Subject: Let My People Go! Part C by Nita LaFond Johnson

This Week's Events:

Dear friends, 

Our corporate intercession resumes this week. As I mentioned last week, during our Kansas Gathering of the Eagles, we opened up the lines to allow the intercessors who could not join us in Kansas the opportunity to come together and pray over the GOE. I wanted to share pieces of a letter we received from one of the intercessors: 

I pray that you are resting well and are encouraged from the GOE. I wanted to give you an update on the prayer support calls that we had while the GOE was going on. I am in such awe of the whole experience.

It seemed each morning and night that we would be quiet for a while and then start praying. All of the prayers were glorious. It was a dedicated group of intercessors and at night no one really wanted to hang up. Sometimes the calls lasted until 11:30 pm EST rather than 10:00 pm. 

One intercessor in particular sang several songs which the Lord led her to sing. Everyone was thankful for them. Some of us would sing along and everyone was welcome to. I was told that several people exchanged e-mail addresses, etc., on the last call after I hung up! No one wanted it to end. I am looking forward to our call today (Sunday) and hoping we have new recruits on board. This whole week I have been so 'lost' without all the [daily] prayer calls!
The intercessor mentioned several people by name as she shared how their encouragement, instruction and guidance brought the group together and united them as they stood with us, covering us in prayer while we were in Kansas. I wish I could have shared the entire letter, it was so beautiful. We are so touched at their commitment and the strength that they provided for those in Kansas, and one another. We will make this possible for each GOE. Our Mandarin speaking brothers and sisters have been doing this for some time now. They were never asked, they simply undertook and prayed. I was so deeply touched by their initiative and care for the Nation and those of us at the GOE, that when I heard this I immediately sought to make it possible for both English and Mandarin speaking intercessors. 

Thank you for standing with us dear friends. I don't know what we would do without you. Your love and support enables us to press through the struggles of a front-line ministry with a grace and strength that comes from knowing that you are standing with us. The battles we face, we do not face alone, we have you beside us, covering us with your prayers. We know this is a sacrifice for you, but please know, we recognize this and value each and every one of you more than words can properly convey. 

For those of you who hunger for weekly prayer and unity like this every week, consider joining Joel's Army. Our prayer cells come together and the bond that is created is beautiful. 

Below is the final installment in "Let My People Go!". I pray that this teaching blesses and prepares you for the days ahead.

Blessings & love,



Part C

By Nita (LaFond) Johnson

Last week, Nita shared with us how the umbrella of deception continues to grow. In March of 1994 the next big step was taken to further solidify the One World Religion and union between the son of Pharaoh (The Catholic Church) and the bride of Christ, (The Church) This critical next step was made recognizable by a document that Christian and Catholic leaders signed at that time. I am enclosing it in this article. Some of you will recognize it others will not. In either case, it is perhaps one of the most important statements made in the last hundred years, further entrenching the unsuspecting sheep in the deception that the haunt of jackals can be a good place for sheep to dwell. 

The Church culture has over the last eighty years been reformed. Where once our leaders were men and women who lived virtuous and holy lives provoking the Church to come out of the world and be separate, today the Church is provoked to lust after everything the world has to offer in the name of Christ, making His cross of none effect. If that is not enough the Church is also being led down a hidden path of eventually being ingested by the Catholic Church and ensconcing the One World Religion. If that seems absurd to you, please reread the document and remember that the unity therein determined is a unity of the church of the antichrist with the Church of Jesus Christ. These are Christian leaders who have endorsed this insanity. If they being taught the truth are losing their way cannot an untaught lamb lose his/or her way? The Church is a people who being led by the spirit of compromise, have veered off the path and are loosing their way.

The Church culture was at one time a commonwealth of believers who cared for the poor, sick, needy and lost, who refused discrimination based on race or social status. Today's Church culture cares about big fancy buildings and expensive homes, cars and wardrobes. The concern is for looking like and acting like the world as much as possible and as long as we can still keep our salvation. The Church wants to dance in the holy place, do aerobics, watch football and learn to wear makeup properly before, after or in between worship services. Altars used to fill with tears of the penitent, today the altars have all but been removed and the dance floor has replaced them. The message of grace, compromise, and get rich through tithing has replaced the message of brokenness, love, holiness and true faith in the fear of God. We have exchanged the life of the spirit for living a life governed by the soul -- serving God in the works of the flesh instead of the works of the Spirit of holiness. Our many traditions are taking the place of true worship. It is getting to look a little like the Catholic system of compromise.

We wonder what has happened to America! Our answer is found in the compromising Church.

Our only hope is to recognize from whence we have fallen, return to our First Love, get our soiled garments cleansed by running from sin, and our eyes healed by walking in submission to His true holiness, and our vision restored with divine eye-salve so we can see how serious is our error. The call to come out of her my people is strong! The demand made upon the spirit of Pharaoh to let God's people go will soon be without rebuttal.

Icon's of Catholicism and the Church

In the year 2000 at the World Convergence of Catholics, the Pope was seen perched on his throne. This throne incidentally bears the cross turned upside down which is etched on the throne's back in plain view of all who would happen by. (The upside down cross is a well known satanic symbol.) As the Pope sat upon this throne the Cardinals of the world lay face down making two circles around the throne worshipping "his holiness" the Pope.

How many Catholics fear not accepting the message of the Pope as the final word of authority, because this is a well-known rule of the Catholic Church? Down the list to the Cardinals and the Monsignors, the Catholic looks to their word to determine their own peace.

The Church on the other hand has their Icon's. We have media personalities, authors, painters, musicians, pastors and so on for which we hold so great esteem that what they say is where we stand whether it is Biblical or not. Of course this in not true of everyone, but it is true of too many. These Church Icons dictate our walk as Christians.

The Bible calls us to complete separation from the spirit of the world, but our leaders tell us that is not needful. They say: just serve in the Church, and come to Church regularly, further, pay your tithes then you will be blessed.

Many of the Catholic leaders are living double lives and forcing others to live in sin with them. Many Church leaders are doing the same. If one tries to make a leader accountable, the leaders remind them not to judge. Then they turn and play with death some more.

As the spirit of Pharaoh operates in the Catholic Church, so he works in Christ's compromising Church. Pharaoh loves the worship that belongs to Christ alone. The media who is Pharaoh's most valued instrument uses the Church's willingness to love our leaders to engender ungodly devotion and to inspire our giving to their ministries even when they are living in sin that will destroy their soul and yours if you follow them.

Pharaoh is the prince of the slaves. Many of today's ministries have learned to enslave people away from the true faith. They do this by inciting undue devotion to themselves and their message. They do it by drawing your focus to material wealth so you will give to their ministries. They never attempt to lead you only to the throne of Christ where you can be emptied of all lust and earthly passion and find the true abundant life found only in the Son. They don't call you higher and away from sin, deception and the inevitable corruption that follows. They don't tell you to quit running after the things of the world, for if they did you would quit following them so you could follow Christ. Too many of the body's leaders care more for their following and the support their disciples will give them then they do for the souls of those who follow them. They enslave you in the lust of the eyes, the passions of the flesh and the ungodly worship of the creature and tell you how great you are for listening to them. Catholic Leaders are just as bad, they simply do it differently. They still propagate the mystery of Mary their redeemer, sell indulgences, frighten their weary follower with Purgatory then promise relief through payments of various sums of money by the adherent. The followers pray to idols and cant with beads. All of these things are forbidden in the Word of God, but the Catholic does not know this for they do not know the Word. Pharaoh has restrained them. As I said in my previous article, 'The New Temple of Babylon' The spirit Ashteroth whom I had the unfortunate experience of bumping into in Rome, does an excellent job of perpetrating her doctrines of death, masquerading as Mother Mary. Hence, the Catholic/Charismatics who follow their leaders are do so to their own hurt.

Pharaoh loves to build images of himself to be adored by all. So does today's Christian leader! Not only will you see his image everywhere you turn, but you are seeing an image that he has created. Rarely, is it one that truly marks his character. Pharaoh uses his slaves to help create his images and his temples of worship. Too many of the leaders have fallen to the same deception. They have come to believe their own lies. God help us to be free of the worship of self!!! These and more are deceptions by which he makes slaves of God's people.

Hollywood Christianity will soon be a thing of the past. The traditions that be not of God no matter how beautiful they are will be overturned by Christ Himself, for the purpose of freeing His bride. Christian Leaders whose ministries are made of man and not God will fall at His lofty feet in these last days. The Church will have an opportunity to know the truth. The faith will return to the Spirit of Christ working in the heart of His own and precious ones in accordance with His Word. He will force Pharaoh to release the willing in heart. These will run with all diligence to the arms of our majestic Father and will crave holiness walking in the fear of God. They will walk and live in divine power in the beauty of holiness.

Those who do not really want the truth, will fall deeper and deeper into deception, and at last become enslaved to the One World Church of the Antichrist, which will be none other than the Catholic Church headed by the Pope who is the Beast of Revelation.

Think about this my dear Friend; If the world follows the Pope now because of his beautiful but fraudulent piety, what will the world do when the antichrist and the False Prophet begin to perform awesome signs and wonders, pointing their fingers at the Pope as the world religious leader? When the works that are done seem to out rank any heretofore seen of men? What will the world think when the Pope with the antichrist seems to solve the global crises that will soon strike, having wrought terror in the hearts of men? They will seem so wise and so benevolent. The Bible says that if possible even the elect would be deceived. The implication is that those not truly given to Christ and the standard of life He requires will be deceived. How great the spirit of deception will be in those days. It will blind every person not hidden under the covering of Christ's holiness. Yes, it will be this same benevolent Pope, the Beast and the antichrist who will become the terror of humanity.

The cry of the Spirit will be: "Let my people go, that they may come and worship me! "My dear friend, will you follow?

In His Amazing Love,
Nita (LaFond) Johnson

Check our "Schedule of Events" page or click here for our February/March Event Calendar for updated meetings. 


DC, Gathering of the Eagles, 2015! 
August 24-28, 2015!

Go to our Schedule of Events Page for more details including the registration links for the above conference! 

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Corporate Intercession:

Wednesday Morning
March 18, 2015
10:20-Noon PST
11:20-1PM MST
12:20-2PM CST
1:20-3PM EST

Thursday & Friday 
March 19 & 20, 2015

5:50-7:30pm PST
6:50-8:30pm MST
7:50-9:30pm CST
8:50-10:30pm EST

Sunday Evening:
March 22, 2015

5:50-8 PM EST & PST

CedarWood Food Bank

Our CW Pantry is open every Monday!

We are in need of Volunteers to help in the following areas: 
The CedarWood Pantry:
-Volunteers are needed to collect food from the various sources in the Seattle area during the week. 

Coats & Clothes Closet:
-Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
BackPack Kids:
-We need volunteers for the assembly of kits for distribution to our schools. 
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Vivian DuPorter at
If you would like to help with BackPack Kids, contact Ken & Kathy Rickey at 

We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week.

Our CW Pantry will be open

March 23rd
Joel's Army brings together intercessors to intercede for their nations. If you are interested in learning more:
5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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