Subject: "Never Give Up!" Week 2, Part D by Nita Johnson

This Week's Events:
Dear friends,

As we near the end of the 2014 year and prepare for the 2015 year, we reflect on the importance of the work that World for Jesus is doing today. This is not a “look what we are doing” letter. This is really a “look at what your support each month allows us to do in the Kingdom” letter.

WFJM supports missionaries all over the world who make a concentrated effort to not only help meet the physical needs of the poor each and every day, but they reach out to the unsaved and introduce them to their Savior. There are countless souls entering the Kingdom of Heaven because you contribute to the work in these nations.

Recently, one of the pastors we support in India sent me pictures to share the story of their recent outreach. They had purchased bags of rice to help the victims of a cyclone that ravaged their area. The families who received such a basic need were weeping with joy as they received food for their children. Through meeting the physical needs of the community, he and his wife opened the door to share the Gospel message to those who have lost everything. This couple has been dedicated to meeting the physical and spiritual needs of widows and orphans in their community for decades.

We support several ministries in Israel. Ministries dedicated to sharing the truth about our Messiah to the Israelites today. These ministries have also developed many programs that will help Jews desiring to return to Israel for Aliyah.

In Africa, we have a prayer school dedicated to training up ministers who will then go out all over the continent of Africa to preach the Gospel, train up other intercessors, and work with key leaders to fight against tyranny in their nation.

In addition, we have Joel’s Army International Coordinators who travel all over the world to raise up Prayer Cell Leaders (PCL) who will teach and train intercessors willing to carry the burden of their nation. We now have prayer cells on nearly every continent and in nations too great to number in this brief letter. Every National Coordinator that answers the call to pray for their nation does so with a deep commitment to bring forth stability in the midst of the enemy’s plan for their land.

Our own US Prayer Coordinators, Kin & Debbie Clark just returned from a trip wherein they met with current PCLs and reached out to potential intercessors who were interested in joining our efforts to pray for this nation. This is a fight we are determined to win, and with your help, we are one step closer to victory in this battle for our nation. Joel’s Army maintains year round intercession over the nation to bring forth stability. It is an extension of the work of the Gatherings – see Schedule of Events on the right.

In addition to the work we do around the world and here in America, we support local pastors who have been called to minister in smaller, poverty-stricken communities because their focus is not on the temporal things of this world, but rather, the eternal. It is with this passion that they are driven to spread the Gospel message to small communities who desperately long for a pastor who is willing to stay and teach them but cannot afford to provide for his or her needs. Thanks to your support, we can step in and help provide for their needs, so they can teach these hungry souls.

We mustn’t forget to mention the books and CDs we provide free of charge. Many years ago the Lord told Nita to stop charging for our books and tapes – this was before the creation of CDs. It took a tremendous act of faith on her part and admittedly, it was with great trepidation that I worked to implement this command, but the Lord continues to provide.

And that brings us back to CedarWood; where we work to provide food, clothing and spiritual nourishment every week to those in the Seattle area.

World for Jesus Ministries was established in 1983 as a prophetic intercessory ministry, but God also called us to serve the needs of others; whether it’s a spiritual or a physical need, we do as the Lord commands us. Thank you for joining us in this effort. Thank you for supporting us with both prayer and financial contributions throughout the 2014 year with your help, we look forward to planning for the 2015 year!

Much love,

“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws”, Rothschild.

Last week Nita shared with us Rothschild’s intentions as he brought forth and implemented a banking industry in our nation clear back in the early 1800s. While the leaders of our country originally refused his demands, the war of 1812 brought such fear into the hearts of the leaders of our small nation; they succumbed to the wishes and threats of this powerful and wealthy man. The rest may be history, but today, we are battling to bring down the control this man and others like him have over our nation. The effect this had over our nation’s monetary system rewrote the DNA of America then. However, we, under the commission of our Lord will seek to restore and refocus our nation’s DNA in an effort to bring her into the place that God has called her to be! Following is the next installment in our series, “Never Give UP!” You can listen to this message on the media log page of our website at

Nita is continuing her message entitled “Never Give Up!” from Week 2, I pray it blesses you and helps to prepare you for the days ahead.


"Never Give Up!"

Week 2 - Part D

Prophetic Insight


Nita Johnson

I am going to say something that is going to scare some of you but I want you to remember your Divine Friend is sitting next to you. I saw the Statue of Liberty. In front of her were the numbers “366.” I asked the Lord what the 366 meant. He showed me a huge stainless steel egg with enormous teeth. The egg began to slowly open. As it did, a voice said, "Opening of the New World Order." That's what the 366 means. I looked up 366 in a concordance, and I found that it means: the combination of reasoning, judgment and penetration; alliance; contrivance; invention; instruments of war; greenish yellow color; also speaks of the pale horse. So, the opening of the New World Order is apparently soon upon us, but I want you to know that although America is very much wrapped up in this whole global thing, God can unwrap it overnight. As deeply as we have gone into the quest for this global world governance, God can undo it overnight. I'm not saying that the New World Order has opened. The vision said it is beginning to open, and it's not necessarily something that is going to last. We have the power to stop it here at home.

Egypt never could have believed that there could be a deliverer by the name of Moses who, along with his brother, would come to Egypt one day, ransack it, and free the slaves. They never could have believed that could really be possible. You can't underestimate the power, the authority, and the wisdom of God. No matter what the enemy has done in stealth, God will undo. What He needs is a praying Church.

Back in the year 2002, more than 200 leaders from dozens of world religions camped together around the theme of world peace. This unprecedented camp meeting, convened and chaired by Italy’s illustrious pope, was held in Assisi, Italy. The meeting was attended by zealous leaders such as those from the Eastern Orthodox Church, Jewish Rabbis—notice that, Muslims, Imams, representatives from Christian Fundamentalists as well as mainline churches such as the Baptists, Lutherans, Anglicans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Disciples of Christ, Mennonites, Quakers, Moravians, Pentecostals, the Salvation Army, and, of course, the World Council of Churches. From the occult sector, there were gurus, monks, Hindus, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, as well as native religions. What was that all about? It was all about starting the work of a One World Religion. That was in 2002.

We’ve shown a video about what happened in England at the Manchester Games, when they brought out a gigantic body of a man, along with all of the world religions, and literally worshiped the man. This is all a preface before the New World Order is finally secured. We showed the entire video in New Orleans a few years ago, after which we went into some serious warfare that God would break the power of what was set into motion through that ceremony.

That night, at midnight, I had a visitor in my room. He woke me up. I asked him, "What are you doing in my room?" He said to me, "I want you to stay out of my business. I don't know who you think you are doing what you did tonight, but I'm not going to keep experiencing my losses at your faith. Stay out of my business." And I told him to leave. You know, it just irks me that he wakes me up at midnight and threatens me. I always get mad at him when he does that. I don't like it. How about you?

He did leave incidentally, and about two hours later, he awakened me and threatened me again. Well, now I thought that we must have really accomplished something really great when we did all that warfare against what he was setting up to do with this ritual, or he wouldn't have bothered me twice in one night. So I was real excited. Not that I asked him to sit down and have tea. I did let him know that I don't like him coming in uninvited to my house. I don't know what else to say to him. He doesn't have to knock on doors. He doesn’t have to figure out how to get locks unlocked. He just shows up uninvited and then stands there and makes threats. I do not appreciate it—not at midnight, nor at 2 o'clock in the morning. I don't appreciate it, but I do appreciate that by his foolishness, he let me know that we accomplished something that was very pleasing to our Lord. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been so mad.

Why am I saying that? Because what is God's heart? If they are trying to open a New World Order, does the Lord see it as the right time? No. You've got to trust me on this. If it was time, I would tell you, and we would pray entirely differently. It's not time. It's still early, and we can stop what they are doing.

When the Lord Jesus Christ came to me fifteen years ago and commissioned me to do the Gatherings, He said to me, "I want you to save this nation. If you do not answer this call and this nation is not saved, and war comes prematurely, you are going to suffer greatly.” Then He showed me an old fashioned bathtub. From this bathtub, I heard the blood of the innocent crying out to the Lord. I heard people running, children crying and screaming, and the elderly groaning. I heard all kinds of things coming from this bathtub. This was like a night terror, right? All of that got dumped on me. He said to me, "This will happen to you before the throne if you do not do everything I tell you to do—everything in your power to enable Me to save this nation." I do not want the blood of the innocent on my hands so I have gone through a lot of warfare. I'm not complaining. I am thrilled that He is getting ready to cut the cord and do something new in America. He's going to send more power and more authority than we've ever had before to help us. We just need to break through to that moment.

We're in a place right now where the politicians are simply obeying the orders of the Elite for the sake of their money and often the protection of their families. Instead of the government making the laws and the judiciary enforcing them, Wall Street has become the slave driver through debt and greed for gain. I've seen a spirit called “greed for gain.” It looks like a big ape, but it's a very powerful spirit. The Book of Proverbs warns us not to yield to this spirit. Yet it is very powerful over America. Jesus warns us not to love mammon. He says you cannot love God and mammon, too. (Matt. 6:24, Luke 16:13) You can love one or the other, but if you love mammon, you are going to fall to mammon. He says that righteousness exalts a nation. (Prov. 14:34) If this nation will return to God, the banksters cannot harm us or cause us trouble. Nevertheless, through much warfare, Jesus will give us the victory. This is the word of the Lord. You can't look at the prevailing situation and say in your heart, "The Lord is mad at America. He doesn't care about us anymore. All of these terrible things are going to come upon us because He's just fed up." You cannot listen to that kind of mentality.

I can remember Bob Jones even saying in a publicized word that if the prophets did not quit cursing America, God was not going to be able to bless America. The blessings would be lost at the feet of the curses. So, I am asking you as intercessors to quit listening to these prophets that want to curse America.

Are we going to go through things? Yes. Do we need the discipline? Yes. Do you agree? Yes. If a teenage boy is in rebellion, somehow you have to get through to him. If you don't, God will. He will begin to discipline him. America is like an overgrown teenager that just really went crazy. We went ballistic and lost our way. We even fell into a sickness; the sickness is greed. But what the Elite have done does not have to define America—if the Church will stand up and let holiness and righteousness be the definition of America.

There is going to be trouble. It is coming. Nevertheless, God is not going to let happen what the Elite want to have happen. They want to bring America to complete destruction. They want to keep pressing until they win. They want to destroy America and never let America arise again because we are too willful against them. But in all of these things, the Lord will give us the victory. He will overcome if we will keep our faith strong. We must look at God as a loving Father, as One who cares and wants to do good for this country. We must look at Him differently than the prophets want us to look at Him. If God is on our side, who can stand against us?

If the devil wants to destroy your authority, what will be his tactics? He will send fear and doubt of the goodness and the friendship of God. When we touch difficult times in our own lives, sometimes we think God has betrayed us. We think that He doesn't care about us. We think that He's not paying attention to our difficulties when, in fact, He knew before your every thought what was going to happen and how you were going to feel about it. But how many times have you gone through a difficult time, judged God for it, gotten angry with Him for it, only to find out in the end that it was His benevolent Spirit working all along? He felt from the beginning that He would take you through this path to bless you. Have you come to that after difficulties? The truth is that we do not always know and understand His ways. But if we will decide to trust Him and keep praying, standing against the evil, praying forth the good and the righteous, then He will surprise us with amazing things.

To be continued next week...

In Him,

Check our "Schedule of Events" page for updated meetings. 

Seattle Gathering of the Eagles, 2014!
December 12-13, 2014

Kansas, Gathering of the Eagles, 2015! 
March 2-7, 2015!

Go to our Schedule of Events Page for more details including the registration links for the above conferences! 

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Corporate Intercession:

Intercessory Prayer
 via FCC & Skype!

Call in number for all Corporate Intercession times:

559-726-1300 access code 182152#

Wednesday Morning
November 19, 2014

10:20-Noon PST
11:20-1PM MST
12:20-2PM CST
1:20-3PM EST

Thursday & Friday November 20 & 21, 2014
5:50-7:30pm PST
6:50-8:30pm MST
7:50-9:30pm CST
8:50-10:30pm EST
Sunday Evening: November 23, 2014

5:50-7:30 EST & PST

Please join us as we intercede for the Nation!
CedarWood Food Bank

Our CW Pantry is open every Monday!

We are in need of Volunteers to help in the following areas: 
The CedarWood Pantry:
This past Monday and next Monday, we will provide the supplies for Thanksgiving meals to our clients. What a blessing it is to be able to do this two years in a row! These families are deeply touched by this and we are grateful to you for making this possible through your donations.

-We need volunteer support for our Pantry each week. We have many possibilities, contact our CW Director Vivian Du-Porter at 

Coats & Clothes Closet:
-Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
BackPack Kids:
-We need volunteers for the assembly of kits for distribution to our schools. Contact Ken or Kathy Rickey at or for more information
Please pray for God's provisions -  volunteers, food, clothing, financial... The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray with us!
If you would like to help, contact Vivian DuPorter at
We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week.

Our CW Pantry will be open at:

Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave W
Seattle, WA 98043

November 24th
Joel's Army brings together intercessors to intercede for their nations. If you are interested in learning more:
5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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