Dear Friends,
I’d like to invite you to join our first ever phone Gathering of the Eagles! The need is great for prayer in this hour, and as such, are opening our phone lines to engage in an extended time of corporate intercession on April 13-17, Monday-Friday we will come together and pray for our nation.
Please note: our leadership will rotate and lead the prayer times from 5-8 PM PST, but we need you—the intercessors—to come along side us in this battle for our nation.
Call in time will be 4:50
Prayer begins at 5:00 PM PST
English Speaking:
Access Code: 182152#
Chinese Translation Line:
Access Code: 336087
Korean Translation Line: 712 775 7035 Access code 881779#
영어가 되시는 분들은: 712-770-4160 액세스코드 182152#
통역이 필요하신 분들은: 712 775 7035 엑세스코드 881779#
날짜: 4/13(월)-4/17(금) 시간: 서부시간: 저녁 5-8 동부시간: 밤 8-11 한국시간: 그 다음날 (4/14(화)-4/18(토)) 오전9-12시
On Monday night at 5 PM, our first night, Nita Johnson & Ricci Wilson will provide instructions and introductions and then we will proceed in prayer. This will not be a time of teaching but rather, a time of dedicated intercession for the Nation and the repentance over issues heavy on the heart of our Lord.
During this Passover season, I encourage you to set aside this time to prepare your heart before the Lord and pray for the nations! Victory awaits us, we only need to enter in!
Please continue to pray with us over our finances. At this time, the Lord has not released us to apply for the small government business loans, but rather, He is calling us to trust in Him for our finances. So, we know that if will we pray, He will respond and meet our needs! It's in times like these that we see God's providential care in our lives. Please know that we pray several times a week for you, your health, God's provisions, and your protection.
Thank you for standing with us in this effort!
Much love,
Ricci Wilson