Subject: Never Give Up! Week 1 - Part E by Nita LaFond Johnson

This Week's Events:
Dear Friends,

We just arrived back from the DC Gathering of the Eagles! It was a powerful week of intercession on behalf of our Nation and we look forward to presenting you with an update soon. Thank you for your patience. For those of you who joined us, we thank you for your sacrifice and perseverance throughout the week, it was demanding and rewarding. God ministered to those in attendance in our last service and many received physical healings. Praise our Lord and Savior for His mercy and tenderness in meeting those who poured themselves out on behalf of our Nation. We pray that those of you who prayed from home also received ministry by our Lord.

Our next Gathering of the Eagles will be in Kansas City, MO. Please plan to join us as we go to our knees on behalf of this nation.

DATES: March 2-7, 2015

Holiday Inn KCI Airport & Expo Center
11728 NW Ambassador Drive
Kansas City MO 64153

Room Rate: $99.00

*Room must be booked by 1/28/2015 with group code: Gathering of the Eagles to receive this rate.

Click to Register using our online registration tool- Registration is required!

Schedule: 9:30-1:30 & 6:30-10:30PM (times subject to change)

Blessings & love,

Following is the part E of Nita's teaching from week 1 of our "Never Give up!" Series. I pray it encourages your faith and helps you press on toward the goal! 

"Never Give Up!" 

Week 1 Part E

Prophetic Insight


Nita Johnson

Transcript of our August 29, 2014 Seattle Service

Last time, in Never Give Up part D, Nita shared what the Lord showed her about the mantle of Moses coming to our Nation, bringing with it miracles throughout the church! She also shared about the plan of the Elite to destroy our government. Yet, God in His mercy will bring forth the Mantle of Moses and the Elijah company to bring this nation up into the place that God designed it to be; as a Father to the Nations!

One night, here in this sanctuary, I had about six or eight visions back to back. One of the visions that I had I haven’t shared from the pulpit because it was so undesirable. I mean, it seemed as though it had the power to be catastrophic. In that vision, Obama was wearing the garb of a terrorist. I think that we are seeing that now. I was also apprehensive about sharing this vision because the other person in the vision was Arafat. He was the Palestinian who created the present day terrorism in Palestine. He was looking at Obama with great pleasure because Obama was taking on that mantle.

We need to pray for Obama. God wants to save him. That may be hard for some to believe. One night, we were praying for him and we had his picture up on the board. Suddenly, before my very eyes, I saw a different man out of the same picture. Later, I was trying to share this at the Gathering. I asked Elizabeth to put the picture up which she did. As we looked, I was asking the attendees, “Doesn’t he look arrogant and angry?” Even as I was saying this, the picture changed again right before my eyes. How many of you were in that Gathering and saw it happen? (Many hands went up.) I’m telling you the truth, I was not the only one who witnessed it, that picture changed right before our eyes! What we saw was the same thing we saw here, which was an Obama who was sad, filled with pain, even lonely. It was amazing, it was a kind of sign and wonder. God wants us to see the truth of Obama’s heart.

In the beginning of his administration, I couldn’t stand to look at his face. I don’t know about you guys. I’d feel so bad, so I would tell the Lord, “Please change my heart toward this man. I cannot stand to look at his face.” That’s a terrible thing for an intercessor to say to the Lord. So, please change my heart became my heart’s cry. He began speaking to me through dreams, helping me to see the heart of Obama the way He sees it, and it changed me. So, now my heart is filled with compassion, no matter how much garbage he does, I want to see this man get saved. How about you? Has God done that in your heart? (Many raised their hands) I am so proud of you guys. I still talk hear from Christians who tell me, “You do what? You believe what?” They scold me for believing God for his soul.

When Obama was re-elected, many Christians got depressed. As a Christian, I felt it was my duty to get depressed along with them. I don’t know about you, but I found myself literally trying to get depressed, and I worked hard at it for three days and nights. I am not kidding you. Why? Because, I felt like everyone else who is a Christian was depressed, and I needed to do the same. Yet, the harder I tried, the more joyful I became. Now remember, Obama is our new president, and we already saw what he was going to give us the first time around. This really is a depressing scene. This is something I should be in anguish over. Yet, the harder I tried, the more joyful I became. Until somewhere around the third night, I finally said to the Lord, “This is ridiculous! How can I tell anyone who’s a Christian that I am joyful? They’re going to look at me and think I have lost it. You know what they said of Paul: you’ve gone mad!” So that’s what I was thinking and the Lord said, “Because I’m about to do something new. Brand new!” But, we will have to pray.

We need to pray that God will save Obama, and we need to pray that he will fulfill God’s purpose in allowing him to be elected. He’s already done it three times. He has stood against the Elite three times for his good friends; the Arabs. Because he did that, we haven’t gone through an oil crisis. All three things that he stood against would have put us smack dab in the middle of $10+ a gallon gas, or it may have altogether cost us the privilege of having any gas for our vehicles. I did see that was where they were going—to strip us of any gas. But, they had to betray the Arab nations in order to do it. So the fact that Obama refused to go along with their plans three times—today we are seeing three dollars and some odd cents per gallon gas available at our pumps. Now, I don’t know how you feel about that; I’m okay with it. So, he isn’t entirely bad. If God can do that through him in the state of mind he is in, what can He do if He really has control of Obama’s heart?

Whatever God’s plan is for Obama, He will do it if the Church will pray! God would have done a miracle with Clinton, if we would have prayed. Jesus told me that. But the Church got so mad at him, they wouldn’t pray. Can you believe that? Our Husband is saying, “Pray for those in authority.” And we’re saying, “No. I’m mad at him. I won’t pray for him. I’m too mad at him. I won’t pray for him.” Our Husband says, “Pray for those in authority.” We respond with, “Well, you just get him straightened out, and I’ll pray for him.” Now, that’s kind of silly, isn’t it? But that is what we did.

Friends, if the Church will not pray, who will? If the Church is not going to stand in the gap for this man—I mean, with the amount of Christians we have in America, he should have been saved a long time ago. We must pray for him. Ask God to put His heart in your heart for Obama, and you will find that when you start praying for him, you will cry. Let’s give God a good treat, and pray Obama into the house of the Lord.

Okay, this is the plan; our job is to stand. The Lord just once again put in my heart what He’s been doing for the last three or four days. Stand. Do not let Satan win. God has given us the authority and power to win against the enemy of America. We cannot fail God. If it is in your heart to stand, stand up. Now I want you to listen to me, please. It may have been our last DC Gathering (March 2014) or maybe the one before—my team is walking across the street in DC when the Lord says to me, “I have given you America.” Did you hear what I said?

The Lord called us here to stand in the gap. And the day is coming, and is close at hand, when you’re going to see what it means that you stood in the gap. When you see this nation on fire with revival, you’re also going to see chaos. That’s going to be okay, because what God is going to do for His Church is going to be phenomenal. You will see the time of God multiplying the bread. I am telling you the truth. He has shown it to me in visions. How many of you remember the gold dust or the gold nuggets that people have gotten in their hair and in their beards and so on? You may have thought that was just silly nonsense, but no, God was trying to speak to His Church, “Don’t worry. When things go bad, I’ve already got a plan.” He’s going to take care of His own. He is most especially going to make sure He takes care of those who have stood in the gap. He’s going to fill your souls with so much faith you’ll wonder why you ever knew fear. He told me this Himself. This faith is not only going to be for God to do miracles and healings and signs and wonders, and so on, but it’s also going to be for the rebuilding of America.

I don’t care what the Elite try to do. Do you hear me? Our faith will hold this nation together. And when we come through it, we will belong to God. I think it’s an amazing thing. It’s going to be the most major confrontation between light and dark that we’ve ever known. The light must stand! You must stand, and you must continue to pray. Do not grow weary in well-doing. Please say it; “I will not stop praying in faith.” Now, if I can get out of my bed and be up here—even when my daughter was here a few weeks ago, you just didn’t see me up doing hardly anything because I’ve been way too sick. But look how long He has held me up behind this pulpit. He did this to show you that He means what He’s saying. What is inside of me, He has put like a brick building. No one is going to overturn my faith for what God is going to do. I understand Him to be a God of mercy, and we’re going to pray accordingly. Can we take a few minutes to pray? Did we record this by any chance? So if people wanted a copy, it will be on the website. We’ll call it Never Give Up. You don’t have to worry about it—just copy it—send it to 1,000 people. Send it all over and get the Church standing in faith. Amen?

Spiritual Experience:

Can I tell you one more thing? You don’t mind standing up with me for a minute? I had this phenomenal experience. I was standing in the foyer of a particular hotel, and some of my colleagues walked in the door, and I motioned to them. I said, “Come over and let me talk to you.” So we went up this flight of stairs and going past us were intercessors. They would come through the door of the hotel and start weeping uncontrollably. And they would go back into the prayer room. So we went up to (how many of you have been to our DC Gatherings and remember the foyer of the hotel there?) We went up onto the landing, and were talking. Don said: What’s going on here? I replied: “I don’t know. The intercessors walk through the door—as they hit the front door, they are crying. They come back here, and they just bawl their head off. And it’s been going on all day. I can’t even think about starting a meeting because they already started it. And they’re crying, and they’re crying, and they’re crying, hard.”

So as I’m talking to my colleagues, the noise in the prayer room gets so great that it’s almost unbearable, and it’s the noise of their tears—the tears of the intercession. I see a vortex forming. It’s going in a counter-clockwise direction, and it’s burrowing a hole into the floor of the room. Not a small hole, but engulfing the whole room. Don or Fred said, “What is going on here?” I said, “I don’t know. I don’t know what to say. All I know is God is doing something here.” And I told them, “The Lord told me to call this prayer meeting because this prayer meeting is going to save America. He told me that He has already put it in the mind and the heart of businessmen all over this nation to wait for miracle until God performs this thing that He is doing right now. When I talk to the businessmen, and they see what He’s doing, they’re going to want to support it because they will know this is the moment that God spoke to them about—some, even years ago. This is what is going to save America.”

So while I’m talking to them, the vortex begins to change direction. Now, it’s been burrowing into the ground, and with it, the room has been sinking. It’s kind of scary. As we’re talking, the vortex changes direction and starts moving in the other direction. As it does, it speeds up, and it gets really fast until it lifts the room up out of the hole and up into the air above the storm. Don and Fred said, “What is going on?” I mean, it was quite a show. I said, “I don’t know, but God has just saved America!”

I don’t know how much we’re going to be called to walk through because the floor did go down a little bit. A little bit! A little bit! However, when it came up, it came up above the storm, and God saved America. Your prayers are going to make the difference. God does not want to send His wrath, although we have earned it. Your intercession is what is going to save this nation. Pray like you have never prayed before because it is time for God to move.

In His Love,
Nita Johnson

In His Love,
Nita Johnson

Check our "Schedule of Events" page for a PDF of our:
Kansas, Gathering of the Eagles, 2015!
DATES: March 2-7, 2015

Holiday Inn KCI Airport & Expo Center
11728 NW Ambassador Drive
Kansas City MO 64153

Room Rate: $99.00

*Room must be booked by 1/28/2015 with group code: Gathering of the Eagles to receive this rate.

Schedule: 9:30-1:30 & 6:30-10:30PM (subject to change)
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Corporate Intercession:

Intercessory Prayer
 via FCC & Skype!

Call in number for all Corporate Intercession times:

559-726-1300 access code 182152#

CedarWood Food Bank

Our CW Pantry is open every Monday!

We are in need of Volunteers to help in the following areas: 
The CedarWood Pantry:
-We need help with set up and tear down. Perhaps you have 1 or 2 Mondays available per month that you can participate in this blessing. If so, this would allow our volunteers to alternate. 
-Volunteers are needed to collect food from the various sources in the Seattle area during the week. 

Coats & Clothes Closet:
-Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
BackPack Kids:
-We need volunteers for the assembly of kits for distribution to our schools. 
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Kathy or Ken Rickey at

We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week.

Our CW Pantry will be open

September 20th
Joel's Army brings together intercessors to intercede for their nations. If you are interested in learning more:
5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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