Subject: Kansas, Gathering of the Eagles, 2017!

Dear Friends:

Each time we send you an invitation to a Gathering of the Eagles (GOE), we tell you that it's a critical Gathering - and it always is. Then, at the conclusion of the Gathering, the Lord says He saved America through our time together - and He always does.

I sought the Lord on this, and He finally helped me understand why each Gathering holds a key that's so crucial to the future of our Nation; the salvation He is bringing forth is incremental in nature with each step vital to the previous, and essential to the one which follows. In Kansas City we are expecting the last of the larger steps to be completed! This is so exciting! 

We’ve seen two remarkable events through the last two Gatherings. Mr. Trump won the general election November 8th, followed by the electoral college December 19th. These victories occurred despite all efforts by the Cabal to the contrary. Vulnerable and confused, [as one man said] the Elite are dumbfounded and feeling utterly devastated. Mr. Trump's win left the Elite 50 years behind their agenda. Now they are revising their plan, and Mr. Lindsey hopes to have access to it this February

The Elite made it clear they encountered God through this crises; He has intervened for the U.S. Even worse, the Elite know they cannot control Trump. Still, Lindsey reports, “Kissinger went to see Trump hoping that he would allow them to join him.”Wow, what a victory!!! We've fought so long on behalf of our Nation, to see the Cabal disheveled causes one to stand in awe!

Let’s look at a few more victories:
  1. No WWIII in Syria (The Lord showed me this, then Putin’s top aide confirmed it publicly)
  2. Carbon Tax failed
  4. Human-trafficking busts are occurring at remarkable pace
  5. Abortion clinics are closing at a record pace
  6. This election cycle ended with negating two powerful political dynasties; one permanently, the other at least temporarily.

The election brought us to the point of being able to reconstitute our battle points. Now we can move forward in a pragmatic, methodical way to root out all the remaining excess that would allow the Elite to rule. At this point, criminal prosecution can be used to “drain the swamp.” Once the corruption is vanquished, people of integrity can fill their positions.

The Media called Trump’s win "The Second American Revolution!!" We are already seeing the Revolution rise in many areas, among them:

A. Native American’s publicly forgive the Europeans for the atrocities committed against them in their earliest years of settlement. They also forgive the US for the broken treaties between the government and the Native American Tribes.
B. NSA whistle-blower reveals that the DNC hack was not done by Russia, but by US intelligence. The hacker was motivated by his “concern over Clinton’s disregard of national security secrets when she used her personal email and consistently lied about it.”
C. Alternative media and whistle-blowers played a huge role in dealing with the corruption in Hillary’s campaign. Examples are WikiLeaks, Anonymous, Drudge Report, Alex Jones, Breitbart, etc. We are thankful they are continuing to expose Clinton (and her cohort’s) corruption even after the election is over.
D. Sean Hannity began a campaign of cleaning up media corruption
E. ISIS and the Sharia Law that they operate under will be brought down for the 1st time since its inception. ISIS hold in Mosul is shrinking
F. International Patriots voicing support for Trump (i.e. Nigel Farage and President of Belgium People’s Party and Russia Putin. Italy and such.)
G. DNC now demoralized decimated and in disarray
H. Democrats Exposed: Democrats marginalize minorities to their detriment. However, it has become apparent that during the election process, they singled them out as objects of special favor. This left our minorities wounded, and they need our prayers.
I. Steve Pieczenik Talks – Media communicating the peaceful coup in government. The following agencies are working with Steve Pieczenik is working with 16 of our nation's agencies a coup to stop the elite regime. Chief among them is military intelligence agencies. (You can find a complete list on our website.)
  1. Air Force Intelligence
  2. Department of the Treasury
  3. Army Intelligence
  4. Drug Enforcement Administration
  5. Central Intelligence Agency
  6. Federal Bureau of Investigation
  7. Coast Guard Intelligence
  8. Marine Corps Intelligence
  9. Defense Intelligence Agency
  10. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
  11. Department of Energy
  12. National Reconnaissance Office
  13. Department of Homeland Security
  14. National Security Agency
  15. Department of State
  16. Navy Intelligence
J. Iceland Completes Her Transition from the EU to a Sovereign Nation – this will be the image that covers many other nations as they follow suit.
K. England’s Prime Minister: James Cameron Resigns, and Brexit – domino effect in reclaiming national sovereignty and ridding of the NWO
L. Five DNC members have stepped down due to WikiLeaks memo’s released
M. FBI agents refused an order to destroy Clinton aide’s laptops even though that was part of the immunity deal
N. Elite delivered a “mortal blow” –Lindsay Williams. The Elite are left scrambling (i.e. EU issue emergency meeting post-Trump win, Soros gathers with Elite in a three-day meeting to pick up the pieces.) 
O. Paths to bring about a "United Nation" for the first time in decades are in process. i.e. reaching out to the African-Americans and integrating Hispanics – this just began and is delicate. We need to keep it in our daily prayers

This list is only a portion of the victories; you can find the rest on our website. While it sounds like we finished the job, we do still have a little more to do for it to be complete. If you have a table which needs four legs but you only repair three of the four, the table will eventually fall - this is where America is. Let's press through to completion, amen!

The beauty of intercession is that it's a collective effort. We need you –the intercessors—to come together and fight for the completion of His plans and purposes for this Nation! She still has some rough roads ahead of her, however, if we pray, we can affect the length and severity of those struggles. Come to Kansas and help us pray the rest of the deliverance through. My heart remains filled with joy and excitement over the promises awaiting us. If it is this good now, and we are not yet finished, what marvelous things will He bring forth once we finish the work!

Wonderful days are just ahead!

Blessings & love,
Nita Johnson

Kansas Gathering of the Eagles, 2017!

Dates: March 14-17, 2017

Tuesday - Friday 10:30-1:30 & 6:30-10:30 p.m.

Please note: On the morning of March 18th, from 9:30-12:30 we will have a special "Joel's Army Day!" This is a time of teaching, Q&A, connecting with your state coordinators, and fellowship. Not in Joel's Army yet? This is a great opportunity to learn more about JA and even get your application turned in. Anyone with a heart to pray for their nation is welcomed to attend!

Pre-registration required! Click here to register

Holiday Inn KCI Airport & Expo Center
11728 NW Ambassador Drive
Kansas City MO 64153
Room Rates:
King bed or 2 Queen beds - $109.00

*Room must be booked by 2/12/2017 with group code: WJG to receive this rate. Photo ID required upon check-in. Your name badge must match your photo ID. All attendees will be required to wear their name badge during each session.

Please note: no cell phones, computers, ipads, mp3 players, Kindle, smart phone/tablets, or recording devices of any kind will be permitted in the event. Please honor this request.
We provide both Chinese and Korean translations at all our events!

If you have a special need i.e. hearing/vision impaired, please notify the office and we will arrange appropriate seating for you.

See you in KC!
5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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