Subject: Choosing to Trust: The Truth in your Trials - Part 2

Dear Friends,

We are so excited about what the Lord is doing in this hour! The Lord certainly answers prayer! Last time I shared that we prayed over abortion, human trafficking, and many of the horrific atrocities committed against the children of the earth during our DC Gathering of the Eagles. The Lord instructed us to spread our focus beyond the United States to the Nations around the world. In less than two weeks, we’ve had several praise reports come in listing victories, exposure, deliverance and so on and they are not only from our Nation, but two other Nations! We are looking forward to receiving more! 

Today in particular, we received two articles detailing a four decade-long child exploitation ring that just came to light. Allegations of misconduct by the authorities handling these cases compelled the Prime Minister to demand deep inquiries in many of the cases bringing to light one of the largest human trafficking scandals to date—up to 1000 children could have fallen victim to this horrific crime against the innocent within the UK. In our DC Gathering, we prayed specifically over the UK asking the Lord to expose any and all situations where children are victimized and He’s doing just that! We give the glory to our Lord for His intervention on their behalf. While our hearts break for the victims, we know that their rescue is the first step in the healing process. We will continue to pray for these children and adults as they are rescued, asking the Lord for a deep healing from the wounds inflicted upon them. The same Lord Who rescues them can, and will, heal them! You can read about this on the Gathering of the Eagles page located on our website under “Victories from the DC Gathering of the Eagles”. We invite you to share findings from your state or country with us; we will update the website as much as possible to encourage the intercessors! 

Reminders: Our Corporate Prayer Calls resume this week! We are so thankful to you—the intercessors—as well as our Prayer Team for keeping our Nation covered year-round. This is a significant commitment with eternal consequences. Thank you for pressing through the obstacles to join us each week, the Lord will reward your faithfulness. 
Nita and I will continue our Thursday night teachings at 5:20 PM. These are precious opportunities for us to come together and learn from His Word. The Lord told me He’s not only calling us into new levels of intimacy with Him, but He’s opening the door for us to enter in into His presence like never before! We are in the midst of “The Refining” preparing for the release of The New Breed of Believers that will lead the church in the days ahead! Join us as we prepare! (You can listen to our previous recordings on the media log page of our website.)

Blessings & love,

Ricci Wilson


CW Expansion Project Update:

So far, we received monthly pledges for a total of $4691 toward the projected monthly budget increase of $6000! We’ve received just over 78% toward our increase! Thank you for standing with us in this endeavor!

At CedarWood, our clients receive more than just food. They receive prayer as well. I’d like to share the following excerpt from our CW Weekly Report: Perhaps you will remember the report from last week about a woman who received prayer for MS. She told us she went back to her doctor for an exam and they found no indication of the disease in her brain, even though she had been told otherwise in previous visits. Praise God! We continue to pray and believe for her complete healing.

This is what you are helping us build; a community that cares for—and reaches out to—one another.

Again, I invite you to participate in our CW Expansion Project with your pledge of support:

Copy and paste the following statement into an email addressed to She will save your commitment letter and, if you like, sign you up to receive weekly updates with stats and personal stories from our Monday Pantry events. To begin donating today Click here to be taken to our CedarWood Expansion Project donation link.

I/We commit to support the expansion work of CedarWood Int’l by my/our donation of ___________per month. I also agree to partner with you in prayer over this outreach and would welcome weekly correspondence providing updates on the CedarWood Pantry efforts.

Thank you for contributing to World for Jesus Ministries. Your gifts are tax deductible. Click here for a direct donation link!



"The Overcoming Life Through Prayer" by Nita Johnson is now available in Chinese! If you'd like to order your copy today, click here!

We've added the download feature to our website! You can listen online or download from our media log and listen on the go!

You can find more articles and recordings of all our corporate prayer calls on our website?

We have a new section just for Joel's Army News in the sidebar of our e-news? 



“Choosing to Trust: The Truth in your Trails"

Part 2

By Nita Johnson

Someone can decide they are going to become a world class athlete, and they can work and work to win that title. Bruce Jenner trained with an unheard of determination to win. Perhaps the greatest things that they have to overcome are the sore muscles from working so hard, as well as the sacrifices of the discipline required. Athletes of this caliber cannot go and do what others do because they have a goal that compels them. But when you are a Christian and you are trying to overcome yourself, it is an entirely different beast. Am I telling the truth? It is amazing to me.

Maybe before you got saved, you were a person of great discipline. Then you decide that you are going to go deeper in God. The enemy will come against you in every way he can to break that disciplined nature of yours so that going on in God becomes so difficult and so full of challenges that you have to give your undivided attention to doing it or lose the battle. You have to resist yourself more than you have to resist the devil. You have to refuse to settle for second best, or even third or fourth best. You have to refuse to be lazy and apathetic. You must fight against your will and against hurt feelings. The enemy loves to fill you with hurt feelings against the Lord or against someone else in the Church so that you will give up this conquest of self. He never lets it be easy.

You might say, “Well, why does God allow that?” You are cycling in Christ's victory. He overcame the flesh, the devil, and the world. He has already overcome. You have to come to a place where you recognize that this battle is the Lord's and you must only learn how to cycle in His victories. This is the key. Satan will make those victories so hard to achieve that you will want to give up. Only Jesus knows how to overcome your flesh and soulish nature. Only He knows how to overcome the devil and the world in you.

I used to ask Jesus, “Lord, why is this quest so difficult? Why can't I do it? Why can't I decide what is going to get healed emotionally or physically and what isn't? When You show me something that needs to be healed, why can't I decide how that's going to happen?” I sincerely wanted the answers to these questions because I was feeling very frustrated. He said, “Your soul is very fragile, as is the case with all men. Only I know how to work through the hidden corridors of your soul and heal you without hurting you. So I will lead you by a way you know not, so that you will not interfere with My work.”

I cannot tell you how many times He has taken me through the path of victory. Sometimes it has been very, very difficult, and other times it has been quite easy. I can tell you that every time He has taken me through the path of victory and He finally got taken care of what He was really after in my soul, I look back and realize that I did not even know that we were dealing with that particular issue. I thought we were dealing with thus and so, but we were not. He also took care of many other issues along the way so that He could take care of this big issue. Then I always praise Him as I think, “Lord, You're so smart, so wise!”

He knows how to overcome the flesh and the sinful nature in you. He knows how to overcome the devil and He knows how to overcome the world, but you have to do it. You have to set your will to stay in the cycle of victory—that is your job. You have to look for the wisdom of the victory in His Word. He will speak to you. He will guide, lead and help you. He will show you what you need to know because no one wants you to gain the victory more than Jesus. You do not want it more than He does. He wants you to have the victory over your self-life more than you could ever want it. Remember that.

“[It is He] Who has qualified us [making us to be fit and worthy and sufficient] as ministers and dispensers of a new covenant [of salvation through Christ], not [ministers] of the letter (of legally written code) but of the Spirit; for the code [of the Law] kills, but the [Holy] Spirit makes alive.” 2 Cor. 3:6 (AMP)

You were created as a spiritual being. You did not just become a spiritual being when you accepted Christ. The fact that you are a spiritual being is why, deep inside, you have been searching for a long time for this spiritual connection. Because you are a spiritual being, you must have a connection to a spiritual kingdom. Either you are connected to the satanic kingdom, or you are connected to God's Kingdom.

I really do not know many people who are really true atheists, but even if you have been able to convince yourself that you are one, deep inside, you want to experience a connection with the realm of spirit. In fact, you are actually connected with the kingdom of this world. When God begins to lead you out, and He connects you to Himself, you have the higher connection that your soul needs. Then you have found what your soul has been looking for from the day that you were a little child. You have an innate need to be connected because you are a person of the spirit.

When you become connected to the realm of the Kingdom of Heaven, it begins to breathe life into your soul. It is a life that is beyond anything you have ever experienced before because it is not of this world; it is of the Kingdom of God. You are connected with the life-giving Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, to bring you into perpetual life. Now, those words may mean much or little to you depending on how long you have been saved, but you cannot imagine what it means to have the life of God breathed into your soul from the Spirit's perspective. The reason you cannot imagine it is because if the light of that reality were breathed into you upon your salvation, your soul could not contain it. It would explode.

It is similar to a newborn infant's experience of light. Have you ever seen a newborn baby opening its eyes for the first time? The first time it opens its eyes and it sees light, it closes them right away because the light is too bright. They say that a baby can see images, but it cannot see clearly when it is first born. The eyes have to develop the capacity to discern the images that are before it. This is like the life of the Spirit. Our spiritual eyes have to be developed. Our spirit being has to be developed, not only in knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and such as that, but it has to be developed to be able to stand before the Presence of God, let alone to contain the Presence of God within.

When you are freshly born again, you are like the little baby that God has to develop and nurture. Then you grow to be one year old in the Spirit, two years old, ten years old and so on until maturity, if you so desire. Most people never get beyond two or three years of age in the Spirit before they get to heaven because they never put the effort in to really come to know God. For that to occur, He must dispense the grace for this work to be done.

To be continued next week…

In Him,


Portland Gathering of the Eagles, 2018!

September 24-28, 2018

Holiday Inn Portland-Airport (I-205)
8439 Northeast Columbia Boulevard
Portland, OR 97220
Call 855-642-6271 to reserve your room.

Room Rate: $109.00*
Parking Fee reduced to $5 daily.

*Room must be booked before 8/23/2018 with group code: "Gathering of the Eagles 2018" to receive this rate.

Pre-Registration Required! 
Call Karen at the office at 559-435-2423.

Click here for This Week's Schedule:

We invite everyone to stand with us as we fight for the healing of our Nation.

Click below for PDF with:
Flash Phone Instructions

Flash Phone Access
Then enter the number and access code for the any of the desired lines.

Smartphone users (when connect to wifi) click here for instructions to download the or APP and start using the internet to join our calls instead of your minutes!

Corporate Intercession Line
Access Code: 182152#

Chinese Translation Line
Access Code: 336087

This week's prayer times are as follows:

Wednesday March 14
10:20am - 12:30pm PST
11:20am - 1:30pm MST
12:20pm - 2:30pm CST
1:20pm - 3:30pm EST

Thursday March 15
Call In
5:20pm - 5:30pm PST
5:30pm - 6:00pm PST
6:00pm - 7:00pm PST

Friday March 16
5:50pm - 7:30pm PST
6:50pm - 8:30pm MST
7:50pm - 9:30pm CST
8:50pm - 10:30pm EST

Sunday March 18

Interactive Corporate Prayer Call
East and West Coast calls combined!

Chinese Corporate Intercession
ACCESS CODE: 800754#

Canadian Corporate Intercession
3:20 PM PST
Call in: +1-605-475-2875
Access code: 828 6487

Korean Corporate Intercession
Access Code: 881779#
5:00pm - 7:00pm PST

All are welcome to attend any of the above calls.

PCL Training
March 13th
6:50 - 7:30pm PST

Be sure to check the PCL/PCM section of our website for this week's Prayer Points and Resources!

Still experiencing WEBSITE LOGIN troubles? Contact the office and we'll get you set up!

Fill the Gap Campaign! 

If you live in one of these states consider joining Joel's Army. Don't leave your state unprotected!!
  • Maine
  • Rhode Island
  • New Hampshire
  • Wyoming
  • Utah
  • Puerto Rico


Thank you for your continued support of this outreach. Lives are changed each week through our CW Pantry and support team. Check out our FaceBook page for details.
March 19th
1-2:30 PM

Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave W
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

Here are some pressing needs our CedarWood department has:

  • Child Sponsorship - $34.99 per month provides essential nutrition to a child in need
  • Shoes
  • Blankets - All sizes
  • Sleeping bags for the homeless
  • Volunteers
  • Diapers (Size 3 & up) & baby wipes
  • Baby Food & Formula
  • $5-$20 Gift cards for Gas for our volunteers who transport the food to and from the Pantry

Most donations can be dropped off during the Pantry or mailed into our office. Tax deductible receipts provided.

Coats & Clothes Closet:
Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Vivian DuPorter at
If you would like to help with BackPack Kids, contact Eileen Howard at

We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week.

5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.