Dear Friends, Over the last sixteen years, World for Jesus, through the work of the Gathering of the Eagles, kept this Nation firmly before the throne of God. It is our desire to see repentance flow so that restoration, reformation, reconciliation and ultimately revival sweeps across our land. We want to see righteousness prevail, many do, but to achieve a purity of this nature requires a deep level of prayer. Saving the Nation isn't simply a grand idea, this was a commission given by God, to Nita and this ministry. While we were still in New Orleans, the Lord commissioned us to bring the intercessors together and prepare them to carry this call throughout the year. God's design for these prayer warriors was to create a stabilizing force that penetrates deep into the earth. We call this group of intercessors: Joel's Army. Their sacrifice, effectiveness, dedication, and commitment is profound and to be honest, humbles us. Today, hundreds and hundreds of Joel's Army intercessors receive strategic prayer points, and they faithfully pray them every week. We not only have Joel's Army Intercessors all over the USA, but it's growing across Canada, throughout Africa, Asia, Australia...and so on. In just a few short years, the growth of Joel's Army is extensive, and members are found in more than 60 countries around the world. Joel's Army is a place where, after decades of searching, intercessors feel they are finally home. Here, they receive further training, help us teach others, and in so doing, the passion for seeking and praying the issues heavy on the Lord's heart is shared across the Nations. Click here for more information on Joel's Army. This fight to see the Nations healed has been long, but we will never give up. I consider what would become of them if we did not pray; the picture is formidable. If you've read Nita's book, "Prepare for the Winds of Change ll" you know precisely what America would look like were it not for the healing work we accomplished together. The burden will remain strong, but it is not a heavy one for our Lord is beside us, lifting the yoke and in His mercy, granted us the privilege of sharing it among the intercessors. In May, we come together in Seattle to pray for the Nation. This year critical decisions will be made that will affect us for decades to come. We are determined to make sure they line up with the heart of our Lord. Intercessors from around the world registered the day the announcement went out because they understand the value and consequence the USA has on the rest of the world. Join us, my friends, don't hesitate to represent your state as we pray for this Nation. Click here for details and registration link.Blessings & love, Ricci Wilson Please note: This week our corporate prayer time will run Wednesday – Friday. Check the sidebar for our schedule. ___________________________________
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12 Pillars of God
Session Two
Part - D By
Nita Johnson
Transcript from July 2010 New Orleans Teaching
From last week…
It is this truth with which God wants to consume you. He wants your soul consumed with truth, the Spirit of truth where you are discerning the truth from a lie and good from evil; you are discerning the light from the darkness. He wants you owned by the truth. He wants your soul to radiate the light of His glorious truth. John 16: 13But when He, the Spirit of Truth (the Truth-giving Spirit) comes, He will guide you into all the Truth (the whole, full Truth). For He will not speak His own message [on His own authority]; but He will tell whatever He hears [from the Father; He will give the message that has been given to Him], and He will announce and declare to you the things that are to come [that will happen in the future].
I can say to you that this world is darkness, and you will sit there in full agreement not even understanding what that darkness is. One time the Lord visited me. He stood on the threshold of heaven. From that vantage point, I looked up at Him, at which time He begins to speak. I do not know how to explain how Jesus does this. All I can say is that when He wants to get a message across to you, He will not necessarily use words, for He wants Himself to be the message; He will emanate that message from His whole being. At this particular time, as He stood at the threshold of heaven, He began to emanate His virtues, starting with mercy; He suddenly became holy mercy, and as He began emanating this holy mercy, I was encompassed by it. Then it dissipated and He began emanating His love; He is love. On and down through His virtues He moved. As He closed down one virtue, the next virtue would emanate. I could see and feel what love looked like. Love has a look; even mercy and faithfulness has a look when He wants it to have a look. You see and feel it. You experience.
After going through His virtues, He then closed all of that down, and He let me begin to feel the nature and the character of evil, and as evil began to rise and become pre-eminent in my consciousness, I could feel the spirit of murder. I could feel the spirit of hate. I was like walking down the streets of Harlem with gang wars all around me. I could feel the spirit of murder; I could feel the spirits of hate, jealousy and anger—the personification of these things all around me. I don’t know how else to say it except it was as though I was walking down the streets of Harlem, gang wars happening all around me. Passions of the flesh and soul seemed to be coming out of the very walls of the buildings, coming up from the very street and the sidewalk, coming down from the very heavens, surrounded by bitterness, unforgiveness, and jealousy; all of these horrible, dangerous, passions seemed to clothe me. I felt so afraid—I said, “Lord, please take this away; I don’t know why you’re showing me this.” I was so afraid! Suddenly, Jesus said, “Have you had enough?” I said, “What is it? What is it you’re trying to show me?” He said, “This is the spirit of the world.” I said, “Lord, please deliver me from this, this is frightening to me.”
And then He began to cause that to dissipate and again He began to emanate, one at a time, His virtues.
Drawn to the beauty of His virtues, I began to arise and go to Him. I lifted off my bed, up through the roof, to meet Him where He was. I was so compellingly drawn by the beauty of His virtues I could not help myself.
Now listen to me, God is calling you to truth. He is calling you to come out of the world. Satan makes the world look so good, doesn’t he? He makes it look so inviting; titillating your senses, titillating your passions, that you follow him. He shows you one thing, and you think, I’ve got to have that, and you think about it and think about it until finally you go down and buy it. He shows you another thing, and you start lusting after that. You are like a pinball in a pinball machine being shot back and forth, lusting after this and lusting after that, and it all looks so beautiful. I just have to have some of that cake. You think, I’ve never heard of rocky-road cake before. Just a little piece—I wonder where I could go to get it. You start hungering for something you’ve never tasted before. Maybe not rocky-road cake, maybe strawberry shortcake; you do not know what you’re hungering for, but you just have to have it. And after you have it, you may love it or hate it, but you are already onto wanting the next thing. Satan makes it all look so good, appealing, and may I say, right? He teaches you how to love this, and He teaches you how to hate this. He teaches you how to want this, and He teaches you how to despise this, and he works very hard at it. The spirit of the world is ever working to keep you in bondage to that darkness, and he succeeds.
But God is calling you to the light of truth. What is truth? The truth is that you are born of God. You are no longer a child of the devil. You are born of God, and your life is now springing from a new flow, a new fountain. That life is springing from the life of Jesus Christ Himself, and it’s not something you’re to visit occasionally – just come to church, feel the spirit and think: I want that life, I want what that life feels like. He doesn’t want you to visit it occasionally. Jesus wants you to come out of the deception that tells you that you have to have and live by the passions of your soul, flesh and mind. He wants you to come into the truth where you’re living by the passions of Jesus Christ; the passions of love, goodness, gentleness, kindness, joy, faith; the passions of a higher reality where you’re ruling and reigning over the one who wants to rule and reign over you. He wants you to live in the fountain of truth; He wants you to stand under the waterfall of glorious light where you're ever transformed, transfigured into the image of Christ. You were never called to live on the fence between deception and truth, dipping your toes here for a while, dipping your toes there for a while. By doing this you are constantly keeping your heart hard and indifferent to what Christ is. You don’t know or realize that. Every time you yield to the passions of your soul, yield to the passions of your flesh, you are hardening your heart and you by choice are making your heart indifferent to the life of Christ to which you’ve been called.
Is that where you want to live? Is that where you want to go? Jesus said that the Spirit of truth would come, and He would lead you into all truth. How long have you been saved? Five years? Ten years? Twenty years? Fifty years? And how deeply in the truth do you walk? I’m feeling the tears of the Lord Jesus Christ on my heart. How much of your time and your energies has been given to follow after the passions that to you are illegal? The passions of your soul—the passions of your flesh; how much of your energies in the last ten, twenty, thirty, forty years that you have been saved has been spent on the things that pull you away from truth, pull you away from Jesus? How much of you belongs to you instead of Him? I’m feeling the groaning of the spirit because it’s all too true. Satan dazzles, and we bite—he sets before us the dainty morsels, and we chew and desire more until the life of our spirit is brought down in utter subjection to the passions of our soul and we cannot make the ascent.
Don’t you know that there is life so high and so beautiful, so powerful that when you look at the lovely picture of Jesus Christ walking with His disciples among men—isn’t there something in that life that causes you to crave Him? Isn’t there something so extraordinarily beautiful that makes you want to follow Him? Doesn’t it provoke something in your heart that says if He were here today you would leave everything and follow Him? The Father designed the Gospels to give us a living picture of what it means to walk with God. The old covenant was written for us, pointing its finger at the coming Messiah, the coming holy one that would teach us how to walk with God. The new covenant rehearses, teaches, emphasizes, and describes what we saw in living color; tells us how to get there. And there, embodied in the Gospels, not only did He walk, but He spoke. He taught us and gave us the words that teach us how to get away from the world and to walk in God. Shake yourself awake. Paul said to fan the flame. You can’t just sit still and expect the Spirit to do it; you must fan the flame and shake yourself awake. The Bible said to shake of the dust, sleep, and slumber (Isaiah 52:2, Eph 5:14). You must do the shaking! You must command your soul to rise and embrace the truth, embrace the life, and embrace Christ. You must command your soul to be awakened, and you must do it now!
You can’t keep sleeping at the foot of truth and expect yourself to rise in the strength and the wholeness of the One who bought your soul. Neither can you sit still in slumber and expect Him to do it for you because He does not. You are the one who opens the doors of your heart to the Holy Spirit and says: Come in. I want You to shake everything that You can shake, Lord, because I want every compartment of this heart to belong to You!
You are the one that has to do it. He’s not going to come and barge in the door while you sleep at the foot of truth. Someone used to work for me; every time our team would go into prayer, this person would go to sleep. I would tell this person, if feel the desire to sleep, then get up and walk, but don’t sleep when you should be praying. If you have to go stand on the edge of the bathtub, then do it. Do whatever you have to do to keep yourself awake because today, sleeping is the most serious mistake you could ever make. It’s never been more necessary to wake up.
In His Amazing Love, Nita Johnson
This Week's Schedule:
We invite everyone to stand with us as we fight for the healing of our Nation.
Click below for PDF with: Flash Phone Instructions
Flash Phone Access Then enter the number and access code for the any of the desired lines. __________
Corporate Intercession Line 605-562-3140 Access Code: 182152#
Chinese Translation Line 641-715-3650 Access Code: 336087
This week's prayer times are as follows:
Wednesday April 20 10:20-Noon PST 11:20-1PM MST 12:20-2PM CST 1:20-3PM EST
Thursday April 21 & Friday April 22 5:50-7:30PM PST 6:50-8:30PM MST 7:50-9:30PM CST 8:50-10:30PM EST
Sunday - April 24
Interactive Corporate Prayer Call East and West Coast calls combined! NEW TIME!!! 5PM PST 605-562-3140 182152#
Chinese Corporate Intercession 5PM PST 641-715-3640 Access Code: 800754#
Canadian Corporate Intercession 3:20PM PST Call in: 712-775-7035 Access Code: 444928#
All are welcome to attend any of the above calls. _________________
CedarWood Int'l
The CedarWood Pantry served a grand total of 10,927 people in 2015! This is thanks to those of you who contribute to this effort, Pastor Matthew & Su of Bethel Chapel for allowing us to rent so much of their facility for our CedarWood programs, our amazing volunteers and of course, our CW team for making this possible!
Monday April 25th 1-2:30pm
Location: Bethel Chapel 23010 66th Ave W Seattle, WA 98043
Here are some pressing needs our CedarWood department has:
- Shoes
- Blankets - All sizes
- Sleeping bags for the homeless
- Volunteers
- Diapers (Size 3 & up) & baby wipes
- Baby Food & Formula
- $5-$20 Gift cards for Gas for our volunteers who transport the food to and from the Pantry
Most donations can be dropped off during the Pantry or mailed into our office. Tax deductible receipts provided.
Coats & Clothes Closet:
Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help with BackPack Kids, contact Ken & Kathy Rickey at
We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week.
Joel's Army brings together intercessors to intercede for their nations. If you are interested in learning more: