Subject: "He is Truth!" Part C by Nita LaFond Johnson

Dear Friends,

Thank you for joining us last week for Nita's message. If you missed it, you can go to the media log page of our website and listen to it today. It will bless you tremendously. She will join us again August 7th, so please make every attempt to join us for this special message.

Please note effective July 29th, our Free Conference Call Numbers will change to the following:
Corporate intercession:
Old number: 559-726-1300
New number: 605-562-3140 Access code: 182152#

Sunday Night Chinese Corporate Intercession:
Old number: 760-569-7676
New number: 641-715-3640 Access Code: 800754#

Canadian Corporate Intercession:
No change: 712-775-7035 Access Code: 444928#

Chinese Translation Line:
Old number: 209-647-1600
New Number: 641-715-3650

Please make note of these new numbers, without them you cannot join the prayer call. If you call the old numbers, you will not be able to access the call as they do not have a forwarding notice. Please save this information and plan to join us each prayer session as we keep the nations lifted up before our Lord!

Blessings & love,


Click here if you would like to contribute to our Cedarwood Blessings through our website

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Following is the first installment of “He is Truth!” I pray it helps to strengthen and prepare you for the days ahead.



Part C


Nita Johnson


One time in New Orleans, I got into the platform, and I started to worship the Lord with a song of the Lord. Suddenly, I felt the ocean waves of God begin to pour over my soul. Every wave took my spirit and soul deeper into God until I was no longer cognizant of my own existence. The only thing I was cognizant of was God. He had completely absorbed me into Himself. Having done that, He began to give me a series of visions. In these visions, I saw them with my eyes, but I was also part of the experience. It is like the prophet who said he was amidst the trees and spoke of horses; he was in the experience. (Zech 1:8) In the experience, I found myself standing in front of the mountain of Truth. All around the circumference of this mountain were kings and queens of the earth. They had something like a hammer and chisel in their hands, and they were whacking away at that mountain. They were pounding and pounding, trying to break or destroy the mountain of Truth. They looked like tiny, feeble ants standing around this huge mountain. This mountain was so big that, although I could look up and see the top of it, as perhaps you would see the pinnacle of Mount Everest, I could not see the end of it. It just kept going and going. I could see the front face where I stood, but I never could see the end of the back. It was a huge mountain of Truth. It was Truth. All those kings and queens were just hammering away, trying to destroy the mountain of Truth like so many ants, and I thought, You foolish, foolish people. You don't even understand. I could not believe it. Why would an ant pick up a hammer against Mount Everest? Why would they? I stood there boggled. God is Truth. All those kings and queens could do nothing in all of their efforts because what He determined is what would stand.

So if someone tells you there is a man eatting bear that lives in a forest, but God says to you, "I want you to go through the forrest because there is someone I want you to lead to Me," then what are you going to believe? You have trust God because your faith is what is going to protect you from that bear. He is Truth. He did not call you into the forrest to be destroyed by the bear. That is the missunderstanding we Jewish people failed under. We didn't realize that no matter what was before our eyes, it did not matter. What mattered was what God said was going to happen when He brought us out of Egypt. That’s all that mattered. If He said it, then that is what is going to happen—not what man plans. Do you understand? It does not matter what you see, what you feel about what you see, or what apparently seems to be happening. None of that matters. What matters is what God says because He alone is Truth. Now, if you have that down pat, I'll move on.

I came home from DC, and just a few days ago, the Lord said to me, "I want you to do thus and so, and since the New World Order cannot come into America now, you can do it.” (Loud celebration from the intercessors) Your reaction is wonderful! I told my leadership team what God said, and do you know what they said? Nothing! There was dead silence. I said, "Are you guys there?" They said, "Yeah, we're here." I said, "I just told you that the Lord said the New World Order cannot come into this nation. And you guys are saying nothing!" Anyway, I razzed them enough that I got a little bit of cheers, but you guys are great! I'd like to tell you ten more times! We have worked fifteen years to hear those words! And, of course, He is not going to tell me something unless He means it.

He told me before we went into DC that if I would go, He would complete what He needed in order to completely stop the emergence of America into the New World Order. What makes it so remarkable is that they have finally voiced their plan, and they are saying that in the fall of 2015 the New World Order will be fully established around the world. But the Lord said, “No.”

When He told me what He told me, I don’t even remember what He asked me to do. I was so excited about Him saying, “Now that the NWO cannot come into America, you can do it,” that I don't even remember. He is going to have to speak it to me again. But what I said to Him was, "Wait a minute. What?!! Are you saying that it's over? The New World Order cannot bring America into bondage?" He said, "I have given America to be free." No one else could say that but God. He is the only one powerful enough to break it down. I didn’t even bother to ask Him what He or how He would do it. Why because He has already told me the net or webbing of the universal New World Order is so intricate that no one could destroy it. He is the only one who has the power to do that as well as the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom on how to do it. So I don't even bother to ask Him about all of these things. But He has given America to be free! It has been fifteen years of repentance and intercession, and this was the last year. If we didn't do it this year, we wouldn't have been able to do it, and the New World Order would have won. Talk about a rescue of the midnight hour! You could not get much closer. It’s so close that it is downright scary. be continued next week...

In His Amazing Love,
Nita Johnson
Communication Corner

Check our "Schedule of Events" page for updated meeting information. 

DC, Gathering of the Eagles, 2015! 
August 24-28, 2015!

Go to our Schedule of Events Page for more details including the registration links for the above conference! 

Share WFJM with your friends, get up-to-date schedules, and even donate via our FaceBook Pages:

WFJM FaceBook Page:


Corporate Intercession:

See below for new call-in numbers! 


Wednesday Morning
July 29, 2015
10:20-Noon PST
11:20-1PM MST
12:20-2PM CST
1:20-3PM EST

Thursday Evening  
July 30 & 31, 2015
5:50-7pm PST
6:50-8pm MST
7:50-9pm CST
8:50-10pm EST


Sunday August 2, 2015

Chinese Corporate Intercession
Access Code: 800754

Canadian Corporate Intercession
3:20 PM PST
Call in: 712-775-7035 
Access code: 444928#

All are welcome to attend any of the above calls. 
CedarWood Food Bank

The CedarWood Pantry:

Monday August 3rd


Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave W
Seattle, WA 98043

Here are some pressing needs our CedarWood department has:

  • Our own Van, Box and/or Refrigerator Truck
  • Volunteers
  • Diapers & Baby Wipes
  • Baby Food & Formula
  • $5-$20 Gift cards for Gas for our volunteers who transport the food to and from the Pantry

Most donations can be dropped off during the Pantry or mailed into our office. Tax deductible receipts provided.

Coats & Clothes Closet:
Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Vivian DuPorter at
If you would like to help with BackPack Kids, contact Ken & Kathy Rickey at 

We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week.

Joel's Army brings together intercessors to intercede for their nations. If you are interested in learning more:
5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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