Subject: "How To Walk With God" Session 3 Part C

Dear Friends,

I'd like to address two critical issues in separate areas of our ministry.
CedarWood: The first call is on behalf of the children of the Seattle area. Our 4th Annual CedarWood Coat Drive has begun! Our goal is to provide every child with a warm, waterproof coat for the harsh winter. The first year we held our coat drive, one of the recipients was a young boy receiving his first new coat in three years. The sleeves of his previous one barely reached beyond his elbows, but it was all he had and with the bitterly cold winter of Seattle, he needed to wear what he had available. His story is not an isolated one, many in need cannot afford new coats which is what drives us to hold this event every year. If you'd like to participate and provide a coat, or coats, for a family in need, click here!

Joel's Army: The second issue is "Operation Fill-the-Gap!" The Lord gave Nita a vision several years ago. In it, she saw lighted shields, each representing a Joel's Army Prayer Cell, covering the landscape of America and driven deep into the bedrock to stabilize our nation in times of shaking. We realize what's at stake here, and each day, we become more passionate about ensuring every state in our Country has a representative praying on their behalf.
Here's a list of states which do not have a Joel's Army Prayer Cell in place:
  • Maine
  • Rhode Island
  • Iowa
  • Wyoming
  • Utah
  • Puerto Rico

Why is it important to have a representative? Just before we officially launched our Gathering of the Eagles Conferences, we sent out a call to the intercessors of the Nation to come and pray in our Georgia prayer conference. Every eastern state had a representative in place. The Lord gave us specific prayer points to address, and the intercessors wept passionately before the Lord. We repented over the atrocities committed against the Native and African-Americans in the Southeast region. It was a victorious time together.
Within weeks, the hurricane season began. It was forecasted to be one of our countries worst in decades. The world was surprised to see minimal damage reach the coastal states - all except for one; the only state without an intercessor weeping on its behalf. Today, we have a satellite office in this state and Kin and Debbie Clark head up our US & Canada- Joel’s Army.
What am I saying? We (the intercessors) are God's voice to the Nation. He speaks, we pray. When we are not fulfilling our responsibility, the area that we represent, will suffer. 

“And I sought for a man among thee, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.“ Ezek. 22:30 KJV

Thus the purpose of "Operation Fill-the-Gap." The times of shaking are coming, we've pushed them back or diminished them time after time. In accordance, with the commission God gave to Nita, Joel's Army intercessors have been created to provide the stability we need when a crisis comes. We want to ensure each state has a representative, will you step up, fill the gap, and keep your state covered?

What do you need to do?
  • Fill out an application and submit it to our office. (click here for the JA APP) 
  • We provide you with the support you need to get started. After we meet with you to discuss your application and approve you as a prayer cell leader or member, we will:
  • Provide you with weekly prayer points.
  • Connect you with intercessors in your area, if there aren't any yet, we'll connect you by phone to someone in your time zone. 
  • Provide books and CDs to develop you further as an intercessor. 
  • Provide ongoing training

Our prayers and intercessions have been battling for the nation and changing history for over 16 years of Gatherings, and more recently compounded and supported through Joel’s Army Prayer Cells praying weekly across America. Join us during "Operation Fill-the-Gap!" and be part of the stabilizing force our Nation needs!

Blessings & love,
Ricci Wilson


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“How To Walk With God”

Session Three

Part C

By Nita Johnson

NOLA Revival Services June, 2011

From last week:
When you understand His ways, you will begin to realize He might be disrupting your ways to teach you His ways.
Proverbs is not just an old boring book. It’s such a vital piece of our walk with God. I spent years in Proverbs and it can help you get through any trial. It gives you so much information about how to walk with God. What does the book of Proverbs say? It says to search for wisdom as for hidden treasures. You need to open it up and dig them out. Dig out the Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding and Prudence of God. As you are digging, God is doing a work in you to help you receive it.

I love to read the writings of the Jewish sages. I am telling you that I do not think I have read a theological commentary ever that has the depth of understanding of God as these Jewish sages who are not even saved. They meditate on the Word and this is a gift has been given to them. The gift is given to the Jewish people to be bearers of the precepts of the Lord, so even though the Spirit of God is not in them, He is around them and leading them into His way. Still blind in the respect to the Messiah, but as they meditate on the Word hour after hour, day after day and that gift becomes operative, it teaches them. They just have not been able to step far enough over to realize that Jesus is the Messiah. 

When Jesus finally appeared to Paul, how did he recognize Him? He recognized Him by the Word that He had been studying. Paul was a trailblazer. The Greek of the New Testament depicts him as a pioneer in his day of the study of scripture and he understood so much that when the Lord appeared to Him and he lay there blind for three days and nights, his heart was bursting with truth. He just laid there while truth was bursting out of the inner parts of his heart as he compared in his mind scripture with scripture and he saw that it was all about Jesus. He realized that the kingdom was different from what he had thought. His heart was exploding with the truth he had been taking in for all those years.

Then what? He has to go out to the desert because he does not want to be taught by man. He had spent all those years at the feet of Gamaliel. He knew how to study and meditate on the scriptures. He knew how to find out every wonderful detail about Messiah. The Jewish sages are a marvel to read even though some of their words you just want to skip over. Some of my favorite scriptures are those through which I have experienced the greatest meaning and deepest revelations. I look in some of these books and they just do not get it. But where they do, it is like drinking sweet wine, it is so rich. If they can do it, we can do it. 

At a very early age my granddaughter Tiffany had several visitations from the Lord and was also taken to heaven. Somehow, in the midst of all that, a hunger for the Word was created in her. I tell you the truth—by the time she was five or six years old, she would read the Bible through every year. I’m telling you the truth. So Jesus comes to her one night and tucks Himself into the little corner of her bed. He leans over right next to her and whispers in her ear: Tiffany, Tiffany. Tiff. She wakes up and looks over and who does she see? Jesus! She was overwhelmed. He whispers to her: I wanted to come and tell you how proud I am of you because you read the Bible every day. Tiffany, the Bible is My Word and you read it every day and you love it and I want you to know how proud I am of you because of that and I want to take you on a trip.
There were two angels in the room. He had come down in a great big basket—like the basket of a hot air balloon. The angels were standing guard beside the basket and He said: I want to take you for a ride, would you go in my basket with me? (Remember He is talking to a child.) She said: Yes, Jesus, I would.
He put her in the basket and took her to heaven. This next part is the reason why I am telling you this story. While in heaven, He said: Tiffany, may I have your Bible? (She had brought her Bible to heaven with her.) She handed it to Him and He said: I would like to teach you out of the book of Ruth. I want to help you understand why the book of Ruth is in the Bible. He sat down and taught her the book of Ruth. That is amazing. After that, He showed her some personal things in heaven then brought her back. She lay back down and He said: Tiffany, there is one more thing I have to tell you before you go to sleep. I am noticing that you are watching a lot of Bible videos. I want you to know that I am so glad you are doing that, because you are filling your heart with My Word by reading it and watching it on children’s videos and I am going to reward you for that. Then He left. 

When Tiffany told me this story, I asked: So, what did He tell you about the book of Ruth? She said: Grandma, it is in my heart until I need it. She was about six years old at the time. 

God wants us to love His Word. Look what He did for that little six year old who loved His Word enough to spend time in it every day so she could read through it in a year. That was not necessarily the goal, she just wanted to read the Bible and it just worked out that she read it through every year. I have no idea how many times Tiffany has read through the Bible. If God can build that kind of hunger in a child, how much more should He be able to build it in you and me? We need it more than she did. We need to be eating the meat that causes our spirit to become strong. Someone might say: I have problems that I am trying to overcome and still cannot. I keep fighting and battling and still nothing. I would ask them: How much time do you spend in the Word? They might say something like: Well, I am awfully busy. Well how much time do you spend in the Word, 10-15 minutes a day? They might say something like: Well, I do take it to Church. And then I tell them—that is why you are not overcoming. You are not spending enough time in the Word. 

You do not know that it is strengthening you, but it is. You may n
ot think the Word is doing anything for you and you may think you do not understand what you read, but if you are reading it, it is cleansing you of the things that keep you from Jesus. It is cleansing you of the things of the world and healing your soul. The Word is healing and repairing your soul to submit to your spirit. It heals and strengthens your spirit man. It is a great way to learn that it is not about you; it is about God and Jesus in everything and in every way.

Once, I was in prayer with my dear friend Bonnie. During this prayer time the Lord took me up to heaven and showed me certain things in heaven. When we were all finished with my tour, He then took me to a room and said: I want to show you something for Bonnie and I want you to tell her about it when you see her. He then led me inside the room. Bonnie was sitting there. He left me by the door, walked over to her and said: Good morning Bonnie, I brought you here so I could teach you My Word. Bonnie was so excited and said: Lord, what do You want to teach me? He said: I am going to teach you today and even more in the days ahead, but we will start here.

I stood in the doorway watching Him teach Bonnie out of His Word. When He was finished, He came back over to me and said: I want you to tell Bonnie that this is what I have in store for her—a personal tutoring time with Me to learn My Word—if she will press in. 

God wants to be our teacher. He wants to make these scriptures life to us. I love this scripture – Deuteronomy 32:46-47 He said to them, Set your [minds and] hearts on all the words which I command you this day, that you may command them to your children, that they may be watchful to do all the words of this law. For it is not an empty and worthless trifle for you…

To be continued next week…

In His Amazing Love,

Nita Johnson

DC, Gathering of the Eagles, 2016!

October 10-14, 2016
& 6:30-10:30 p.m.

Holiday Inn Washington Dulles
45425 Holiday Drive
Dulles, VA 20166
(automated system)
(direct line)

Room Rate: $109.00*
Price includes 2 complimentary breakfast buffet vouchers, per day.
*Room must be booked before 9/13/2016 with group code: "DC Gathering of the Eagles" to receive this rate.

Pre-registration is required.

Seating is limited to 600 intercessors!

This Week's Schedule:

We invite everyone to stand with us as we fight for the healing of our Nation.

Click below for PDF with:
Flash Phone Instructions

Flash Phone Access
Then enter the number and access code for the any of the desired lines.

Corporate Intercession Line
Access Code: 182152#

Chinese Translation Line
Access Code: 336087

This week's prayer times are as follows:

Tuesday September 20
10:20-Noon PST
11:20-1PM MST
12:20-2PM CST
1:20-3PM EST

September 21
10:20-Noon PST
11:20-1PM MST
12:20-2PM CST
1:20-3PM EST

Thursday September 22 & Friday September 23
5:50-7:30PM PST
6:50-8:30PM MST
7:50-9:30PM CST
8:50-10:30PM EST

Tuesday September 27
5:50-7:30PM PST
6:50-8:30PM MST
7:50-9:30PM CST
8:50-10:30PM EST

Sunday - September 25

Interactive Corporate Prayer Call
East and West Coast calls combined!

Chinese Corporate Intercession
ACCESS CODE: 800754#

Canadian Corporate Intercession
3:20 PM PST
Call in: 712-775-7035
Access code: 444928#

NEW!! Korean Corporate Intercession
On the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month September 11 & September 25
5:30PM PST
Access Code: 206983#

All are welcome to attend any of the above calls.

CedarWood Int'l

The CedarWood Pantry served a grand total of 10,927 people in 2015!
This is thanks to those of you who contribute to this effort, Pastor Matthew & Su of Bethel Chapel for allowing us to rent so much of their facility for our CedarWood programs, our amazing volunteers and of course, our CW team for making this possible!

September 26th

Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave W
Seattle, WA 98043

Here are some pressing needs our CedarWood department has:

  • Shoes
  • Blankets - All sizes
  • Sleeping bags for the homeless
  • Volunteers
  • Diapers (Size 3 & up) & baby wipes
  • Baby Food & Formula
  • $5-$20 Gift cards for Gas for our volunteers who transport the food to and from the Pantry

Most donations can be dropped off during the Pantry or mailed into our office. Tax deductible receipts provided.

Coats & Clothes Closet:
Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Vivian DuPorter at
If you would like to help with BackPack Kids, contact Ken & Kathy Rickey at 

We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week.

Joel's Army brings together intercessors to intercede for their nations. If you are interested in learning more:
5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.