trouble starts and put us into a place of victory. The whole world is going to stand in awe because they will know that the God of America has just stood up and intervened. Do you believe me? Will you refuse defeat?

Father, I have so much more to say. You know that. You've given it to me to say to these people. I'm asking You to not only touch them with a new faith and a new vision to cause them to stand with us, Lord, for this nation, but I am asking that something will be released from their hearts when they talk to people. I pray that they will inspire other people to begin to pray for America, and that the fire will go all over America. Lord, that's what You showed me would happen. You would send the fire upon the intercessors, and they would start running like they have never run before, and You will do a mighty thing in this nation as a result.

We are coming to a place, Lord, where something ominous has been overcome and the beauty of Christ is going to begin to be seen, Lord God. And then beyond that, You are going to do something else even more spectacular. You're going to take America out of the sinkhole that the Elite have put us in. I guess something has to happen so that we will no longer stand apathetic while the Elite destroy this country. We will look our enemy in the face and refuse to be defeated. So we thank You for Your goodness. We thank You that in this difficult hour, it is Your goodness that is intervening in a way that only You can do. What a good God You are! If we can just get the vision of what You want to do, Lord, we'll know how to pray. So, Lord, bring the people back and help me to give a complete picture that they can understand and fight for it. Holy is the Lord. Greatly to be praised. In the beauty of Holiness, Lord, I feel my heart exploding with faith and possibilities! Let Your Spirit come upon these people. Lord, explode the faith in their hearts. [End of prayer]

Pray for America. Tell the Elite to get their hands off of this nation. Tell the Federal Reserve to leave America. God has given you the authority to stand in the gap. Let the Elite know that you understand that authority. Tell them in the spirit that we stand against them. We stand against their plans and purposes. We say, “No! You will not take this nation under! We stand against your plans and purposes. We break them in Jesus name. We say your plans will lose their authority to destroy.”

You are the glory and the lifter of our heads, Lord. You tell us that if we will just bow down, seek Your face, pray, and turn from our wicked ways, then YOU WILL HEAL OUR LAND!

Satan, we stand face to face with you, and we say, "NO! We come against every one of your plans and purposes." Thank You, Lord. We trust You, Lord.

In His Love,
Nita Johnson

Check our "Schedule of Events" page for updated meetings. 

Seattle Gathering of the Eagles, 2014!
December 12-13, 2014

Kansas, Gathering of the Eagles, 2015! 
March 2-7, 2015!

Go to our Schedule of Events Page for more details including the registration links for the above conferences! 

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Corporate Intercession:

Intercessory Prayer
 via FCC & Skype!

Call in number for all Corporate Intercession times:

559-726-1300 access code 182152#

Wednesday Morning
December 3, 2014

10:20-Noon PST
11:20-1PM MST
12:20-2PM CST
1:20-3PM EST

Thursday & Friday December 4 & 5th, 2014
5:50-7:30pm PST
6:50-8:30pm MST
7:50-9:30pm CST
8:50-10:30pm EST
Sunday Evening: December 7, 2014

5:50-7:30 EST & PST

Please join us as we intercede for the Nation!

Our CW Pantry is open every Monday!
The CedarWood Pantry:
 We are thankful to the local merchants that help to provide food for our Pantry. We are also in need of funding to continue to support the staff working at the Pantry each week as well as the facility we use.

We have additional pressing needs that are not provided for by local merchants:

  1. Diapers & Baby Wipes
  2. Baby Food & Formula
  3. $5-$20 Gift cards for Gas for our volunteers who transport the food to and from the Pantry
  4. Our own Box and/or Refrigerator Truck
  5. Funding for our own facility

Coats & Clothes Closet:
-Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
BackPack Kids:
-We need volunteers for the assembly of kits for distribution to our schools. 
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Vivian DuPorter at

Our CW Pantry will be open

December 8th
Joel's Army brings together intercessors to intercede for their nations. If you are interested in learning more:
5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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