Subject: Critical Warnings Part E

Critical Warnings Part E

Dear friends,

I want to give my thanks to each and every one of you who joined us for our Seattle services on Thursday and Friday of last week. We had a powerful time of intercession, reaching nearly record participation! We will continue praying in this manner until the New York Gathering of the Eagles in December. Those of you who have access to our Intercessor’s Vault (IV)  can listen to the services online. Due to the sensitive nature of the services, they will remain in the Vault. Please consider joining us this Thursday and Friday as we continue seeking the Lord on behalf of our Nation.

This is a very exciting time for the ministry. The Lord has moved on World For Jesus Ministries to raise up Prayer Cells across the land. When we first initiated Joel’s Army (JA), we had an enormous influx of applications. We worked to connect them to Prayer Cells that come together on a regular basis to pray over issues facing the nation. We offer training for prospective Prayer Cell Leaders that they will in turn, pass on to our Prayer Cell Members. 

Recently, I was looking through the applications and Joel’s Army statistics, and I was amazed to see our JA Prayer Cells growing rapidly, particularly outside the United States. Our International Coordinators are working hard, interviewing and building up Prayer Cells and training them in intercessory prayer. As the information comes across my desk each month, I find myself deeply touched by the number of Prayer Cells established within nations infamous for their persecution of Christians. It seems that in spite of the personal risk, their passion for the Gospel and their desire to learn how to pray effectively is being strengthened, becoming a guiding force for them. I find myself asking, “why do those who suffer persecution respond by fighting harder to hold on to what they believe?” Our prayers remain with them, seeking protection for these precious and faithful intercessors. I find myself humbled by the commitment to prayer shown by some of the faithful. I want to encourage those here in the States to hold on to their convictions as well. Remember what you are praying for and why. Let your passion be rekindled in this hour and seek the Lord on behalf of your nation, your state, your city, and your loved ones and allow those around you to witness your passion.

Unfortunately, it seems as though those who enjoy the level of religious freedom we do have forgotten what a treasure it is to be able to worship and pray without doing so in secret. A day is coming when our freedoms will be challenged. I encourage you to strengthen your faith and establish a prayer life that will remain standing in the days ahead.

Joel’s Army is here for all levels of intercessors. Young or old, novice or experienced, we have a place for you. Consider this opportunity and contact the office today to find out how you can join a Joel’s Army prayer cell.

Following is Part E of Critical Warnings. Last week Nita shared on the plans of the Elite for this Nation and what we as Christians can do to prepare for the days ahead. I pray that this is not only informative, but encouraging as well.

Blessings to you,

WFJM Staff

Critical Warning

Part E


Nita Johnson


People loved to pray until Obama was re-elected. Then people all over this nation quit praying. I think it was because they thought God was not interested in hearing our prayers. They thought, “What's the use? We prayed and prayed, and he was re-elected.” He was re-elected through corruption, but he is still standing in the office that God must use to bring this nation through. As long as he is there, as intercessors, we must pray for him. In the dream, when Obama said to me, “Tell the people not to hate me,” he said it two or three times. He said, “Please tell them to pray for me.” He does not want you to hate him. He looks like he does not care, but he, in his heart of hearts, really does care.

Obama has had to do many things in office that really were not his will. I knew that about Clinton and Bush, and now I know it about Obama. There are many things he would not have done if he could have stopped them. Some people who are Christians say that is not true, and that he can choose not to do anything he does not want to do. However, what if there is a group of men who are telling you they are going to kill your child if you do not do what they tell you to do? Believe me, if they are issuing those kinds of threats to him, and it would not surprise me if they are, they would do it. In this way, they are not threats; they are promises. Furthermore, we do not know what the puppet strings are, what they look like, and how deeply they are anchored in his soul. All I know is that Obama has been forced to do things he does not want to do. Somehow, he needs you to understand that, and he needs you to pray for his freedom to lead. Pray for his freedom to bring this country out of the plans of the Elite.

In a vision given to one of Fred’s dear friends, the Lord showed America sinking into what looked like a pit of quicksand. Suddenly, a man's hand came down from heaven and pulled America up in the very center of the country where she was sinking. The man's hand established and stabilized America. That is His plan, but we are going to do some sinking first. Let's look at Isaiah 10:27. This is a promise from the Lord.

Isaiah 10:27 Amp. And it shall be in that day that the burden of [the Assyrian] shall depart from your shoulders, and his yoke from your neck.

Isaiah 10:27b KJV And the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.

Then look at verses 32 and 34. In this passage, the Daughter of Zion is the Church.

Isaiah 10:32,34 Amp. This very day [the Assyrian] will halt at Nob [the city of priests], shaking his fist at the mountain of the Daughter of Zion, at the hill of Jerusalem. [But just when the Assyrian is in sight of his goal] behold, the Lord, the Lord of hosts, will lop off the beautiful boughs with terrorizing force; the high in stature will be hewn down and the lofty will be brought low. And He will cut down the thickets of the forest with an ax, and Lebanon [the Assyrian] with its majestic trees shall fall by the Mighty One and mightily.

This is God's promise. The Elite think they have their plans and purposes for this nation all sewn up. If the Church quits praying, they will be right. Nevertheless, if we will continue in our intercession, then at the very moment they are positive they have won in their desire over this nation, God is going to come with a terrorizing force. He is going to intervene. All you need to do is pray. Pray fervently with tears, travail, groaning, and weeping. Pray fervently and passionately that He will intervene. If you do not know what words to use, you do not have to worry about praying anything else. Just pray that He will intervene and deliver us from the New World Order.

America is a nation that, being delivered from our worst enemy, will be put into a position where we can help other nations who want to fight the antichrist system. We are the only nation that is really strong enough to be able to do that. God needs us. He created us to help fight that system. However—can I be very honest with you? The Church has been asleep. We love to entertain ourselves when we should be in prayer. We should be on our knees for our nation.

With regards to the reorganization of Europe, I do not know what it will look like when it is over, but it will not look like it does right now. This is not just a prophetic instruction. In the research that I have done, there are voices out there speaking into the Eurozone, all saying the same thing. With the way things are breaking up in Europe, the only way for this thing to travel at this point in time is toward a complete reorganization. I have not been shown or told what the reorganization is going to look like, but we need to start praying. This is how I want you to pray: “God, carry the nations through Your purpose and plan regarding Europe. And let nothing happen in this hour that is not Your perfect will.” That way, if you do not know what is supposed to happen, you are still praying in such a way that God can use your prayers to move mountains in Europe. Also, ask Him to send Europe revival!

Vision: The Elite Meeting

The third recent experience that I want to share was a vision. In it, I saw the Elite. I saw Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffet, Ted Turner, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, and many more faces that I did not know. These I have named were just the ones that I recognized. They were the Elite heads of the International Corporations. They were meeting together. They acted like they did not even know I was there. The topic of the meeting was: “how do we kill the ‘useless eaters?’” How do we get rid of the millions in America who are not part of the Elite? I saw one person stand up and give his spiel. Then another person stood up and gave his spiel, and so on. I was in horror and in awe. I could not believe human beings could be sitting around, discussing how to destroy most of the people who live in a nation.

I left that meeting when it was over, in horror, and I went over to my team. I said, “I've got to tell you what's going on in that other room.” I began to share with them what I had heard, and how they were discussing the best way to rid themselves of America's population.

When the vision ended, I thought, “I wonder if there really was such a meeting? I wonder if I could find something like that on the Internet?” Do you know what? There was, and it is on the Internet. So, we need to start praying that God will discomfit their plans. I am sure you are well aware of all of the corruption that has been revealed in recent weeks, such as the IRS and many other scandals that are surfacing. We have prayed about these things for years in the Gatherings that God would bring the corruption to light, and He is doing it. Anyone who says God does not answer prayer on the biggies—you need to join us and enjoy seeing it happen before your very own eyes. If He is answering the prayers to reveal the corruption, then He will do what we need Him to do about these International Corporations. Pray that God will discomfit their plans. Pray that He will reveal their plans to the American people. Pray that He will confuse their purposes, and that He will stop their hopes and dreams against America.

God will answer your prayers. He loves America, and He cares about the people of this nation. I do not know of any other country that has sent out more missionaries than America. Perhaps Germany did at one point. I do not know, but I do not think so. I think we, as a nation, have done more to get the Gospel out to the nations of the world than has any other nation. You may know that I am Jewish. It matters to God that we have made a home for the Jewish people in this nation, and we have allowed them to prosper here. Because we have taken care of Jewish people, God considers it His personal debt to repay the kindness given to the natural seed of Abraham. Because this nation has allowed the Church to prosper, and because we have allowed the Jewish people to prosper, God feels a certain debt of gratitude towards America. He loves this country. He really does not want to see America destroyed. She needs only to be disciplined and brought back into a place where He can bless us. So pray these prayers in faith.

…to be continued next week...

In His Love,
Nita Johnson

This Week's Events:

Check out the  "Schedule of Events" page on our website to get a PDF of our October calendar
Please join us as we intercede for the Nation!

Corporate Intercession: 

The following services will be held via FCC & Skype: 

Wednesday Morning 
October 2nd

Time: 10:25 PT, 11:25 MT, 12:25 CT, 1:25 ET

Sunday Night
October 6th

Time: 5:50 - 8:00 PM 

Call in number for Corporate Intercession: 559-726-1300 access code 182152#

(For detailed instructions on using FCC & Skype, go to the "Live Streaming" page of our website) 


Seattle Services! 

Corporate Intercession led by 
Nita Johnson! 


Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave West
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

Thursday & Friday 
October 3-4, 2013 at 7pm

Not in the area? You can join us on the live stream page of our website!

CedarWood Food Bank

Our CW Pantry is open every Monday! Our numbers are increasing every week and many of the children who came to the food bank this week received school clothes and warm coats thanks to you! Our desire is to get shoes and additional coats to distribute at the schools who of our participate in our BackPack Kids program. We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week. 
Our CW Pantry will be open

Monday, October 7th


5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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