Subject: Joel's Army Prayer Points for February 12, 2023

This update is provided as a tool to support, encourage strengthen and inform you as a Prayer Cell Leader (PCL) or Prayer Cell Member (PCM) in taking your position in Joel's Army!

Joel’s Army Prayer Cell Leaders, Prayer Cell Members, Facilitators, International/National/Regional Coordinators and Liaisons Across the Nations “If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.” II Chronicles 7:14 (Amp)

Please make every effort to be part of an effective prayer cell or group that will make a difference and help to change the course of our nations!

Note to all International/National/Regional Coordinators and Facilitators/PCLs - Please modify the list below to fit your individual country situation and prayer needs. 

The prayer points for this week follow. We encourage each intercessor to go before the Lord and with weeping and travail, pray in the Spirit, asking the Him to give you the details of what is on His heart as you pray.
Prayer Points for the week of Feb 12, 2023

We encourage you to follow the leading of the Spirit within the prayer points.

1) The PRES/GOVERNMENT – PROTECTION of him and his family, & those Rods of Righteousness God is raising to stand with him in his administration. Declare the blood of Jesus over them and those close to him. Bind & dispel any witchcraft or spells sent against them. Pray against the DS plans of character assassination in the days ahead.
- CHARACTER/ENABLEMENT - Pray the 7 spirits of God be manifested in his life (Is 11:1-3) That his and subsequent admins be reordered and founded on Conservative, Righteous, God-fearing values. Ushering in of the New Style Conservative, True Republic Government. That the original 1776 Constitution be protected as written.
- COMPLETION - Pray that God will return him to his rightful position in His perfect timing, and give the people grace for the transition. Pray against DS hindrances & betrayal, for great favor & needed preparation, and for strong reception and a groundswell of increasing support by the people of him and those with him in Congress.
- FALSE ACCUSATIONS - Neutralize all accusations, exonerate the Pres. concerning Jan 6th and Mar-A-Lago raid. Pray failure of any attempt against the Pres to try to cause harm. Expose, purge & scale down, remove some Intel Agencies, keeping just what’s needed to be effective. Pray the military be reordered and built back up to a stabile protection. Neutralize the special counsel (prosecutor), Jack Smith, appointed to bring charges against Pres Trump by Merrick Garland, and weaponization of the DOJ.
- ASSOCIATES - Pray for safety, protection and vindication of those standing boldly with the Pres fighting for justice and against the DS, such as close advisor, Kash Patel, and truth trumpet, Steve Bannon, along w/ those under Jan 6 subpoenas, ie. M Lindell,

2) MEDIA – NEW MEDIA/ EXPOSE OLD - Pray for rebuilding of the New Media with God’s boundaries and TRUTH! Bring accountability to untruthful reporting and censorship laws affecting those involved in untruths. Bring complete exposure of the corruption and communistic roots and directives within Gov and CCP controlled big tech, news & entertainment outlets. Purge the liars from influence, all levels. Protect and give favor and voice to Elon Musk to release Truth. Protect and Pray for the success of any pending lawsuits against media outlets. Pray for breakup of censorship control on free speech by Big Tech and cutoff of gov. influence. Pray that truth reign in our nation.
- TRANSITION - Pray for effective transitioning of the media to truth with new ownership, such as Twitter and CNN, for truth to be exposed about the bots used on Twitter and elsewhere.
- FOREIGN/ INFLUENCE - Expose the US Government’s Weaponization of FBI/DOJ, and partnership with, the CCP’s track-n-trace operations within MSM and TikTok. Pray for removal of the media’s psychological programming. Restore the minds of the people conditioned by fear and oppression that they instead would stand for Truth.
- FALSE WAR REPORTS/STOP WAR - Pray for revelation of false media reports concerning Ukraine and Russia and cause people to hear and to see truth, looking for alternate sources, not MSM.

3) JUSTICE – NEW JUSTICE - Pray God’s will be accomplished in bringing forth the New Justice System and that a New Election process be established that is pure and simple, with verification controls that prevent fraudulent activity from skewing election outcomes.
- ELECTIONS - Pray for Justice to prevail in all past and present elections, for truthful, accurate audits, that our elections come under a Constitutional mandate of election integrity, State and Federal. For success in all pursuits of Election Integrity and for Justice and Truth to prevail in the ultimate election outcomes, that all valid votes be counted and all fraud come to light. For accurate recounts and revotes where needed. For justice in the courts, especially in AZ for; Kari Lake AZ Gov, Abe Hamadeh AZ AG, Mark Finchem AZ Sec of State, Blake Masters US Senate AZ. 100’s of thousands of AZ votes are questionable (no chain of custody / non-matching signatures).
- LAWS - Pray for laws to be made and reworked so as to protect, but not oppress the people. For adherence to the Rule of Law according to the 1776 Constitution and Biblical standards. Remove lawlessness and unjust judges, establishing righteous and Just courts & strengthening of the police force. For safety of righteous Judges and Justices.
- SAFETY & TRUTH - Pray for the safety of John Durham, against assassination, and for impact of revealed evidence documented by him in court. For big players to be exposed & convicted of all treason, sedition, & collusion. Pray for the real truth, of what happened on Jan 6, for investigation and charges for the real crimes and release of those still held in jail and those wrongly charged. For exposure of all unlawful workings of the Jan 6 Committee, of Nancy Pelosi, the FBI, and all involved, for just rulings with consequences. For fruitful investigations by the new Rep Committees, exposing fraud.
- SAFETY of ASSOCIATES - Pray for safety and for vindication and protection of Mike Lindell, for protection of Gregg Phillips and Catherine Englebrecht of True the Vote and all those standing in Congress, and State legislatures. Pray for Truth and Justice and a solution in the lawsuit against Gregg and Catherine by Eugene Yu of Konnech. (The FBI itself has been obstructing them also).
- TYRANNY / VAX - Pray for continued turning back of gov tyranny & forced vax, and exposure of its adverse effects. Justice for all those standing against tyranny, in Can and US. Expose Leaders for any unlawful actions and with consequences. Give favor and justice to new conservative candidates in Can and US and replace Trudeau with a just leader. For God’s intervention to bring freedom and restore order in US and CA.
- SOROS - Pray for full exposure of Soros and his efforts to usurp nations in order to usher the world into a One World Government, that it be stopped. Pray for the continued removal of Soros backed District Attorneys in the US that are side stepping justice.
- BIDEN – Pray for the exposure of what is behind the documents taken by Joe during his Vice Presidency and the revealing of all that has been hidden concerning him and his son Hunter. Pray for the success of New House investigative Committees, actions, & for bills passed, favor in the Senate. (i.e. for the unborn, border security, remove IRS $, investigation of the weaponization of the DOJ)

4) NEW ECONOMY - Pray for rebuilding the New Economy and all that affects the economy that needs to be changed/removed, according to God’s design. Repent for the dismantling of 130 nations by the US working as the elite military arm of the Tri-City-State and the havoc wreaked on the governments and people of those countries.
- INVESTMENT PROTECTION - Pray for Righteous protection for people’s investments, that they not be greatly devalued and for a completely New Investment system, removing the corruption inherent in Wall Street, i.e., insider trading, manipulation to steal money from one and give to another.
- FEDERAL RESERVE / MONEY - Pray for the outlawing and removal of the oppressive Federal Reserve, Central Bank system that robs from all through the printing of money out of thin air and loaning it at interest to the government and the people. For a legal currency system operated by the Treasury with no interest. Wipe out the Federal debt and create an asset-based system that benefits the people and not the elite.
- IRS - Remove the IRS and all its costs, entrapments, and theft of the people’s money. The organization was designed to fund the Federal Reserve, London, and the Vatican and is not in favor of or a benefit to the American people.
- ILLEGALS EFFECT - Pray concerning the deluge of illegal immigrants and the reckless spending of money on them, (their support, housing, food, medical, travel, border patrol, neighborhood border costs, examinations, & monitoring, and now abortions), and the effect of all that has on our financial system.
- BORDER SECURITY - Southern Border: pray for the securing of our national sovereignty. Pray for God to intervene on behalf of the assault taking place at the southern border, for immigration laws to be adhered to, Mayorkas impeachment.
- BORDER DRUGS - Repent for the drugs, weapons and human trafficking taking place at the southern border and pray for laws to be upheld and enforced concerning illegal crossers.
- PREVENT ENEMY ATTACK - Take dominion and resist the plans of the enemy to bring forth militia and launch a war via the southern border.

5) The Church/ECCLESIA (Believers called out of the world): NEW CHURCH - Bring forth the rebirth of the NEW ECCLESIA, “those belonging to the Lord”. Repent for compromise and rebellion in the church and return to God’s word. Wake up to the Truth.
- MARRIAGE SANCTITY - Repent for not taking a stronger stand for marriage between 1 man & 1 woman as God’s sanctified gift. Pray that a move to renew and secure religious freedom be brought forward to protect Christian organizations and business.
- REVIVAL FIRE - Pray for an expansion of Reformation, the fires of Revival, and Reconciliation to God and between all ethnicities. That the Church/Ecclesia be protected from deception and that the worship time depart from ritualism and be truly heartfelt, in spirit and in truth.
- OUTSIDE INFLUENCE - Pray to break off the power of Catholicism and cultic influence from the Ecclesia, that there would be a holy purity, repelling any compromise, like water off a ducks back.
- PERSECUTION - Pray relief of religious persecution around the world. Pray for a revival to break out in heavily persecuted areas, Communist regimes, Taliban, ISIS-K and Islamic regions. (specifically Nigeria, Afghanistan, and China)
- NIGERIA - Pray for a breakthrough there, that the government release the lock on people’s bank accounts so that they can buy food, for supernatural provision from the Lord, for peace in the land, and that God would render His outcome in their elections that are coming up on Feb 25th. That the Lord would intervene for His people.

- AGAINST ATTACK on RUSSIA - STOP THE WAR, STOP TANKS, MISSILES, and JETS from being given. Tanks planned to be sent from the US (31), UK (14), and Germany (14) to Ukraine, that this not come to pass and that the war be resolved peacefully, cancel rearmament, reinstate Pres Trump. Pray exposure of DS activity, consequences, no WW3 provocation. NO, to any dirty bomb, cancel any false flag to be blamed on Russia.
- FOR TURKEY/SYRIA - For all the hurting from the earthquake, comfort families who lost loved ones, for provision and humanitarian aid, to stop any more devastation. This was likely orchestrated by the elite, as both Turkey and Syria have been supportive of and aligned with Russia.
- MEDICAL - Pray for the New Medical System based on True Science with righteous boundaries, under God’s watch. That any DS plan to cripple with another disease or economic collapse would fail. NO MORE Pandemics or paralysis!!!
- COVID FALACIES - Pray for the exposure of collusion between Gates & Fauci in creating disease & drugs that fail and harm basic immunity, and are used to control. Pray for an end to Covid, fear, false messaging, and all vax mandates, especially with regards to our children.
- END WAR / PEACE - Pray for peace in Ukraine. Expose & diffuse media propaganda with truth. Pray that NATO stay out, that Ukraine remain neutral, for peaceful resolution, & that no action be taken by the West, no more funding. For the dissolution of NATO as a NWO entity aligned against Russia. For protection of Putin & Zelensky from assassination, for truth concerning Putin and exposure of Zelensky for his DS alignment. Purging of all DS control & corruption, (biolabs, HT, Nazi military factions & money laundering). Increased intercession of Christians in Russia, Ukraine, China, Taiwan, and Afghanistan. For Protection and Provision for innocent people leaving.
- BRAZIL - Pray for Justice in Brazil concerning the election, that Bolsonaro be reinstated through whatever means necessary as Pres, now that the military has declared that he is the True Pres in support of the people and in recognition of the fraud that took place aligned with DS influence. Remove the corrupt judicial road blocks.
- FOOD SHORTAGE - Pray against DS sabotage of food sources, manufacturing plants, cyber-attacks, and shipping of food goods, to create shortages. Pray against arson to processing plants, and buying up of farm land with evil intention (Bill Gates). For support of farmers with integrity who use good seed.
- DIVISIVE FACTIONS - Pray to remove the false narrative used to divide peoples, thru Marxist founded BLM, Antifa, and the spirit of lawlessness. Pray for Patriotic unity and protection from Communist influence.
- RIOTING - Pray against any planned rioting or violence by organizations, during transition to a just and righteous government and rectifying and reversal of fraud that has been committed. Pray for law enforcement to apprehend and subdue any violence.

7) THE CHILDREN: Repent over MORAL ASSAULTS - Repent/intercede against Human Trafficking, Abortion, the LGBTQ+, communist, Critical Race Theory & Trans. "Pray for the New Education system, rebuilding of academia in the country, that we would return to Biblically-based education along with the 1776 Patriotic curriculum"
- SECURE LAWS - Pray for security of the overturning of Roe v Wade.
-RITUALS - In addition to abortion, Pray against Ritual Sacrifice and organ harvesting of children in occultic rituals.
- NEW LAWS / PROTECTION - Pray for the establishing of statewide laws supporting life at conception. Pray for supernatural protection of those who are sponsoring bills and fighting to protect life on the legislative side, for protection for Crisis Pregnancy Centers. For additional states to join those standing for life.
- JUSTICE FOR RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS - Pray for Hobby Lobby, who is bringing suit against the Biden Admin for attempting to force them to include abortion pills in their medical plan or pay a $1.3 million dollar a day fine. This would cause them to shut their doors instead of paying for abortion.
- NO CHILD VAX - Pray strongly against the vaccine mandates for the children to protect them, and that parents would see the light to protect. (Drugs included in the vaccine, that makes those injected, complacent and open to whatever input)
Blessings in Him,

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NEW!!! Check out our EVERSPEAKING VOICE OF GOD BOOK ll on our website! You can read several words, dreams or visions the Lord has given Nita and Ricci for this hour. We will continue to post Words from the Lord on this page for you to pray into, be encouraged by, and/or use to prepare for the days ahead.

You asked - we listened! You can now download the audio files from our website to listen to later on your mobile device, put on a CD, or MP3 player!


Corporate Call Info:

English-Speaking Corporate Prayer Call


Access Code: 182152#

Chinese Speaking Prayer Call


Access Code: 800754#

Canadian Corporate Call


Access Code: 949659#

Korean Speaking Prayer Call


Access Code: 881779#

Spanish-Speaking Prayer Call


Access Code: 609189#


Sunday February 12

5:00pm - 7:00pm PST

6:00pm - 8:00pm MST

7:00pm - 9:00pm CST

8:00pm - 10:00pm EST

Chinese Call

4:00pm - 6:00pm PST

Korean Call

5:00pm - 7:00pm PST

Wednesday February 15

10:20am - 12:00pm PST

11:20am - 1:00pm MST

11:20am - 2:00pm CST

12:20pm - 3:00pm EST

Thursday & Friday February 16 & 17

4:20-7:30 PM PT

5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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