Subject: 12 Pillars of God: "Truth, Session One, Part D"

Dear Friends,

The Kansas GOE concluded Saturday. God, in His mercy, allowed us to be part of His work in this Nation. We saw victory come forth and will surely see the fruit of our prayers in the days to come. I hope to provide an update for you after Nita has had some time to recover from the intensity of her time in Kansas.

I want to extend our deepest gratitude to those of you who came to the Kansas GOE, those who faithfully joined in the reserve prayer calls, and those who stood in the gap for Mom when I sent out the urgent prayer request on her behalf. We would not have been able to accomplish the work without each of you. The millions of people living here in the States will never know the sacrifices you endured to stand in the gap for them, but they (and the generations to follow) will reap the benefits. Thank you! I also want to thank those who supported the work of the GOE financially; you too are crucial for the work. I extend our deepest gratitude to the many volunteers who spent countless hours serving those in attendance. You helped us achieve a safe environment for our time of intercession.

Last, but certainly not least, I want to thank our crew who stayed behind to keep the ministry moving forward. Our CedarWood family is incredible, and they came together and pulled off a fantastic Pantry event two Monday's in a row with our dedicated volunteers and a fraction of our CW staff in town! God will certainly bless their efforts as well because the Lord called us to feed those in need and pray for the nation. We cannot sacrifice one for the other!

Corporate prayer begins this Sunday, March 29th, join us as we keep our Nation lifted up to the Lord during the last few months before the 2016 elections!

Blessings & love,
Ricci Wilson


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12 Pillars of God


Session One

Part - D


Nita Johnson

Transcription of New Orleans Teaching

Transcription from New Orleans Services


From last week...

In that pool of quicksand is every kind of lie you can imagine and you’ve yet to experience them all. Something happens inside of you, you’re changing, and you’re starting to love what you should fear. But to those who cry out to God, He sends help, and He’ll pull you out of the quicksand. You stand there caked with mud and scared half out of your mind because you almost lost it. He is standing there saying to you, "Listen to Me, the truth you rejected is more beautiful than you're capable of imagining. It is worth more than its weight in gold. You cannot buy what you rejected; its value is just so great.

Heaven has placed a value on the truth you’ve rejected that is so great; only My own blood could pay the price. It is great in value, so powerful, so beautifully restorative, and healing to your soul. It will lift you up to know things you never thought you could know and experience things you never knew you were supposed to experience. It will bring you to a place you didn’t know you were meant to go, to make you into something you didn’t know you were supposed to be. This truth was so powerful it had the power to change all that you are and open your eyes and remove the many veils, one after another, that you could see Me, the way I truly am!

"It is a force so immense, so mighty that nothing can withstand it except your will." And then He says: "If you embrace it, I’ll help you. You don’t have to do this alone; I am God, and I am your Friend, and I will help you. I will do a deep work in your soul to help you get as much out of the truth that you can; you only need to snuggle real close to Me. You need to become a clinger and cling like Mary did. Become a desperate clinger so nothing can break us apart. The more you cling, the more there will be an emptying of those things that hindered your capacity to receive the truth. The more you cling, the more we are going to start looking alike, acting alike and talking alike. You will begin to understand the way I think, feel, and see things. You will come into it yourself until you walking before the Father as I walked before the Father. I was the firstborn among many brethren; I will make you like Me. It is not about your weaknesses because, in them, I am made strong. It is about your willingness to die that I may be all in all."

"Lord, I believe! Help my unbelief." He replies, "I will!"

You cry out, "I’m afraid—take my fear!"

"I’ll take it!" He says.

"It’s frightening to die, Lord!"

"I know; I did it and I’ll help you, you don’t have to do it alone. I will teach you to love truth the way I loved it. And still do!"

The only thing that can set you free is truth. Satan wants you to believe the lie, the deception. Jesus wants to help you all that He can because He knows the only way to freedom is the truth. He is a mighty God. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the light. No man enters into the Father but by Me.” That is where He wants to take you; into the Father. You enter on golden bricks of truth; it’s the only way into the throne room—truth. When you learned to humble yourself and love truth more than yourself, you will find it is a very safe and beautiful place to walk.

He just pierced my heart with His love for the truth. It is so tender, so holy. He wants you to love the truth the way He does. When you’ve learned to walk in the humility that it takes, even the greatest piercing of truth becomes sweet like honey to your soul. The truth is pure; it has been refined seven times in the furnace. It is so holy and full of His righteousness, grace, goodness and the wealth of the Kingdom; much to be desired, more than the finest gold.

I want you to think for a moment about how much you love the simplest truth. Have you learned to love it enough to give your life for even the smallest truth? Have you learned to love it enough to see it as the finest gold? If not, ask Him to put that love in your heart for truth. Christ is truth. To know truth is to know Him. He longs to give it to you. He loves to build up your soul in Himself. That’s why He bought you and if it would make a difference He would do it all over again. He loves you.

Dear Jesus, Your truth makes me tremble; I am trembling within Lord. Your truth is so beautiful, thank You that it is upon that rock that the Church was built—not the deceptions and facades of the world, the truth of God.

The temple You are building in the earth Lord, made up of living stones, is a temple of truth, You will establish Your Church, and the gates of Hell will not prevail. You are the giver of life, and Your life is in Your truth. What a great gift you’ve given to your Church, we thank You, Lord Jesus. I’m asking You to do for them what You did for me. Let the spirit of truth come upon them and pierce each heart. Let the stability of truth enter into their souls. Lord, let the fire of truth search deep into the inner man, to find a resting place. Lord, Your truth is like a double-edged sword cutting asunder between soul and spirit; it's sifting, analyzing, judging the very intent of the mind and heart. Let the living truth begin a new work in them, Lord, because it is what they need more than anything else. There is a shaking going on in the earth, under the surface where no man sees. So that we might find stability in truth and in a Church that loves truth. Stability founded in truth is established in You. It doesn’t matter what kingdoms man is building. It only matters what You are doing, and You are building a temple for Yourself for these last days. A tabernacle full of beauty, grace, power, and authority. Lord, a tabernacle that will bring forth Your glory, hold it and emanate Your glory in the earth in these last days. Lord, I know darkness is covering the earth, but the glory of God is going to be upon this tabernacle.

Man must see the glory of truth demonstrated through Your Church. Give us the grace to go through the refining Lord that we can bring You the glory You deserve. Grant us the grace Lord, to let go of the world and to cling to Jesus. Let the fire of truth penetrate Lord, purging, cleansing, revealing, and establishing us, that we will be ambassadors of glory in this hour. Glorious Father, You are good, and You are mighty Lord. There is a new work beginning in the earth Lord; kingdoms of man, they think they’re building their kingdoms Lord and indeed, in many ways they are but there is a glory so rich, it is the glory of heaven, and You too are building Your kingdom, and it will prevail!

You are so good Lord; You’re just too good.

[End of Prayer]

Come to the fountains and drink; come to the waters and be filled, for God is doing a new thing. Be filled with the life of the waters of heaven. God is doing a new thing, and it is going to rupture in the earth, and be greater than you ever imagined. Drink of the new, clean, pure waters of the living God!

Your stability is not rooted in the copper coins man desires to give you; your stability is in truth and He who bought you for Himself. Love the Lord your God with all of your minds, all of your heart, all of your soul, and all of your strength. Then, He will be glorified through you in these last days. He will endow you with power and authority and place upon you the very glory of the Son, and you will do great and mighty works in this hour. Arise instead, in the grace that He gave you. Rest in the hand of the Eternal One for He will not fail you. He has brought you to this place that He might glorify you; He has brought you to this place that He might bless you. Worship the Lord and give Him glory in His precious name!

In His Amazing Love,
Nita Johnson

This Week's Schedule:

We invite everyone to stand with us as we fight for the healing of our Nation.

Click below for PDF with:
Flash Phone Instructions

Flash Phone Access
Then enter the number and access code for the any of the desired lines.

Corporate Intercession Line
Access Code: 182152#

Chinese Translation Line
Access Code: 336087

This week's prayer times are as follows:

Saturday 27th

Interactive Corporate Prayer Call
East and West Coast calls combined!

Chinese Corporate Intercession
Access Code: 800754#

Canadian Corporate Intercession
3:20PM PST
Call in: 712-775-7035
Access Code: 444928#

All are welcome to attend any of the above calls.

CedarWood Int'l

The CedarWood Pantry served a grand total of 10,927 people in 2015!
This is thanks to those of you who contribute to this effort, Pastor Matthew & Su of Bethel Chapel for allowing us to rent so much of their facility for our CedarWood programs, our amazing volunteers and of course, our CW team for making this possible!

March 28th

Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave W
Seattle, WA 98043

Here are some pressing needs our CedarWood department has:

  • Coats - Area Appropriate. Heavy Rain and Snow
  • Shoes
  • Blankets - All sizes
  • Sleeping bags for the homeless
  • Volunteers
  • Diapers (Size 3 & up) & baby wipes
  • Baby Food & Formula
  • $5-$20 Gift cards for Gas for our volunteers who transport the food to and from the Pantry

Most donations can be dropped off during the Pantry or mailed into our office. Tax deductible receipts provided.

Coats & Clothes Closet:
Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Vivian DuPorter at
If you would like to help with BackPack Kids, contact Ken & Kathy Rickey at 

We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week.

Joel's Army brings together intercessors to intercede for their nations. If you are interested in learning more:
5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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