Subject: Critical Call to prayer over Obamatrade Wednesday AM & PM

Dear friends and intercessors,

For the sake of time, I've copied the key points of an email we just received regarding this week's vote on  ObamaTrade - please read and call your Senator then plan to meet us Wednesday AM & PM to intercede over this issue. Nita will join us for at least one of these sessions. . 

The Praise:
Your pressure is working as Senators are seeing the light about Obamatrade Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) and changing their positions.

This is a move in the right direction, but you and I cannot sit on the sidelines and hope Congress does the right thing.

Today's call for action:

We need your help right away, and there isn't a moment to spare.

Today, the Senate will hold a key procedural vote on Obamatrade.

If passed, "fast-track" authority would allow trade deals the Obama administration negotiates with the 12 member nations covered in the Trans-Pacific Partnership to pass Congress with a simple majority vote -- instead of the 67 Senate votes the U.S. Constitution requires for ratification of a Treaty.

Call your Senators at 202-224-3121 and urge my colleagues to vote "no" on this Big Government power grab.

Congress should NEVER "pass the bill to find out what is in it."

And President Obama has kept the 800 page Trans-Pacific Partnership hidden under lock and key.

Only a handful of members of Congress have bothered to jump through all the hurdles it takes to read this secretive deal.

Obamatrade is Washington at its worst.

This week's plan of action: 

Stand with us in prayer this week as we move our Thursday/Friday Intercession to Tuesday/Wednesday in order to cover this critical subject. 

Wednesday 10:20-Noon
Wednesday 5:50-7PM
Call in: 559-726-1300 
Access code: 182152# 

Simultaneous Mandarin translation provided:
freeconference call 760-569-7676 進入密碼 800754#


Nita 今天特別請求禱告, TPA 今停止辯論,明天進入投票。

Nita 會帶領我們為這些議題禱告,在下列時間

June 24 星期三 10:20am—中午太平洋時間
星期三 5:50—7:00pm 太平洋時間
電話 559-726-1300 密碼 182152#

電話 209-647-1600 密碼 336087#

5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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