Subject: Chanukah Phone GOE December 12-15 & Prophetic Word from Nita

Dear Intercessors,

This week we begin our Phone, Chanukah Gathering of the Eagles! 
This will be our last Gathering for this year and the timing could not be more critical. 
The Chanukah Gathering will run December 12-15
Tuesday-Friday 4:20-7:00 PM PT.

English Line
Access Code: 182152#

Chinese Translation Line
Access Code: 188979#

Korean Translation Line
Access Code: 881779#

Blessings & love,

Ricci Johnson-Wilson

Nita Johnson


We have been “busy beavers” for maybe 40 years; and since we began the Gatherings (1999) we have really been busy.

We have a lot going on, and a lot going on in our hearts. I can tell you, I can promise you: I thought I loved America more than most (of course all the people my age, loved America - I hadn’t heard of people not loving America until recently) - but loving America and taking on a task that seemed (to me) that would demand a team of thousands is TWO DIFFERENT THINGS.

But the Lord came to me and began to speak to me about saving America. He offered me a commission. Isn’t that wonderful? He could have just said “this is your call, now just be quiet and accept it”. But He didn’t. He also told me, I was the only one God created to answer this tremendous call. The fact that the call was so serious, and that no one could take my place if I failed, makes it even more amazing to me that He would not say to me “I told you what I wanted you to do - do it”.

But that’s not what He did. He made the offer; He kept coming to me, visiting me, and again I would tell Ricci about the visits; every one was about answering the call to receive this commission.

But I was so scared - because, my personality is: if I love you and have taken you into my heart, I want to do everything I can humanly do to please you, I don’t want to fail you. Even if you don’t understand what I say and the stance I take, I agonize over it, because I want so badly to please you. I am made like that. And there’s a good side and a bad side (you don’t want to be a people pleaser, but you sure want to be a Jesus pleaser.)

Yet this call to accept the commission was so serious; as He began to share even a little bit of it, it seemed to me so serious that He needed someone big and strong with a tremendous ministry of hundreds and hundreds of thousands of followers to have these giant crusades to save America. I could not give that to Him. I just languished - if you could just feel my heart at having to say no to Him about anything!

Finally, after many visits through about 2 years He came again. I was in Canada for a conference. This was the last night of the conference; He woke me up at midnight, and we had a three-hour talk. He started out by saying:

“I have come to you tonight
to once again talk to you about this commission.
And I want to tell you the offset:
that if you will accept it, America will survive.
If you do not, America will die.
There is no in between, it is black or white.
America will not only survive, she will be blessed,
and The Father will do great things for her, and through her.
But if you continue to reject this commission, America will die;
And Nita -
and you will find in My word:
under circumstances such as this, that if you say no,
I must tell you,
I will require the blood of the American people from your hands
before My throne,
when you come to Heaven.”

I know He told Ezekiel that - but I had only seen it one time in the Bible (Ezk 3:13-21). When He said it, my mouth kind of flew open. I replied: “Don’t you understand why I keep saying no?”

He said, “NO, because I am bigger than all your no’s, and I am greater than all of your can nots. If I thought you couldn't do it I wouldn't ask you. But you can do it, and you are the only one My Father created to do it, because He knew you wouldn't fail him.”

Three hours into this talk, I am crying my head off; because one thing I never want to do is fail Him. He has gone through so much for us; this is not a pride party to me, this is not about “look at me I am so great.” It is not that kind of thing at all. It is really - the major issue is - I can’t live, I think I would die of sorrow if I can’t know that I am pleasing Him. It just means everything to me.


Number 2: I have a daughter, grandchildren. He did tell me that the task He is calling me to is “a bloody task”. Those were His words. So I am concerned about my daughter, my grandchildren and how they would fare under the suffering that apparently I would be going through, to answer this call.

But one thing I never considered is that I was “so good, so great, that I could do it easily but didn’t want to bother with it”. It was never like that.

When I bowed my head and told Him I was sorry for fighting Him; and I will embrace the call, and ask for His forgiveness for taking so long to deal with my fears, He let me know: “You will not fail, I will be with you, man may come and go, but I will never leave you; the call I am asking you to embrace has consequences worldwide. The number of people that the door of salvation will be opened to and that will embrace, are countless millions; and you and those who will work with you in this commission will all know the blessings of Heaven over all these things I am discussing with you now.

“I am not saying it will be easy, I never said that, but you are up to the call (you plus My grace) - you will never need anything that I will not provide for you. You may wait from time to time while I make arrangements for you to have what you need, but it will strengthen your faith; so I won’t worry about it, and I don’t want you to worry about it. We’ll do this together”

Every time I would have to tell Him “no”, I would see such sadness in His eyes, it was so painful; I did not know if I could handle seeing it one more time. So in this visitation, just knowing that by saying “yes” I am looking at eyes that are bright and cheerful - He is comforted - He is COMFORTED that we and YOU said “YES”!


And we have been willing to pay the price to support our commitment. He promised me that we would have revival if I would receive this commission. He said it would be the greatest outpouring the world has ever known; and it would affect the world.

Please understand I am not trying to tout my own sense of greatness of anything He might accomplish - it is so far from me, I don’t even know how to tell you; this is all, to me, about RELATIONSHIP. If you love someone you want to please them. You don’t want to burden them, you don’t want to say things you know are going to hurt them, bring them undue suffering, you want to bless them in all you say and do. That is how I feel about Him.

Let me go through these points quickly and you will understand why I have to share them with you:


He promised He would heal and save America if we would say “yes” - and if I did all that He said, He would send the glory of the Kingdom to America because of the obedience. I had no idea then it was going to be because we would spend years repenting over America’s transgressions, and He could then let His glory come upon grandparents, dads and moms, sons and daughters, and grandchildren the way He wanted to do it.

As I said before, He said it would be a bloody task, but richly rewarded by those who participate - not just me or the team, but those who have come and gone -there have been those who were with us, gone to be with the Lord, or come and gone for various reasons (maybe their season just came to an end, it doesn't really matter, they are all going to be rewarded for their part).

So we have moved along according to what He told us to do. He said “I don’t expect you to do anything I don’t ask you to do. I’ll tell you what I need you to do. You do it, that is all I am asking.” So in that, He was telling me, you don’t have to get up everyday and be concerned if you will hear His voice today; He let me know in no uncertain terms, He would make His will known, and I was to rest in that.


He has met us. I don’t think there has been even one Gathering He has not come to - that other saints have not come to - that angels don’t visit profusely. He keeps us covered, is what I am trying to say. He keeps the information coming that we need to proceed through the Gatherings. And why is this so important? Because His methods of taking care of America’s needs are of such a nature, He alone knows what it will take.

It is not something that can be handed to me weeks in advance. There are some things I just know we need to pray about. Some things, He will talk to me in dreams and visions. But the overall directives we go by, in the Gatherings, are coming to me almost moment by moment in the Gatherings - and the reason for it is to protect us, those of us who come together to intercede for America - to protect us from enemy plans. And He puts a tremendous covering over us in the course of the Gatherings. His words, His directives for prayer are so specific. I cannot tell you how many times He has given me names, dates and times of circumstances or happenings; names of locations - things I have no way (in the natural) of knowing, that have a great impact on America in a negative way. Circumstances we have to pray over. So, His directives had been very precise and powerful as we seek to obey His will. As we do, He does the rest.

So many miracles were required to clean the slate of America’s sin, and He met every need! So many laws needed changing. He took care of that, He is never not taking care of it.


Now we are at another crisis.

He must do what we cannot do - that is what this whole journey has been about. The N.W.O. thinks they have succeeded in capturing America. The Lord is going to pull the rug right out from under them, did you hear that? He is going to pull the rug out, and there is not a thing they are going to be able to do about it.

We need, in America, economic miracles (I could go through a whole hour on that alone). Suffice it to say, we are praying about it in these meetings, and God is helping us do it.

We need a new government - I think all of us realize it, we have never realized it more. The new government we need isn’t the N.W.O.’s, but Heaven's order. We need God’s government, having the freedom to do what it needs to do here.

Jesus is now ruling and reigning over America as He never has before. And because He is the Prince of Light, all matter of darkness is coming to light with which we need to deal. As He makes us aware of it, and how to deal with it, we do, then He carries it through the rest of the way. We pray, and He proceeds - He raises up the people that need to take care of it on the front lines; He does whatever He needs to do to fulfill His part.

We need Him to intervene over the heart of this nation, it needs His intervention; only His intervention will make the difference for all the promises.

We need a newly revived Church. The Church is tired, it has been worn down by the enemy (whether he is doing it through temptation or problems). The Church needs to be revived, revitalized.

We need His intervention in the media - I know I am not telling you anything new, but I told you I would tell you where we are, and where we are going. So this is where we are right now.

We desperately need intervention in academia, from the youngest of our school age children, to the youth, to young people. We need God’s intervention.

We need the election process to be changed - utterly.

We are thankful that God will work all things together for our good (Rom 8:28). Even so, He is working this for our good by revealing the Dems. His desire is to put Trump in office in 2024 (actually His desire was to do it in 2020, but we all know Biden took that place illegally from day one). I told the team and intercessors, “I don’t care what anyone says - Trump won the election not Biden”. And even today, God is calling Trump the President, not Biden. So we need an election that we can trust, to get those in office (that God wants in office) to bring forth the healing of this nation and its people.


Now, looking at the future (that helps us understand where we are - we have a lot of serious needs, I could go through more but I am not going to, it wouldn’t help this talk) - what we have seen is God undertake in so many profound ways over things that you could never guess that He could or would do. It has been phenomenal, week after week, month after month, year after year, the things He overturns, the things He sets in their place to prepare for what He is about to do - it’s been amazing to watch! I think the team, even in and of themselves, are coming to a place of realizing, this really is a MIRACLE CALLING. Every assignment we have is impossible unless God does it. We need the intercessors (you guys are here with us, you are faithful, so loyal) and we need God’s intervention.

I think even if we could do it, in many areas - without God forcing issues it would not get done. So I guess it’s just good that He knows He is the One who has to do it from beginning to end!

NEXT: 2024

2024 is to be the year of liberty! If I understand the multi-part vision I was given, that is what I was told: liberty in 2024. He told me through that vision before I even knew we were in bondage! I did not know we were under the control of the N.W.O. - or that we would be - ever! Even now we are in the very beginnings of a Police State and God’s got to deliver us from that! Delivering us from that, He is going to be delivering us from the N.W.O.

Because they are coming down - whether they think they are or not, whether they want to give up or not, they are; He is greater than they are, and He is greater than their prince. So He will have His way. The way He is doing it: He has waited all this time - the Bible uses the language “I waited that I may bless you.” You think, “why wait to bless us?” But we are living in this situation like that; He is waiting to totally reveal what He is going to bring down so the nation, by and large, are going to be 100% behind what He is trying to do to get their little evil hands off this nation, but He must do it at a particular time and way (an element in His foreknowledge He foreordained. It deals with so many offices, so many people, organizations; there is so much intricacy involved. He is the One that has to do it.

Once that rug gets picked up and the fleas shaken off, it is not going to NOT STOP UNTIL IT IS OVER.

So we can say PRAISE GOD; it’s not going to be a comfortable time for us. But one thing that will be our joy is knowing that when He is done, America will be whole, holy, clean, it is going to be able to fulfill God’s destiny for her, and that over 20 years of intercession: we will see how glorious these answers really are that are being planned for us by our God.

He told Ricci, 2024 the glory will pour.

The arrests, prosecutions of the traitors, they WILL HAPPEN…capitalize “WILL”: they WILL happen, the things happening behind closed doors have been doing so to insure it will happen. Whether we see it or not; it is all going to happen according to His plan.


Abortion IS going to get a knockout punch from God. He knows most don’t want abortion. He is going to free us from that murderous activity, taking the lives of these precious little babies. He is going to free America from this hideous thing.


Human Trafficking is going to be stopped. Jesus came to me, and told me with tears in His eyes, “IT IS TIME TO SAVE THE CHILDREN.” And by and large, the children are those who are being trafficked; and those who are being mentally mutilated in our school systems, until our poor children don't even know what and who they are any more!

He is going to intervene on behalf of the children and youth of our nation.

He is going to return the US to the innocence and purity of the 50’s. I know I have been telling you this since our second Gathering, that is when I started having the visions about it; over 20 years ago. A wonderful thing- restored to that time in history, taking our kids from the hideous perversion they are being forced to live in, today, into a peaceful existence in God’s preferred Kingdom: peaceful, free, pure, an existence that is filled with the liberty that only truth and light can bring. He is going to save the youth.

He will heal the waste places that the DUMBS are creating (I am talking specifically about cities they are destroying). I had no idea this stuff was going on, He keeps me so isolated, away from all of it; but He knows every city they have set their hands on to destroy, and He is going to rip their hands off of it, and heal these cities and restore their waste places.

We just couldn’t be happier with what He is going to do. He is going to intervene, and raise up the people He knows need to help - and enable them to help.

He is going to make America new, clean, clothed in the grace and glory of God. The Fatherhood of God is going to be seen in our land; and the United State’s fatherhood over the nations is going to be seen - but instead of hurting the children, they are going to be healing the nations.

Our prayers have prepared and will prepare the way for God’s intervention.

Look at Is. 40:3, I am sure most of you are familiar with it.

3 A voice of one who cries: Prepare in the wilderness the way of the Lord [clear away the obstacles]; make straight and smooth in the desert a highway for our God!
4 Every valley shall be lifted and filled up, and every mountain and hill shall be made low; and the crooked and uneven shall be made straight and level, and the rough places a plain.
5 And the glory (majesty and splendor) of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.
6 A voice says, Cry [prophesy]! And I said, What shall I cry? [The voice answered, Proclaim:] All flesh is as frail as grass, and all that makes it attractive [its kindness, its goodwill, its mercy from God, its glory and comeliness, however good] is transitory, like the flower of the field.
7 The grass withers, the flower fades, when the breath of the Lord blows upon it; surely [all] the people are like grass.
8 The [a]grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.


All that I just shared with you (v. 3-5) stands before the throne of God. He knows what He has promised, and He is going to bring it forth, and we are at the precipice where this action is going to begin.

I don’t ever want you to feel like God has given you something to trust, only to take it away from you; because that simply is not the case. He is working through, to bring forth His promises.

One thing that none of us know, without Him making it known: there is an enemy out there that had planned to make bombers to attack America - and the Lord stopped that, He made even MAKING those bombers impossible! At this time, we are under special protection of the Lord - because you stayed and you prayed, stood in the gap for America in faithfulness, YOU HAVE COMFORTED OUR LORD’S HEART, so He has put over us a spiritual protection! In the spiritual realm it looks like Israel’s Iron Dome with many more avenues of protection as well.

You might say, “We see the condition our country is in, how can you say He has put that protection over us?” All of that stuff started growing long before He involved us. What He is doing is revealing what was there all along; and is revealing it to REMOVE IT.


He is going to take our children from the traps, the young people from the traps, our young adults from the traps - He is going to give the American people an opportunity to learn what it really means to walk in a nation who is under God; and Israel, you can see the amount of missiles they shoot over Israel: how FEW are able to cause any damage because of the dome they have over Israel!

WE HAVE A SPIRITUAL DOME and the One who takes care of it is God, and His kingdom; and we have, through intercession, given Him America, so He could protect America, so He could bless America; something He really, really wants to do with all His heart!! I promise you, no one will be more pleased than He, when He is able to bless America!

My friends, I know what prophets say - and I know, there are too many that say God is so angry, He will let reality “blow us in the face”. GOD IS SAVING AMERICA!

It reminds me of a cancer patient, and all the cancer is eating up the insides, you can’t see it on the outside. Surgery is scheduled, they open up, you see it is horrific, it has been there a long time. Now they can see it. It is the same with America, the cancer has been here decades upon decades; but He is opening up the wounds so we can heal it, and eradicate it, make America what He always determined we would be.

Are you bored yet? I hope not.


Remember the Loyalists. They are about to come forth; the minute they are needed they will be released, I have seen them too many times. God will use them shortly, but greatly.

Regarding our economy, under Trump we will probably have a 3 day bank holiday while we are converted to an asset backed currency. What the N.W.O. wants to do is crash it so it is utterly broken, and then give us digital currency. How sweet, huh? That way they can have all the control they need.

But Trump wants to get gold-backed currency back in America, and it will happen. It will be a beautiful thing, not an ugly thing.


Between now and then we may see some cities burning, I have seen it in visions for probably 30 years or more that this kind of thing was going to happen. But God is going to silence a lot of that. All that I have seen will not happen. But it will happen, in some cities. But He will heal it, bring forth the people that are needed to recreate those cities, making them beautiful, bringing glory out of ashes.

There will be protests and riots; they are going on even now, but don’t worry about that. God will heal the races, and He will heal the youth.

We are seeing what has been buried under the book of the Communist Party plans, what they have hidden all these years - what they have wanted to do. But as it is revealed, and God says “the people now believe how dangerous it is - it is time for Me to act” - and He will.


All the Elite want to do, because of all your intercession and repentance, not more than 50% (maybe even less than 50% of what they wanted to do) - He is not going to let them do.

So if you see things happening, please just thank Him for all He is NOT allowing; and that He is going to bring forth beauty, glory, out of our ashes!

Do not worry about the potential food/gas shortages in some areas.
Ricci and I have talked to you about this.
Do not worry about it.
God is going to take care of His church; He IS going to.

Now, if you like prime rib, I cannot promise you He will put prime rib on your table. But what He does put on your table, you will appreciate and worship Him for it.
He will make a way.


In my book Prepare For The Winds Of Change, you will see everything we have talked about for several years recorded in that book - it was first published in 1990! But He keeps talking to us and we keep sharing it as we see it, because that is what you are supposed to do (so we are). He knew the beginning from the end; He knew what it was going to look like in the end, and He wants to comfort you, “comfort Zion” as His Word says: Is 51:3 - He wants to comfort you, to know that your God reigns, and HE will not let the enemy win over His church.


When God sets J 6 free, that is going to be like… it will strike terror to the heart of the Communist party of this nation - I really believe they will run so hard to get out of harm's way themselves, from all the evil they have done, they will be so busy running, we will not see the anguish they are feeling because J6 was delivered.

Not only is He going to set these people free (bless their hearts, we care about them, we weep for them, but God will bless them - I said bless them, for what they have gone through for this nation); it has not been for naught.

You have no idea how much their suffering is buying America’s freedom!
He is going to bless them abundantly, and their families,
for the stuff they have gone through.
Keep praying for them, and their families please;
loving them,
believing in your heart for God’s best for them.


Believe it or not, they really can feel it in the spirit when we are suffering for them, they feel the comfort - the Spirit of comfort, comforting them. I can’t explain how it happens in the realm of the spirit, it just does. God will honor and reward them. Even those who are not saved - amazing. God is going to vindicate His Name, His righteous Name, and His promises; and He is going to vindicate the suffering of His Son and the church in this nation.

You will see He is not a man that can lie; there is no shadow in His turning, He said He would do it - and He will.

With that, we will pray tonight.

You will be more blessed than you know, what I am saying came to me through an angel - (this is just one of the times that I was spoken to about it). We were in NOLA (New Orleans), a big beautiful glorious angel shows up in my room, and tells me:

you tell those standing with you for America
that your Father in Heaven is going to bless them.
Tell them to be faithful,
and they will receive all He has promised to bless them with.
So that is why I tell you that.

God is great, God is good, and we praise Him, right??


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World for Jesus Ministries, Inc
5730 N First Street #105-307
Fresno, CA 93710
Make checks payable to “WFJM” or “World for Jesus Ministries”

Reminder to please continue to pray for our finances, if you’d like to support us, click here to be taken to our Donations page.


Teachings: Just a reminder, all of our weekly teachings are uploaded to the “Prophetic & Intercessor’s Training Ground” Page of our website. These are timely messages given to prepare us for the days ahead. If you missed a Thursday or Friday night teaching click here. 

Finances:  WFJM stands in the gap for nations through the work of the Gatherings/Joel’s Army, we support missions world-wide, serve those in need through CedarWood, distribute books/CDs without charge, and so on. For more information on any of these outreaches, click here. We couldn’t accomplish this without you! 

Thank you for contributing to World for Jesus Ministries.  Click here for a direct donation link!



"The Overcoming Life Through Prayer" by Nita Johnson is now available in Chinese! If you'd like to order your copy today, click here!

"The Overcoming Life Through Prayer" by Nita Johnson is now available in Spanish! If you'd like to order your copy today, click here!

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This Week's Schedule:

We invite everyone to stand with us as we fight for the healing of our Nation.

Click below for PDF with:
Flash Phone Instructions

Flash Phone Access
Then enter the number and access code for the any of the desired lines.

Smartphone users (when connect to wifi) click here for instructions to download the or APP and start using the internet to join our calls instead of your minutes!

English-Speaking Corporate Prayer Call
Access Code: 182152#

Chinese-Speaking Corporate Call
Access Code: 188979#

Canadian Corporate Call
Access Code: 949659#

Korean Speaking Prayer Call
Access Code: 881779#

Spanish-Speaking Prayer Call
Access Code: 609189#

Korean Translation Line
Access Code: 881779#



4:20 - 7:00 PM PT


5:00pm - 7:00pm PST

6:00pm - 8:00pm MST

7:00pm - 9:00pm CST

8:00pm - 10:00pm EST

Chinese Call

4:00pm - 6:00pm PST

Korean Call

5:00pm - 7:00pm PST

Be sure to check the PCL/PCM section of our website for this week's Prayer Points and Resources!

Several of our States have prayer calls designed to pray specifically for the pertinent issues facing your state. Click here for the participating states and their schedule 
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Fill the Gap Campaign! 

If you live in one of these states consider joining Joel's Army. Don't leave your state unprotected!!
  • Maine
  • Rhode Island
  • New Hampshire
  • Wyoming
  • Utah
  • Puerto Rico


Thank you for your continued support of this outreach. Lives are changed each week through our CW Pantry and support team. Check out our FaceBook page for details.
Every Monday 
12:00-2:30 PM

Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave W
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

Here are some pressing needs our CedarWood department has:

  • We provide weekend meals for 200 children monthly. Child Sponsorship - $34.99 per month provides essential nutrition to a child in need
  • Shoes
  • Blankets - All sizes
  • Sleeping bags for the homeless
  • Volunteers
  • Diapers (Size 3 & up) & baby wipes
  • Baby Food & Formula
  • $5-$20 Gift cards for Gas for our volunteers who transport the food to and from the Pantry

Most donations can be dropped off during the Pantry or mailed into our office. Tax deductible receipts provided.

Coats & Clothes Closet:
Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Adam Shephard at

We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week.

5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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