Subject: "Hunger for God is not enough" Part A by Nita Johnson, Schedule and More!

This Week's Events:

Dear Friends,
Tragedy struck the Philippines over the last few days. The current death toll is unknown, but the estimates are continuing to rise. Thyt5ose with ties to the afflicted areas are feeling the pain this is bringing. Christy, one of our precious Joel’s Army team members and a native of the Philippines sent me an email this morning expressing the deep pain she feels for her people. One line sufficiently captured her heartbreak; “I have no words but to cry for my nation.”
A few months ago, Christy began to reach out to the Philippines and attempt to bring them into World for Jesus Ministries. She did extensive research about her people in order to develop a deeper understanding of the nation so she could begin working to train them as intercessors. Her first stop was in a northern province where she brought hundreds into Joel’s Army with her work. These are her people by birth, but her love for them extends much deeper than heritage and she has brought a love of the Philippines into our hearts as well. Another hurricane is headed their way and we ask that you join us in praying for the intervention of God. 
The precious Filipino people have touched our lives over the last year with their intense hunger for God we are working to offer our prayers and support as they work to locate loved ones and help them rebuild their lives. Please join us as we support the Philippine nation. We are sending funds to them, so if you would like to contribute to this effort, you can do so through our website or by mailing a check to the office. Please indicate "Philippine relief" in the memo portion of your check. 

CedarWood is in need of new or gently used coats, hats, gloves and shoes to distribute to all ages in Seattle. The winter months are very harsh in the Northwest region and your help will bless many in need.

Just a reminder that we have two more weeks of Seattle Services until our team departs for the New York Gathering of the Eagles conference. Our team will be in the New York area until mid-December so unless the Lord calls us to hold an emergency time of intercession via phone/Skype, we will not resume live streaming services until January of 2014. Most of The World for Jesus Ministry functions will remain open during this time including our Fresno office, Joel’s Army, the CedarWood Pantry, and the Coats & Clothes Closet. The need is too great for us to shut down any aspect of these outreaches during the cold winter months. 
We will soon begin the next teaching from Nita, entitled “Hunger for God is Not Enough.” This is a five-part series in which Nita shares some of her personal journeys in the faith. She will open up to you about her walk with the Lord and provide further insight into the necessity of the body of Christ to go beyond the surface and engage in developing a relationship with God that hungers for His righteousness and not their own. The righteousness of God is far beyond what man can touch, but understanding His righteousness will cause us to cease our arrogance and appreciate the need to remain teachable.
This series is thought-provoking and compelling, encouraging the reader to look deeper than they ever have before. Hopefully they will come to understand that while hungering after God can begin your journey, living a life wholeheartedly devoted to knowing God is what will bring you into a place of true joy, maturity, and peace, no matter what circumstances life brings your way.
In Him,
WFJM Staff

Part "A"
Nita Johnson
The Spirit of the Lord is so strong this evening. I have felt His Presence here very strongly since the moment I walked into the building. For a few minutes, though, my thoughts wandered. During those moments, the angel of the Lord came, and he stood right beside me. He came to draw my thoughts and my heart back to God. He is still here, incidentally.
When I was in prayer this afternoon, I was weeping with great hunger for Him. Suddenly, His Spirit drew me with such passionate hunger that I could not withhold myself. I found myself drawing closer and closer to Him until I found myself kneeling before His throne. I noticed nothing except Him. I laid my head on His knees, and I wept uncontrollably because I was so hungry for Him.

Then He handed a scroll to me. He said, “I want you to teach on this tonight.”
It was Ezekiel 40:26:
Ezekiel 40:26-27a Amp.  And there were seven steps going up to the gate, and its archway or vestibule was on the inside. And it had palm trees, one on this side and another on that side, carved on its posts or pillars. And there was a gate to the inner court on the south....
No matter how great your hunger for God is, it is not enough unless the hunger drives you with a passion to let go of self. Only then is it enough. It is similar to a situation where a dog has been beaten by a broom by a past owner. You, as the dog's new master, have been very tender and loving to that dog and it loves you. But if you pick up a broom and lay it in front of the dog, its fear of walking over that broom to get to you is so enormous that some dogs will not do it. Some will because they want the love of the master so badly. That is how Jesus has to pull on you and how you must crave Him. You must come to a place where you move out of the law of sin and death and into the law of righteousness. You must come to the place where you want Him so badly, you are crying out. In your daily walk or when you awaken at night, you no longer think about the things you used to think about. Something in you is crying out for Jesus.
For years, I lived on two hours of sleep a night because if I accidentally woke up, I felt so much hunger and passion for Him that I could not stand to just go back to sleep again. I had to get up and spend time in prayer, in the Word, or whatever I needed to do until I felt consumed in His presence. That left me with about two hours of sleep a night. I cannot say that I only get two hours of sleep a night now, but I will be honest with you. About every hour and a half, He is awakening me. All I feel is a hunger to draw near to Him. So I stay awake, and I pray. Then I go back to sleep, and about an hour and a half later, He awakens me again.
There are seven steps, and then you arrive at the presence behind the veil.
Psalm 1:1-2 Amp.  Blessed (happy, fortunate, prosperous, and enviable) is the man who walks and lives not in the counsel of the ungodly [following their advice, their plans and purposes], nor stands [submissive and inactive] in the path where sinners walk, nor sits down [to relax and rest] where the scornful [and the mockers] gather. But his delight and desire are in the law of the Lord, and on His law (the precepts, the instructions, the teachings of God) he habitually meditates (ponders and studies) by day and by night.
Do you hear what that means? There are those who work in the marketplace. When they are at work, their minds are not on Jesus, but rather whether or not they are pleasing the ungodly—or, perhaps, whether or not they are pleasing their boss. They do not understand that you are to do your work as unto the Lord, as though He were sitting or standing right there with you, watching and helping you. You are not there to serve your boss; you are there to serve Jesus. If you serve Jesus, your boss is going to be happy because you are going to do a superior work. If you serve a man, you will judge and criticize much of the time. When you serve man, you are always going to get frustrated because you are going to do according to the works of man. When you serve Christ with your work, you will walk in the law of the Lord. You will look to Him and ask Him, “Did I do it well enough for You, Lord? Is there something that You want to give me to put into this job that I didn't know before?”
I can remember when we first started doing research for our next step in our works in the Gatherings. One of my colleagues came up with so much great information. I asked her, “Jen, did you learn research in school?” She replied, “Not like this.” I said, “How did you learn the research?” She said, “Well, the Lord.” I said, “Really?” She explained, “When I was in school, we didn't all have computers. I didn't know what to do, but I knew that we needed this information. So I sat down, and I said, 'Holy Spirit, You know that I don't know how to do research, but we need this information. So teach me where to go, how to go, and what to look for that I don't know in the natural. What is the information You want brought out?'” She would pray like that all the time she was doing research. She was not doing it as unto me, but rather, she was doing it as unto the Lord.
There are things He knows and understands that maybe even our boss does not know and understand. If a husband and wife treated a marriage as unto the Lord, we would never have divorce in the Church. He would be serving her as though he were serving Christ, and she would be serving him as though she were serving her Master and Lord, Jesus. Pastors would not feel the frustration of trying to pastor their flock if their flock were looking to their pastor through the cross of Christ, and if the pastor did the same. The pastors would be looking for the best for their sheep. They would have their Bibles out, trying to shepherd the sheep according to the Word. If the sheep reciprocated, we would never have Church splits.
The problem is that as the body of Christ, we do not do that. We are in it for us and what we can get out of it, instead of finding out what Christ wants to give, impart, and enact. We do not find out what surgery He wants to do to our soul or what blessing He wants to give to our spirit man. If our eyes are set upon a man, it is going to fail. If they are set upon Christ, it will work. If people look to me, I have to say, “Follow me as I follow Christ.” If I am not following Christ, then stop. If I continue to not follow Christ, then turn around and walk out. Your spiritual life must rest in His hands and not in the hands of a person. I know you have heard that before, but He wanted me to tell you again.
We are talking about growing in God. People often try to tell me how mature they are as Christians, and the minute they do that, they have revealed themselves. The more mature you are, the less you do that because that is not what you are all about. You are not interested in lifting up yourself, nor in playing the power game or the spiritual game. That has to come to an end if you are going to grow in Jesus. As long as you feel like you have it made, you will be one of the first to fall when the devil starts tripping people. be continued next week...
IN HIm, 

Check our "Schedule of Events" page for a PDF of our WFJM November Calendar

Corporate Intercession:
Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave West
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043
Thursday & Friday Nights
November 14 & 15, 2013
Service begins at 7pm PT
Intercessory Prayer
 via FCC & Skype!
Call in number for Corporate Intercession:
559-726-1300 access code 182152#
Wednesday Morning
November 13th
Time: 10:25 - NOON 
Sunday Night 
November 17th 
Time: 5:50 - 8:00 PM
Please join us as we intercede for the Nation!
CedarWood Food Bank
Our CW Pantry is open every Monday!
We are in need of Volunteers to help in the following areas: 
The Food Bank:
-We need help with set up and tear down. Perhaps you have 1 or 2 Mondays available per month that you can participate in this blessing. If so, this would allow our volunteers to alternate. 
-Volunteers are needed to collect food from the various sources in the Seattle area during the week. 
Coats & Clothes Closet:
-Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
BackPack Kids:
-We need volunteers for the assembly of kits for distribution to our schools. 
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Kathy or Ken Rickey at 
We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week. 
Our CW Pantry will be open
November 18h
NY Gathering of the Eagles, 2013!
December 2-6, 2013! 
Pre-registration required! Check out the Schedule of Events page of our website for more information including the link for online waitlist registration.

5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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