Subject: Joel's Army Prayer Points for 28 June 2020

This update is provided as a tool to support, encourage strengthen and inform you as a Prayer Cell Leader (PCL) or Prayer Cell Member (PCM) in taking your position in Joel's Army!

Joel’s Army Prayer Cell Leaders, Prayer Cell Members, Facilitators, International/National/Regional Coordinators and Liaisons Across the Nations “If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.” II Chronicles 7:14 (Amp)

Please make every effort to be part of an effective prayer cell or group that will make a difference and help to change the course of our nations!

Note to all International/National/Regional Coordinators and Facilitators/PCLs - Please modify the list below to fit your individual country situation and prayer needs. 

The prayer points for this week follow. We encourage each intercessor to go before the Lord and with weeping and travail, pray in the Spirit, asking the Him to give you the details of what is on His heart as you pray.

Prayer Points for the week starting Sun 28 June 2020

We encourage you to follow the leading of the Spirit within the prayer points.


1) Pres. Trump - pray for an expansion of the 7 spirits of God in his life (Is 11:1-3), protection of the President, his family & admin team. Pray with passion for continued safety from any threat, the enemy is desperate. Pray for continuing/increase in favor among the citizens

  • Pray for wisdom for Pres Trump in turning this nation back to respect the Rule of Law. Pray for integrity in voting.
  • Pray for the righteous standard we planted—during the 10 Days to Pentecost—throughout the Nation to be realized by both our President and the citizens of America.
  • IMPORTANT! Pray that all weekend occult gatherings to foment hate, destruction, and promote the NWO be neutralized and come to no effect. Cancel any actions with the power of the blood of Jesus and bring their blood sacrifices to naught! Do not attempt to come against principalities on your own.
2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

2) Pray for JUSTICE be served in our nation:

  • Pray for truth and justice concerning race offences and the police. Pray for a spirit of Reconciliation and Reformation between the races. Pray for healing, forgiveness, and restoration in the hearts of the American people.
  • Pray for Antifa & anarchists to be exposed and apprehended – including the provocateurs, that all funding would be cut off.

3) Pray for exposure of the NWO, the media, and their agenda to bring this nation down.

Isaiah 41:10 thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

4) Pray for the church to rise up and take her place. Pray for true repentance, reformation, reconciliation, and a revolution to arise in the House of God. Pray for the rise of the Order of the Melchizedek Priesthood. Pray for increased anointing in the intercessors to equip them for the days ahead.

1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear: because fear has torment. Prov 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding.

5) For the youth - Repent for Human Trafficking, Abortion, and the destruction of the Samuel Generation.

  • Pray for the rescue & healing of those who have been trafficked worldwide.
  • Pray for the states to pursue heartbeat bills and abortion bans.
  • Pray for exposure and collapse of the socialist indoctrination of our youth through the educational system and social media.

Romans 8:15 For we have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but we have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. Heb 2:15

Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

6) International - Pray for National sovereignty to be established and retained on an International worldwide basis.

  • Pray to end religious persecution that takes place around the world.
  • Pray for a Righteous standard to be raised, for peace and the conversion of Pres Moon in S Korea and Kim Jong Un in the North, for removal of government corruption and Communist influence.
  • Pray for intercessors in Korea to rise up w/ a burden to pray. Let a revolution arise in the nation of Korea! Pray for real revival in Korea by God’s Spirit, in freedom and Truth.
  • Pray for Hong Kong, that freedoms not be stolen and leaders of freedom be set free of Communist captivity.

Blessings & love,



Praise Reports & Research Links now located in the PCL/PCM section of the "Joel's Army login" area of the World for Jesus website!

See "WFJM Prayer Points for Week of 28 June 2020" located in the JA PCL/PCM login areas of the World for Jesus website

Still having trouble logging in? Contact the office and we'll get you set up.

TIP - Your username is formatted as follows:
(lowercase letters, and be sure to include the hyphen between your last name and first name)

NEW!!! Check out our Prophetic Intercessor's Training Ground under the Joel's Army Tab on our website for the Thursday night Teachings as well as uploads from our staff training on several books of the Bible. We just began 1 Peter. In light of the deception of the "Unity Movement" sweeping through the churches today, the Lord instructed Ricci to present these messages to the Body of Christ and pierce through this deception with the Truth of His Word. Both Nita and Ricci have teachings on this page! These messages will bring understanding and arm His people that they might stand strong in the midst of the turmoil in the church. 
Each of these timely messages will develop, train, edify and ultimately, prepare the children of God for the days ahead! 

You asked - we listened! You can now download the audio files from our website to listen to later on your mobile device, put on a CD, or MP3 player!


This Week's Schedule:

Corporate Call Info: 

Corporate Intercession Line
Access Code: 182152#

Fccdc provides us with a number to avoid the charges associated with t-mobile and Verizon. Please only use the following IF you are charged by the minute with T-Mobile or Verizon

1. Dial backup number (716) 293-9756
2. You will be prompted to dial the original dial-in number: 712-770-4160
3. You will be prompted to enter the access code 182152#

Chinese Line
(605) 313-5164
Access Code: 800754#

NEW Chinese Translation Line
Access code 188979#

New Canada Call Number:
Access Code: 608813#

Korean Speaking Corporate Prayer Call
Access Code: 881779#

Spanish Speaking Prayer Call
Access Code: 609189#


This Week's Schedule:

Sunday June 28

5:00pm - 7:00pm PDT

6:00pm - 8:00pm MDT

7:00pm - 9:00pm CDT

8:00pm - 10:00pm EDT

Wednesday July 1

10:20am - 12:30pm PDT

11:20am - 1:30pm MDT

12:20pm - 2:30pm CDT

1:20pm - 3:30pm EDT

Thursday July 2

Call In


Access code: 182152#

5:45pm - 5:50pm PDT

Teaching with Nita or Ricci

5:50pm - 6:50pm PDT

6:50pm - 8:00pm PDT


5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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