Subject: "Living for His Will" The Refining Part 6B by Ricci Wilson

Dear Friends,

Thank you for joining us last week for Nita’s prophetic message. You can listen to this message from our website along with all our weekly teachings geared to prepare the new breed of believers for the days ahead. On this page we have prophetic messages, teachings on a deeper walk with Christ, union in Him, and further development as intercessors. We strive to bring a balance between preparing you for the days ahead while helping you understanding current events from a biblical perspective. Click here to be taken directly to our “Prophetic & Intercessor’s Training Ground” You can listen live every Thursday night at 5:20pm PST.

Our Gathering of the Eagles is just three weeks away! This is a crucial time for our country, and with so much occurring in our nation, we must stay focused on God’s plans and purposes for our nation and pray accordingly. So much is at stake right now: the lives of the unborn, newborns, and the children of our nation are actively pursued by the enemy, not to mention his eagerness to start another civil war, weaken our economy, and strip us of our rights. 

We vote, we write our congressmen, we donate to causes…but what else can we do?

Pray. We sometimes forget our greatest weapon in this battle of good versus evil—the intercession of the saints. We are a shield, my friends. The tears cleanse the land of the innocent bloodshed paving the way for principalities to be removed. That is how we get our breakthroughs! We stand in the gap to protect those who cannot fight for themselves. Consider Moses, one of the greatest intercessors of the old testament, who, when he came down from Mount Sinai and saw that idolatry the Israelites entered into, stood in the gap for the wayward nation just as God was about to release a fierce judgment on the people of Israel! God heard his cry and responded with favor. Our repentance stays the hand of judgment.

Ezekiel 22:30 says: “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none” Friends, throughout history, the Lord has eagerly searched for those who would stand in the gap for a Nation. Today, He is making the same request to us—will we make up a hedge for America? May it not be said that He searched and found none to pray for America. Let us not be found wanting in this hour. Let us stand in the gap before Him on behalf of our land and bring forth healing, reformation and restoration in our land! 

Blessings & love,

Ricci Wilson


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"The Overcoming Life Through Prayer" by Nita Johnson is now available in Chinese! If you'd like to order your copy today, click here!

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"Living For His Will"

The Refining

Part 6B

By Ricci Wilson

Jesus transforms us by the renewing of our mind (Romans 12:2), ultimately helping us to see that conformity to this world will only lead to our demise. When we pursue this calling, our reward is beyond imagination. You see, in addition to having our lives transformed by the living God, our minds renewed by His Word, and a life of prayer developing us in the Spirit, we are then capable of receiving the spiritual truths that await us. Why do we do this? So that we can prove “what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” In other words, the more we understand spiritual truths, the greater our ability to stay in the will of God! The Bible tells us to prove things to ensure they are the perfect and acceptable will of the Lord. The greater our ability to do so, the higher levels of wisdom we experience.

What does it mean to walk in the “perfect will of God?” The perfect will of God is just that—perfect. When we come to a place where we are in His perfect will, there is nothing necessary to bring His will to a place of completion except our obedience. His will is perfect; it’s our response to it that’s flawed.

We sometimes try to fit God into our own box, which I did for a long time. “Okay Lord, I will answer the call, however, this is the call I’d like to have: I prefer not to be the weepy intercessor because I do not like to cry and that is hard for me. But I really like to study and teach the Word. I love to pray, and I love the warfare, so yes, I will answer the call, but I am going to need you to work within these parameters.” (I am fortunate that He did not just smite me on the spot!)

I sought to create a walk for myself, a call for myself, a life for myself within ministry that would please my flesh. I remember when God began to pull that desire out of me and I began to hunger for His will and His way instead of my own. I remember the transition that took place when I began to see that His plan, while it might be painful to walk through, was the one that would bring me true peace, true shalom.

I am not saying it was easy. It was a struggle to face the things that I had to face, however, His plan was the one that would draw me into a level of love by the Father that I had craved my entire life. It was what would bring me into the place of true fulfillment of my purpose—the very reason I was created. Once that took place, I became so driven for more of Him, more of His Word, more of His will. Why? Because what took place in my flesh, when I engaged in His will, no longer mattered to me. What truly mattered was seeing His perfect will accomplished, not just in my life but in the lives of those He created me to impact. Whether this was one person or the entire nation no longer mattered to me as long as I was in His will.

At this point, I saw things differently—I saw love differently. Not a love that was given to me, but how I would love my fellow man. Something clicks when you step into the perfect will of God, that which needs nothing else to be complete. Something clicks within you and everything that you read in Romans 12 and 13 about love begins to come into play in your life. “Let love be without dissimilation” (no hidden agendas). “Abhor that which is evil, cling to that which is good, be kindly and affectionate to one another in brotherly love, preferring one another, not slothful in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord, distributing to the saints, given to hospitality.” These are the practical applications of love.

Paul continues his instructions in Romans 12:14-16 as he deals with our interaction with others. “Bless those that persecute you, bless and curse not. Rejoice with them that do rejoice, weep with them that do weep. Be of the same mind of one toward another. Mind not high things but condescend to men of low estate.” This phrase means to identify with, yield to, or submit yourself to a lowly state. This refers to an inner lowliness and describes a person who depends upon the Lord, rather than self.

There are very few things that help us achieve this “inner lowliness and dependence upon God” than facing persecution and identifying and serving the needs of our brethren. Paul details proper responses to our struggles as we interact with both Christians and those who strive to destroy the Christ within us.

The refining of Malachi 3, creating vessels of gold and silver, will be deep if we follow the Word of God. We are not to comply with the world, we are to comply and identify with the ways of God. If our enemy hungers and thirsts, we are to provide for him. Serving those who despise the Christ within us is not easy, but there is a powerful refining that takes place in each of us when we proceed, regardless of the potential outcome.

Romans 13:8 says, “Owe no man anything but to love one another; for he that loveth another, hath fulfilled the law.” What does it mean to fulfill the law? What is the law? The entire law can be summed up in two precepts that Christ gave us in Mark 12:28-31: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. And love your neighbor as yourself.

Jesus came. He walked this earth without sin. He died for us while we were still full of sin. He rose again, overcoming death, that we might have eternal life. We can enter the presence of God because of the blood of Christ. His holiness clothes us. His blood protects us from the holiness of God. That is love. You see, these are products of the transformation of the inner man, the transformation and the renewing of our mind. We do not have to work at love; it begins to flow naturally and becomes a part of who we are. It is a product of “Whose” we are, who God is in us, and the work He is doing in us. It starts deep within and then begins to flow forth from us.

How much do we love ourselves? The first step to truly loving ourselves is to lay down our life for Christ, thereby denying our flesh—our soulish nature—so that we might be so infused with Him that it is Christ who lives through us. When we deny our flesh, we can be imparted with the Spirit of the living God and live our lives on this earth as vessels, pouring out His Spirit to others.

How much do we love our neighbor? Enough to share with them the beauty of eternal life? Do we care for them enough to lay down our own heart, mind, soul, and strength that they might have eternal life? It is a process for us to come to understand how the transformative work of the living God prepares us to lay down our lives for our brethren.

When we lay down our lives, our pride and our fears, and instead, convey the message of the Gospel, we are demonstrating the greatest love we can have for another person. We cannot just deliver the Gospel in words, we must live the Gospel. When we do, laying down everything for another becomes a product of the transformative work of the living God. This requires death to the flesh. However, the more we allow our flesh to die and the more we feed the Spirit of the living God, the greater our passion will be for the will of God to be accomplished in this earth. Whatever our part is, He gives us the grace for the call He placed on our lives—no more and no less.

To be continued next week…

Blessings & Love,
Ricci Wilson

DC, Gathering of the Eagles 2019!

Join us March 18-23, 201 for our DC, Gathering of the Eagles + JA Day

Holiday Inn Washington Dulles
45425 Holiday Drive
Dulles, VA 20166

Room Rates: Room Rate: $118 plus tax if booked by:
 February 13, 2019

Click here to register!!

Click here for This Week's Schedule:

We invite everyone to stand with us as we fight for the healing of our Nation.

Click below for PDF with:
Flash Phone Instructions

Flash Phone Access
Then enter the number and access code for the any of the desired lines.

Smartphone users (when connect to wifi) click here for instructions to download the or APP and start using the internet to join our calls instead of your minutes!

English-Speaking Corporate Prayer Call
Access Code: 182152#

Chinese Translation Line
Access Code: 336087

Canadian Corporate Call
Access Code: 304406#

Korean Speaking Prayer Call
Access Code: 881779#

Spanish-Speaking Prayer Call
Access Code: 609189#

This Week's Schedule!

Wednesday February 27
10:20am - 12:00pm PST

Thursday February 28
Teaching with Nita or Ricci followed by prayer
Call In
5:20pm - 5:30pm PST
5:30pm - 6:00pm PST
6:00pm - 7:30pm PST

Friday March 1
Corporate Prayer Call
5:50-7:30 PM PST

NEW!!! Spanish Prayer Call
12:00pm EST

Sunday March 3

Canadian Prayer Call
3:20pm PST
Reminder: NEW NUMBER!
Access Code: 304406#

Interactive Prayer Call

Chinese Speaking Interactive Prayer Call
5-7 PM PST

Korean Speaking
5-7 PM PST

All are welcome to attend any of the above calls.

Be sure to check the PCL/PCM section of our website for this week's Prayer Points and Resources!

Several of our States have prayer calls designed to pray specifically for the pertinent issues facing your state. Click here for the participating states and their schedule 
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Fill the Gap Campaign! 

If you live in one of these states consider joining Joel's Army. Don't leave your state unprotected!!
  • Maine
  • Rhode Island
  • New Hampshire
  • Wyoming
  • Utah
  • Puerto Rico


Thank you for your continued support of this outreach. Lives are changed each week through our CW Pantry and support team. Check out our FaceBook page for details.
March 4
1-2:30 PM

Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave W
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

Here are some pressing needs our CedarWood department has:

  • Child Sponsorship - $34.99 per month provides essential nutrition to a child in need
  • Shoes
  • Blankets - All sizes
  • Sleeping bags for the homeless
  • Volunteers
  • Diapers (Size 3 & up) & baby wipes
  • Baby Food & Formula
  • $5-$20 Gift cards for Gas for our volunteers who transport the food to and from the Pantry

Most donations can be dropped off during the Pantry or mailed into our office. Tax deductible receipts provided.

Coats & Clothes Closet:
Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Adam Shephard at Cedarwoodinternationalwfjm

We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week.

5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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