Subject: "Critical Warning" Part C by Nita Johnson

Dear Friends,
We are so excited about the upcoming Gathering of the Eagles conference in Washington DC – it’s just two weeks away and our staff is working tirelessly to prepare everything both spiritually and in the natural for our time in DC! I know that many of you are coming to the GOE but for those of you who cannot, will you please stand in the gap for those who are? The enemy strives to hit from all sides when we are doing the work of the Lord and it is our desire to thwart those attacks as much as possible. As such, we are asking for the following prayer requests to be lifted up to the Lord over the course of the next four weeks:

-Pray for my Mom - Nita. As most of you know, she suffered a heart attack in February and has been on an extended sabbatical to allow her time to heal. She only comes out when the Lord leads her to for a specific message or time of intercession and then she returns to her room to heal. With the GOE, she will need to come out of months of convalescence into an incredibly heavy schedule. As a daughter, I cannot begin to tell you how concerned I am about her heading into such a spiritually and physically demanding time over the course of the next couple weeks. As a fellow soldier in this battle, I know the importance of this mission and understand the necessity of the work of the GOE. I also know that it takes a collective group of soldiers committed to a single purpose to get that work done. As a group, we can stand together, shoulder to shoulder and carry the weight of this with her. I'm asking those who are coming, to prepare themselves to do just that, and those who cannot come to dedicate time each day to keeping her covered in prayer. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit from August 30-September 15th and ask Him to tell you when she is in need of your prayers. It touches me deeply that you are willing to keep us in your continued prayers.  

-Pray for God to cover and protect our staff and the attendees over the course of the next couple weeks and while they are at the GOE.

-Pray for a special covering over their families now and throughout the GOE.

-Pray for the WFJM staff as they head out early to the DC area in order to spend time in intercession prior to the GOE.

-Pray against any equipment problems and resulting distractions.

-Pray for the provisions of all attendees as well as WFJM.

-Pray for wisdom and guidance throughout.

Thank you again for your love and support as we fight together for this Nation. Our cup of judgment is surely full. Yet, our desire is for our repentance prayers to touch the heart of God that He might show us mercy and send forth His glory bringing with it a revival fire that will pierce through the hardened hearts of the people of this land thus giving them one last opportunity to turn their hearts toward Him before the cup of judgment pours out across this land. Pray with us dear friends for the will of God to be accomplished in this hour.

In Him,

Critical Warning
Part C


Nita Johnson

Dream: The Obama Freeze

I am going to share with you two dreams that I had. Both of these dreams were about Obama, America, the intercessors, and the Church. I cannot remember the details of the first dream except for one thing. A man said, “The Obama freeze is coming.” That may not initially mean a lot to us. However, consider what happened in Greece with the people's finances. Consider what you see on the internet every day with regards to what may happen with our economy. Some will even go so far as to tell you what may happen when the economy crashes. One of the things to consider is that when the economy falls, they are going to do something to prevent  a national rush on the banks; they will freeze the funds. You may have prepared financially for the storm that is coming. However, if you did not take the extra step to hold gold and silver in your hands, what will you do when the crash comes and you cannot access your bank account? What are you going to do? You must prepare for this eventuality. How long the money will be frozen, I do not know. It will not be long. However, there is a fairly good chance that when it is thawed out, it is not going to be there at all, at least in the conventional way. So just making sure that you have money in your account is not the answer. There is coming a situation similar to, though not exactly the same as, what we saw happen recently with Cyprus. You need to prayerfully consider what God wants you to do to prepare for such an eventuality.

I contacted my friend and colleague Fred, and I shared with him about this dream. He wrote back, telling me what the Lord told him it meant. The Lord shared with him that the Obama freeze in my dream represents the freezing of your funds. You need to keep an eye on your bank account and pay close attention. I am going to share with you some additional things. I looked into several different sources while trying to fully understand what the Lord was showing me, so that we are not all living with just Nita's interpretation of things. In a moment I want to share with you what I learned through others who know what they are doing for the sake of confirming His word to me.

Secondly, “The Obama Freeze,” refers to Obama putting a freeze on some areas of government spending. This will be striking in its dimension. Finally the “The Obama Freeze” will encompass a temporary freeze on wages.

Dream: Obama says, “A crisis is coming.”

After the dream about the “Obama Freeze” ended, I awoke and lay praying for quite some time. Eventually I fell back to sleep, and had another dream. In this second dream, I was attending an Obama Press Meeting. President Obama tried to tell the nation that a terrible crisis was about to come and the nation needed to prepare. He did not tell them exactly what the crisis would be, but he did attempt to allude to it with  somewhat veiled words.

When he was finished speaking, I got up and left the room. I went walking down a corridor when President Obama approached, walking toward me. I went up to him, and said to him, “The prophetic intercessors have been praying for you.” He answered, “Listen. A crisis is coming. In fact, it has already begun. There is nothing I can do about it. I tried. I'm asking you to believe that. I tried, but I could not stop it. This thing was taken out of my hands.” He continued, “Please tell the intercessors not to hate me. Pray for me. I really have tried to stop what is coming, but I couldn't. They wouldn't let me. Please don't hate me. Please tell them to pray for me. He continued: It is the Elite that have taken control. The reason this cannot be stopped is because they want to reorganize Europe, and the only method available to them to accomplish their goals is going to cause suffering throughout the world. It is also going to terribly affect America. It has to. This thing cannot be stopped because it must happen.” When he said that it must happen, suddenly, I knew the Lord Himself was speaking through Obama. This is something that has to happen. It is about a worldwide economic crash.

In the Gatherings, we have prayed over the economy for many years. We have seen God set back the economic crash, time and time again. Every time the Elite set a date for it to happen, we prayed and the Lord intervened. He has done it repeatedly. But we have come to a time now that if it can be delayed at all, it is not going to get set back much more. This crash must happen. The Elite want to restructure or reorganize Europe, and they want to bring in their own currency, which is a different currency from what we are dealing with right now. The United States currency is really based on oil. We now function off of a fiat currency, but they want to bring in a gold-backed currency. It will be a world currency as well. It has to happen. That means we are going to go through the 1930s all over again. It is not going to be easy, but it will be as hard as it will be, based on our preparedness.

When this crash comes, I saw homes that were worth millions - depending upon location, they might have been worth one to three million dollars. They were beautifully decorated, well-appointed, and well-built homes. These former million dollar homes were selling on the market for $200,000. Now that is a drop! I thought, while walking through one of them, “Wow! This house would make a great house to open up for kids who have been forced onto the street because their parents couldn't afford to feed them.” I told the realtor, “This house is really only $200,000? We could buy this house for the unfortunate street kids.” This is what the crash brought us to. It was a huge deterioration of an economy.

Obama said in the dream, “I tried to stop it.” When I shared this with one person, he said, “When God shows you things like this, it seems like it always ends up being right. However, Obama—sorry? I'm having a little bit of a hard time with that.” I replied, “Not only was Obama saying how sorry he was, but, I saw sorrow and grief in his eyes. I saw hurt, pain, and desperation.” He comes across as a very arrogant man, self-centered, narcissistic, who does not really care about what happens to America. Most Christians can barely stand to look at him because of his attitude.  However, the Bible talks about the hard, unfeeling look of guilt in Proverbs 21:29. I think we see that look a lot in Obama. He does have some of the personality characteristics that we think he has, but I want to tell you that deep in his heart, he really does not want to see what is coming. He may look like a man who cares not, but he does care.

As destiny would have it, President Obama is at the head of this country at a time when he is going to be drinking the floods of human sorrow. He is apparently going to be the man at the helm who will be responsible for putting this country back together once again when the initial crash is over. He is not a strong born-again Christian. He has confessed many times that he is Muslim. He has also confessed many times that he is a Christian, so he might be a little confused.  Nevertheless, in the level of grace he is walking in, he will not have sufficient wisdom to know what to do, unless the intercessors are praying for him. If we are praying for God to give him wisdom and grace, praying that he will walk with Christ, praying that God will redeem his soul and redeem all of these terrible circumstances, and praying that God will save him and his family, then it is very possible he can walk us through this crisis in the wisdom of God.

You may have joined us in prayer when we prayed for Obama just before the election last fall. That particular night, Jesus actually opened the threshold of heaven. I led prayer by listening to Him and watching Him pray. He was kneeling in prayer at some kind of altar before the throne of the Father, but He would, from time to time, stand up and turn around, look at me, and instruct me in how to pray next. We prayed for Obama that entire night literally line upon line under the instruction of the Lord Jesus Himself. He wept. He travailed. There was not one judgmental word that came from His mouth. Out of His lips came only words of love and care. He shared with me things that happened in Obama's childhood that created the wounded man that he is today, and  his need for healing. So we prayed for that. It was a very powerful night in intercession. How many of you were here that night? I see, many of you!

So when I think about Obama, I always think about how Jesus prays for him, and the kinds of prayers He prays. His prayers are full of love, care, and compassion. While most of the Church would care less if he were to pass to his eternity, Jesus cares about whether or not this man can lead this country. He wants to see him healed of the things that hinder and the things that give him a perverted vision. He wants to strengthen his back in righteousness. He wants to bring clarity to his spiritual vision and to his practical vision. He wants to help him lead this country into a place where we will come through the storm and fulfill God's destiny. However, that is not where we will be headed if we do not pray for him. We are headed for hard times that are much harder than God wants them to be.

To be continued next week...

In His Love,
Nita Johnson

This Week's Events:

Check out our Itinerary page to get a PDF of our August calendar!

Corporate Intercession
Last week for corporate intercession until after the DC GOE!
Thursday 8/22/13
Sunday 8/25/13
Thursday Night
Intercession will be held for 1 1/2 hours via FCC & Skype!
Time: 6:50pm PT
Sunday Night
Intercession will be held via FCC & Skype!
Time: 5:50 - 8:00 PM (PST & EST)
Call in number for Corporate Intercession: 559-726-1300 access code 182152#
Please join us as we intercede for the Nation!

Seattle Service! 

No Seattle Service due to DC GOE!

CedarWood Food Bank
Our CW Pantry is open every Monday! We are grateful to have the privilege of helping so many families in these trying times. Of course, we could not do this without you and our team of wonderful volunteers! Thanks to our CW Team for their faithfulness every week. Thank you for taking the time to meet the spiritual needs of our clients each and every time the opportunity arises.
Pantry will be open
Monday, Aug 26th

DC Gathering of the Eagles, 2013!
September 3-7, 2013! 
Pre-registration required! Check out the itinerary page of our website for more information including the link for online registration. Keep in mind that there are limited on site rooms available so book your room asap! 

Matching Grant!
There is still time to take part in the Matching Grant Offer. For more information on this wonderful opportunity, go to the "donations" page of our website!