Subject: Critical Warnings Part D by Nita Johnson

Critical Warnings 
Part D
By Nita Johnson

Dear friends,

Our team just returned home from the Washington DC Gathering of the Eagles! It was a powerful time of corporate intercession. We had a wonderful turnout and are grateful to each and every one of you who joined us in DC as well as those who prayed with us from home. Thank you! Nita has written a letter that will be sent out to you shortly in order to provide you with an update on what was accomplished during the GOE.

A few noteworthy items:
- We will resume our weekly intercession this Thursday and encourage you to join us via the numbers to the right. Nita will join us for the beginning of our prayer time to share important insights and critical information that will help us in our prayer time.
- The temperatures are dropping, especially in the Northwest where heavy rains, snow, and freezing temperatures continue to proliferate. In response our CedarWood team is working hard to gather winter coats and shoes for families in the area. Last year we gathered coats to give out to schoolchildren, homeless men and women, underprivileged families and many others in need. As the team handed out the winter coats, they were deeply touched by what they learned; some of the children were wearing coats three or four sizes too small for them and had never owned a new coat. They were overjoyed to receive a warm jacket for the winter. As the weather grows colder, we are reminded of their circumstances and would like to ask you to help assist those in need of warm clothing. If you would like to contribute to this effort, you can do so through the donations page of our website by selecting CedarWood on the catalogue page. If you would prefer to donate by mail, please indicate “CedarWood Winter Clothes” in the memo portion of your check.
- Our BackPack Kids program is up and running again, and we are excited to announce that we will be opening this program up to two additional schools this year! Thanks to these three schools, we will be able to continue to distribute weekend meals for children in need. You can learn more about this by visiting the CedarWood Page of our website.
- Our CedarWood outreach is in need of volunteers. If you are interested, please contact Kathy Rickey at

We are continuing the teaching “Critical Warnings” with part “D” in the message. In part “C”, we learned about two dreams that the Lord gave to Nita regarding Obama. In “The Obama Freeze,” a lock was placed on our nation’s monetary system. The second dream, “A Crisis is Coming,” explained how the effects of this freeze played out across this land. The purpose of sharing these two dreams was to encourage you, the reader, to keep President Obama in your daily prayers. Whether or not you agree with his policies, the burden of this nation rests upon his shoulders. The path we are headed on will be a difficult one, and we need someone capable of handling the challenges ahead and pulling our nation out of this financial crisis. Fortunately, Obama is more than capable of doing so. Despite any personal feelings you may have about him, the Bible tells us to pray for our leaders, and it is our responsibility to do so, not with contempt, but with compassion. Pray that he is given wisdom, guidance and clarity in these next couple years.

Blessings in Him,
WFJM Staff

Critical Warning

Part D


Nita Johnson


I want you to think about the great depression in the 1930s and about what happened in Cyprus. In preparing for this message, among other things, I watched the video New Signs of the Elite by Lindsey Williams. Lindsey talked about what really happened in Cyprus. He revealed that the Elite brought about all of what we saw—but for a different reason than we were told. What really happened in Cyprus was not about repayment of their national debt. Cyprus was a money laundering country for, not the Elite, but for the very wealthy. Heads of large corporations, some bankers, mafia members, and others used Cyprian banks to launder money obtained through evil transactions such as sales of illicit drugs, contraband, or theft. What the Elite really wanted was the offshore bank accounts of these very wealthy who had made their money in corruption. The Elite sought to wipe these accounts clean. In this case the Elite did not accomplish all they desired. God moved on men to intervene before the worst could play out.

The Elite are going to go to country after country and do a similar thing. They are going to rape the bank accounts of these offshore banks and level the financial playing field of, not the Elite, but of the very wealthy. Lindsey said to watch countries like New Zealand, Japan, Canada, the Cayman Islands, Dubai, and Switzerland. We will see country after country go through a rupture like we saw in Cyprus. They will not do it the same way, according to Lindsey, but they will have the same results when they are done. People will lose whatever money they have in these offshore bank accounts which are used to avoid paying taxes to their own governments. In the meantime, the countries will go through the monumental shaking of economic earthquakes. This is all going to happen before America will be touched, according to the Elite. I can promise you, if they are going to do this in country after country, it will affect the world as a whole. When they get back around to America, it will send a mega eruption throughout the entire world economy. The end result will force the people and the governments of the world into massive debt.

For twenty-five years, I have been telling the Church to get out of debt. Do not buy anything on credit. Get every bit of debt you have paid off, and then borrow no more. I have been speaking about this for twenty-five years because the Lord started telling me about it thirty years ago. Our ministry is run debt-free. It is because for thirty years, I have lived with the knowledge that we were going to have an economic earthquake in this nation, and I did not want our ministry brought down through it. If we cannot afford to buy something, we do not buy it. So the way I live is the way I am instructing you to live. Get out of debt. Get rid of anything you own that is secured by debt. People say to me, “But, how do you buy a car without a loan?” My response is that you save your money, and then you buy what you can afford to buy without debt. If you can get your house sold and buy a cheaper house so that you do not have to have debt to secure that house, that would be amazing wisdom. Do whatever you have to do to get out of debt.

When this economic earthquake happens, the Federal Reserve will call their loans. By that time, it is likely that most housing in America will be backed by a Federal Reserve note. They will call their loans, and if you cannot pay your loan, you will lose your house. Now they may turn around and rent it to you. They do not need a nation full of empty houses while the people are in the street. Yet, look at what you have lost. You have lost years of equity and hard labor to maintain your home. If you can get the house paid off, pay it off. Then they cannot touch it. If you cannot pay it off, then seriously consider downsizing.

They are thinking right now that they are going to bring us to a climax of this economic earthquake around the end of 2014, or possibly in early 2015. The Lord showed me that through our intercession things are going on under the cover of the media that continues to delay their plans. Towards the end of this year, continuing through next year, they are talking about bringing the nation into what they call hyper-inflation. This means that everything you buy, even down to a cup of coffee, is very expensive. I think Alex Jones talks about taking your wheelbarrow full of money to get a tank of gas. It will not be easy. Be prayerful! Be very careful with your money, and do not buy things you do not need. I am not saying not to buy food, but do not buy frivolously. Only take care of your needs, and then pray and ask God what He wants you to do with the rest of it. Get on the internet and do some research. Find out about how to prepare yourself for the days ahead. There are those who are writing books so that even the common person who is not wealthy can know what to do to prepare himself for the days ahead. Please be responsible for your life. Prepare yourself for what is coming so that you are not taken by surprise. You do not want to be caught like the proverbial ostrich with his head in the sand, who thinks no one can see him because he cannot see them. Instead, find out what to do and then do it.

When the crash occurs, there will not be any new bailouts, such as the QE1, QE2, and so forth. We will not see anything like that because when the crash occurs, they are going to take us from the old system into the new system that will ultimately lead much of the world into the New World Order system. The whole world will be going into this new system.

Further, they want to destroy the United States Constitution because they want to bring a single world constitution into all the nations. So how are you going to pray about these things? They want to destroy our government because they want it turned over to a one world government. They want to destroy our courts because they want to turn our judicial system over to a world judicial system. They want to destroy our economy because they want us to be brought into a world economic system.

As we are standing at the cliff looking at their plans to destroy this nation, I want you to know that God has another plan and purpose.

Jeremiah 18:7 Amp. At one time I will suddenly speak concerning a nation or kingdom, that I will pluck up and break down and destroy it; And if [the people of] that nation concerning which I have spoken turn from their evil, I will relent and reverse My decision concerning the evil that I thought to do to them. At another time I will suddenly speak concerning a nation or kingdom, that I will build up and plant it; And if they do evil in My sight, obeying not My voice, then I will regret and reverse My decision concerning the good with which I said I would benefit them.

There is a great evil that is planned against America. We do not talk a lot about that in our services because we are praying for just the opposite. Yet, I have been very faithful to you to let you know that the crisis is coming. I have not led you to believe that we are not going to go through a storm. I have repeatedly told you that the storm is coming, but the severity of it is dependent upon our intercession.
If you were to take your little boy or girl to the doctor because the child was very ill, and the doctor said to you, “Look, your child has cancer, and the child needs surgery.” If your doctor happens to be a Christian, and he says, “However, though it would be a very invasive surgery, and though we're going to uncover a great deal of cancer, it does not have to be as bad as it seems it will be—if you will pray. God will intervene for your cancer ridden child if you will pray.” Would you spend nights awake praying for your child? Of course you would. God is saying, “If you will pray for your nation, which in My eyes is filled with cancer, I will intervene. My ears are open. I am ready to hear your prayer. I am ready to touch you, to touch your nation, and even to deliver your nation both from the judgments that it has brought itself into and from the plans and the schemes of the evil one.”

My dear friend, please listen to me. Prayer can shake this nation right out of the plans of the Illuminati. I do not care what anyone says. I get the prophetic words too from so-called prophets who say that God is fed up with this nation, and that He is judging this nation. They say that this nation is going to fall, and it is never going to be a great nation again. I get very offended by these words. What I would say to the people giving words like this is, first, you call yourself a prophet, but you are so immature you do not really know the heart of God. Secondly, you are sending out these horrific words to the Church, scaring people half to death, and convincing the Church that they do not need to pray for America because God is through with her. So you are stifling the prayers of the saints. God has shown you a difficulty, maybe. I am not even sure your vision is right, but let's say that it is. You are teaching the Church to succumb to the works of the enemy instead of overcoming by believing God for His works. I get very frustrated and upset, but it is because I feel so protective of the Church. I also feel so protective of this nation for which we have been interceding for the past fourteen years.

We are going to go through hard and pressing times, but they are designed to bring us into the power of God. If we do not go through the hard times, we will not know the power. Without the hard times, we will not, as a nation know the intimacy and the beauty of Christ. Nor will we ever know our destiny, let alone meet it. So the hard times must come. I have said it all along. Our purpose is to bring us through the hard times and into the destiny for which God has created us.

…to be continued next week...

In His Love,
Nita Johnson

Don't miss a single event with WFJM! 
To get your copy of the WFJM October Calendar, go to the Calendar of Events page of our website!


This Week's Events:

Corporate Intercession

Nita Johnson will join us this Thursday and Friday September 26-27, 2013 at Bethel Chapel to share a critical message facing our Nation in this hour. 

Service begins at 7pm PST

We will pray on this issue every Thursday and Friday until the New York Gathering of the Eagles.

Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave West
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

Sunday Night 9/29/13 

Intercession will be held via FCC & Skype!

Time: 5:50 - 8:00 PM (PST & EST)

Call in number for Corporate Intercession: 559-726-1300 access code 182152#

Please join us as we intercede for the Nation!

CedarWood Food Bank

Our CW Pantry is open every Monday! We are grateful to have the privilege of helping so many families in these trying times. Of course, we could not do this without you and our team of wonderful volunteers! Thanks to our CW Team for their faithfulness every week. Thank you for taking the time to meet the spiritual needs of our clients each and every time the opportunity arises. 

Pantry will be open

Monday, Sept 30th


NY Gathering of the Eagles, 2013!
December 2-6, 2013! 

Pre-registration required! This is currently waitlisted. Check out the Schedule of Events page of our website to sign up and you will be notified when a seat opens up. 
5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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