Subject: GOE 8/13-16, Nita's Birthday, and "The End of it All!" by Nita Johnson

Dear Friends and Intercessors,

Our PHONE Gathering of the Eagles begins Tuesday, August 13th at 4:20 PM PT!

I think we can all agree, this is a critical season in our nation’s history, and we want to invite you to be a part of influencing the nation through prayer. We want our nation to return to a nation that fears God and honors our fellow man. We want the concepts behind “in order to form a more perfect union” to blanket our nation and bring us back together. Divided we fall, but united we will stand against any obstacle that comes our way.

This week we will engage in repentance, intercession and warfare over the land trusting God that His promises still stand! We are confident that He will indeed see us through this refining season and bring us to a place where Americans proudly proclaim that we are “One Nation Under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all!”

Join us Tuesday-Friday 4:20-7:30 for our August PHONE Gathering of the Eagles!

NITA’s Birthday is Friday!!!
Thank you again to those of you who’ve sent in cards and letters for Mom’s birthday, there’s still time, we will continue collecting and boxing them up for the next couple weeks. These precious letters of how her life and this ministry have helped you grow in the Lord touch her deeply, so thank you for participating in this precious gift of love to her!

A precious teaching from mom is below…

Blessings & love,

Join us this Tuesday-Friday
4:20-7:30 PM PT

English Line
Access Code: 182152#

Chinese Translation Line
Access Code: 188979#

Korean Translation Line
Access Code:349014


"The End Of It All"
By Nita Johnson
August 1, 2024

Wednesday night I heard the voice of a man and received a vision simultaneously. Both of these were confirmed by the Urim Thummim. I was told that those nations of the world that had come under the N.W.O. were 666. I saw that clearly in the vision. The growing number was now under this force. The rest would follow suite. By the end of the year, it would have many more including the US would be 666. Not that this is not already pretty much true, but all of the nations would feel the claws of the New World Order come into their nation and turn it into a massive communist world, unbelievably soon.

But Christ has broken the back of that movement. I saw it clearly their plan will not happen!

There is a Council behind this work and has been from the beginning. He told me its name, but I lost it as the vision faded because I went into shock when He
He showed me the 666 reality of what I have seen and written about being implemented without mercy throughout the whole world, I mean, it was like a veritable knife went through my heart. But then He showed me the rest.

It WILL NOT HAPPEN. He just broke the back of the serpent. His Words! He spoke the communique by words and revealed it by vision, pictorially and confirmed it by the Urim Thummim. This is three witnesses throughout the whole process. I was awake most of the night. When I finally went to bed, I had a dream and when I awoke, I had several quick visions.

In the dream, I saw a man standing in front of the biggest world map I've ever seen. It was gargantuan. It covered a whole long wall about three times the size of a large projector screen. The Lord made it clear to me and wanted my focus on what was about to be said and shown.

He was pointing out that people were being picked up all over the world. He told me it will take some time, but we know where they are.

There were several mini clips of people from races all over the map being shuffled off to prison. I saw people in prison playing prison games together. All of these people had been or were being picked up. There was a quick trial and execution of the determined crime whether it would be prison or corporal punishment. These people were not just human traffickers, but those who played a role in bringing about the New World Order. These people worked as part of the chief echelon group and clear down to the bottom of the pyramid. No one had the power to resist arrest. As they went through and did everything they needed to do, whether it was finding documents, whether it was destroying technology, whatever they needed to do, all of that happened before my eyes plus the arrest.

It was amazing to see that these people had no resistance to anything that was happening. They didn't try to run or squeeze out of the grip of the officer. They couldn't think clearly enough to try to find a hiding place. There was no resistance because God Himself took that from them.

The good guys were also making plans to finish destroying the DUMBs. Businesses that worked cooperatively with the people in the DUMBs were also arrested, tried, convicted, and their discipline determined. I also told you several times in the past that corporal punishment will be affected and it's still true. The New World Order has been plundered. I am waiting to hear what God will decide to do with the Catholic Church and any more information that He wants to give me.

Everything was so crystal clear there was simply no doubt. We are at 25 years of the GOEs interceding, repenting, and believing against this terrible viper in the earth. I am just amazed.

He told me (third time since last year) this victory is occurring because we prayed, stood in the gap, and made ourselves available that He could use us to bring down this terrible stronghold in the earth. (Mind you, I am not saying we crushed this terrible force from hell. We did what we were told to do so He could do what only He could do).

If you want to say to yourself, “Well, God uses intercessors all over the world.”

I'm sure that He did have some intercessors all over the world. But, I have to promise you this. In the many times that He or an Angel appeared or took me to Heaven to talk to me about these things, He has never once said it's because of you and My world-wide network of intercessors that we are able to do the things that we're doing. He never has. He always addresses our small company of prayer leaders and intercessors. Still, I do believe that He did have intercessory teams throughout the globe praying in secret as they were called by Him.

Now just by practical sense, we have to understand that there are other intercessors. But, two things play into this, the problem is they have to wear many powerful mantles. If intercessors are joined by two or three other people in their country, the groups are going to be small. He showed that to me early on. It’s because the nucleus of God's plans and purposes are being held in His bosom. We are the nucleus and whoever He's brought into the wheel are people that are dependent on what God is releasing into the earth to the things He has us praying. It's like we're the heavenly computer bank that all the intercessors unknowingly draw from, and we from Him – The Captain of the Host. It's really quite remarkable.

For us to be faithful and stay faithful, in the light of all that we have all gone through, has so pleased the Father because now when I saw the vision 666 a man’s hand came down and ripped that right out of the page it was attached to and He said to me, “This will not happen. I (meaning Him) have spoiled it!”

I am in and out of tears and joyful laughter. My heart feels so comforted like I haven't known in over 20 years.

I believe it's because the Lord ordained that for us, and that is one of the reasons I'm just so excited to be able to share this with you. Now you can drink of the comfort of the Lord.

So, to hear for sure that the death of this movement 666 went so much deeper and broader than that and so much more complete than that just gives such a comfort to my heart. It may take much longer the way He does it, but it’s so thorough when He finishes destroying the enemy’s plan and cutting this tree right down to the root. It is just a marvel to know and understand God, don’t you think? Amen

What the good guys will do and are already in the process of doing, when they do get to a certain point the heavens will start getting cleaned out and we will feel like a new Earth has been born because of the innocence from the lack of horrific darkness that has covered the face of the globe for so many generations.

There's no place in the world where the practices of the New World Order has done injury to human beings that the whole program will not be ripped out by the roots and the Nation healed, as long as these people are willing to work with God.

I don't see how it was possible for them not to work with Him because everything I saw showed passivity. Their running was over.

I shared with you some visions that I had about different people evading arrest. Bill Gates was one of them. Their initial plan, at least here in the States, was to dart in panic. But what I saw now, these people couldn't decide what to do, where to go. They fell into massive confusion. They didn’t know their right hand from their left. Before the whole thing was over, they melted into passivity just like the ones I saw when they were first approached by authorities.

I know you guys have paid a price. You've all experienced some kind of loss during this project. You've all paid prices.

It has been worth it for those who have been with us from the earliest stage until now or maybe left only just recently. All will have their reward set aside for them for what they gave to bring down this horrible serpent from the face of the earth.

There's just something that happened to me when I saw the map of the world. It hit me so hard for the first time. This really is a world endeavor by the good guys headed by the Captain of the Host our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a world freedom.

I don't know what will happen between now and the end of the year. I only know that there is an immeasurable effort being done in secrecy, such as the stealth warfare, that I've seen so many times.

I think the reason why Trump will get the election is because enough will have been done that there will be no choice in the people who are in those positions of authority that they cannot deny the evidence. Still now, they have chosen to deny and keep their eyes blind regarding this whole movement, they will be forced to see that the things that they have done against Trump has been to increase the power of the delusion that they built. Trump really was not guilty of all the things for which they accused him and all that they've put him through.

It was such a relief to see that the things, the spirit, and the activities that kept things hidden will be gone or are being erased at this very moment.

We will continue doing the Gatherings, but our continued intercession will be to walk with them in things they are doing to clean up the mess. We will uproot, plant, and build. The purpose of our prayers will be to plant the New America, the New World agenda, which will be God's, His great blessing, and for the Great Awakening.

The Lord told me that once the Great Awakening has completed important work, we can pray anytime we feel like there needs to be a greater measure of release upon the earth and He will do it for us. Not just for us, but for the world. It will be needful for us to keep the praying going as they clean up the mess and as God is re-creating the Nation. Oh, so wonderful. No wonder Trump’s actions were what they were in the vision I had with Trump squeezing Melania’s hand saying, “I never knew, I never knew it would be this beautiful,” while standing on top of that mountain with his children, administration, and friends looking down over the Nation absolutely clothed in brilliant crystalline glory.

Q: I'm from the school where they taught where the Antichrist is going to rule in the last days because the entire world would be in subjection. Many years ago, I asked you about this, and you responded by saying, “Well, it doesn't have to include America.” That was the first time that I've ever heard that. Are you saying not only just America, but the world and the Nations so that means there's a new verse being written in Revelation with them not taking the mark of the beast?
A: No, in time when God allows the reign of the Anti-Christ there will be those who will accept the mark and others who will not. We have never seen the likes of the vast numbers in creation that will become martyrs for His glory as unto that day. So, that will eventually happen. What God is buying for us is time. He is buying us healthy time. I don’t believe the Lord is saying He is only giving us 10years. This reminds me of a vision I had when I was with my dear friend Bonnie. We were praying in the prayer room of her husband’s church when I had the vision.

I saw the world clothed in something. That's all I can say at this point. I don't remember what it looked like. I don't remember really anything about it except that there was a covering around the face of the globe. Next, I saw a great Angel. I have no idea how big this Angel was but he was great in size. He swooped down and ripped a hole in this covering so that God's work could get through a special revival type anointing.

I found recently that there were a few times when the Lord actually used the word “Awakening” to me in earlier visions, but I had completely forgotten that He had done that. So, this Angel swept down and made a cut creating a long hole. The rip in the covering was as long as the North is from the South of the earth. Then, He picked up the covering like picking up the lid of a breadbox and pulled it up into the sky. This was enormous because it was the length of the whole earth, probably half the globe was now naked. From the work that the Angel did, I saw immediately millions of souls rise up through that new escape that he just made. The Angel stood there waiting for every last soul to come.

When the last soul came near the edge of the rip, the Angel started moving toward Heaven. I think he did that because the space that he created couldn't accommodate such a massive number of people. The saints moving toward Heaven weren't flying by their own energy. They were in what looked like a huge bridal veil. The people in the front began to take on collectively, all of them together, the image of a woman. Then, all the people that were not put in that image began to form a veil that started at the top of her head and went down her back. It was definitely separated from the Bride herself by enough space that you could see that a veil was being created. The veil went all the way back to that hole and was growing inside of the world as more and more people were being rescued “by the Awakening”. When the Angel finished lifting the Bride in her wedding attire from the earth, I looked down to see what was left. It was only darkness.

My heart broke because I knew there were people that were now forever trapped in darkness. The Bride was the most elegant and beautiful woman you've ever seen in your life because everything was clothed with the glory of our Lord. Those that were left were left to the bitter cruelty of that darkness until the time of the end.

When the vision came to an end, I saw standing beside me, literally, not in a vision, but standing next to me, a huge Angel. He came into the room and was actually the one that was showing me this beautiful imagery. The Angel said to me, “Nita, there is one here that I need to introduce you to. You are going to see its head right now. There it is. The being’s head looked like a dragon; it was mammoth in size. The dragon’s eyes were huge, and he was drooling blood. I was terrified.

I said to the angel, “Why did you bring him to me?” He replied, “This is the spirit that rules over all America from the west coast to the east coast.” His body and appendages cover the whole nation. He is what rules America. I said to the Angel, “Why are you showing him to me?” Again, he replied, “It is your job to dethrone him. He has known someone was coming for many years, but he's never known who. Today, He now knows it is you who will dethrone him and bring him to naught. You need to know this because you need to walk circumspectly with the Lord throughout your entire life. You will be dealing with spirits just like him, but he is the first to fall.

So, what we have is a picture of the Lord taking His beautiful Bride leaving the world behind without any light. During that time, I still believe satan will have started to spread his evil worldwide. Then, a time will come yet, the Bride will be wholly gone. The world will suffer the punishment of the darkness and more will be redeemed. Things will come to the close. But, darkness and all of its minions will be disciplined to the uttermost by God.

If anyone wants to know if a spirit can die, if the Lord tells it to die, yes, it can. When it dies, it starts shriveling up to nothing. I've seen over the years, at least a dozen different spirits fall to the ground at the sword of an angel die and begin to disappear. When they're gone, they're gone. We might believe spirits live forever, but only if God determines that it does. When He comes to the place, where some spirits have overplayed their hand and cause more damage than He's permitting them to cause, He will take them out and they will die. That's just His way. Don't you think that could still include what you and others have probably been taught?

Q: How much of what you saw regarding the arrests will happen this year?

A: I believe at least it's happening right now as we speak. When it began? I don't know because it's been two or three different times that the Lord has told me that certain work that He gave us to pray over has accomplished its purpose. But then, what follows it would be new revelation to pray over things that we hadn't prayed over enough or maybe we had never prayed over it. So, we've been praying over pieces of the puzzle until all the intercession that was needed to complete the puzzle was poured out and the Lord was given a path. I wish that everyone who has ever been with this ministry, as things begin to pour out before the public which that time is coming, that they could see it and know that it was really from the years of investment that they made in our intercessions. It would be so wonderful if God would do that.

Something else I want to say regarding God’s dealing with the NWO people is that this undertaking is so massive that it would seem like it would take at least a decade to finish it. But, God is going to do this new thing quickly. How long will it take? I have no idea.

Sometimes He'll tell me, but sometimes He doesn't. But, we will begin to see things happening because now we're looking for it. When we start to see it, we will come to the insight or revelation that this is part of the things that I am sharing with you right now. When you see it, just pray in tongues that the thing will continue on with such precision. I know what it will look like because I've been deliberately shown this by God, otherwise, I wouldn't know.

Angels can flick around here and there in a split second of time. One year I was in the Bay Area of the Gulf of Mexico spending some weeks just in solitude and prayer. An Angel suddenly appeared clear across the bay while I was sitting on a swing on the patio overlooking the bay. The next second he was standing in front of me. Now, I would say that was some pretty fast moving. If they have the power to move that quickly? How quickly would the Lord finish what He has begun? And will He increase the “Awakening” to help this whole effort so that we can move into the revival manifestation of the “Great Awakening”? Probably!

But, just the initial points that are to be covered or considered, there will be some really fast-moving activity in the heavens as God continues moving to implement the first stage.

I want to say something about the vision I had of Joe Biden with his tech eye, and he was announcing that the New World Order had arrived. I don't know if that happened or not. If it hasn't happened, my question is what has happened between the time he left the presidency and the time that he returns long enough to implement that vision? I don't know. I can say this, if we never see it actualized, it will be that God did His work so it cannot happen. The Lord revealed it so succinctly that I wouldn't forget any part of it.

In the person that I saw, which I've mentioned to you before, we've never seen that side of Joe ever, but I really feel like this red tech eye was indicative of the NWOs ownership of him. Included in that vision, Joe said he would deal with the people scattered all over America from the chaos that broke out. So, did our intercession break that so it didn't happen? It's possible. If we don't see it come to pass, it will be because we were able to subvert that particular chaos. I do know we cut it down to closer to 40% of what the original 100% contained. Only 40% could happen and will simply be due to the fallout of “666 Order” flailing its swan song, meaning collateral damage! So He may have curtailed that. We need to keep the future in mind that this may still end up being a marker for us or it may not because prayer and God’s intervention.

To reiterate, The NWO has been plundered. I am waiting to hear what God will do with the Catholic Church.

The NWO has been struck by the hand of our August God! Just as the fig tree was struck by His power when Jesus cursed it: It died!!! In less than 24 hours all source of life was gone.

Even so, the NWO, with its ultimate plan to bring the actual anti-Christ to power has been stripped by the Almighty hand of God. Yesterday, He struck it dead.

The Elite have spent 200 years trying to bring this about. Yesterday the Lord blasted their plans to oblivion. He showed it to me in a vision.

Like a sick animal choking to death, the NWO is doing what every air breathing animal does when it cannot breathe. It thrashes, but death does come. In this case, the animal is a force, a demonic force built under the auspices of Satan’s Kingdom.

God sent death right into its heart. We will see the flailing, the gasping for breath like a dragon or a Gator, when under attack uses the powerful tail to bring its enemy down. We will see and experience the thrashing about as it struggles for air. Not knowing that with every effort to breathe, it is sending death deeper into its internal parts. All will fall, all will fail because our mighty God deprives it of life.

The next strike will be the Catholic Church.

My last statement will be this. There are not enough words to say thank You to Jesus and the Father for what They have been doing, what They will be doing, and for the holy and wonderful things that are coming! He surely is going to show Himself strong in this hour. And it is really going to be amazing. Amen!

In Him,


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5730 N First Street #105-307
Fresno, CA 93710
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Teachings: Just a reminder, all of our weekly teachings are uploaded to the “Prophetic & Intercessor’s Training Ground” Page of our website. These are timely messages given to prepare us for the days ahead. If you missed a Thursday or Friday night teaching click here. 

Finances:  WFJM stands in the gap for nations through the work of the Gatherings/Joel’s Army, we support missions world-wide, serve those in need through CedarWood, distribute books/CDs without charge, and so on. For more information on any of these outreaches, click here. We couldn’t accomplish this without you! 

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"The Overcoming Life Through Prayer" by Nita Johnson is now available in Chinese! If you'd like to order your copy today, click here!

"The Overcoming Life Through Prayer" by Nita Johnson is now available in Spanish! If you'd like to order your copy today, click here!

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This Week's Schedule:

We invite everyone to stand with us as we fight for the healing of our Nation.

Click below for PDF with:
Flash Phone Instructions

Flash Phone Access
Then enter the number and access code for the any of the desired lines.

Smartphone users (when connect to wifi) click here for instructions to download the or APP and start using the internet to join our calls instead of your minutes!

English-Speaking Corporate Prayer Call
Access Code: 182152#

Chinese-Speaking Corporate Call
Access Code: 188979#

Chinese speaking prayer call
access code 800754#

Canadian Corporate Call
Access Code: 949659#

Korean Speaking Prayer Call
Access Code: 881779#

Spanish-Speaking Prayer Call
Access Code: 609189#

Korean Translation Line
Access Code: 881779#
NOTE 6/6 this number will change to:
Access Code:349014


4:20 - 7:00 PM PT


5:00pm - 7:00pm PST

6:00pm - 8:00pm MST

7:00pm - 9:00pm CST

8:00pm - 10:00pm EST

Chinese Call

4:00pm - 6:00pm PST

Korean Call

5:00pm - 7:00pm PST

Be sure to check the PCL/PCM section of our website for this week's Prayer Points and Resources!

Several of our States have prayer calls designed to pray specifically for the pertinent issues facing your state. Click here for the participating states and their schedule 
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Fill the Gap Campaign! 

If you live in one of these states consider joining Joel's Army. Don't leave your state unprotected!!
  • Maine
  • Rhode Island
  • New Hampshire
  • Wyoming
  • Utah
  • Puerto Rico


Thank you for your continued support of this outreach. Lives are changed each week through our CW Pantry and support team. Check out our FaceBook page for details.
Every Monday 
12:00-2:30 PM

Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave W
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

Here are some pressing needs our CedarWood department has:

  • We provide weekend meals for 200 children monthly. Child Sponsorship - $34.99 per month provides essential nutrition to a child in need
  • Shoes
  • Blankets - All sizes
  • Sleeping bags for the homeless
  • Volunteers
  • Diapers (Size 3 & up) & baby wipes
  • Baby Food & Formula
  • $5-$20 Gift cards for Gas for our volunteers who transport the food to and from the Pantry

Most donations can be dropped off during the Pantry or mailed into our office. Tax deductible receipts provided.

Coats & Clothes Closet:
Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Adam Shephard at

We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week.

5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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