Subject: A Special Gift...

Dear WFJM Family!

It's very difficult to keep a secret from a prophet, but I'm gonna give it my best shot!

August 16th is Mom’s Birthday!

I have been thinking about her life and legacy a lot lately...

Juanita-her real name-means "Gift from God" and as I have listened to her teachings and read her books over the years, I see how much her life has been a gift from God to not only me, but the body of Christ. Her teachings will stand the test of time enabling us to grow and thrive in God in the midst of great adversity.

"Gift from God" is most certainly fitting.

As I pondered how much she has meant to me, along with the legacy she is creating for my family, I naturally thought of you…my brothers and sisters who weep and war with us on behalf of Nations.

As many of you know, Mom has been in the ministry for 40 years! More than half her life has been spent serving the Lord, often to the detriment of her own needs because her only desire was to fulfill the will of the Father. Karen and I frequently hear of how her life has blessed you, what you have learned or how you have grown as a result of being part of World for Jesus Ministries and it always touches us deeply.

Some first heard her on Sid Roth’s show nearly 30 years ago and you ordered her book “Prepare for the Winds of Change” or “Overcoming Life through Prayer” and your life has never been the same.

Some have remarkable stories of being drawn supernaturally to one of our Gathering of the Eagle’s Conferences as the Lord directed you to come to a prayer meeting at such and such a place.

Some were invited by friends or family and have never been the same.

Many of your journeys have blessed Karen and I immensely as we learned of your growth and the impact this ministry has had on your life.

With the celebration of her life coming up next week, I’d like to open this opportunity for you to celebrate with us.

How you ask?

If you would like to send her a card (or note) with a brief message to let her know how being a part of World for Jesus Ministries has impacted your life and walk with God, we will box up all the cards and letters and ship them up to Seattle for her to read personally.

So many of you ask what you can do for her, and I know you just want to love on her! It’s so precious to me to share her with you all and I believe this will be a tremendous blessing to her to hear from you personally, how your life has been impacted by her life and legacy.

You can send your card or letter to:


5370 N First Street

Suite #105-307

Fresno, CA 93710

Atten: Nita

Love and blessings,

Ricci Johnson-Wilson

5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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