Subject: Joel's Army Prayer Points for 8 March 2020

This update is provided as a tool to support, encourage strengthen and inform you as a Prayer Cell Leader (PCL) or Prayer Cell Member (PCM) in taking your position in Joel's Army!

Joel’s Army Prayer Cell Leaders, Prayer Cell Members, Facilitators, International/National/Regional Coordinators and Liaisons Across the Nations “If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.” II Chronicles 7:14 (Amp)

Please make every effort to be part of an effective prayer cell or group that will make a difference and help to change the course of our nations!

Note to all International/National/Regional Coordinators and Facilitators/PCLs - Please modify the list below to fit your individual country situation and prayer needs. 

The prayer points for this week follow. We encourage each intercessor to go before the Lord and with weeping and travail, pray in the Spirit, asking the Him to give you the details of what is on His heart as you pray.

Joel's Army Prayer Points for 8 March 2020

We encourage you to follow the leading of the Spirit within the prayer points.

1. President Trump (1 Tim 2:1-2)
Suggested Bullet Points:
  • Supernatural protection for the Pres and his family. Pray for safety & skill for the Pres’s secret service, the military, intel, & all who are standing with, protecting him and our nation from the Democrat elite.
  • For deepening his relationship with Christ, divine encouragement, strength, discernment and wisdom in all areas. For the seven spirits of God to envelope him. (Is 11:2)
  • Pray that he will fulfill God’s commission upon him as President through 2024.
  • Pray against any plan to remove him from office including all accusations/suits/betrayers/ witchcraft/impeachment.
2. President Trump’s Dealings with other nations (Is 45:1):

Suggested Bullet Points:

  • ALL Nations: Increase in co-operation between Pres. Trump and world leaders to restore freedoms and fight globalism. To bring American troops home.
  • FINANCE: Pray for stability in the world economies. Break the spirit of fear concerning the Coronavirus, that the virus would be eradicated and that the economies of nations would be revived.
  • For early completion of the wall & removal of immigration loopholes. To stop terrorist infiltration in Canada & at the US border.
  • Asia: For Pres. Trump & Pres Xi, to continue successful trade negotiations, completing the phase 2 deal, and that there would be no delay in implementation of Phase 1, that the coronavirus would be extinguished completely and not interfere between US/China relations/economy.
  • Nigeria: For a Godly turnaround in the Nation of Nigeria, for intervention to stop the genocide, to expose and remove government corruption and raise up righteousness.
  • Pray that Pres Rivlin acknowledge Netanyahu and that a righteous coalition be formed, that the attempt to form an anti-Netanyahu coalition would fail. Pray for truth to be seen concerning Pres. Trump's Peace plan for Israel & the Palestinians, that Arab countries would support. (See new links below)
  • Pray that Righteous Leadership be raised up in the country of S Korea, for supernatural protection of Hwang, KyoAhn, leader of the Free Korean party. Pray for God’s victory in the April 15th elections, for the removal of gov. corruption and Communist influence, for intercessors to rise up with a burden to pray.
  • Pray that Righteous Leadership be raised up in the country of Taiwan, for the removal of gov. corruption and for freedom from Communist influence. Pray for a turning to God and prayer in the country.
  • Pray for the demise of the Billions of Locusts causing crop devastation in African countries. Pray for those who have suffered great loss, for the prevention of northward migration, for Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran, Pakistan, India, and China. For God’s provision for food and for His deliverance.
3. National Leaders: Pray for Integrity and Liberty in all US government elections, operations, and investigations. Pray for protection of existing & the expanding of more Conservative leadership positions, to return our Nation back to its core belief system.
Suggested Bullet Points:

  • ALL Nations: Increase in co-operation between Pres. Trump and world leaders to restore freedoms and fight globalism. To bring American troops home.
  • FINANCE: Pray for stability in the world economies. Break the spirit of fear concerning the Coronavirus and neutralize the propaganda being spread to bring down the markets.
  • For early completion of the wall & removal of immigration loopholes. To stop terrorist infiltration in Canada & at the US border.
  • Asia: For Pres. Trump & Pres Xi, to continue successful trade negotiations, completing the phase 2 deal, and that there would be no delay in implementation of Phase 1, that the coronavirus would be extinguished completely and not interfere between US/China relations/economy.
  • Nigeria: For a Godly turnaround in the Nation of Nigeria, for intervention to stop the genocide, to expose and remove government corruption and raise up righteousness.
  • Pray for truth concerning Trump's Peace plan for Israel & Palestinians, that Arab countries would support, that the impasse be resolved in the Israeli government, a righteous coalition be formed and God's choice for PM in the early March 2 elections. (See New links below) ELECTION THIS MONDAY
  • Pray that Righteous Leadership be raised up in the country of S Korea, for supernatural protection of Hwang, KyoAhn, leader of the Free Korean party. Pray for God’s victory in the April 15th elections, for the removal of gov. corruption and Communist influence, for intercessors to rise up with a burden to pray.
  • Pray that Righteous Leadership be raised up in the country of Taiwan, for the removal of gov. corruption and for freedom from Communist influence. Pray for a turning to God and prayer in the country.
  • Pray for removal of 100’s of millions of Locusts causing crop devastation in African countries. Pray for those who have suffered great loss and for the prevention of northward migration. For God’s deliverance.

4. Deep State Weapons – pray for nationwide exposure, resulting in the dismantling of Deep State weapons used against people and/or in an effort to control them and the environment:

Suggested Bullet Points:

  • Expose & stop any FALSE FLAG EVENTS. (these are distractions from criminal charges against the DS).
  • Neutralize effects of 5G towers & EMF devices.
  • Stop HAARP, Stop Direct Energy weapons, Stop Chem Trail spray and clear the air of all effects.
  • Repent for and stop all military invasion of other countries to destabilize and overthrow regimes.
  • Pray the powers of darkness & war be bound, that peace reign, with no civil wars.
  • Pray to break the power of lawlessness and anarchy such as is represented in the violent outbreaks of ANTIFA, that are funded and organized by Geo Soros. Apply the blood of Jesus to stop this thing.

5. Our Youth – against the enemy’s tenacious attacks towards them. Pray for a Standard of Righteousness to be raised on their behalf.

Suggested Bullet Points:

  • Human Trafficking – That all sting operations would be effective with no cover up. Pray for exposure and justice for all involved, including all those elite involved with Jeffrey Epstein.
  • Pray for increase in the Pro-life movement, exposure in the Pro-abortion movement, and overturning of abortion laws. Pray for continued increase in states approving funding for faith-based adoption agencies
  • Education—pray that righteous standards of truth be raised up. Pray that Planned Parenthood and the LGBTQ agenda be dismantled. STOP! – The explicit & perverse, 4th-12th grade, CSE school curricula
  • Pray for the Samuel Generation to arise and stand for righteousness and bring forth the pure Word of the Lord. (See Ricci’s message 10-24-19)
  • Pray for the exposure of socialism in America and all its evils, it’s communist roots, it’s failures in other countries, the fallacies of projected plans that cannot work or be funded, & the created slave culture.
6. The Church – A Redefining of the Church is in process – we need to pray her through to completion.
Suggested Bullet Points:
  • Repent and pray against PC Culture, compromise, deception, sin, and the false unity doctrine in the church, embracing anti-Christ religions in the name of love, (i.e. Catholicism & Islam).
  • Pray that Islam Training camps within the US be shut down and for salvation of those in false religions.
  • Repent for Church leaders who stand in judgment of the President and thus declare judgment on America. Pray that the Church get out to vote and support the most Pro-life President this country has ever had; President Trump! (30 million evangelicals did not vote in 2016. We have a responsibility to stand behind God’s choice for this country). (1 Tim 2:1-2, Matt 7:1-5, & Rom 2:1-3)
  • Pray that the Fear of the Lord return and that the Church will become a House of Prayer, in holiness, returning to her first love.
  • Repent for race abuses. Let the Spirit of Reformation, Holiness and Reconciliation arise in the church & in intercessors. For Revival & lifting others with honor and respect. (Lev 20:26, 1 Pet 2:9, & 2 Cor 5:18-21)     
In Him,


Praise Reports & Research Links now located in the PCL/PCM section of the "Joel's Army login" area of the World for Jesus website!

See "WFJM Prayer Points for Week of 8 March 2020" located in the JA PCL/PCM login areas of the World for Jesus website

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NEW!!! Check out our Prophetic Intercessor's Training Ground under the Joel's Army Tab on our website for the Thursday night Teachings as well as uploads from our staff training on several books of the Bible. We just began 1 Peter. In light of the deception of the "Unity Movement" sweeping through the churches today, the Lord instructed Ricci to present these messages to the Body of Christ and pierce through this deception with the Truth of His Word. Both Nita and Ricci have teachings on this page! These messages will bring understanding and arm His people that they might stand strong in the midst of the turmoil in the church. 
Each of these timely messages will develop, train, edify and ultimately, prepare the children of God for the days ahead! 

You asked - we listened! You can now download the audio files from our website to listen to later on your mobile device, put on a CD, or MP3 player!


This Week's Schedule:

Corporate Call Info: 

Corporate Intercession Line
Access Code: 182152#

Fccdc provides us with a number to avoid the charges associated with t-mobile and Verizon. Please only use the following IF you are charged by the minute with T-Mobile or Verizon

1. Dial backup number (716) 293-9756
2. You will be prompted to dial the original dial-in number: 712-770-4160
3. You will be prompted to enter the access code 182152#

Chinese Line -- NEW NUMBER!
(605) 313-5164
Access Code: 800754#

Chinese Translation Line
Access Code: 336087

New Canada Call Number:
Access Code: 608813#

Korean Speaking Corporate Prayer Call
Access Code: 881779#

Spanish Speaking Prayer Call
Access Code: 609189#


This Week's Schedule:

Sunday March 8

Interactive Prayer Call

Chinese Speaking Interactive Prayer Call
5-7 PM

Korean Speaking Interactive Prayer Call
5-7 PM

Canadian Interactive Prayer Call

Wednesday March 11
10:20am - 12:30pm PST
11:20am - 1:30pm MST
12:20pm - 2:30pm CST
1:20pm - 3:30pm EST

Thursday March 12
Call In
5:20pm - 5:30pm PST
Teaching with Nita or Ricci
5:30pm - 6:00pm PST
6:00pm - 7:30pm PST

Friday March 13
5:50pm - 7:30pm PST
6:50-8:30 PM MST
7:50-9:30 PM CST
8:50-10:30 PM EST

NEW!!! Spanish Prayer Call
12:00pm EST


5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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