Subject: "Choose to Trust: Trials and Truth" Part C by Nita Johnson

This Week's Events:
Dear friends,
Our time at the Washington DC Gathering of the Eagles was so productive. We will put a complete report together and send it out shortly, but we did want to share at least one victory with you right now. One of the areas that we prayed over was modern day slavery, otherwise known as human trafficking.  Human trafficking has an estimated 20.9 million victims (According to the Polaris Project- ) trapped in its talons today and every individual freed is a victory. We prayed over this Wednesday March 12, 2014 and since then, we know of two very large victories that took place. Freeing both children and adults from their captors - this is a victory my friends and we should celebrate such a victory! See these links below for more information:
A Child Pornography website with more than 27,000 subscribers was busted, with 14 men arrested:
More than one hundred people were rescued from a suspected human trafficking gang in Houston, Texas:
We are expecting to hear more good news in the coming days. That said, our next Gathering of the Eagles will be in New York. We are working on the details now and will notify you as soon as things are set in place.
As usual, our CedarWood team is hard at work and this coming week in particular will be dedicated to increasing provisions for our BackPack Kids. These children rely heavily on the school breakfast and lunch programs to keep them fed. With spring break approaching, we want to be prepared to meet the additional needs that these children will face while school is not in session. This increased need has led our CedarWood team to plan a huge BackPack Kit assembly session for Monday, March 31st. The team will come together and assemble enough kits to allow each of our BPK participants to receive a few extra kits to take home with them while school is out for spring break. If you are in the area and can join the team for assembly, please contact our CedarWood Director Kathy Rickey so she can plan accordingly. If you are not in the area and would like to contribute financially, please click the link below:
Thank you for your prayers and support as we work to develop an outreach to those in the Seattle area.
Blessings in Him,
Following is "Part C" in our next teaching, "Choose to Trust: Trials and Truth" by Nita Johnson. 
Choose To Trust:
Trials and Truth
Part C
Nita Johnson
He wants to give to you a greater glory than what was in the face of Moses. The Bible clearly says that the glory that was in the face of Moses was so brilliant that the Hebrew people could not look upon it. He had to cover his face because they could not bear to gaze upon it. I am inquisitive, and I asked the Lord for years, “Please let me see the glory in the face of Moses. What happened to him?  What did he look like when he came down the mountain with the glory flashing from his face?”
He answered that prayer unexpectedly. Our team had gone to Africa to minister, and we stopped over in England for the night before moving on the next day. I was in prayer, when suddenly, I found myself before Moses. The glory that flashed from his face looked just like the light dancing on the head of a sparkler. Those of us who are older will remember when we were kids, and our parents bought us sparklers for the 4th of July. That is exactly how the glory flashed from his face. The flashes of glory were so great that the flashes themselves covered his body. Can you imagine what he looked like on the inside if that is what he looked like on the outside?
The heart and the soul must be greatly purified to contain the glory, and with Moses it was. He walked in union with God. His soul was so purified that it was pure light. God wants to divest the soul of the darkness, once developed by the lack of the knowledge of the light, and the lower nature. He wants to remove the part of us that craves sin. One of the things that Christians do is to misbehave, and then they blame someone else for doing it. They say, “You made me so mad!” What happened to our personal choices? We do all kinds of things in our Christian life, and then we want to point the finger at someone else about why we have done it. The only bad thing about this business of pointing the finger reveals that we have been touched by the light. This business of pointing the finger at others shuts down the light that would have healed our soul.
When God sends truth into you, you receive light as truth is light. If there is a color to truth, it is the color of light. Truth is also living. It is not like having a flashlight shining on your heart. It is the embodiment of God who is living light and truth. When truth pierces your heart, and you do not want to deal with what the truth is revealing, you respond by blaming it on someone else. What happens with the light and truth? You shut it down, and you lose the growth that you could have had. You can do that just so many times, and God will quit flashing that particular truth into your heart. Then there is no remedy because you have rejected truth. What is going to happen next? The Bible tells us: deception.
You do not ever want to tell God, “No,” when He tries to give you truth. You can say to Him, “This is too painful; I can't deal with it. Give me grace to deal with it so that I don't throw it away.” You can say things like that, but you cannot say no. You cannot blame someone else, blame circumstances, or shove the truth away. You can only do that so many times, and it will not be given again.
But you want to go on with God, right? So that means when He shines the light of truth into your heart, mind, and soul, and it pierces, it hurts, it brings conviction, and you feel overwhelmed—cry out for grace, but do not stop it. The enemy will try His living best to bring offense so that you will shut down the stream of truth. You must protect your heart from offense. Truth will bring with it offense. I promise you; it will. Truth offends the flesh. If it does not offend the flesh in you, then it will offend the flesh in someone else who will be happy to try to offend you. Do not allow yourself to nurture the offense that truth brings.
I am going to be very vulnerable with you. There was a level that I was challenging God for in my walk with Him, and when I set my heart to that challenge, things around me began to happen. Some of the things that happened were so painful that I felt like I was being shattered into a million pieces. The storm got so thick and so long that I forgot that for which I was vying. I became so weary in the battle that I lost the vision of what I was even fighting for. It did not mean I turned away from God. I still fought for God, and I still wanted Him more than I wanted to breathe. Nevertheless, what began to build in my heart was a resentment over all the wars, and I did not even know it.
Several weeks ago, the Lord began to show me where resentment had come into my heart here and there through all the various battles. When we were in New Orleans, the battles were so incredibly intense. On top of everything else that I had to walk through, I was constantly, every single day, fighting for my virtual life until I became so physically weary that I did not know how I was going to be able to keep going. Battles happened around the circumference of my life. My daughter was severely injured three years ago; she just had surgery to hopefully fix that injury. There was intense suffering on her part and on mine. Just because you are a minister does not mean you quit being a Mom. I will not even go into all the things that were touched before God began to put His hand across the troubled waters. It felt like everything in my world was being shaken and shaken until I felt like I was blind. I could not even see through the fog.
I wondered, “Why didn't You protect my daughter, Ricci? Look what she has gone through. Look what her children have gone through because of this. Why?” I did not know there was just this little seed of resentment that had been sown into my heart. I honestly did not know. There was also a little seed over the struggle for life for the years that I lived in New Orleans. You just cannot know what it is like not to be able to breathe for four years unless you have lived there. It was horrible. I am still recuperating from what I went through in New Orleans.

The Lord finally brought me out of New Orleans, and He brought me to a place where my physical being could begin to heal. When He got me to a certain place, He started dealing with the baggage that I picked up along the way. Every time He shed the light on another issue that caused contention in my heart, I cried and cried. The one thing I want to do is to do it right. I had wanted to do it right so badly that I ended up shoving things down left and right instead of dealing with them. That was, until I felt such a distance from the Lord that it was unbearable. I fasted, prayed, and pleaded with Him, “Please show me where all this began!”
To be continued...
In Him,

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 via FCC & Skype!

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559-726-1300 access code 182152#

Wednesday Morning, April 2nd, 2014
10:20-Noon PST
11:20-1PM MST
12:20-2PM CST
1:20-3PM EST
Thursday & Friday Nights
April 3rd & 4th, 2014
Time: 5:50-7:30pm PST
6:50-8:30pm MST
7:50-9:30pm CST
8:50-10:30pm EST
Sunday, April 6th, 2014
Time: 5:50-8pm

Please join us as we intercede for the Nation!
CedarWood Food Bank

Our CW Pantry is open every Monday!

We are in need of Volunteers to help in the following areas: 
The CedarWood Pantry:
-We need help with set up and tear down. Perhaps you have 1 or 2 Mondays available per month that you can participate in this blessing. If so, this would allow our volunteers to alternate. 
-Volunteers are needed to collect food from the various sources in the Seattle area during the week. 
Coats & Clothes Closet:
-Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
BackPack Kids:
-We need volunteers for the assembly of kits for distribution to our schools. 
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Kathy or Ken Rickey at

We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week.

Our CW Pantry will be open:

April 7th
Joel's Army brings together intercessors to intercede for their nations. If you are interested in learning more:
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